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So this is the story of my life that I shared is the story that change my mind the way I think about

so five month ago I lost my friend she was so brave and intelligent and kind she died accidentally it
was a hard time for me because I know her for six years and it was a hard for me to accept the truth
that she is no longer with me. And she was always there for me on my hard times and on my good
times. After she passed out i realized that i lost the most valuable person in my life that time I also
realized something about life that we have to enjoy every second of our life we have to be happy
every second of our life.
Life is today we don't know about tomorrow we don't even know what happened after 15 minutes
we don't know how many birthdays we left to celebrate. We have to give a time for a people we love
the most and for a people who have big value in our heart we have to tell them that we love them
so much we have to tell them what our heart feels because we don't know if we see them again .
Life is not about buying big house or having luxury cars life is about happiness do what makes us
happy and spending time with peoples we love the most and creating memory . Because at the end
of the day i believe that our money doesn't matter ,our luxury cars doesn't matter,our big house
also does not matter the only thing that matter is our memory we create with our valuable persons.
Life is memory !

Name Ruth wolde Grade 11

School st John Baptist della Salle Catholic school

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