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Solution Manual for Human Anatomy Laboratory

Manual with Cat Dissections, 7/E 7th Edition

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Solution Manual for Human Anatomy Laboratory Manual with Cat Dissections, 7/E 7th Edition

Overview of the Skeleton: Classification and Structure of Bones and Cartilages

Time Allotment: 45 minutes.

Multimedia Resources: See Appendix B for Guide to Multimedia Resource Distributors.

See Exercise 5 for histology listings.
Practice Anatomy Lab™ 3.0 (PAL) (PE: DVD, Website)
Skeletal System: The Infrastructure (FHS: 25 minutes, DVD, 3-year streaming webcast)


Hydrochloric Acid (HCl), 10%

Add 50 milliliters of concentrated HCl to 400 milliliters of distilled water. Add water to a final
volume of 500 milliliters.

Laboratory Materials
Ordering information is based on a lab size of 24 students, working in groups of 4. A list of supply
house addresses appears in Appendix A.

Articulated skeleton solution 24 slides of ground bone (x.s.)

Numbered disarticulated Long bone sawed longitudi- Disposable gloves
bones -showing four types nally 3-D model of microscopic
(long, short, flat, and ir- Long bone soaked in 10% structure of compact bone
regular) HCl or -vinegar 24 slides of developing long
24 compound microscopes, Long bone baked at 250°F for bone undergoing endo-
lens paper, lens cleaning more than 2 hours chondral -ossification

Advance Preparation
1. If you have a local source, arrange to have a long bone sawed longitudinally. Keep refrigerated or
frozen until used. Preserved, sawed long bones can be used instead. Provide disposable gloves at the
demonstration area.
2. Bake some long bones (chicken or turkey bones work well) at 250°F for 2 hours or until they are
brittle and snap or crumble easily. Prepare these the day before lab observations are to take place.
3. Soak some long bones in 10% hydrochloric acid or vinegar until flexible. Overnight soaking is
usually sufficient for the hydrochloric acid; vinegar will take longer, as long as two weeks; change
vinegar every two to three days. Prepare well in advance.

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4. Prepare numbered samples of long, short, flat, and irregular bones. These can be set out at a station in
the lab where students can work on identification.
5. Put out prepared slides of ground bone (cross section) and developing long bone undergoing endo-
chondral ossification. Also set out lens paper and lens cleaning solution, and have compound mi-
croscopes available.
6. Set out models of the microscopic structure of bone.

Comments and Pitfalls

1. Students may initially have some trouble classifying bones by shape; other than that, this lab should
cause no problems.
2. Emphasize that all long bones have a long axis, but some long bones are much shorter than others!
Long bones include most of the bones of the upper and lower limbs (humerus, radius, ulna, femur,
tibia, fibula, metacarpals, metatarsals, phalanges). Short bones include the carpals and the tarsals.
Flat bones are thin and include the bones of the roof of the cranial cavity, sternum, scapula, and ribs.
Irregular bones include some skull bones, the vertebrae, and possibly bones of the pelvic girdle.
Bones included in each of these categories vary from author to author.

Answers to Pre-Lab Quiz (p. 91)

1. b, production of melanin 6. diaphysis
2. axial 7. a, osteon
3. Compact 8. False
4. a, Flat 9. b, fibrocartilage
5. c, long 10. False

Answers to Activity Questions

Activity 3: Examining the Effects of Heat and Hydrochloric Acid on Bones (p. 96)
The treated bones still have the same general shape as the untreated bones, although the acid-soaked bone
may appear more fibrous.
The heated bone is very brittle and responds to gentle pressure by breaking.
The acid-treated bone is very flexible.
The acid appears to remove the calcium salts from the bone.
Heating dries out the organic matrix.
The acid-treated bone most closely resembles the bones of a child with rickets.

50 Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.


Overview of the Skeleton: Classification and Structure of Bones and Cartilages

Name _______________________

Lab Time/Date ________________

Classification of Bones
1. Place the name of each labeled bone in the figure of the human skeleton (Figure 7.1, page 92), into the
appropriate column of the chart below. Use appropriate references as necessary.

Long Short Flat Irregular

humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, tarsals, pa- most of cranium, sacrum, vertebra,
metacarpals, femur, tella sternum, scapula, ribs, bones of pelvic girdle
tibia, clavicle
fibula, metatarsals,

2. The four major anatomical classifications of bones are long, short, flat, and irregular bones. Which
category has the least amount of spongy bone relative to its total volume? Long

Bone Markings
3. Match the terms in column B with the appropriate description in column A.
Column A Column B
m; spine 1. sharp, slender process* a. condyle
o; tubercle 2. small rounded projection* b. crest
b; crest 3. narrow ridge of bone* c. epicondyle
p; tuberosity 4. large rounded projection* d. facet
h; head 5. structure supported on neck† e. fissure
k; ramus 6. armlike projection† f. foramen
a; condyle 7. rounded, convex projection† g. fossa
e; fissure 8. narrow opening‡ h. head
i; meatus 9. canal-like structure i. meatus
f; foramen 10. round or oval opening through a bone‡ j. process
g; fossa 11. shallow depression k. ramus
l; sinus 12. air-filled cavity l. sinus
n; trochanter 13. large, irregularly shaped projection* m. spine

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c; epicondyle 14. raised area on or above a condyle* n. trochanter
j; process 15. projection or prominence o. tubercle
d; facet 16. smooth, nearly flat articular surface† p. tuberosity

a passageway for nerves or blood vessels

takes part in joint formation
a site of muscle and ligament attachment

Gross Anatomy of the Typical Long Bone

4. Use the terms in the key below to identify the structures marked by leader lines and braces in the di-
agrams. Some terms are used more than once.
Key: a. articular cartilage e. epiphyseal line i. periosteum
b. compact bone f. epiphysis j. red marrow cavity
c. diaphysis g. medullary cavity k. trabeculae of spongy bone
d. endosteum h. nutrient artery l. yellow marrow

52 Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.

5. Match the letters of terms in question 4 with the information below.

f 1. contains spongy bone in adults

c 2. made of compact bone

j 3. site of blood cell formation

d, i 4. major submembranous sites of osteoclasts

c 5. scientific term for bone shaft

g (l) 6. contains fat in adult bones

e 7. growth plate remnant

i 8. major submembranous site of osteoblasts

6. What differences between compact and spongy bone can be seen with the naked eye? Compact bone
appears homogenous;

spongy bone has obvious spaces.

7. What is the function of the periosteum? It protects the bone and is the structure from which blood
vessels and nerves enter
bone. It provides an attachment site for tendons and ligaments and supplies osteoblasts for new bone.

Chemical Composition of Bone

8. What is the function of the organic matrix in bone? To provide flexibility (and strength)
9. Name the important organic bone components. Cells, collagen fibers, and ground substance (prote-
oglycans and glycoproteins)

10. Calcium salts form the bulk of the inorganic material in bone. What is the function of the calcium

To provide hardness and strength and resist compression

11. Baking removes water from bone. Soaking bone in acid removes calcium salts.

Microscopic Structure of Compact Bone

12. Trace the route taken by nutrients through a bone, starting with the periosteum and ending with an
osteocyte in a lacuna.

Perioste → perforating canal →

central (Haversian) → canal canaliculus → osteocyte

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13. Several descriptions of bone structure are given below. Identify the structure involved by choosing the
appropriate term from the key and placing its letter in the blank. Then, on the photomicrograph of bone
on the right, identify all structures that are named in the key, and bracket an osteon.
Key: a. canaliculi b. central canal c. concentric lamellae d. lacunae e. matrix

c 1. layers of bony matrix around

a central canal

d 2. site of osteocytes

b 3. longitudinal canal carrying blood

vessels, lymphatics, and nerves

a 4. minute canals connecting

osteocytes of an osteon

e 5. inorganic salts deposited in

organic ground substance

Ossification: Bone Formation and Growth in Length

14. Compare and contrast events occurring on the epiphyseal and diaphyseal faces of the epiphyseal plate.
epiphyseal face: Cartilage cells are resting and relatively inactive. Right below this, the cartilage
cells are rapidly reproducing.

diaphyseal face: Chondrocytes are dying, the matrix is calcifying, and the cartilage is being
replaced by bone.

Cartilages of the Skeleton

15. Using the key choices, identify each type of cartilage described (in terms of its body location or
function) below. Terms may be used more than once.
Key: a. elastic b. fibrocartilage c. hyaline
a; elastic 1. supports the external ear b; fibrocartilage 6. meniscus in a knee joint
b; fibrocartilage 2. between the vertebrae c; hyaline 7. connects the ribs to the
c; hyaline 3. forms the walls of the b; fibrocartilage 8. most effective
voice box (larynx) at resisting compression
a; elastic 4. the epiglottis a; elastic 9. most springy and
c; hyaline 5. articular cartilages c; hyaline 10. most abundant

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Solution Manual for Human Anatomy Laboratory Manual with Cat Dissections, 7/E 7th Edition

16. Identify the two types of cartilage diagrammed below. On each, label the chondrocytes in lacunae and
the matrix.

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