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Unity University

Civil Engineering and CoTM Department

Questionnaire on Environmental Audit and Assessment
(A case of Basalt stone, Aggregate and selected material Projects)

Objective of the study

The objective of the study is to identify major Problems related to Environmental and Social
impacts Audit in Basalt stone Aggregate and selected construction material production projects
in Addis Ababa City.

The Objective of the Questionnaire

The objective of this questionnaire and interview is to collect information/feedback from Addis
Ababa city environmental protection Commission, proponent of the projects, worker of the
projects and society around the project area.

Course: - Environmental Engineering/Environmental Impact Assessment


All information given will be kept with utmost confidentiality and is for educational
purpose only.

Kindly return this questionnaire as much as possible.

Thank you for your time and kind cooperation

Interview Questions for Workers of ASER (Quarry and Aggregate production site)
Track Driver, Excavator operator, Crasher plant worker, Cafteria worker of the production site, Watch-
man, Daily laborer or any worker found in site

Name of the Interviewed person_____________________________ Position _________________

1. Is any training was given before? If yes what? (On safety, on health, and any)


2. Is there any personal protective equipment supplied by ASER? (Ear protector, Helmet, Glove…)


3. Is your place were here before the project is established here?


4. Is there any knowledge and technology transfer?


5. Is there anyone who gat development from low position to middle/top management works?


6. For local community job opportunity is given prior to other place community?


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