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Class Notes: The First Computers


The term "computer" originally referred to a human who performed numerical

calculations, often with the aid of a mechanical calculating device.
Ancient Tools and Devices:

Abacus: An ancient calculating tool used primarily in parts of Asia for arithmetic
Antikythera Mechanism: An ancient Greek analog device used to predict astronomical
positions and eclipses.
Mechanical Computers:

Pascaline (1642): Invented by Blaise Pascal, it was a mechanical calculator capable

of addition and subtraction.
Difference Engine (1822): Proposed by Charles Babbage, this machine was designed to
automate the process of creating mathematical tables. It was never fully built in
his lifetime.
Analytical Engine (Mid-1830s): Also proposed by Babbage, this machine was designed
to be programmable using punch cards. Ada Lovelace wrote the first algorithm
intended for this engine, earning her the title of the world's first computer
Electromechanical Computers:

Z3 (1941): Designed by Konrad Zuse in Germany, it was the first automatic,

programmable digital computer and was used for aircraft and missile designs.
Harvard Mark I (1944): Built by Howard Aiken and Grace Hopper at Harvard
University, it was a large-scale electromechanical computer.

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