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An Unhealthy Diet Can Cause Various Healthy Problems

The more the times, the more diverse human needs. Whether it is a basic need or a
need that is not too important to be prioritized. One of the things that is often discussed lately
is about the physical condition of the body, in terms of how our appearance is seen by others.
Starting from the clothes we wear, the condition of our faces and the shape or proportions of
our bodies. The rise of this trend has led to the existence of its own standard among society
regarding 'how should we be said to be ideal and not out of date?'

One of the most rife of all existing trends is about the proportions or shape of our
bodies. As we can see, everyone has a different body. There are those who have a small body,
thin, medium or usually said to be ideal and the last one is full. The creation of beauty
standards in society, where a person will be considered beautiful when he has good body
proportions makes many people flock to make this happen to him. Many things have been
done to make this happen. Starting from various kinds of sports, healthy food, healthy drinks,
to drugs or stomach-reducing drinks.

Some people consistently do exercise balanced with healthy eating and drinking and
don't forget to also do a calorie deficit to reduce weight and shape the body. This of course
takes a long time to get the desired results, because what is changed is not only body shape
but also lifestyle. So that a healthy lifestyle will be sustainable and the desired body shape
will persist. However, not a few people who want instant results in shaping the body. Usually
done with a very excessive calorie deficit in the sense of reducing the portion of eating
excessively so that the intake that enters the body is drastically reduced which causes the
body to become weak. Habits of eating patterns like this, often lead to eating disorders in a
person. One of the eating disorders is anorexia and bulimia nervosa. This eating disorder is
related to the psychological condition of a person who wants the body to be as attractive as
possible so that somehow he maintains his weight so as not to gain. One sign of people with
this eating disorder is the behavior of eating large amounts of food but then vomiting again.
In addition, the use of laxatives and excessive exercise are also carried out to maintain body

According to data from the Ministry of Health in 2021, there are 95.5% of
Indonesians on an unhealthy diet. This data increases when compared to data in 2013 where
93.5% of Indonesians had an unhealthy diet. Of 95.5%, there are 4.8% percent of people who
consume no more than 4 tablespoons of sugar or 50 grams per day. Only 52.7%, Indonesian
people who consume salt no more than 1 teaspoon or 2000 milligrams per day. Only 26.5%
of Indonesians consume 5 tablespoons of fat or 67 grams per day.

According to the ministry of health dr. Cut Putri Arianie (2021), an unhealthy diet will
cause non-communicable diseases, such as stroke, high blood pressure, cardiovascular, to
osteoporosis, Therefore, avoid doing unhealthy diets. Start changing a healthy lifestyle
because by changing your lifestyle, little by little will change the shape and condition of our
bodies for the better and healthier. The thing that can be done is by means of a calorie deficit
that is not excessive. Increase vegetables and protein and reduce carbohydrates. Avoid soft
drinks and sugary drinks, drink lots of water. Replacing unhealthy snacks with healthy snacks
such as fruit. Do not use drugs or weight loss ingredients without the supervision of a health
professional. And what is more important is to multiply the exercise according to the needs
and physical activity to keep our bodies active.

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