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I have a vegeterian diet.

It includes lots of vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, grains and exclude all types of
meat, egg and fish. However, this diet is not totally vegan, I still can eat dairy products like milk, butter
or yogurt. There’re 2 reasons for my diet. The first thing is I’m a Buddhist and my religion encourage
people to not consume food made of animals. The second thing is this diet brings lots of benefit for your
health. For instance, it can decrease the risk of heart disease and some certain types of cancer.
Nevertheless, It’s quite hard for me to always follow this vegetarian diet. It’s rather boring just eating
vegetables all the time. I sometimes crave the taste of fried chicken, pizza and spaghetti so much that I
have to go out to eat that. I just can’t resist the temptation of those delicious food. My mother has
encouraged me to try new recipe to made vegeterian dish tastier. Then maybe it might make the
vegetables less boring.

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