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Activity 1

Name: Jaynore C. Tingal

Date: March 20, 2023

Check your progress

1. Give any two definitions of general science.

 The systematic study of the nature and behaviour of the material
and physical universe, based on observation, experiment, and measurement, and
the formulation of laws to describe these facts in general terms
 The knowledge so obtained or the practice of obtaining it

2. Enumerate the areas influenced by science.

 Natural sciences. 1.1 Mathematics. ...
 Engineering and technology. 2.1 Civil engineering. ...
 Medical and Health sciences. 3.1 Basic medicine. ...
 Agricultural sciences. 4.1 Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries. ...
 Social sciences. 5.1 Psychology. ...
 Humanities.

3. State any five general objectives of teaching general science.

The general aims of science education follow directly from the six criteria of
validity: cognitive, content, process, historical, environmental and ethical.

4. Write specific instructional objectives for your chosen topic.

Example: "Chemical Change"
Answer: Physical Change

5. Give one example of topic/issue that is based on either Cross disciplinary

approach, multi-disciplinary approach, or inter-disciplinary approach of
organizing science curriculum.
Answer: The study of programming is a good example of a cross-disciplinary
approach. At first glance, programming might not be seen as a creative pursuit, but
there is much more to it than just coding lines of ungraspable text. Programming may
also be seen as a form of art, with programmers offering visionary solutions to a
given problem, or as a form of literacy, similar to that of any other language.

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