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By:Orlando Uzcategui
PLastic pollution in Venezuela

Venezuela is a country located in south america, next to colombia, brazil

and guyana, the capital city of venezuela is caracas the entire population is
of 28.704.947 of persons, a surface of 916 445 km², in this country born a
lot of famous persons like yulimar rojas who holds the world record for
women’s triple jump,currently 15.74 m


Venezuela it’s not a country in which plastic is recycle in the way that should be, only 2%
percent of this is recycle, Venezuela is among the 20 most polluting countries with plastic, in
the 18th place in the ranking, this produce around 28.000 tons of garbage in a day
● Awfully the 80% of beaches in venezuela suffer from plastic Contamination
● 70% of the plastic from the seas in Venezuela reaches the fish causem the eat the plastic
The most affected zone affected of plastic
pollution in venezuela

This are seas and the beaches, a simple walk on any beach of any state you can see all the waste
on this, more specific the amount of plastic pollution that are in this.
In the oceans and rivers are many types of plastic but some of the most dangerous are the
What are the microplastics?
Microplastics represent a group of emerging contaminants with a variety of
shapes, colors and chemical composition, he explains. The impact of
microplastic pollution in our marine environments is diverse. First, it
kills organisms and transports invasive species. When these pollutants, this
toxicity, are dispersed, the tourist value of the beaches falls and causes
economic losses. It is also a risk to human health.
What is plastics?

are a group of materials, either synthetic or naturally occurring,

that may be shaped when soft and then hardened to retain the given shape

Why is plastic so polluting?

Plastic is definitely one of the main polluting agents on beaches. Much of this
material (such as bottles and containers), which is left on the coast by tourists, is
visible to the human eye, but a large quantity is microplastic whose presence in
the sand and the sea cannot be accounted for.
What is the plastic pollution?

Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic objects and particles in the Earth's environment that
adversely affects humans, wildlife and their habitat.Plastic pollution can alter habitats and natural
processes, reducing ecosystems' ability to adapt to climate change, directly affecting millions of
people's livelihoods, food production capabilities and social well-being.
How stop the plastic pollution in Venezuela?
1. Single-use plastic bans: Bans and restrictions on the production, distribution or use of single-use plastic products
2. Taxes and economic incentives
Governments can also impose taxes to discourage the production or use of single-use plastics, or offer other
incentives to encourage alternatives to single-use plastic products.
3. Standards for products
Standards, certifications, and labeling requirements for products can be designed to educate the public about the
environmental impacts of plastic and the health and safety hazards involved in its production and use.

Landfill site in Venezuela

In Venezuela there is a serious socio-environmental problem related to the mismanagement of waste and
residues. According to the non-governmental organization Transparency, 80% of the garbage generated
in the country is kept in the open. The economic crisis and institutional collapse, indolence, corruption
and even private businesses carried out with waste and residues are some of the main factors that currently
mean that the State does not guarantee the Venezuelan population the proper and sustainable management
of them, which generates various environmental and public health problems. According to a report by the
Open Classroom organization, 40% of Venezuelans do not have access to garbage collection and
management services. The absence or irregular urban cleaning service brings with it the accumulation of
garbage and with it, the proliferation of bacteria, pests and bad odors that affect people's health. In many
cases, communities choose to burn garbage, but this can also cause serious health problems.

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