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Andres: Good morning! What time do you usually wake up in the morning?

Kevin: Good morning! I usually wake up at six thirty in the morning. How about you?
Andres: I get up a bit earlier, around six fifteen in the morning. After waking up, I have a
quick shower to start my day.
Kevin: That's nice. What time do you leave for work?
Andres: I leave at seven forty-five in the morning. It takes me about fifteen minutes to
get there.
Kevin: I usually leave a bit later, around eight o'clock in the morning. It's a thirty-minute
commute for me.

Andres:During the day, what do you typically do?

Kevin: I spend my day attending meetings and working on various projects. I start my
work around nine o'clock in the morning and continue until five o'clock in the evening.
Andres: Sounds interesting. I have a more flexible schedule. I work on different tasks
throughout the day and collaborate with my colleagues. I usually work from eight thirty
in the morning until four thirty in the afternoon.
Kevin: What time do you usually finish work?

Andres: I usually finish around five o'clock in the evening. After work, I like to go for a
run to unwind. I usually run for about thirty minutes.
Kevin: That's a nice way to relax. I finish work at six thirty in the evening. After that, I
enjoy cooking dinner and watching some TV shows until around eight o'clock at night.
Person A: That sounds like a pleasant evening routine. I usually have dinner with my
family around seven o'clock in the evening and then spend some quality time with
them until around nine o'clock at night.

Benyamin Andre Cardenas
Angel Aguirre
Kevin Angeles Flores

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