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Identify the major symptoms of common illnesses.

Enumerate things to do to protect oneself from getting illnesses.
Share about feelings of sickness/illness.


From our previous lesson, we have learned to choose the appropriate

clothing to be worn on a given occasions /places.

What are the major symptoms of common illnesses? What does
symptom mean? And what are the common illnesses?
Symptom a sign or indication of something. When you are sick, you
usually have symptoms - body changes like a fever that let you know
something is not right. Think of symptoms like clues you need to solve a
mystery. If you have enough of them, it can be easy to figure out what is
going on. For example, if you have an achy ear and a fever, you might
have an ear infection. And if you are throwing up and your stomach
hurts, maybe you have a stomach virus. So, the next time you are feeling
unpleasant, tell your parents and doctor your symptoms so you can get
Illness is something that needs to be managed such as feelings of pain,
discomfort, distress, weakness, fatigue, etc.

Let’s watch this video in YouTube entitled “HEALTH AND ILLNESS”

by Easy English for you to further understand what illness means.
Now that you know the meaning of the word Symptom and Illness, let
us discuss the major symptoms of common illnesses.
earache dizziness runny nose

sore throat cough sneezing

tummy ache headache fever

Other common illnesses.

cut or insect broken arms or toothache

bites legs
These are the things to do to protect you, your family, and friends from
different illnesses.
 Germs can make you sick. People can pass colds and flu through
 Germs are everywhere.
 Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or
sneeze so you don’t pass germs on to others. Throw the tissue in
the trash after you use it.
 Wash your hands the right way. Wash your hands often with soap
and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Use alcohol-based
hand rubs or wipes when soap and water are not available.
 Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth until your hands are clean
because germs spread that way. Keeping your hands clean is one of
the best ways to keep from getting sick and spreading illness.

To have a strong and healthy body and mind, these reminders are a must
to give you more extra shield from different illnesses.

Eat healthy foods Drink plenty of water

Get enough sleep Exercise / Play


Find and circle the 9 words in the puzzle below.
headache sore throat dizziness
cough symptom sneezing
illness runny nose fever

j a q l t q s u d k y l r d s
c u e d m r q i s k i e s s o
s m b d e h z s o f v r p l r
d y m x u z y e z e m u w d e
m p v s i m h o f d z n z r t
k x j n p c i f j o h n y o h
d r e t a i t j h p c y x e r
c s o d g w l s q o p n x d o
s m a v n p f l u j s o j u a
s e b r i u w g n a m s q z t
h h k d z d h f o e v e m a t
s z l a e k j s c z s p q q l
d i x d e y o p x g b s d r c
k w i o n r x u w e v h z e x
a g j n s w t c v o a h n b e


Give at least 5 symptoms that you remember and describe it on your
own words. (verbal and physical gestures are counted in describing the
given symptoms)

Symptoms Description

Put a (✓) in the box of the sentence that shows proper way of taking care
of yourself. Otherwise, put an (✗) in sentence that shows bad habit.

1. Eat healthy foods.

2. Drink plenty of water.
3. Eat sweets and dairy products even if you have toothache.
4. Watch T.V. until late night.
5. Take a rest when you are sick.
6. Play with the matchsticks.
7. Wash hands thoroughly.
8. Use cellphones for more than an hour.
9. Play with your friends even if you have a stomach ache.
10. Pray before going to bed.


Major symptoms of common illnesses are easily be detected as long we

know what and how we call and describe the symptoms. Prevention is
better than cure. Do not be afraid of telling your parents or doctors what
you really feel. So, they can give you a proper cure for whatever bad
feeling you are experiencing.


Health is wealth. Take care of our body and mind to keep us away from
different illnesses. And always remember to pray to our Almighty God
for all the blessing and guidance that we receive every day.

What is Illness?

What is Symptom?

Pictures of Major Symptoms of Common Illnesses



Word Hunt Image


Goodbye Germs

Drink plenty of water


Health Foods

Healthy Sleep


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