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"Mom, Dad can I get a cell phone? Everyone else has one." Such a question is almost
inescapable for families with teens. A survey released earlier this month discovered
that up to forty-four percent of American teens, aged between 10 and 18, own a cell
phone, and that percentage promises to grow. There is no denying that the advance of
telecommunications technology has brought much convenience to our lives. However,
with an increasing population of teen cell phones users, more and more attention
focuses on the disadvantages or impacts of them. And there are also more and more
studies of the health problems involved. All things have pros and cons and teen use of
cell phones is no exception.
As far as advantages go, the cell phone might come in handy in several
situations. Mostly, security is the first consideration when parents decide to buy cell
phones for their children. Teens are still learning to be independent of their families
and out of their parents’ sight. Many teenagers claim that they feel safe because they
know they can call their parents or others whenever they feel in need of help. Or teens
might sometimes want to reach their classmates or teachers for something urgent. In
addition, some parents also agree that a cell phone helps them keep in touch with their
kids. So they know about where their children are and what they are doing. Cell phones
do benefit both teens and their parents in the convenience of calling around for
immediate needs.
On the flip side, there are noteworthy disadvantages to teens using cell phones. For
example, it’s not uncommon to hear that parents are angry about their kids’ phone
bills. While some teens use their phones only for parent-approved situations, others
spend hours chatting with friends. Such a waste of money might even become a
difficulty to a family’s budget. Most parents also think that their children should
develop correct attitudes or habits in using things. In addition, another unfavorable
view is that cell phones can be a distraction from studies at school. Teachers report
that cell phones would disturb their lessons because sometimes students still keep
their cell phones activated in class. What’s more, recent research suggests that cell
phones might be a health hazard. The electromagnetic radiation might damage body
cells, DNA, or cause brain tumors. In England, the government has banned the use of
cell phones for kids under eight. For teens, this threat to their health will diminish if
they reduce the use of their cell phones.
Cell phone technology is advancing every day. Users can now talk, text message, or
even snap pictures with camera phones. For teens, if they use their cell phones wisely,
the benefits will outweigh the drawbacks.
The author displays pros and cons with respect to teens using cell phones. One main
advantage is that support can be just a call away for teens in case of
emergency. Another advantage is that the mobile phone makes it easy for parents to
keep track of their children. On the other hand, one of the disadvantages is the fact
that some teens spend a long time talking with their friends on their phones, which
annoys their parents. Also, having a cell phone can be a distraction from learning in
class. Moreover, some studies reveal that cell phones can be a threat to health. On the
whole, teens should use their cell phones only when necessary. Thus, they will benefit
a lot from modern technology.
128 words

According to the article, the author displays pros and cons with respect to teens using
cell phones. One main advantage is that support can be just a call away for teens in
case of emergency. On the other hand, one of the disadvantages is the fact that some
teens spend a long time talking with their friends on their phones, which annoys their
parents. On the whole, teens should use their cell phones only when necessary. Thus,
they will benefit a lot from modern technology. 85 words

In this article, the author displays pros and cons with respect to teens using cell
phones. One main advantage is that support can be just a call away for teens in case of
emergency. On the other hand, one of the disadvantages is the fact that some teens
spend a long time talking with their friends on their phones. On the whole, teens
should use their cell phones only when necessary. 71 words

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