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Planet Earth-Rocks

Classification of rocks
1. Rocks can be classified as-Metamorphic, Igneous, Sedimentary
2.Igneous Rocks-They form below or on the surface of the earth’s
surface when magma wells up from the mantle, cools and hardens
into rocks.
3.Characteristics of igneous rocks
 They contain crystals
 They are not easily eroded.
 They do not have layers or strata
 They do not contain fossils.
4.Examples of igneous rocks-granite, basalt, tuff, gabbros, diorite and
5.There are two main classes of igneous rocks; volcanic rocks and
plutonic rocks.
6.Many gemstones such as diamonds, ruby, sapphire and garnet are
found in igneous rocks.
7.Sedimentary Rocks-These are formed from sediments accumulated
over a long period of time.
8.Characteristics of sedimentary rocks
 Most of them have layers or strata, sometimes called bands.
 Sedimentary rocks often contain fossils-of animals, plants and
other micro-organisms.
 Sedimentary rocks are non-crystalline.
 They scrape and crumble easily.
 They are formed as a result of intense pressure of subsequent
materials piled above, they are compressed into rocks.
9.Examples of sedimentary rocks- sandstone, limestone, clay, chalk
and shale.
10.Metamorphic Rocks-These are formed from igneous rocks or
sedimentary rocks whose structure and appearance have been
changed by great heat, pressure and or chemical activity while
remaining in the solid state.
11.Any rock can be changed into a metamorphic rock
12.Rocks can be metamorphosed by heat alone.
13.Examples of metamorphic rocks
 Clay or mudstone can change into slate.
 Limestone can change to marble.
 Sandstone can change to quartzite.
 Granite can change to gneiss.
 Shale can change to schist.
 Coals can change to graphite.
An examples of a question on rocks
Planet earth has rocks and soil.
a)The three rocks type are metamorphic,igneous and sedimentary.
Draw a line to match each rocks type to its correct description.
Rocks type Descriptions

A very hard rock formed

metamorphic when lava from volcanoes

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