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Usage and applications of AI in Facebook:

As users browse, message, like, and click, Facebook continues to collect data,
which it then bundles for marketers. Facebook employs artificial intelligence in the
background to organize the disorganized data it collects about our tastes,
aspirations, and social connections. Facebook expands its business by learning
more about its users and preparing their data for advertising. Then, it makes use of
this money to reinvest in bringing us additional, useful functionality—at the
present, video and shopping—while also using it to learn even more details about

Facebook employs AI algorithms to tailor each user's news feed based on their
preferences, behaviours, and interactions with other information on the platform.
Users can view more pertinent and interesting items in their news feed as a result,
which keeps them interested in the platform.

Other usage of AI in Facebook involves:

Image and Video Recognition: In order to give users more pertinent tags, captions,
comments and suggestions, Facebook employs AI to automatically recognise and
identify objects, people, and even emotions in images and videos. For example: if
someone posts a good news on facebook, AI recognizes the posts and suggest
comments that exactly match the situation.

Language Translation: In order to automatically translate posts, comments, and

messages into more than 100 different languages, Facebook uses AI. This
facilitates global communication.

It is astounding how Facebook's "People You May Know" feature can determine
who you could know in real life. And the majority of the time, they are correct! To
achieve this magical effect, AI algorithms analyse your profile, your interests, your
existing friends and their friends, as well as a number of other characteristics, to
determine who you may know.

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