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Formative Soccer specific workout


TOPIC: Soccer

TASK REQUIREMENTS: Cir - B - Planning for performance - Warm Up, Main workout and

Directions: Below, construct a soccer specific workout and at the end, evaluate the workout by
explaining how this workout will benefit a soccer player.
Few things that you MUST have:
1)Warm up - at least 2 to 5 minutes
2) Main Workout - at least 10 to 15 minutes
3) Cool down/Stretching - at least 3 to 5 min
**Warm up and cool down are crucial elements of a workout which is why they must be
❖ Answer the following questions when developing and implementing the plan
1. Why did you choose the activity?
2. Explain how the particular exercise or activities improve your classmates'(peer)
ability to perform a specific soccer skill.
3. Explain why this specific soccer warmup is important to being able to play the
game of soccer.

Warm Up
Outline what you will do for your warm up blow. Students may use a warm up video from
YOUTUBE. If you follow a video, provide the link.

Warm up (Name, Explain) Time

Lunges and laps and butt kicks 3 minutes

Main Workout
For the main workout, you can add or remove rows in the chart below as needed. The main part
of the workout should be at least 10 to 15 minutes. Students may use a workout video from
YouTube. If you follow a video, provide the link.
Exercise Repetitions Sets Weights(if avaliable)

Jumping jacks 10 2 0

Plank 10 2 0

Sit-ups 10 2 0

High-knees 10 2 0

Calf raises 10 2 0

Grape vine 10 2 0

Hip open 15 2 0

Hip closes 15 2 0

Cool Down/Stretching
Outline what you will do for your cool down/stretching below. Students may use a stretching
video from YouTube. If you follow the video. Provide the link.

Cool down/Stretching activities Time

5 mins each (15 mins

Cat pose total)
Dog pose
Tree pose

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