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1) Omphilitis = inflammation of umbical cord

2) Brain===== Encephilitis.

3)Meninges= Meningitis.

4) Cystitis == Urinary bladder

Cholecystitis=== Gall bladder

5) Orchitis==Testis

6) Blepharitis= Eyelids ko inflammation

7) Thyrotoxicosis = hyper secretion of

thyroid glzand.

8) Hypothyrodism= Hypo secretion of

the thyroid hormone .

9) Cretinism = deficiency of hypothyrodism in child

physical dev is associated with hyposecretion of

T3 n T4 ( Children)

10) Myx oedoma = Thyroid hormone

deficiency in adults .

11) Cholelithiyasus.. stone of


12) cholecystitis... inflamation of gall bladder

13)Keratitis ... inflamation of the cornea

14)Beliveritis .. inflamation of eye lid.

15) Colitis ... inflamation of large intestine.

16) pleural effusion.. pleural cavity

water jamnu.

16) pancreatitis ... inflamation of

pancrease .

17) Hepatitis ... inflammation of liver cell.

18) jundice .... Yellow

19) Hepatoma ... Tumar of live .

20) pedagogy : Study of ways & method


21) Typholitis :: Inflammation of


22) Inflammation of stay(gland og


Hordeolum externa

23) Dacryocystitis.. inflammation of

Lacrimal sack

23)Pericondritis.. inflamation of ear pinna

24) Tonometer.. check a eye pressure

25) gland of zeis/molli . . stay/horrodilm

26) Keratitis ..inflammation of cornea#

27) Dispnoea.. difficulty in breathing

28) Lacrimal gland .. Dacryoadenitis

29) Ciliary body.. Cyclitis

29) Iris . .. Iritis

30) ciliary body n iris .. iridocyclitis

31) Choroid .. Choroiditis

32) Sclera .. Scleritis

33) External otitis .. External Auditory


34) Lybrinthingitis.. Internal earko


35) Phlebitis.. inflammation of vein

36) Syndesmology = Study of joint

37) chondology = Study of Cartilageaaŕzc

38) Ulcer .. loss of continuty or losss of covering

39) Fracture.... Breack in the normal continuity of Bone


40) Dislocation... discontinued of joint

४१) Haemotoma -- Collection of blood under the skin

४२) Contusion wound --- An injury in which skin is not


44) Abrasion wound -- Scraping/peeling duprafacial layerQ

45)Incised wound -- Wound made by knife/sharp obj..

46) Lacreated wound -- irregular tearing of skin/Made by

blunt object(बोधो हतियार,ढुङ्गा ,इत्ता)

45)Incised wound -- Wound made by knife/sharp obj..

46) Lacreated wound -- irregular tearing of skin/Made by blunt object

47) Punctured wound -- by sharp pointed/state small

but deep wound(pin)

48) Perforating/gun shoot wound -- By bullet(गोलि)

49) Abscess -- Localized collection of pus

50) Dermatophytosis/Tiniasis/Ringworm

Prepared by clo.

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