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Date of submission: 12.9.2023

Assignment 1

Q. 1 (a) Electronegativity of the given elements increases as we move from left to right in the
periodic table.
(b) Ionization enthalpy decreases in a group from top to bottom? Na+ has higher value of
ionization enthalpy than Ne, though both have same electronic configuration.

Q. 2 Discuss those factors affecting electron gain enthalpy as well as the trend in its variation in
the periodic table. 

Q. 3 Give the general characteristics of the long form of Modern periodic table?

Q.4 (a) Predict the position of the element in the periodic table satisfying the electronic
configuration (n-1) d1 ns2 for n=4,
(b) Give the main features of d-block and f- block elements.
(c) Explain why cations are smaller and anions are larger in radii than their parent atom?

Q.5 Among the elements B, Al, C and Si 

(a)  Which has the highest first ionization enthalpy?
(b)  Which has the largest atomic radius?

Q. 6 .What do you mean by Hard and Soft acids and bases? Give their characteristics and
classification. How are they related to acid- base strength and electronegativity.

Name of faculty member: Dr Sarita Chaudhary

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