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2nd Quarter

Activity 5
Compare how the two parables describe one’s relationship with other people.
The Unforgiving Servant C
(Mt 18:23–35)
What did they say about True love isn't performing good
If you give mercy to others, you will deeds in order to keep a good
relationships? get mercy from God. If you give conscience. The Samaritan was
justice to others, you will get the true neighbor because he
justice from God – and your sins showed mercy and compassion,
will be held against you. So let's not
even though he had nothing to
be like the unforgiving servant. But
rather let us be merciful to others, gain from it. As a Samaritan, a
just as we have received mercy people despised by the Jews, he
from God. could have felt that he didn't
have any obligation at all to
stop and help.

How would you describe

We find the Parable of the Jesus used the Parable of the
their relationships? Good Samaritan as an example
Unforgiving Servant only
in Matthew 18:23-35. The of loving those who may not be
Apostle Peter had asked how our friends. Jesus was asked to
many times one should forgive, confirm what he meant by the
"Till seven times?" and Jesus word 'neighbour'. This is when
answered, "Not seven times but he told the Parable of the Good
seventy times seven" (Matthew Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), to
18:21-22). The context of this explain that people should love
passage is Jesus teaching His everyone, including their
disciples about the "kingdom of enemies.
heaven." We can take some
very important principles from
this parable and apply them to
our lives today.
2. What message do these parables have regarding the Kingdom? What can we
learn from their outlook toward relationships? a. Choose one parable among
the given in page
The Good Samaritan (Lk 10:29–37)
a. Why do you think it is Good News?

-The moral of the story is that you should put aside your differences
and help those who are in need of help. The Samaritan did not think
about the race or the religion of the man; he just saw a man who
needed help.
b. Give one example of how this Good News can be part of a person’s life. How
is it relevant in our life?
-Finding volunteers to help people of all ages learn to read can be difficult in most
states. Try googling ‘literacy’ and my city and state to see places I can volunteer.I
offer limited protection to someone who attempts to help a person in distress,
include someone who is experiencing chest pains or fell and hit their head on the

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