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Year 10 biology Topical Test 2021

Department of Sciences
Topic 6: Plant Nutrition
Time: 1 hour
Name: ……………………………………………………………….…………

Instructions to candidates

• This is an online test. Candidates must desist from any form of malpractice.
Evidence of answers copied from online sources will score straight zero.

• Answer all the questions.

• You are advised to answer by editing this PDF document and save your work to
be submitted for marking.

• Write your answers in the spaces provided for each question or part question.

• The marks for each question or part question are indicated in brackets [ ].

This document contains 14 printed pages

1. What "equipment" is needed for photosynthesis to work?
A. Light
B. Glucose
C. Oxygen
D. Chlorophyll

2. What are the raw materials needed to perform photosynthesis?

A. Glucose
B. Carbon Dioxide
C. Oxygen
D. Water

3. A plant with variegated leaves has the starch removed from its leaves by placing it in
a dark cupboard for 48 hours.
Black paper is then placed on one leaf as shown and the plant is sat in a sunny

After 24 hours, which part of the leaf contains starch?

4. Which one of the following is not a use of glucose?

A. It provide energy needed for photosynthesis
B. Converted into starch for energy storage
C. Converted in fat/oil for long term energy storage
D. Built up to form cellulose molecules

5. Where in the plant cell does photosynthesis happen?

A. Cytoplasm
B. Cell Wall
C. Vacuole
D. Chloroplast

6. Which product of photosynthesis can be harmful to the plant if it stays in the leaves?
A. Oxygen
B. Carbon Dioxide
C. Glucose
D. Water

7. In order for plants to create amino acids and proteins, they need to get
________________ from the soil.
A. Nitrates
B. Phosphates
C. Magnesium
D. Potassium

8. In order for plants to create chlorophyll, they need to get ________________ from
the soil.
A. nitrates
B. phosphates
C. magnesium
D. potassium

9. In order for plants to create DNA and RNA, they need to get ________________
from the soil.
A. nitrates
B. phosphates
C. magnesium
D. potassium

10. Which part of the leaf is a waxy layer that protects the outer surface and prevents
water loss?
A. Stomata
B. Guard Cells
C. Mesophyll Cells
D. Cuticle

11. Which part of the leaf controls the opening and closing of the stoma?
A. Stomata
B. Guard Cells
C. Mesophyll Cells
D. Cuticle

Questions 12 to 16 refer to the diagram below.

12. Which letter represents the epidermis of the leaf?
13. Which letter represents the palisade mesophyll cells?
14. Which letter represents the spongy mesophyll cells?
15. Which letter represents the guard cells?
16. Which letter represents the stomata?

17. Which part of the leaf contains the majority of the plant's chloroplasts and does most
of the photosynthesis?
A. Stomata
B. Guard Cells
C. Mesophyll Cells
D. Cuticle

18. Four test-tubes are set up as shown in the diagram and left in full sunlight. After
several hours, which test-tube contains the most dissolved oxygen?

19. What is formed first in a leaf as a result of photosynthesis?

A. chlorophyll
B. glucose
C. starch
D. water

20. The diagram shows the apparatus used in an investigation to measure the rate of
gas production during photosynthesis.

The investigation was repeated several times and the average amount of gas
collected was calculated.
A. the amount of water in the beaker and the height of the measuring cylinder
B. the size of aquatic plant and the amount of gas in the measuring cylinder
C. the size of aquatic plant and the duration of exposure to light
D. the size of the beaker and the funnel

21. Which form of energy is stored within glucose molecules made during
A. chemical
B. heat
C. light
D. mechanical

22. Which process does not release carbon dioxide to the atmosphere?
A. decomposition of animals
B. photosynthesis of plants
C. respiration of animals
D. respiration of plants

25 The diagram below shows a section through a leaf.

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