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create database AniagJohnRaySQL1

use AniagJohnRaySQL1

create table College(

CollegeCode varchar(20) constraint prim_key primary key,
CollegeName varchar(80) not null

create table Faculty (

EmpID int constraint empid_pk primary key,
FirstName varchar(50) not null,
MiddleName varchar(50),
LastName varchar(50) not null,
Bdate datetime,
EmpRank varchar(50),
Position varchar(20),
EmploymentStatus varchar(50),
HireDate datetime,
Salary decimal(10, 2),
RATA decimal(10, 2),
SupervisorID int constraint ssub_forkey references Faculty(EmpId),
ColCode varchar(20) constraint csub_forkey references College(CollegeCode)

create table Course(

CourseCode varchar(20),
CourseDescription varchar(80)not null,
ColCode varchar(20))

insert into College

values ('CAL', 'College of Arts & Letters'),
('CICT', 'College of Information & Communication Technology'),
('CIT', 'College of Industrial Technology'),
('COE', 'College of Engineering'),
('CON', 'College of Nursing')

insert into Course

values('BIT', 'Bachelor in Industrial Technology', 'CIT'),
('BLIS', 'Bachelor of Library Information Science', 'CICT'),
('BSCOE', 'Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering', 'COE'),
('BSIT', 'Bachelor of Science in Information Technology', 'CICT'),
('BSN', 'Bachelor og Science in Nursing', 'CON')

insert into Faculty

values ('100', 'Keno', 'C.', 'Piad', '1985-05-04', 'Professor II', 'Dean', 'R', '2010-05-
06',102000.00, 15000.00, NULL, NULL),
('101', 'Digna', 'S.', 'Evale', '1980-06-25', 'Professor V', 'College Secretary', 'R',
'2000-06-06', 122000.00, 10000.00, '100', 'CICT'),
('102', 'Rose', 'C.', 'Mendoza', '1980-05-25', 'Professor II', 'Department Head', 'R',
'2001-06-10', 102000.00, 10000.00, '100', 'CICT'),
('103', 'Ana', 'S.', 'Cruz', '1989-05-25', 'Associate Professor II', 'Dean', 'R', '2010-
02-10', 54000.00, 15000.00, NULL, 'CON'),
('104', 'John', 'C.', 'De Vera', '1995-08-04', 'Instructor III', 'Faculty', 'R', '2011-
03-15', 38000.00, NULL, '103', 'CON'),
('105', 'Melanie', 'P.', 'Santos', '1981-03-28', 'Associate Professor II', 'Department
Head', 'R', '2001-06-10', 54000.00, NULL, '100', 'CICT'),
('106', 'Robert', 'C.', 'Gonzales', '1990-05-21', 'Instructor I', 'Faculty', 'C', '2015-
06-10', 22000.00, NULL, '103', 'CON'),
('107', 'Rina', 'C.', 'Delos Reyes', '1980-08-25', 'Professor III', 'Dean', 'R', '2002-
10-02', 112000.00, 10000.00, NULL, 'COE'),
('108', 'Gabriel', 'C.', 'Canlas', '1994-04-23', 'Instructor II', 'Faculty', 'R', '2007-
06-10', 32000.00, NULL, '107', 'COE'),
('109', 'Jay', 'P.', 'Zamora', '1991-02-25', 'Assistant Professor I', 'Faculty', 'C',
'2001-06-10', 42000.00, NULL, '107', 'COE'),
('110', 'Juan', null , 'Dela Cruz', '1997-02-19', null, null , null , '2021-06-15', null,
null, null, null )

select* from Faculty

select* from College
select * from Course

select CollegeName, LastName, Cast(Datediff("yy",HireDate,getdate())as varchar) as "Year
of Service" from College,Faculty
where ColCode = CollegeCode
order by CollegeName

select CollegeName,FirstName+ ' ' +MiddleName+ ' ' +LastName as "Faculty Name",
Cast(Datediff("yy",HireDate,getdate())as varchar) as "Year of Service" from
where ColCode = CollegeCode and ColCode = 'CICT' or ColCode = CollegeCode and ColCode =
order by HireDate

select z.FirstName + ' ' + z.LastName + ' is reporting to ' + x.FirstName + ' ' +
x.LastName as 'Reporters'
from Faculty as z, Faculty as x
where z.SupervisorID = x.EmpID

select College.CollegeName, Course.CourseDescription
from College left join Course
on College.CollegeCode = Course.ColCode

select Faculty.FirstName + ' ' + Faculty.LastName as 'Faculty' , College.CollegeName
from Faculty inner join College on Faculty.ColCode = College.CollegeCode

select College.CollegeCode , CollegeName

from Faculty right join College on CollegeName = College.CollegeCode

select Faculty.FirstName + ' ' + Faculty.LastName as 'Faculty', College.CollegeName
from Faculty right join College on Faculty.ColCode = College.CollegeCode

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