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**Import Statements**: The code starts with an import statement, which is used to include
external packages or libraries in your Dart code. In this case, the `material.dart` library is being
imported, which provides widgets and components for creating Material Design UI elements.

2. **Main Function**: The `main` function is the entry point of the Flutter app. It's the first
piece of code that gets executed when the app starts. In Flutter, you can use the arrow (`=>`)
notation to define a function with just one expression. Here, the `main` function calls the
`runApp` function, passing an instance of the `MyApp` widget as an argument.

3. **MyApp Class**: The `MyApp` class is defined, which extends the `StatefulWidget` class.
This means that the app's UI can change (have state) and will be managed by this widget. The
class contains a method called `createState()` which returns an instance of `_MyAppState`.

4. **_MyAppState Class**: The `_MyAppState` class is defined, extending the `State` class.
This is where the app's internal state and logic are managed. In this class, there's a variable
`_questionIndex` that keeps track of the current question being displayed.

5. **answerQuestion Method**: The `answerQuestion` method is defined. This method is

responsible for updating the state of the app when a new answer is chosen. It calls the `setState`
function, which is a special method that tells Flutter to re-render the UI with the updated state.
This helps to keep the app's UI in sync with the underlying data. In this case, `_questionIndex` is
incremented by 1 each time a question is answered, and the updated index is printed.

6. **Build Method**: The `build` method is where the UI of the app is defined. It returns a
`MaterialApp` widget, which is the root of the app's widget tree. The `MaterialApp` is wrapped
around a `Scaffold` widget, which provides a basic layout structure for the app.

7. **AppBar**: Within the `Scaffold`, an `AppBar` is defined to create a top app bar with a title.

8. **Column and Widgets**: The main content of the app is wrapped in a `Column` widget. The
`Column` widget allows you to stack multiple widgets vertically. Inside the column:
- A `Text` widget displays the current question using the value from the `questions` list based
on the `_questionIndex`.
- Three `ElevatedButton` widgets are displayed for answering questions. Each button has a
label and an `onPressed` callback that is triggered when the button is pressed. The first button
calls the `answerQuestion` method, the second button prints a message directly, and the third
button uses a lambda function to print a message.

That's the explanation of the provided Flutter code. It creates a simple app with a changing
question and buttons to answer those questions. The code demonstrates the basic structure of a
Flutter app, including defining UI elements, managing state, and handling user interactions.

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