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Welcome to our Cooking in English course.

First I ‘m going to tell you one story like a fairy tale and you will help me to show it
- we’ll tell this story together.
And then we’ll cook something.

Once upon a time there was one young man - handsome and gentle who decided to
move to Israel. Who wants to play ( to be) this young men? So what would be your
So he did. He come to Israel, to Rehovot with his best friends - a dog, a cat and a
He build a house, a very nice one, and started to work really hard: working on the
land, planting trees and flowers, watering them.
His clever dog helped him to guard the house and the garden. The cat was catching
mice and playing with his master. They lived happily all together and only the little
hedgehog wasn’t happy.
Why? What was the problem? Do you know what he missed so much, so desper-
ately? The weather was nice, the sky was blu, the flowers were everywhere and there
were his master, the dog and the cat around but still he missed something …. the
rainbow! Yes , the rainbow which appears on the sky after a rain.
He was very sad until one day he had an idea! His master asked him to make a fruit
salad for his birthday party. You know that hedgehogs are really good at making
fruits salads! When our hedgehog saw all the fruits, he decided to make a rainbow
salad since there were fruits of all shapes and all colors.
The salad was very colorful and yummy! The hedgehog wasn’t sad anymore. He was
happy at last.

Now let’s think: what kind of salad did the hedgehog make? What fruits did he put in
this salad? But first let’s remember the colors of a rainbow.
Red, orange, yellow, green, blu, indigo and violet.

What fruits of this color do you know?

What is RED? Watermelon, strawberry, raspberry
What is orange? Orange, mango, melon
Yellow - banana, pineapple,
Green - kiwi, grapes, apples
Indigo and violet - grapes

6 people
1 mango for 2 hedgehog
Watermelon - 1/8
1 melon

3-4 bananas
Green grapes
Violet grapes

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