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What is a Rock?

 Naturally-occurringmixtures of
minerals, mineraloids (no crystals), or
organic matter.
Types of Rocks…
 The three main kinds of rock are
igneous, sedimentary and
metamorphic rock.
– Igneous rock: forms when
magma/lava cools and hardens
– Sedimentary rock: forms when
sediments are buried,
compacted & cemented together
– Metamorphic rock: forms when
existing rock is subjected to
great heat & pressure over a
long period of time
What is the difference between a
rock and a mineral?
 Rocksare made up of ONE or MORE
Once a rock is formed, does it
stay the same rock forever?
 NO!
 Rocksare continually changed by
many processes, such as
weathering, erosion, compaction,
cementation, melting, and cooling

 Rockscan change to and from the

three types
What is the process through
which rocks change?
 TheRock Cycle—earth materials change
back and forth among the different
types of rocks
 Noset path a rock takes to become
another kind of rock

Weathering, Erosion,
Compaction, Recrystallization
Solidification Melting,


Weathering, Erosion,
How are rocks redistributed?
 Thecore, mantle, & crust are one giant
rock recycling machine
 “Ignis” = Latin for “fire”

 Formed from the cooling of either magma or lava

 The most abundant type of rock

 Classified according to their origin and composition

 Igneous Rocks come from magma/lava cooling
ORIGIN— Where rocks are formed
 Belowground = from magma (intrusive
igneous rock)
 Usuallyhave LARGE crystal grains (they cooled
slowly) Cooling could have taken hundreds of
Some have large & small crystals
(called porphyritic)
 Above ground = from lava (extrusive
igneous rock)
 Usuallyhave SMALL or NO crystals (they
cooled too quickly)
Granite: Intrusive or
Extrusive? Why?
Obsidian: Intrusive or
Extrusive? Why?
COMPOSITION— What kind of
substances or minerals are rocks made of
Basaltic Igneous Rocks —made
from lava/magma that is low in silica, rich
in iron and magnesium. Rocks are dark-
Granitic Igneous Rocks—made
from magma/lava high in silica
and oxygen. Rocks are light-
Andesitic Igneous Rocks—
have a composition between
basaltic and granitic.
Diorite-has course grains
Basalt-no course grains
 Formed from sediments
(rock fragments, mineral
grains, animal & plant
remains-shells, bones,
leaves, stems) that are
pressed or cemented
together or when
sediments precipitate
out of a solution.
 These sediments are moved by wind, water,
ice or gravity then deposited into layers.
 Sedimentary rocks represent 7% of the
Earth’s crust, but they cover 70% of the
Earth’s surface.

 Sedimentary rocks are fossil-carrying

What turns sediments into solid rock?

 Water or wind breaks down and

deposits sediment (erosion & deposition)
 Elements of Erosion are heat, cold, rain,
waves, and grinding ice.
 Atfirst sediments fit together loosely,
over long periods of time, thick layers
build up. Because of the heavy layers,
the upper layers press down on the
layers below them, causing Compaction.
 Dissolved minerals flow between the
particles and cement them together
How can sedimentary layers help us understand
the age of fossils?
 As sedimentary
rocks are
deposited, they
form horizontal
 Scientists know
that the layers on
top (and the fossils
in the top layer) are
YOUNGER than the
fossils in lower
3 Types of Sedimentary Rocks:
 Clastic
(also called Detrial)—made of
broken pieces of other rocks. Formed
when rock fragments are squeezed
Clastic-Sedimentary Rocks
 Shale: Formed
from tiny particles
of clay compacted
 Sandstone: Forms
from the
compaction and
cementation of
small particles of
Clastic-Sedimentary Rocks
 Conglomerate: Formed
from fragments of
various sizes of rocks
and pebbles.
Fragments are rounded
because they have been
worn along riverbeds.
 Breccia: Fragments are
jagged with sharp
edges. Formed from
various size of rocks and
3 Types of Sedimentary Rocks:
Organic—remains of plants and animals are
deposited in thick layers

 Organic refers to substances that once

were part of living things or were made by
living things which contain calcite or
calcium carbonate. (Can be tested by
using acid)
Organic-Sedimentary Rocks
 Coal: Remains of
swamp plants buried in
water or by volcanic ash.
 Limestone: Formed by
hard shells of once living
things such as coral,
clams, oysters, and
snails. When they die
their shells pile up and
are covered by other
sediments compacting
and cementing them.
Types of Limestone
 Chalk-can be
naturally occurring
and in rock form.

 Coquina-made of
large fragments of
3 Types of Sedimentary Rocks:
 Chemical—minerals dissolved in
lakes, seas, or underground water.
Can occur when lakes evaporate.
Chemical-Sedimentary Rocks
 Rock Salt: Made of
the mineral halite.

 Gypsum: Formed
by evaporation in
dry climates.
 Rocks that have changed due to intense
temperature and pressure
 “Meta” means “change” and morphosis
means “form” in Greek
 Igneous, sedimentary and other
metamorphic rocks can change to
become metamorphic rocks
What occurs in the Earth to change
these rocks?
 Pressure from overlying rock layers
 High heat, but not enough to melt the rock

 Rocks may be flattened or bent or atoms may

be exchanged to form new minerals.
 *You can think of metamorphic rocks as
a squished peanut butter & jelly
sandwich in your lunch.
Where do metamorphic rocks
usually form?
 Where magma intrudes relatively
cool rock
 Near colliding plates (near mountain
 Places that are covered miles thick
with other rock causing pressure
 When hot water intrudes rock
 Where a meteorite strikes Earth
 Where lightning bolts strike rocks
How are metamorphic rocks classified? Look
at Pages 162-163 in your books
 Foliated—mineral grains are flattened
and line up in parallel bands

 Example:gneiss formed from

rearrangement of minerals in granite
into bands
How are metamorphic rocks classified?

 Non-Foliated—No bands are formed

 Example: marble formed from limestone

Rocks Transformed

Limestone Marble

Shale Slate
Rocks Transformed

Sandstone Quartzite

Mudstone Schist
Say you have an unknown rock
how do you classify it?
 Color: Like with
minerals, color
alone does not
provide enough
information to
identify a rock.
Say you have an unknown rock
how do you classify it?
 Texture can be very useful.
Look at and feel the rocks
 Some are smooth and
glassy others are rough and
 Grain Size: Large or Small
 Grain Shape: Fine Grained
or Jagged
 Grain Patterns: Flat Layers,
Wavy, banded, or random.
 No Visible Grain: Some
cool to fast to have grains.
Say you have an unknown rock
how do you classify it?
 Mineral composition:
By looking under a
microscope, a
geologist can identify
the minerals it
 You can use acid to
check for carbonates.
(Limestone or Chalk)
Say you have an unknown rock
how do you classify it?
 Origin: Where it came
 Metamorphic: Usually
have bigger crystals
because of increased
heat and pressure.
 Igneous: Usually is made
up of very large particles.
 Sedimentary: Small solid
pieces of material that
come from rocks or living
things. (Smoother)
Rock Cycle Animations
 Rock Cycle Quiz
 Rock Cycle Animation #1

 Weathering and Erosion Quiz

 Rock Cycle Video (Made by a M

iddle School Student)
 Go to the next slide to play
Jeopardy Game
The Rock Cycle
The Rock Igneous Metamorphic Sedimentary
Cycle Rocks Rocks Rocks

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Question 1


Mixture of minerals, volcanic glass,

organic matter, or other material

Check Answer
Question 2

Rock Cycle

A model showing the processes

that create and change rock.

Check Answer
Question 3

Sedimentary Rock

_________ rock can be changed by

heat and pressure into
metamorphic rock.

Check Answer
Question 4


__________ rock can be broken

into fragments that may later form
sedimentary rock.

Check Answer
Question 5


______ rock can melt and cool to

form igneous rock.

Check Answer
Question 6


Magma reaches the surface flows

from a volcano as ____________ .

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Question 7


Magma trapped below the surface

forms large – grained
______________ rock when it

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Question 8


Magma cooling at or near Earth’s

surface forms small-grained
__________ igneous rock.

Check Answer
Question 9

Intrusive and extrusive

Igneous rocks are classified in 2 ways.

1. ______________
2. ______________

Check Answer

Volcanic glass rock __________ so

quickly that few crystals form.

Check Answer
Heat and pressure

_____________ and
______________ result from one
layer of rock on top of another

Check Answer

Sometime temperature and

pressure are great enough to melt
rock, forming ______________.

Check Answer
Foliated texture

_____________ texture – mineral

grains flatten and line up in
parallel layers or bands.

Check Answer
Nonfoliated texture

_______ texture - mineral grains

grow and rearrange but do not
form layers.

Check Answer

Sometimes ____________ flattens

mineral grains in rocks without
melting them.

Check Answer
Sedimentary Rock

Type of rock mostly found on the

exposed surface of Earth.

Check Answer

Sedimentary Rocks form in

__________ .

Check Answer

Rock fragments, mineral grains,

and bits of plants and animal
remains moved by wind, water, ice
or gravity are called
Check Answer

When water and other minerals

move through open spaced
between larger sediments, gluing
them together, ____________
Check Answer
Organic sedimentary

_________ ___________ rocks

are made from the remains of once
– living plants or animals.

Check Answer

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