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International Conference on Communication and Information Processing

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Automatic Water Reading and Billing System by GSM Module

Manish Gavandea, Shradha Yashwadb, Dhanashri Gaikwad c, Dr. N. N. Ghuged

a, b, c : Students, Department of Electrical Engineering BSIOTR,Wagholi,Pune-412207,India

d : Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering BSIOTR,Wagholi,Pune-412207,India


The restructuring of the Maharashtra State Electricity Board is changing the power scenario in the state. Within a
span of one year, the restructuring has started yielding good results and there seems a great promise for the future of
the power sector in the state. Proper restructuring of an electrical utility is possible only by proper analysis of the
randomly varying parameters of the entire system. The analysis of these randomly varying parameters is done using
various statistical methods. These statistical methods include probability distribution functions like Weibull
Distribution, Beta Distribution. For the purpose of proper planning and forecasting the average values of these
parameters are calculated by the above said methods and are compared with arithmetic mean.

Keywords- Arduino Mega, Flow sensor, Load cell, GSM Module, Solenoid Valve, MOSFET

Water is a precious natural resource with fixed quantum of availability. With continuous growth in our country’s
population, the per capita availability of utilizable water is going down. Rapid industrialization and urbanization
have led to an improved standard of living which has increased the demand for fresh water. However, unlike
electricity and fuel, the importance of water usage optimization in the monetary point of view is not that pronounced.
The fear that the cost of additional measurement, control, and automation of the related parameters may result in an
exponential increase in water bills has acted as a major deterrent in the past years. The Per capita availability of fresh
water in 2014 for the United States was 8,836 m3. Whereas, for India, it was just 1,116 m3 [1]. This number is
decreasing every year which is evident as it was 1816 m3 in 2001 and 1545 m3 in 2011 [2]. We do not have the
motivating force to put resources into the establishments and usage of mechanically propelled frameworks for the
organized distribution of water. This endless loop has profoundly affected the water the executives framework
causing unrecorded and wretched misfortunes in water amount. This paper aims at developing a meticulous water
management system at a city level that will guarantee measured, recorded and continuous supply of water with 24x7
supply of water, overcoming the major issues of unaccounted supply to entities and Non-Revenue Water (NRW) [3].
Instead of providing unregulated water for a limited period i.e. a time based water system (currently deployed in
many parts of India), a quota-based system is proposed wherein water will be provided all day. The quantity
relegated to every element will be chosen powerfully dependent on different organic market parameters.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +917219294546

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2 Manish Gavande

Wastage of water in the process of manually operated water pump, human error Associated with manually operated
system, improper bill creation, delay in bill availability and delay in payment.

 To avoid wastage of water and minimize human interference.
 To avoid mismanagement in payment process.


Water Billing System is an automated system that was based on paying water bills. ... This system can manage
transaction such as creating an invoice and paying the bills of customers. It will track all the records of the customer
if they have paid on the due date or not.

Tanvir Rahman, et.all [4] in the paper “Automated Household Water Supply Monitoring & Billing System” research in
household water supply monitoring & billing. Arduino mega 2560 was utilized in this project along with double relay for
automation of the switching feature and water level sensors and water flow sensors was used to detect the level and the
amount of water used respectively. The component of this undertaking is programmed exchanging of the DC water motor
dependent of water present in supply alongside show of the measure of water utilized in each square. For the display, an
LCD Alphanumeric display was used. We have also included a set capacity of usage for each floor and billing according to
Manish Kumar Jha et all [5] in the paper “Smart Water Monitoring System for Real-time water quality and usage
monitoring” paper aims at designing a Smart Water Monitoring System (SWMS) for real-time water quality and usage
monitoring. It comprises of two sections: Smart Water Quantity meter and Smart Water Quality meter. The goal of
planning Smart Water Quantity Meter is to guarantee water protection by observing the measure of water devoured by a
family unit, informing the equivalent to the customer and the authority. A three-section charging framework produces
utilization charge as indicated by the amount expended. The Smart Water Quality meter checks the purity of portable
water that the consumer receives, by measuring five qualitative parameters of water viz. pH, temperature, turbidity,
dissolved oxygen and conductivity [12]. The framework guarantees to forestall any wellbeing dangers or potential dangers
caused because of unplanned drainage of sewage or homestead discharge into the compact water. An online monitoring
system is to provide these data on the cloud in real-time. Any violations in either the usage limit or water quality is
immediately notified to the consumer and authority via SMS and an alert signal generated by the system.
Gajanan Gawde et all [6] in the paper “Smart Water Flow Monitoring and Forecasting System”, Precise metering and
deciding appropriate duty, just as charging framework, are essential in water the executives framework. The paper
proposes a strategy to watch and conjecture the utilization of the water in the residential pipeline through a web server.
There are numerous frameworks to do likewise, yet this is tied in with checking utilization of water utilizing the Internet
with the assistance of Raspberry pi and Arduino. The stream pace of the water is estimated by Hall Effect sensor based
flow meter. Raspberry Pi a micro-computer receives the data from Arduino micro-controller which is connected to the
flow meter. The Raspberry pi uploads the data onto cloud infrastructure where database is setup. The web base solution
also depicts the day to day consumption of the water to its users and water distributors. The paper also aims at predicting
the consumption of the water in future for its users using advance data analytics. This paper also includes demand
management, asset management, and leakage management aspects of water management system.
Naman Satiya, et all [7] in the paper “Optimization of Water Consumption Using Dynamic Quota based Smart Water
Management System” Water is an imperative asset forever and for the economy. These days, one of the most genuine
difficulties to tackle is to oversee water shortage. As the significance of water use enhancement in financial perspective
can't articulated, we do not have the impetus to put resources into actualizing innovatively propelled frameworks for sorted
out appropriation of water.
This paper depicts the improvement of a careful water appropriation framework at a city level that will ensure a persistent
stock of water, conquering some significant issues like unaccounted supply to substances and Non-Revenue Water
(NRW). A centralized control room equipped with a local computing machine and a Human Machine Interface (HMI) to
monitor and control the city’s water system is proposed.

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Automatic Water Reading and Billing System by GSM Module 3

A brilliant tax framework ought to be practiced with an IoT-empowered versatile amicable web-based interface created for
getting to different water utilization measurements went with a choice of taking care of water tabs on the web. In this
volumetric, limit based model, the quota assigned to each entity is decided dynamically based on various supply and
demand parameters including the availability of water with changing seasons. Adaptive learning through machine learning
algorithms was used for the same. Unbilled, unapproved utilization, obvious misfortunes (water robbery and metering
errors) and transportation misfortunes was controlled by observing from a remote area by means of IoT. Higher level of
robbery and spillage was finished up utilizing
misfortune identification strategy utilizing the differential stream information. Here, a novel, practical, ongoing
monitorable and controllable framework is proposed with an examination on a model reenactment being performed for
ideal water conveyance.


Fig. 1 Block Diagram of Proposed System

Here we have used Arduino Mega 2560 as a controller which controls all the operations, The Arduino Mega 2560 is a
microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560. It has 54 computerized input/yield pins (of which 14 can be utilized as
PWM yields), 16 simple data sources, 4 UARTs (equipment sequential ports), a 16 MHz precious stone oscillator, USB
association, power jack, an ICSP header, and reset button. All the operations performed will be displayed on LCD. Load
cell is used to measure the weight of the water available in the tank. When the tank is empty it will message to the user to
notify the tank is empty. A solenoid valve is used to control the water flow to the user. If the customer want 1 liter of water
then 1 liter of water would be taken by the tank with the help of controlling of the solenoid valve through the MOSFET
circuit. And automatic bill will be generated by the user for what amount of water would be used by user. This information
will be send to the user with the help of GSM module used in the circuit [11].

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4 Manish Gavande

1. Initially Customer will recharge the bill amount of water whatever he needed through the GSM module.
2. If the required amount of water not available in the tank then it will send message to the user that no sufficient amount
of water is available.
3. When the customer recharge for 1 liter of water and the water is available in the tank then load cell 1 first detect the
water present in the tank, if available then solenoid valve will control the flow of water.
4. Another load cell 2 will be placed at the bucket area it weights the water if 1 liter of water will be out from tank and
load cell 2 detect the 1 liter of water in bucket, then it will message to the solenoid valve to close the flow of water. And
the customer get the required water for which he paid.
5. All the operations are displayed on the LCD display.

Here we have to use a controller Arduino Mega which controls al the operations, The Arduino Mega 2560 is a
microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560. It has 54 computerized input/yield pins (of which 14 can be utilized as
PWM yields), 16 simple data sources, 4 UARTs (equipment sequential ports), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator oscillator, a
USB association, a force jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button [8]. All the operations performed will be displayed on
LCD. Load cell is used to measure the weight of the water available in the tank. When the tank is empty it will message
to the user to notify the tank is empty. A solenoid valve is used to control the water flow to the user. If the customer want
1 liter of water then 1 liter of water would be taken by the tank with the help of controlling of the solenoid valve through
the MOSFET circuit. And automatic bill will be generated by the user for what amount of water would be used by user.
This information will be placed to the user with the help of GSM module used in the circuit [9,10].

IV. Actual Implemented System

Fig. 2 Implemented System

V. The Comparison
For conventional system: Remote monitoring is not possible, Control the Domestic meter only at respective customer
house, Tempering alert feature not possible, It does not provide auto disconnect feature, It does not provide power cut
information, Data security in this system meter reading error possible and it provide less security of data, Huge man
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Automatic Water Reading and Billing System by GSM Module 5

power required.
For GSM Based AMR system Remote monitoring is possible, Control the Domestic meter anywhere in world, It provide
tempering alert feature in case of tempering, a SMS send to the customer, GSM based AMR system provide auto
disconnect feature, It system provide the power cut information, AMR system avoid meter reading error and reading data
automatically also provides increased security of data, It has less man power required

Fig. 3 Control Circuit Fig. 4 Control Circuit

This proposed framework gives data about the plan of a GSM based water charging framework. The organization of the
proposed framework utilizes the current GSM arrange, where the water meter framework can send its readings
straightforwardly to a server application utilizing a GSM modem. The application itself can notify subscribers of their bills
using SMS as well also it Increase Limit for power supply, and decrease water wastage.


In future scope we can develop an android app so we can show All information with regards to billing must be well
calculated inside the billing system. The framework will likewise process the punishments when the customer's neglected
to settle their installment on booked time on their agreement understanding. The framework will produce customs
solicitations fluctuating succession of numbers. Charging and Collection System centers around assortment procedure and
issuance of legitimate receipt to customer. Billing System processes only the transaction between the agreed contracts by
the client and as soon as the payment process is done the collection information will be forwarded to Account Receivable.
The proposed framework configuration to improve the present charging and assortment process. It additionally centers on
issues of security guaranteeing that the approved people just are permitted to get to the framework. Also in future we can
check the quality of water using TDS sensor. To get information on app how much water is purified.

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6 Manish Gavande


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[4] T. Rehman, T. Ahmed, I. Hasan and Md. Alam, “Automated Household Water Supply Monitoring & Billing
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Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, April 6-8, 2016.

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Automatic Water Reading and Billing System by GSM Module 7

Author 1:Mr.Manish Gawande

He is currently pursuing degree in Electrical Engineering from JSPM’s BhivarabaiSawant

Institute Of Technology & Research, WagholiPunSavitribaiPhule Pune University.

Author 2:Ms, Shraddha Yashwad

She has completed Diploma in Electrical Engineering from Vidya Vikas

Pratishthan,Soregaon,Solapur in 2014-17. Now She is pursuing degree in Electrical
Engineering from JSPM’s Bhivarabai Sawant Institute of Technology & Research,
Wagholi Pune in Savitribai Phule Pune University.

Author 3:Ms. Dhanashri Gaikwad

She has completed Diploma in Electrical Engineering from Government Polytechnic

Pune in 2014-17. Now She is pursuing degree in Electrical Engineering from JSPM’s
Bhivarabai Sawant Institute of Technology & Research, Wagholi Pune in SavitribaiPhule
Pune University.

Author 4: N .N. Ghuge

He received his BE in Instrumentation from North Maharshtra University in 1996, ME in

Instrumentation with Computerized Process Control as specialization from SRTM
University Nanded in 2007 and PhD in Electronics & Communication Engineering from
JJT University in 2017. Presently working as Professor and Head Electrical Engineering
in JSPM's Bhivarabai Sawant Institute of Tech. & Research, Pune. His research interests
include Image Processing and Control System. He has been involved in development of
Control & PLC Lab. He is a Member Board Studies Of Electrical Engineering at Solapur

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