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I liked this city.

I didn’t like you, but I changed my mind after I met you.

Do you like this opportunity? It can help you a lot! What do you think?

Zerina likes cats, but they don't like people that much.

She didn't feel anything. Getting that tattoo isn't painful.

My cat didn't like that food before.

She likes whales because they are fascinating.

He doesn’t like horror stories.

Do you like Sci-Fi movies?

My mom likes long walks. She also likes red sunsets.

He doesn't like long movies because he fell asleep after an hour and a half.

2 Prevedite rečenice

1. John and Mary love spending time with each other.

2. The two teams shook hands and congratulated each other on a great game.
3. The siblings fought with each other all the time when they were kids.
4. The two best friends shared a deep bond and trusted each other completely.
5. The couple's marriage was built on a foundation of mutual respect and
support for each other.
6. The coworkers collaborated well with each other to complete the project on
7. The neighbours frequently helped each other out with household chores.
8. The two strangers exchanged a friendly smile as they passed each other on
the street.
9. The twins had a special connection and always knew what each other was
10. The siblings made up and apologised to each other after their argument

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