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1. Ensembled learning
2. Dimensionality reduction
3. What is ML
4. Information Gain
5. Entropy
6. Gini Index
7. What type decision tree is (supervised)
8. Examples of unsupervised learning
9. Types of ML
10. Clustering algos
11. What is svm
12. Why is svm unsupervised
13. Hyperplane and optimal hyperplane difference
14. Reinforcement learning
15. Real life example of reinforcement learning
16. Logistic regression aur linear regression me difference
17. What is feature removal
18. Feature selection vs feature extraction
19. CART
20. Difference between Precision and accuracy
21. Confusion matrix and types error
22. Linear Regression performance measures
23. ROC curve
24. When to use SVM classifier
25. Advantages of SVM
26. Soft margin, hard margin
27. Why we use SVM algo
28. Why we need dimensionality reduction technique
29. What is SVD why we use svd algo
30. Kernal why is it used
31. Accuracy or precision which is better?
32. K fold cross validation
33. Confusion matrix
34. Performance measures of linear regression
35. Explain Gini Index
36. What is decision tree and its use cases
37. Bias and variance
38. Pca
40. Graph based clustering
41. Cross validation
42. Difference between bagging and boosting
43. Overfitting and Underfitting

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