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Cavendish University Zambia

Code of Name of the Module Date of Time of Set

the exam exam
ICT 113 Information Systems 8th June, 09:00 1

You are advised to read the following before answering the examination questions.

1. Read each of the questions carefully before you answer.

2. Number the answers to the questions clearly before answering.
3. Answer all parts of a question at one place in continuous manner.
4. Please write as clearly as possible as illegible handwriting cannot marked.

This paper contains two parts; Section A and Section B. Section A is compulsory and comprises two
questions; Q.1 having four sub questions of five marks each is based on a case study and Q.2 having four
sub questions of five marks each is based on case study as Q.1 or based on a core topic of the
module/syllabus. Section B contains five questions having two sub questions of ten marks each. Answer
any three questions from section B.

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ICT 113
Information Systems
Sections A
Answer both questions

Smart Cities
Smart cities operate through the integration of various technologies and data-driven solutions to
enhance the efficiency, sustainability, and quality of urban life. Here are some key aspects of
how smart cities operate:

Internet of Things (IoT) Infrastructure: Smart cities rely on a network of interconnected

sensors, devices, computers and systems that collect and exchange data. This infrastructure
enables real-time monitoring and control of various urban elements, such as transportation,
energy consumption, waste management, and public safety. (Chat GPT, 2023)

Data Collection and Analysis: Smart cities gather vast amounts of data from numerous
sources, including sensors, social media, and public records. Advanced analytics and data
processing techniques are used to make sense of this information, derive insights, and identify
patterns to inform decision-making. (Open AI, 2023)

Sustainable Energy and Resource Management: Smart cities prioritize the efficient use of
energy and resources. They integrate renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power,
and employ smart grids for optimal distribution. Smart water management systems, waste
management solutions, and intelligent lighting systems are also implemented to reduce
environmental impact. (Chat GPT, 2023)

Intelligent Transportation Systems: Smart cities aim to improve transportation by using

technology to optimize traffic flow, reduce congestion, and enhance public transit systems. This
may involve intelligent traffic signals, real-time traffic monitoring, smart parking systems, and
the integration of various modes of transport, including electric vehicles and bike-sharing
programs. (Open AI, 2023)

Infrastructure and Service Management: Smart cities use technology to optimize the
maintenance and management of infrastructure assets. Remote monitoring, predictive
maintenance, and automation are employed to ensure the efficient functioning of utilities,
transportation networks, and public facilities. (Chat GPT, 2023)

It's important to note that the implementation of smart city initiatives can vary depending on the
specific goals, priorities, and resources of each city. The key idea behind a smart city is to
leverage technology and data to create a sustainable, connected, and citizen-centric urban
environment. (Chat GPT, 2023)

You have been employed as a business analyst for the implementation of this concept in the city
shown in figure 1.

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Figure 1.
Q. 1.
a) Write a negotiation letter to project sponsors suggesting communication technologies to
use for the above city (5 marks)
b) To ensure network reliability suggest two (2) connection patterns (5 marks)
c) The distance between Smart Utility and Smart Factories is 100Km suggest five
(5) information systems to be used. (5 marks)
d) For Internet of Things (IoT) to work for the Residential areas shown suggest five (5)
transmission media (5 marks)

Total 20 Marks

Q. 2.
a) Write a memo letter to the operations director indicating five (5) systems acquisition
methods you could use as a Smart City (5 marks)
b) Outline five (5) types of servers that could be used by the Smart City (5 marks)
c) Data Collection and Analysis is a vital part of Smart Cities; what hardware devices could
be used for this function. (5 marks)
d) State any five (5) business hardware systems needed for business district to function (5

Total 20 Marks

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Section B
Answer any three (3) questions
Q. 3.
a) Suggest ten (10) features of word processor that could be used for business operations (10
b) Explain in detail any five (5) business software could be used in the smart city (10 marks)

Total 20 Marks

Q. 4.
a) With the aid of a diagram show the technologies required for e-commerce. (10 marks)
b) Discuss the privacy and intellectual issues associated with e-commerce (10 marks)

Total 20 Marks

Q. 5.
a) Evaluate the technologies needed for electric vehicles and bike-sharing programs (10 marks)
b) Narrate how global position system (GPS) satellites could be used to market the smart city
(10 marks)

Total 20 Marks

Figure 2.

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Q. 6.
a) Identify and explain the functions of three (3) bars and two (2) panes from Figure 2. (10
b) Explain the steps needed to insert new slide and images in the software in figure 2 (10 marks)

Total 20 Marks

Figure 3

a) Identify and explain the following features
a. Formula bar and explain how to insert a formula
b. Cell and explain its functions
c. Text wrap and its functions
d. Drag cursor option – and how to use it
e. Template and explain how to use it
(10 marks)
b) Outline any five (5) operating systems and five (5) utility software used in an office (10

Total 20 Marks

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