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Decreed by Competent Authority

Only persons with legitimate authority have the power to create and implement
laws for their respective communities. (Competent and Legitimate Authority)
Formal the Sake of the Common Good
Common good – Sum total of benefits by individuals from government and from
the nation as whole.
“Universal Happiness of All Men”
- It presupposes the promotion of and respect for the dignity and true
freedom of each person.
- It should also foster the well-being and authentic development of the
community itself

On the Moral Laws

Moral Laws
- Governs mans behavior and contains truth and ethical principle
which guides peoples conduct on matters of right and wrong.
- Carl Petzche (Moral Theologian) - Moral Law and its universal
meaning as the directive ordering a person activity on a day-to-day basis
towards into ultimate goal or end.
- (We always counter sin, confronted by laws and conscience)
(applicable satin)
- Gives direction to man’s activities towards the ultimate end. Reason
why the need to conform
- Moral laws in a narrower meaning are directives of obligations
Kinds of Law
Eternal Law
Natural Law
Human Law (Church and Civil Law
Eternal Law (Movement)
- The plan of the Divine Wisdom as to directing all actions and
movements in the universe. (The world is rule by the divine providence)
- Unchangeable.
- Planned in Eternity.
- Eg. The creation of the Universe, Angels and everything that exists in

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