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Andrea Palladio - The Villas

Author: Luca Trevisan

Prefaces: Lionello Puppi
Format: cm 27 x 32,5
Pages: 224
Illustrations: about 200
Binding: Hardback with laminated dust jacket
Language: English
Price: D 45,00

ISBN: 978-88-96045-58-9

alladio - LE VILLE - ITALIANO 02/08/12 15.16 Pagina 27 his volume was originally published on the occasion of the
five-hundredth anniversary of the birth of the great architect
Andrea Palladio in 2008. SASSI is publishing this new edi-
tion on the villas; in combination with a forthcoming volume on
Palladio’s palaces, churches and public works it will comprise the
most complete and exhaustive monograph on the architect’s work.
With the help of a set of iconic photographs with great visual impact
that were tailored specifically to the text, author Luca Trevisan traces
the evolution of the theory and practice of this Vicentine architect,
the most influential in the history of Western architecture. Through
a close reading of the drawings in Palladio’s Quattro Libri dell’Ar-
chitettura (Venice, 1570), Trevisan makes connections between the
buildings as they were built and the concepts and designs behind
them, which employed classical architecture and Vitruvian teachings
in a then-contemporary and Renaissance setting.
With its modern design, this book resembles a contemporary archi-
tecture book more than a historical overview. That design emphasi-
zes the functional nature and precision of Palladio’s work.
The photographs highlight the purity of Palladio’s buildings and are
paired with drawings from the architect’s Quattro Libri. They make
this book a must-have for architects, researchers, scholars and an-
yone else working in the field who wants to draw inspiration and
knowledge from Palladio’s magnificent work.

Art historian LUCA TREVISAN performs research at the University of Verona.
He has lectured at many meetings, seminars and conferences. He was recently a
member of the research team for the exhibit “Tiziano. L’ultimo atto”, curated by
Lionello Puppi (Belluno-Pieve di Cadore, 15 September 2007 - 6 January 2008)
and also did scientific research for an exhibit on Giorgione (Castelfranco Veneto,
12 December 2009 – 11 April 2010) curated by Enrico Maria Dal Pozzolo, Anto-
nio Paolucci and Lionello Puppi. Most of his publications (monographs, essays in
magazines, conference papers, contributions to anthologies, exhibit catalogues and
so on) have been in the area of archival research and issues in Veneto art from the
fifteenth to the twentieth centuries, with a focus on Vicentine architecture. Titles
include Palladio. The Villas (2008), Vicenza - Art, architecture and landscape (2009)
and The Wood Intarsia of Renaissance Italy (2011).
Villa Badoer, veduTa deLLa viLLa daL
eruditi dell’epoca –, esso giustificava l’adozione di un e conduce una tesissima ricerca evolutiva in termini

Sassi Editore Srl Viale Roma 122/b - 36015 Schio (Vicenza) - Italy - Tel./Fax +39.0445.539051
muro di cinTa, 1554-55. pronao quale ingresso trionfale di una casa di campagna: linguistici non meno che concettuali, è sotto il profilo
ß elemento che nell’antichità solitamente – e Andrea ne era dell’utilizzo pratico di questi settori nevralgici che non
Villa Badoer, veduTa inTerna deLLa
Barchessa curviLinea, 1554-55.
ben consapevole – era destinato all’architettura sacrale. si attuano, a conti fatti, cambiamenti sostanziali.
Ma proprio questa consapevolezza, il riscontrare cioè Il pronao all’antica apposto alle facciate delle dimore
che il pronao era struttura tradizionalmente impiegata
nei templi classici, garantiva e giustificava per altra -
di campagna palladiane mantiene, infatti, nella sua
intima consistenza plastica, la medesima funzione del
via il suo impiego in una dimora signorile collocata nel portico a tre archi impiegato da Andrea nelle abitazioni
cuore delle pertinenze fondiarie di Fratta Polesine di suburbane sino al termine degli anni quaranta. Si
Francesco Badoer, il committente (il cui nome è rivelato trattava di creare una zona osmotica tra la campagna e

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