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Mariel A.


Encourage to banned mobile phones in school

People in many school regularly sneak around their cellphones,trying to

hide them from teacher. Cellphone were against school rules. Mobile phones
should be banned because of the health risks they pose,the ways they can
prevent learning and abuse of them via cheating. The debate about mobile
phones matters because of the lasting importants on the students who will be
affected by it. Mobile phones could make adolescents prone to bad habits and
behaviors like cheating.

Banning mobile phones in school could potentially reduce issues such as

cheating during exams or tests. With easy access to the interenet and
communication tools,students may be tempted to use their phones to find
answers or to get help from their peers,which undermines the fairness and
integrity of the assessment process. Moreover,the use of mobile phones can also
lead to social problems within the student community. For instance,they can
increase social inequalities,as not all students have the same access to high-end
mobile phones. This could lead to feelings of exclusion or shortage among those
who don’t have the latest or most advanced models.

The presence of mobile phones in classrooms can lead to decreased

attentiveness,as students may be tempted to use their devices for non-
educational purposes. According to www.schneideit social media and digital
communications can be breading ground for cyberbullying using their phones.
According to blog.innerdrive. phones can lower student concentration. According
to mobile phones can be addictive. Some children spending
hours and hours altogether,mindless scrolling through social media or playing
games. There are more informations about banning mobile phones in school.
Extended screen time on mobile phone may contribute to sedentary
behavior,leading to physical health issues like obesity. Additionally,excessive use
can impact mental health,with concerns about social media addiction, anxiety,and
depression. It’s essential to maintain a balance and be mindful of your screen
time to mitigate potential health risks.

Furthermore, mobile phones can serve as important communication

tools. In case of emergencies, having a mobile phone can provide means of
contact with parents emergency services.

In conclusion, while there are valid arguments on boths sides, it’s

clear that the issue of mobile phones in schools is complex and multifaceted. It
requires a balanced and thoughtful approach, taking into account the specific
needs and circumstances of each individual school and its student body.

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