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Dosen Pengampu : Dra. Nenden Rainy Sundary, MP

Oleh :
Ilham Fajar Nugroho (2204049)
1C Pekerjaan Sosial



A. Background
Overcoming poverty in Indonesia is one of the main challenges faced by the
Indonesian government and society today. Poverty can cause limited access to
education, health, and other services needed to improve one’s quality of life. In
addition, poverty can also cause social and economic inequality, as well as being the
main cause of social conflict.

Therefore, the Indonesian government has issued various strategies and programs to
reduce poverty in Indonesia. Some of them are the Family Hope Program (PKH),
Direct Cash Assistance (BLT), and other programs that aim to increase the income of
the poor and improve access to basic services. However, there are still several
obstacles faced in efforts to eradicate poverty in Indonesia, such as limited resources,
coordination problems between agencies, and low level of public awareness of the
importance of participating in government programs.

B. Purposes
Overcoming poverty in Indonesia is a challenge that must be faced jointly by the
government, non-governmental organizations and the wider community. Therefore, it is
important to set clear and measurable goals to achieve success in efforts to reduce poverty.
There are several goals that can overcome poverty in Indonesia, namely reducing the
absolute poverty rate to reduce the number of people living below the poverty line. This is
important to ensure that everyone in Indonesia has sufficient access to basic needs such as
food, clothing and proper shelter. Reducing the absolute poverty rate can be achieved
through various means, such as providing social assistance to the poor, expanding access to
employment opportunities, and increasing available education and training.

Increasing the income of the poor aims to help the poor increase their income through
various means, such as providing training and education, providing access to job
opportunities, and providing venture capital assistance. By increasing the income of the
poor, it is hoped that they will be able to meet their basic needs more easily and
independently. This effort can be done in various ways, such as providing access to job
training, expanding economic empowerment programs for the poor, and providing business
capital assistance to poor people who want to start a business. Increasing access of the poor
to basic facilities aims to help the poor gain better access to basic facilities such as clean
water, sanitation and health care. Better access to these basic facilities will help improve the
quality of life of the poor and prevent diseases from undermining their productivity.

A. Interviews

1. Interviews

What should the government, society do, and what efforts can be made to reduce the
problem of poverty in Indonesia?

According to Mrs Dwi Wulan Sari

So, here it is. In my personal opinion, the government has made various efforts to overcome
the problem of poverty in Indonesia, such as providing social assistance to poor families,
increasing access to education and job training, and strengthening community economic
empowerment programs, such as the small and medium enterprise (UKM) program. In
addition, the government has also increased investment in strategic sectors to increase
employment, such as tourism and the manufacturing industry. The community has also
participated in efforts to reduce poverty by donating to charitable institutions and social
community organizations (Ormas), as well as being involved in economic empowerment
programs organized by the government or non-governmental organizations (NGOs). In
addition, the community can also help reduce poverty by being a smart customer, choosing
quality products that come from local SMEs, and helping promote these products to friends
and family.

The efforts that have been made so far have not been effective enough in reducing the level
of poverty in Indonesia. There are still several factors that cause this problem of poverty to
persist, such as limited access to natural resources, growing economic inequality, and the
low quality of human resources in Indonesia. To overcome this problem, more
comprehensive and integrated efforts are needed. The government should further increase
access to natural resources, such as clean water, electricity and roads, as well as develop
infrastructure in remote areas. In addition, the government also needs to strengthen
community economic empowerment programs, such as by providing business capital to
poor community groups, developing job training programs, and increasing access to markets
for SME products.

What do you know about poverty.

According to Mr Lukman Prasetyo Utomo

Poverty, in my opinion, is a condition where a person does not have enough

money or resources to meet basic needs such as food, clothing and decent
housing. Poverty can also be measured by the absolute poverty index, which
refers to the amount of money needed to meet basic needs such as food,
clothing and residence.

What are the causes of poverty in Indonesia with What efforts have been made
by the government to reduce poverty in Indonesia and provide suggestions?

According to Mr Lukman Prasetyo Utomo

The causes of poverty in Indonesia can vary, but several factors can influence it,
namely low levels of education, limited job opportunities, lack of access to proper
health and education facilities, and lack of access to land and asset ownership.
Poverty can also result from factors such as natural disasters, war or social
conflict. The Indonesian government has made several efforts to reduce poverty
in the country, including programs such as the Social Cash Assistance (BST), the
Family Hope Program (PKH), and the Community Partnership Program (PKM).
In addition, the government has also developed a number of programs to improve
community education and skills, as well as provide wider access to quality health
and food facilities.

One suggestion of advice I can give is that it is important to increase access to

quality education for everyone, especially for those who live in remote or
underprivileged areas. In addition, the government and the private sector must
work together to create decent jobs for all, especially for those who live in remote
or underprivileged areas. Then, the government also needs to expand access to
quality health facilities for everyone, especially for those who live in remote or
underprivileged areas. And finally, it is necessary to increase access to land
ownership and assets for the less fortunate, so that they can increase their
income and reduce poverty.

2. Interviews Results
It is clear that there are many factors that contribute to poverty in Indonesia, and addressing
these issues will require a multi-faceted approach. You emphasized the importance of
increasing access to education, job opportunities, and quality health and food facilities as
key strategies for reducing poverty. Improving infrastructure, such as roads and clean water
access, can also help to improve economic development and increase access to markets for
small and medium enterprises.

Another important factor is addressing economic inequality and promoting asset ownership
for those who are less fortunate. This could involve providing business capital to poor
community groups and expanding access to land ownership and other assets.

3. Conclusion of the Interviews

Overall, it will be important for the government, private sector, and community to work
together in order to address the root causes of poverty and implement effective solutions.
This will require a comprehensive and integrated approach that addresses the various
factors that contribute to poverty in Indonesia.

B. Document Study



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