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Student management database has relations as following:

Majors(majorID, majorName)

Students(studentID, firstName, lastName, age, majorID)

Now students have to complete all following tasks:

1/ Logical database design: use tool to create ERD (Entity relationship

2/ Physical database design: Detailed description of each table in the database

Table: Majors

Column name
Data type Allow nulls Description
(Field name)
mID nchar(10) PK
mName varchar(50) Fk

Table: Students: studentID, FirstName, LastName, Age, majorID

Column name
Data type Allow nulls Description
(Field name)
studentID nchar(10) PK
FirstName nvarchar(100) FK
LastName nvarchar(100) FK
Age int FK
majorID nchar FK

3/ Create Databse called “StudentDB1” and all its tables by SQL

Create database StudentDB1;

use StudentDB1;

create table Majors(

majorID nchar (10) primary key not null,
majorName nvarchar (100) not null,

create table Students(

studentID nchar (10) not null,
firstName nvarchar (100),
lastName nvarchar (100) not null,
age int not null,
majorID nchar (10) foreign key references Majors(majorID),

4/ Database diagram:

5/ Add data into the table “Majors”

insert into Majors(majorID,majorName)
values('BA','Business Administration');
insert into Majors(majorID,majorName)
insert into Majors(majorID,majorName)
insert into Majors(majorID,majorName)
values('IT','Information Technology');
insert into Majors(majorID,majorName)

6/ Add data into the table “Students”

insert into Students(studentID, FirstName, LastName, Age, majorID)

values ('01', 'Nguyen Thao', 'Van', 20, 'IT');
insert into Students(studentID, FirstName, LastName, Age, majorID)
values ('02', 'Tran Minh', 'Hung', 21, 'IT');
insert into Students(studentID, FirstName, LastName, Age, majorID)
values ('03', 'Le Van', 'Teo', 30, 'IT');
insert into Students(studentID, FirstName, LastName, Age, majorID)
values ('04', 'Tran Bao', 'Minh', 20, 'BA');
insert into Students(studentID, FirstName, LastName, Age, majorID)
values ('05', 'Nguyen Tuyet', 'Lan', 19, 'BA');
insert into Students(studentID, FirstName, LastName, Age, majorID)
values ('06', 'Tran Thi', 'Ngoc', 20, 'BA');
insert into Students(studentID, FirstName, LastName, Age, majorID)
values ('07', 'Nguyen Tuyet', 'Hong', 22, 'BA');

7/ Display all students as follwoing table:

fileds are collected from 2 tables: Students and Majos

select S.studentID,S.FirstName,S.LastName,S.Age,M.majorName
from Students S, Majors M
where S.majorID = M.majorID;

8/ Display all students of Information technology major as follwoing table:

select S.studentID,S.FirstName,S.LastName,S.Age,M.majorName
from Students S, Majors M
where S.majorID = M.majorID and S.majorID = 'IT'

9/ Count all students of each major as follwoing table:

select M.majorName, COUNT(S.majorID) as

from Students S, Majors M
where S.majorID = M.majorID
group by M.majorName

10/ Same as question 9 but only show majors with Quantity > 3
select M.majorName, count(S.studentID) as Quantity
from Students S, Majors M
where S.majorID = M.majorID
group by M.majorName
having count(S.studentID) > 3;

File name: Lab2@Trịnh Lê Huy – huytlgcs200572

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