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Topic: Writing To Inform

The COVID-19
The basic protective measures against the new Corona virus or COVID-19 is to
stay aware of the latest information. Take a good care of your health like wash your
hands regularly and throughly with an alcohol-based hand soap and water to kills
viruses that may be on your hands. One’s should wash your hands often with soap for
atleast 20 seconds especially after you have been to public places or use a hand
sanitizer that contains atleast 60% of alcohol. Other than that, when someone sneeze
or cough they will let go a small liquid droplets from their nose or mouth which
contain virus. You need to maintain or distance yourself with anyone who is coughing
or sneezing. Stay at home and reduce an outdoor activity if you are feeling unwell. Do
not forget to cover your mouth when you are coughing or sneezing with a tissue and
throw them immediately in the trash. You may use the inside of your elbow as well to
cover it. Seek for a medical attention earlier to protect and help prevent the spread of
viruses or other infections. Do not use smoking, alcohol or other drugs to deal with
your emotions. Limit worry by lessening the time you and your family spend
watching or listening to media coverage that you preceive as upsetting. Clean and
disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning
spray or wipes. Prevention is always better than cure.



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