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Republic of the Philippines


The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231




Submitted by:

Bruce, Louisse Audrey

Cifra, Rauvic Angelo, P.

Digamon, John Lloyd L.

Lainez, Marck Jay C.

Samontañez, Cy Patrick B.


Submitted to:

Mr. John Denver M. Maaño

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231


Recently, research has uncovered an intriguing potential connection between an

individual’s self-esteem and their command of grammar. Our examination of the correlation

between self-esteem and grammatical competence will shed light on the important role that self-

esteem plays in our day-to-day lives.

Recent research has shown that there may be a strong correlation between self-esteem

and grammatical competence. Discover how mastering grammar can help to boost self-

confidence. The primary objective of this study is to investigate the correlation between self-

esteem and the grammatical competence of Second Year Bachelor of Arts in Communication

students at Batangas State University ARASOF-Nasugbu. This study aims to identify the

relationship between self-esteem and the grammatical competence of the students. Moreover,

this study also seeks to determine the influence of the student’s self-esteem on their grammatical

competence. Self-esteem is defined as one’s overall evaluation of his/her worth. It is how one

perceives himself/herself and it is usually based on his/her own judgment of his/her abilities and

qualities. On the other hand, grammatical competence is the ability to use the rules of grammar

correctly. It is the ability to use language correctly and accurately.

English serves as a communication and relationship-building tool for individuals all over

the world. Since the Philippines declaration of independence till the present, English has been

formally taught in schools. English is designated by the National Education Curriculum as a core

topic that all students in every school are required to master. One of the three abilities that

students must develop in order to learn English is speaking. When someone speaks and conveys
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231

a message orally, their level of English is determined as well as how highly they regard

themselves and their abilities. Oral communication determines a person’s level of English as well

as how highly they rate their own abilities and self-worth. Therefore, a person’s level of English

proficiency and how highly they regard their own skills and self-worth are both assessed through

spoken communication. One of the affective aspects that must be considered in order to speak a

foreign language is self-esteem; and speaking of self-esteem, self-esteem is concerned with how

people feel about their abilities to perform tasks successfully. The student’s past successes and

failings might be used as examples to help them determine how much they value themselves.

According to Brown (1994 and 2000), one of the personality traits that affects oral production

achievement is self-esteem. This is because students will learn a foreign language more

successfully if they have self-confidence and believe in themselves.

Research suggests that there is a positive correlation between self-esteem and

grammatical competence. Higher levels of self-esteem are associated with greater motivation to

learn, which leads to higher grammatical competency. When individuals feel comfortable and

confident in their abilities, they are more likely to attempt challenging tasks and put forth the

effort necessary for their successful completion. Additionally, higher self-esteem reduces stress

and anxiety levels, allowing individuals to remain focused and engaged, which further

contributes to their grammatical success.

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the correlation between self-esteem and grammatical

competence of bachelor of arts in communication 2nd-year students at Batangas State University

ARASOF-Nasugbu. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the impact of positive self-esteem in enhancing students' grammatical competencies?

2. Does. grammar plays a crucial role in the process of communication?

3. To what extent does self-esteem affects the students' grammar competencies?

4. Is there any significant relationship between students' self-esteem and their grammatical


5. Is there a correlation between these two variables? If so, how strong is the correlation and

what factors influence it?

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the foreign and local literatures and studies used as a foundation for

the conduct of this research.

Foreign Literature:

Speaking is one of the three skills that has to be acquired by the students in learning

English. Students’ success in mastering English is measured from the way they speak and deliver

the message orally, and also how they value their capability and worth. According to Wenni

Wulandari Gustaman (2015) on his study entitled “The Correlation between Students’ Self-

esteem and their English Speaking Competencies (A Study of Eleventh Grade Students at a

Public Senior High School in Cimahi)”, the position of English as a foreign language is not used

in daily conversation, consequently many students in public schools have less opportunity to

practice; and then they are afraid to speak English, so they are not willing and feel anxious to

speak English.

One of the three abilities that students must develop in order to learn English is speaking.

The oral communication skills and self-worth of students serve as indicators of how well they

have mastered the English language. In line with Wenni Wulandari Gustaman (2015) on his

research project named “Self-esteem in students and academic performance are related in
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231

English Speaking Competencies: A Study of Students in the Eleventh Grade at a Cimahi Public

Senior High School “Because English is not commonly used in daily conversation, many

students in public schools have fewer opportunities to practice their language skills. As a result,

they are reluctant and anxious to speak English because they are afraid of making mistakes.

Therefore, there are a few factors that influence kids’ readiness to speak up for themselves. Some

pupils are brave, while others are timid when speaking English because they want to avoid

making mistakes when saying the words or expressing themselves verbally. One of the affective

aspects that must be considered in order to speak a foreign language is self-esteem. According to

Tracy (2016), a person’s level of self-esteem is determined by how much they value their

interactions with other people, how much they respect and like themselves. Dedmond (2011, p.

6) further asserts that self-esteem is the complex collection of feelings about ourselves that

directs our conduct, shapes our attitudes, and motivates us. Furthermore, Juyandegan (2016, p.

305) claims that self-esteem is one of the crucial affective components because one’s level of

success or failure mostly depends on it. According to Juyandegan (2016, p. 305), self-esteem has

a significant impact on a variety of facets of people’s lives, including general, academic, familial,

and social relationships. Self-efficacy and self-respect are two interconnected pillars of self-

esteem, according to Murk (2012, p. 18). So, according to Sherman (2015, p. 1), self-esteem can

be strong (positive) or low (negative)

Palembang (2016) examined “The Relationship Between Speaking and Pupils’ Self-Esteem

Success of Undergraduate English Language Learners at the Islamic State University’s

English Education Study Program “dealt with the subject of self-esteem. The primary goal of
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231

Palembang’s (2016) research was to conduct an empirical investigation into any potential

relationships and influences between students’ self-esteem and speaking proficiency. From

among the undergraduate EFL students enrolled in the English Education study program at UIN

Raden Fatah Palembang, students in the fifth semester were chosen as the sample. A speaking

test was administered to gauge the students’ speaking proficiency. Students’ speaking

proficiency was graded based on their performance in each of the five subskills of vocabulary,

structure, pronunciation, fluency, and comprehensibility using the oral Proficiency categories

from Brown (2004). The subjects were also given the adult version of the Coopersmith Self-

Esteem Inventory (CSEI), a self-esteem assessment tool with 58 items. In order to determine the

relationship and influence between the variables, Pearson product moment and regression

analysis were utilized. The outcome revealed a substantial relationship between students’

speaking proficiency and self-esteem. Moreover, self-esteem had a major impact on one’s ability

to talk.

According to Roysmando (2018) observed in a study he did title “A Correlation Between

Self-Confidence and the Students’ Speaking Ability” that pupils who have high levels of self-

confidence speak clearly and fluently. Even when they struggle with pronunciation, students who

have a high level of confidence generally speak fluently. It demonstrated a significant

relationship between students’ speaking abilities and their sense of self-worth.The Association

between Speaking Anxiety, Self-Confidence, and Speaking Accomplishment of Undergraduate

EFL Students of Private University in Palembang was studied by Tridinanti (2018). She

discovered a substantial, positive correlation between.

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231

Correlation between Self-confidence and Speaking Skill of English Language Teaching and

English Language and Literature Preparatory Students

Self-confidence has a key characteristic to start any action especially for speaking in L2. Among

all other language skills, speaking is of an exclusive place to have effective communication, and

self-confidence is one of the facilitators to start conversation. In this regard, this study aims to

find out whether there is a relationship between self-confidence and speaking skill achievement

in speaking courses of the preparatory students attending both English Language Teaching (ELT)

Department and English Language and Literature (ELL) Department and it also aims to

determine if there is a difference between the departments and gender. Participants were 77 male

and female preparatory students from both departments and all the students got English speaking

courses throughout the fall semester in 2014-2015 academic year. Within a correlational research

model, self-confidence questionnaire (SCQ) was applied to the participants. The collected

Quantitative data were analyzed by Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 20.0

program. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and independent sample t-test

were used to analyze the data.

Results indicate that there is significant correlation between self-confidence and speaking skill

within the level of .01. Moreover, speaking achievements reveal significant differences

according to department but not Gender. Self-confidence levels have significant differences

regarding to the gender but not department.

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231



There were some research findings about the correlation between students’ Self-esteem and

students’ speaking skill that related the research undertaken, as Follows:

Basco and Han (2016), Self-Esteem, motivation and anxiety of Korean University Students

found that there was positive correlation between self-Esteem and motivation, the higher self-

esteem, the higher motivation. However, there was negative correlation between self-esteem and

anxiety, the higher self-esteem, the lower anxiety. There were significant differences in the

students’ level of self-esteem, motivation and anxiety when they were grouped according to

English proficiency level.

Pertiwi (2014), The Correlation between Self-Concept and Their English-Speaking Ability of the

Fifith Semester Students of Makassar Muhammadiyah University found that there are correlation

between the students’ self-concept And their speaking ability, and the correlation is moderate

which means that Self-concept have important rules in speaking ability. Kalanzadeh et al (2013),

The influence of EFL Students’ Self-Esteem on Their Speaking Skills found that to involve

themselves in conversation in the classroom and spoken activities in production stories in

English. It was found there is significant correlation between students’ self-esteem and their

verbal performance.
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231

Aregu (2013), Self-efficacy, self- Esteem and Gender as Determinants of Performance in

Speaking Task found that self-esteem and self-efficacy have great influence on students’

performance in speaking tasks. It showed that there was 40 % variance in students’ speaking

performance and indicated the speaking self-esteem was the best predictor in speaking

performance. For speaking self-efficacy account for 11% variance in speaking performance, but

Gender did not reach statistically significant means that it was not significant factor in speaking

performances. Based on researches above, the researcher concluded that there was

Similarity between research above and this study, that discuss the Correlation between students’

self-esteem and students’ speaking skill but Many types of research focused only on the

relationship between self-esteem and speaking performance, it was different with this study, this

had not only Focused with the relationship between two variables but how self-esteem

Influenced the students’ fluency and accuracy in speaking ability.

Local Literature:

Level of Self-Esteem and Grammatical Competence in English among Fatima National

High School Senior High School Students

Students today constantly encounter opportunities to talk and write for a variety of goals. As a

result, the audience’s self-esteem may suffer if one of their many expectations—including

grammatical proficiency—is not met. English language proficiency includes grammatical

competence since it can help students write, read, and talk more confidently. On the other side,

pupils who have strong self-esteem are more likely to succeed in their goals and be able to
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231

handle a variety of situations better than those who have poor self-esteem, who tend to isolate

themselves even more. Self-esteem issues are among the psychological issues that all students

face. Using this, the researchers hope to assess the grammatical proficiency of the Fatima

National High School students and identify any potential.

The Nose-Bleed Syndrome: A Study on the Attitude of the College Students towards

English Language Learning and Their Linguistic Self-Confidence in a Multi-Cultural


The expression “nose-bleed!” has become the most popular expression among Filipinos when

asked to speak in English. In the Philippines, English is the most feared language. Tis fear is seen

in classes where students feel so anxious that they may mispronounce a word or that they may

commit grammatical inaccuracies. This also happens during job interviews when most of the

applicants would sweat out while using English. Te study was undertaken to determine the

profile of the select students as respondents of the study, their attitude towards English language

learning, and the situation/s that they feel linguistically confident in using the target language in

a multi-cultural context. Te study was conducted at the Mindanao State University (MSU), Main

Campus, in the Islamic City of Marawi. Te study utilized both quantitative and qualitative data

collection and analysis procedures. Survey questionnaire and Focus Group Discussion (FGD)

were employed. Te questionnaire was administered to 129 randomly selected Job Enabling

English Proficiency (JEEP) Program students, and then the FGD was conducted to probe further

certain points that require illumination. It was concluded that the respondents have a positive
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231

attitude toward learning the English language. It was also disclosed that the linguistic self-

confidence of the respondents leaned more on the situation-specific self-confidence.

Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected, and both were analyzed, in the study.

Focus group discussions (FGD) and survey questionnaires were used. After giving the

questionnaire to 129 students from the Job Enabling English Proficiency (JEEP) Program who

had been chosen at random, the FGD was held to further explore several issues that needed

clarification. It was determined that the respondents’ attitudes toward learning the English

language are favorable. It was also revealed that the respondents’ linguistic self-confidence

depended more on their situational self-confidence.


This chapter presents the methods and procedures that will be used by the researchers in

accomplishing the study. This will cover the research design, subjects of the study, the data

gathering instrument and procedure, and statistical treatment to be used.

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231

Research Design

This study explores the difficulties encountered by communication students in balancing self-

esteem with grammatical competence. This research will also look into the significant relationship

between self-esteem and grammatical competence.

To achieve the purpose of the study, researchers will use a correlational research design in

determining the challenges faced by communication student. The researchers will employ survey

questionnaires to collect data about the respondents in order to assess the findings.

According to Pritha Bhandari's (2022) study, by using a correlational research design,

relationships between two or more variables are examined without any of the variables falling under the

researcher’s absolute control. The researchers will use the research design to assess the significant

relationships among the variables in the present study.

Respondents of the Study

The subjects of the study are the Bachelor of Arts in Communication Second Year student, which
has a total population of 169 students, in Batangas State University-ARASOF Nasugbu During the first
semester of the school year 2022-2023. The sampling method that will be used in choosing the
respondents is stratified random sampling. The stratified random sampling, also known as proportional
random sampling, is a technique in which the total population is divided into homogenous groups. Each
stratum is formed based on shared attributes and characteristics, and in this study the students are divided
according to their designated class section. The computed sample size is 42, and from the four sections of
Bachelor of Arts in Communication Second Year student, 4 sections will have 25 participants each.
Data Gathering Instrument
The process for collecting data began with the formation of questionnaires, on which the
researchers included a Likert scale for gathering the data needed for this study. The Likert scale is an
ordered scale from which respondents select the option that best supports their opinion. It can be used to
assess someone’s attitude by determining how much they agree or disagree with a specific statement. The
statement of the problem served as the basis for the questionnaires, which also considered the study’s
related literature.
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231

The survey questionnaires that the researchers made were examined by the research adviser and
some chosen experts. The validator reviewed the grammar and relevance, and the suggestions are used to
revise the survey questionnaires.
In the administration of the survey questionnaires to the respondents, the researchers set a specific
date for sending the questionnaires online. In addition, the researchers checked if the time allotted was
proportionate to the vacant time of the respondents. In this case, the researchers have already given
consent to the head of BAC students to allow BAC 2ND year students to participate in the survey, and the
respondents have signed the consent to participate in the study. The researchers explained the process of
answering the survey questionnaire and assured the respondents that any information provided is treated
with the utmost confidentiality.
Following the distribution of questionnaires, the researchers ensured that all necessary
information was collected. The researchers evaluated and interpreted the data, arrived at conclusions, and
presented the findings. The researchers expressed their appreciation to the respondents for taking the time
to complete the survey.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To determine whether there is a significant relationship between the challenges faced by civil

engineers when grouped according to profile, the researchers will use the following statistical data

treatment method:

The researchers evaluated and validated the necessary information after presenting the

data on the table using the Frequency Count. All the data were based on the responses of the

respondents in each questionnaire. After tallying the data, the researchers got the weighted

means of each statement and got the verbal interpretation based on the Likert Scale. After getting

the necessary data, Pearson Product Correlation was done to estimate the linear relationship

between the two variables and lastly, T-Test was used by the researchers to assess the strength of

the evidence against the null hypothesis. Frequency Count, Likert Scale and Pearson Correlation

were done in all the variables using the following formula:

r= n(∑xy)-(∑x)(∑y)
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231

√ [n∑x²-(∑x)²] [n∑y²-(∑y)²]


r = correlation

n = number of pairs of scores

∑xy = sum of the products of paired scores

∑x = sum of x scores

∑y = sum of y scores

∑x² = sum of squared x scores

∑y² = sum of squared y scores

Weighted Mean = _ (mean 1) (N1) + (m2) (N2)_

N1 + N2

T- test =_ __r____

√n-2/1 -1-r2

MEAN. Is the simple mathematical average of a set of two or more numbers. A mean helps you
to assess a set of numbers by telling you the average, helping to contextualize each data point.
STANDARD DEVIATION. Is a statistic that measures the dispersion of a dataset relative to its
mean and is calculated as the square root of the variance. The standard deviation is calculated as
the square root of variance by determining each data point’s deviation relative to the mean.
FREQUENCY. Is the number of times an event or observation happened in an experiment or
study. It can also be defined simply as a count of a certain event.
WEIGHTED MEAN. The weighted mean is a type of mean that is calculated by multiplying
the weight (or probability) associated with a particular event or outcome with its associated
quantitative outcome and then assuming all the products together.
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231

PERCENTAGE. Is a special type of proportion where the ratio is multiplied by a constant, 100,
so that the ratio is expressed per 100.
T- TEST. Evaluates the probability that the mean of the sample reflects the mean of the
population from where the sample was drawn. It also tests the difference between two means: the
sample mean and the population means (Baraceros, 2016).
PEARSON’S R. Measures the strength and direction of the linear relationship of two variables and of the

association between interval and ordinal variables (Barceros, 2016).

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231

Dear Respondents,

Greetings of Peace!

We, the bonafide 2nd year students of Batangas State University, taking up Bachelor of Arts in
Communication are currently working on our research entitled "Correlation Between Self-
Esteem and Grammatical Competence of Bachelor of arts in Communication 2nd Year Students at

In connection to this, we would like to ask for your assistance in this undertaking by answering
our survey questionnaire as your responses are of great help in developing and completing this

I. Rest assured that your responses will be kept strictly confidential in compliance with R.A
10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012.

Thank you very much and God bless!


Survey Questionnaire
Please read each statement carefully then indicate how much you agree or disagree in the
following statement. There are no right or wrong answers here. Your thoughtfulness and candid
in answering the survey questions will be greatly appreciated.

Direction: Check the box aligned with the indicators that corresponds to your level of
agreement. Note: Each row requires only one (1) response.
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231

4 - Strongly Agree - (indicates that characteristic is always manifested)

3 - Agree - (indicates that characteristic is often manifested)
2 - Disagree - (indicates that characteristic is seldom manifested)
1 - Strongly Disagree - (indicates that characteristic is never manifested)

Name (Optional): _______________________ Year&Section: ________________

Statements Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

(4) (1)
(3) (2)

1. Self-esteem lessens my fear of committing

grammatical mistakes when I speak English.

2. Self-esteem allows me not to tremble when

I speak the English language in front of the class.

3. Self-esteem boosts my interest to learn

how to construct English sentences with
appropriate grammar.

4. Self-esteem makes me so proud of my

English language skills.

5. Self-esteem lessens my level of shyness

when my English teacher corrected every mistake
I made when speaking English.

6. Learning and understanding grammar rules

is important for language acquisition.

7. Slang and informal language should not be

used in professional or academic settings.
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231

8. Different cultures may have varying

expectations for grammar in communication.

9. Proper grammar is necessary for effective


10. Improving grammar skills can enhance

one’s communication abilities.

11. My self-esteem affects my overall

enjoyment of learning English grammar.

12. I have noticed a difference in my English

grammar performance when my self-esteem is
higher vs. lower.

13. Positive feedback from others is important

for building my self-esteem and motivation to
learn English grammar.

14. Fear of making mistakes affects my

willingness to speak or write in English

15. Making grammar mistakes in front of

others makes me feel embarrassed or ashamed,
which affects my self-esteem and ability to learn.

16. I think that a lack of self-esteem can

negatively affect a student’s ability to learn
grammatical skills.

17. In your experience, students who have

high self-esteem are more likely to participate in
class discussions and ask questions, which can
improve their grammatical skills.
18. I think that students who struggle with
their grammatical skills may feel less confident
and have lower self-esteem.

19. In your opinion, it is important for

educators to address and support their students’
self-esteem as a way to improve their grammatical
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231

20. In your opinion, there is a positive

correlation between a student’s self-esteem and
their grammatical skills.

21. Do individuals with lower self-esteem tend

to make more grammatical errors?

22. Does language exposure affect both self-

esteem and grammatical competence?

23. Are people who have high self-esteem

more likely to be effective communicators
because they are less self-conscious about their
language abilities?

24. Can experiences of language

discrimination impact self-esteem and overall
grammatical competence?

25. Can boosting self-esteem through positive

reinforcement or other techniques improve a
person’s grammatical competence?
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231

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