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1. Fiction= imagined
sci-fi, comedy, romance, historical fiction, dystopia, fantasy, poetry, and
2. Non- fiction=true
newspaper, diaries, documentaries, auto/biographies, reviews,
advertising, and persuasive writing.

Anna Frank diary
1. Anne is ambitious and wants to be useful and remember people here.
2. She is writing for herself but using her diary (kitty) for this.
3. She is writing because her dreams are different from every baddy else
and need someone who can listen without judging.
4. She dreams to be useful and a journalist and not being like other
women- just a mom of children
5. Why she wants to be different from the women in her life? What so bed
in be mom and wife?
6. Anne kept a diary to have someone to speak with about her secret.
7. I think she writes very honestly and emotionally she sees life in white.
The first day in school

Dear diary 1.9.22

Yesterday was my first day in the 9th grade, in the morning I was so stressed because of the new
class that I didn't know how it going to be and who would be my teacher and which girls in my class.
So, I tried to look nice because it helps me feel less stressed and more confident.

I was surprised but the day went well maybe even fun, the teacher and the girls are great and so
cute, and I met some new friends. I think my classes are better than the other classes in my class.

After school, I went to the cinema with a new girl I met at school, and we watched a stunning and
exciting movie.

I had an incredible day, see you soon.

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