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Alphabet Test

Full name: __________________________ Date: / /

1- Circle capital letter.

D h G K e b B F I z M c R X

2- Write small letters.

I --- P--- G--- J--- O--- T--- V---

3- Find small letters and circle.

M  a/d/e/m

B  b/c/d/f

G  e/i/j/g

E  d/b/f/e

L  l/f/a/k

N  l/f/n/k

F  a/f/x/y

4- Write first letters in capital and small.

------------- --------------- ----------------- ----------------

5- find capital or small letters.

A=(I-a-e-u) e=(A-E-H-L)
G=(q-j-y-g) h=(N-U-A-H)
B=(d-b-p-q) y=(Y-G-X-J)
U=(n-v-u-o) i=(P-Q-I-R)

6- write capital and small letters.

a b d e

Good luck

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