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Unit 1: The Music in My Head

at the speed of light amorphous

before our very eyes making a dividing line

confidence nature versus nurture

fascinated to confide in something

objective to confide something to

potential resilience

renowned resilient

revise infant

unconscious identical twins

underlying stimulate

unfamiliar inherit

prodigy predisposition/inclination

versus inborn/innate

conflicting acquisition

myth aptitude

trait take up

interact heredity
Unit 2: The Achilles Heel
go far beyond
make something look cool
that was it
what keeps me going
terminal illness
malignant tumor
no small task
buckle down
get going
overcoming great odds
Unit 3: Early to Bed, Early to
to have a tendency touch on
over the course of fatigue
that being said to make something a priority
consistency chronic fatigue
pretty well knackered
reset prior
sleep deprivation interpersonal
intrinsic intrapersonal
recover be drowsy
tolerate irritable
clinically proven burn the midnight oil
maintain nap
circadian clock/rhythm nod off
sleep debt power nap
to accumulate a sleep debt run by
to make an educated guess shut-eye
accumulate demonstrate
get cranky a major concern
Unit 7: Do Your Homework!
conflicted mindset

it turns out privilege

figure strictness coupled with love

heated to strive for excellence

hesitation permissive

motivation reasonable

plow through take issue with

rigorous to go over the top

sample size pay off

shocking a few hiccups

controversy to measure up to expectations

in a nutshell in the retrospect

measure up to
Unit 1: Information Overload
newsworthy lethal

intake to make a connection

perspective regardless of

repetitive to be addicted to

bias to be plugged into

inconsequential raise

despair to take a break from

remedy to have a focus on

barrage to get the scoop on

immobilized to make a connection to

disengage from daily

spiritual renewal underlying

leaves so much to be desired distract

immersed attention deficit disorder

media-saturated world coverage

comes in second fantasy

evade put an emphasis on

Unit 9: Finding a Niche
unique miniature

native tongue to be at a historical high

culture shock interpret

reversed culture shock niche

flourishing support

tight-knit hands-on

assimilate to have a hard time

suppressed to blend in

relieved to deal with

mainstream learn by doing

bone up on in the process

intimidating encouragement

uprooted punishment

set apart do your part

to assimilate into mainstream culture

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