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1.Plants make gases called………………………………………………..

a. oxygen b. chlorine c. hydrogen

2. ……………and ……………..are parts of a plant.

a. pencils and papers b. leaves and stem c. food and water

3.Are all plants living? YES \ NO

4.How do we know if something is living or not?

a. if it doesn’t move b .if it moves and grow c. if it doesn’t grow

5.when we eat lettuce, we eat what part of plant?................

a. root b. fruit c. leaves

6.when we eat carrots and potatoes, we eat what part of plant?

a. roots b. fruits d. leaves

7.what are the conditions necessary for plants to grow………………..

a. air, sunlight and water b. apple carrots and grapes c.gas

8.when a plant is covered with a box will it grow healthy? YES \ NO

9.Baby plants are also called…………….

a. germination b. seedlings c. plants

10. name the plant parts on the drawing

11.materials can be ……………………., ………………………..and …………………………………….

a. candies, chocolates and cakes b. solid, liquids and gases c. papers

12.give any example of liquid……………………………

13.An example of plant that is dangerous to eat is……………………

a. lentil plant b. cactus plant c. strawberry plant

14.the conditions necessary for plants to grow are

a. sunlight , air , and water b. darkness and heat c. plastic and metal

15. when two or more materials are mixed together , it is called………………………….

a. germination b. solid c. mixture

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