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5강 교재 06 주제 파악

Gateway 2023학년도 6월 모의평가 23번

다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

Considerable work by cultural psychologists and anthropologists has shown that

there are indeed large and sometimes surprising differences in the words and
concepts that different cultures have for describing emotions, as well as in the
social circumstances that draw out the expression of particular emotions. However,
those data do not actually show that different cultures have different emotions, if
we think of emotions as central, neurally implemented states. As for, say, color
vision, they just say that, despite the same internal processing architecture, how
we interpret, categorize, and name emotions varies according to culture and that
we learn in a particular culture the social context in which it is appropriate to
express emotions. However, the emotional states themselves are likely to be quite
invariant across cultures. In a sense, we can think of a basic, culturally universal
emotion set that is shaped by evolution and implemented in the brain, but the
links between such emotional states and stimuli, behavior, and other cognitive
states are plastic and can be modified by learning in a specific cultural context.
*anthropologist: 인류학자 **stimuli: 자극 ***cognitive: 인지적인

① essential links between emotions and behaviors

② culturally constructed representation of emotions
③ falsely described emotions through global languages
④ universally defined emotions across academic disciplines
⑤ wider influence of cognition on learning cultural contexts


1. 키워드 : emotional states, quite invariant, can be modified by learning in a specific cultural context

2. 한 마디로: 감정의 상태는 한결같고, 감정의 표현은 문화적으로 구성된다

3. 연계 대비 : 흐름
(A) L4 However, those data do not actually show...
(B) L6 As for, say, color vision,...
(C) -L5 However, the emotional states themselves...
Exercises 01
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

Nobody has to teach a child to demand fair treatment; children protest unfairness
vigorously and as soon as they can communicate. Nobody has to teach us to
admire a person who sacrifices for a group; the admiration for duty is universal.
Nobody has to teach us to disdain someone who betrays a friend or is disloyal to
a family or tribe. Nobody has to teach a child the difference between rules that
are moral —“Don’t hit”—and rules that are not —“Don’t chew gum in school.”
These preferences also emerge from somewhere deep inside us. Just as we have a
natural suite of emotions to help us love and be loved, so, too, we have a natural
suite of moral emotions to make us disapprove of people who violate social
commitments, and approve of people who reinforce them. There is no society on
earth where people are praised for running away in battle.
*vigorously: 격렬하게 **disdain: 경멸하다

① innate moral sense in human nature

② core knowledge in moral education for children
③ moral standards different from culture to culture
④ conditional necessity of expressing a sense of justice
⑤ qualitative differences between moral principles and legal rules


1. 키워드 : demand fair treatment, the admiration for duty is universal

2. 한 마디로: 인간은 도덕성을 타고난다

3. 연계 대비 : 주제
L3 universal
Exercises 02
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

In a recent presidential election, one of our local comedians compiled a list of all
the recommendations being made by both the Democratic and Republican
candidates for the presidency. He then switched them, and asked committed
Democratic and Republican supporters about them. Democratic voters were told
their candidate thought the American military needed to be strengthened, the
national borders more tightly controlled, and voter identification efforts
strengthened. As for those committed to the Republican candidate, he questioned
them about their support of their candidate’s (supposed) statements underscoring
the need to expand national health care, create a more equitable tax system, and
increase the minimum wage. In every case, the supporters did not question the
veracity of the list. Instead, they began justifying their candidate’s positions. It was
as if it did not matter what the facts were; once they had made up their minds
who they were voting for, their job was to support him, not question him.
*equitable: 공정한 **veracity: 진실성

① the role of candidates’ statements in an election

② the necessity of political cooperation in policy making
③ differences between Democratic and Republican ideals
④ dangers of hostile relationships between political parties
⑤ political party supporters’blind loyalty to their candidates


1. 키워드 : the supporters, began justifying their candidate’s positions

2. 한 마디로: 정당 지지자들은 자기 후보에 대해서 맹목적인 충성심을 보여준다

3. 연계 대비 : 주제
Exercises 03
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

You may believe that all forms of negative thinking are unnecessary, extreme,
and irrational. Nothing could be further from the truth. Quite often, you might
experience unpleasant, tragic, and upsetting events in your life that you believe to
be negative. As a result of these beliefs, you experience unpleasant emotions. If
you are perceiving a situation accurately, your distressing emotions will serve a
useful function for you. For example, if a close friend has died and you are
extremely sad because you miss your close relationship, crying, grieving, and
sadness will allow you to work through the difficult situation and incorporate it
into your experience so that you can move on with your life. Only when the
thoughts take on an unrealistically negative and distorted quality (e.g., “my life is
over because my friend is gone; the same fate will soon befall me; I have nothing
left to look forward to in my life”) is it likely that you will experience emotions
and behavioral reactions that are dysfunctional and self-defeating.
*befall: (안 좋은 일이) 닥치다 **dysfunctional: 역기능적인

① ways to cope with loss and learn to heal

② the importance of perceiving one’s own emotions
③ the potentially useful function of negative thinking
④ roles of positive feelings in psychological well-being
⑤ the powerful influence of emotion on human behavior


1. 키워드 : negative thinking, serve a useful function

2. 한 마디로: 부정적인 감정은 잠재적으로 유용하다

3. 연계 대비 : 주제
빈칸 L5 serve a useful function for you
Exercises 04
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

Evolution theory is being challenged. Darwin saw evolution as a gradual process

of natural selection and survival of the fittest as the most likely phenomenon. Now
evolutionists such as paleontologists Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould argue
that evolution is characterized by long periods of relative stability that are
punctuated by sudden changes, followed by more stability, followed by more
changes, and so on. One hypothesis on why this occurs is that changes in
environment cause species to diversify and specialize into several new niches,
creating new lineages. In Gould’s theory, a species will be unchanged for
thousands or hundreds of thousands of years and then suddenly something will
happen that will change it (perhaps gene-splicing?) or even wipe it out. Gould’s
theory can be thought of as macroevolution —periodic sudden large changes, and
the normal concept of gradual evolution can be thought of as microevolution —a
continuous, almost unnoticeable succession of small changes.
*paleontologist: 고생물학자 **niche: (특정 종류의 생물이 살기에) 적합한 환경

① environmental changes that caused the evolution of species

② impacts of Darwinism on biological education and research
③ a theoretical approach to estimating the rates of evolutionary change
④ models that help understand the gradual process of natural selection
⑤ a new view of evolution as a continuous alternation of stability and rapid

1. 키워드 : evolution, long periods of relative stability that are punctuated by sudden changes

2. 한 마디로: 진화는 안정과 급격한 변화가 번갈아 일어나는 것이라는 새로운 주장

3. 연계 대비 : 주제
L1 challenged L5 sudden -L5 unchanged
-L3 sudden -L1 unnoticeable

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