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PHAN 1:30 NGAY ON NHANH TAT TAN T)i.T NGO'PHAP ............................................................... 8

Chuyem de 1: Chinh Ph~c NgO' Am ............................................................................................. 9
Chuyen de 2: Tuy~t Chieu Dung Th9o 12 Thl Trong Tieng Anh .............................................. 13
Chuyen de 3: Nam Chac cac D 0ng TCr Khuyet Thieu Thuong G~p ........................................ 21
Chuyen de 4: Chinh Ph~c Cau fli'eu Ki~n va cau lfoc ............................................................. 26
Chuyen de 5: Nho Ky cau Bi Dong ........................................................................................... 29
Chuyen de 6: Khong con Lo Lang Vl cau Hoi fluoi ................................................................. 34
Chuyen de 7: cau Gian Tiep Khong He Kh6 ............................................................................. 37
Chuyen de 8: Kham Pha Danh fl¢ng TCr va fl 0ng TCr Nguyen Mau ........................................ 41
Chuyen de 9: Sl! Hoa Hqp GiO'a Chu Ngfr va D0ng TLr ........................................................... 46
Chuyen de 1o: M~nh fle Quan H$ Va Rut G9n ......................................................................... 50
Chuyen de 11: Nh$n Biet TCr Lolli ............................................................................................. 55
Chuyen de 12: Tfnh TLr C6 Gl? ................................................................................,................. 59
Chuyen de 13: TCr H\ln flinh va fl\li TCr..................................................................................... 61
chuyen de 14: Kien Tht!c ve Luqng TCr ................................. ; ................................................. 66
Chuyen de 15: each Dung Gioi TCr can Biet ............................................................................ 68
Chuyen de 16: M& Kh6a Cau So Sanh ..................................................................................... 73
Chuyen de 17: M~nh De Tr\lng NgO' ......................................................................................... 77
Chuyen de 18: Lrng floi Troi Chay cau Cht!c Nang Giao Tiep ................................................ 82
PHAN II: CAC CHU DIEM TlrVI,l'NG CAN THIET ................................................................ 90
A. TlrVI,l'NG VA BAI T~P ................................................................................................ 91
Chu de 1. School ....................................................................................................................... 91
Chu de 2. Leisure Activities ...................................................................................................... 95
Chu de 3. City And Country Life ................................................................................................ 99
Chu de 4. Places And Wonders ..............................................................................................1 02
Chu de 5. Environment... ........................................................................................................ 1 05
Chu de 6. Health .....................................................................................................................1 09
Chu de 7. Community Service ................................................................................................ 112
Chu de 8. Music And Arts ....................................................................................................... 115
Chu de 9. Food And Drinks ..................................................................................................... 119
Chu de 1o. Traffic ....................................................................................................................122
Chu de 11. customs And Traditions ...................................................................................... 125
Chu de 12. Festival And Holiday ............................................................................................128
Chu de 13. The Media .............................................................................................................132
Chu de 14. Tourism .................................................................................................................135
Chu de 15. Other Planets ........................................................................................................ 138
Chu de 16. Energy ...................................................................................................................141
Chu de 17. Science And Technology ..................................................................................... 144
Chu de 18. Changing Roles In Society ................................................................................... 147
Chu de 19. Cum Dl)ng Hr (Phrasal Verb) .............................................................................. 151
Chu de 20. Idioms Va Collocations ........................................................................................164
ll. DAP AN VA HU'ONG DAN GIAI .................................................................................. 173
PHAN Ill: THI ..................................................................................... 197
A.LUYeN T~P ............................................................................................................... 198
Chuyen de 1. 50 Cau Luy$n D<Jng Hoim Thanh Ciiu ............................................................. 1 98
Chuyen de 2. 50 Ciiu Luy$n D<Jng Tlm Loi Sai ....................................................................... 201
Chuyen cie 3. 50 Ciiu Luy$n D<;~ng Hr Dong NghTa Va TlJ' Trai NghTa ................................... 205
Chuyen de 4. 50 Cau Luy$n D<Jng Chi a Dl)ng TlJ' ................................................................... 211
Chuyen de 5. 1 o Bai Luy$n D;;mg Hoan Thanh Doan Van ..................................................... 214
Chuyen de 6. 1 o Bai Luy$n D<Jng D9c Hieu- Tra Loi cau Hoi ............................................. 219
Chuyen de 7. so Ciiu Luy$n D<Jng Viet Lai Ciiu ..................................................................... 228
Chuyen de 8. 1o Bai Luy$n D<Jng Viet Do an Van Hoac Email ............................................... 236
B. DAP AN VA HU'ONG DAN GIAI .................................................................................. 243
PHAlli IV: THI THI ........................................ 275
V: THI .............................................................................. 280
A. MI;O, lli KIP VA KINH NGHieM CHQN DAP AN TRAC NGHI~M .................................. 281
ll. SKIMMING & SCANNING - Bl KIP HOA GIAI MQIIlAI DQC HIEU ............................... 2114
Ky thi tuyen sinh vi10 10 dang den rat gan, m(lt bl!6c nge~t 16n doi v6i moi sT tlr, danh dilu
"nguy\ln v9ng" thanh c6ng dau dcri.
Lam the nae de blrt pha tlJ' h9c sinh trung binh tang nhanh len 7, 8 diem?
Lam the nae de d;;lt diem thu khea, a khea 9, 1 o trong ky thi?
C6 5 yeu to quan tr9ng quyet dinh t6i diem so cua h9c sinh trong giai de;;ln nl!6c rut nay chfnh
1 . Kien thlrc
2. Chien thu~t h9c tang diem
3. Toe d9 lam de, phan x" de
4. Tam ly phong thi vfrng vang
5. S\f cham chi, kien tri

6n sai each, ll!oi bieng, chenh mang se khien 1\fc h9c cua b;;ln mai d~m chan t<Ji cho. Giai phap
ctl'u canh thf sinh can ngay bay gio chfnh Ia b9 sach "CAP T6C 789+" tong 6n thi vae 1o v6i 3
m6n quan tr9ng: Tean, Van, Tieng Anh se giup b;;ln:
• T~p trung 6n dung, du, trung phan kien thtl'c t~p trung nhat, trimh 6n Ian man, kh6ng
dung m~c tieu diem so
• Cung cap b9 cau hoi chat l9c nhat v6i nhO'ng d;;lng bai tlJ' mtl'c d9 de den kh6, c6 kha
nang cae xuat hi\ln treng de thi
• Tang Cl!ong phan Xi? de, thu n;;lp nhieu phmmg phap giai tat, nham nhanh, dean y giup
nhan 3 toe d9 lam de
• B6 tui nhieu m~e, tips tranh bay hay Ia kinh nghi\lm c6 1-0-2 tlJ' cac anh, chi thu khea, a
khea di tm6c
• va d~c bi\lt kh6ng the thieu nhfrng lcri khuyen hfru rch de vae phong thi c6 tam ly theai
mai nhat

flay cOng Ia b9 sach d~c bi\lt c6 phan chi a cac cap d9 kien thtl'c thee tlJ'ng m~c tieu diem so
7+, 8+, 9+ phu hqp v6i meng muon diem thi cua moi bi;ln, giup sTtll' ROT NGAN thai gian 6n thi
cua minh va van hi\lu qua cae. Ket qua Ia khi lam t6i nhfrng b9 de chuan cau true treng sach,
b;;ln se hai long vi diem so tang len dang ke.

Cuon sach "Cap toe 789+" m6n Tieng Anh dl!qc bien se;;ln b&i nh6m tac gia giau chuyen m6n,
dl!6i S\f dinh hli6ng, chu bien co fl~ng Nguy\lt Ha- m(lt giae vien nhieu kinh nghi\lm treng vi\lc
bien sei;ln cac tai li\lu d(ly va h9c m6n Tieng Anh a b~c THCS.

Treng qua trinh bien se;;ln cuon sach chile chan kh6ng tr<lnh kh6i thieu s6t, meng b;;ln thong
cam va chia se, dong g6p nhfrng thac mac de CUOn sach dl!Q'C hean thi\ln han treng nhfrng ian
tai bim sau.

fl~ng Nguy\lt Ha (Chu bien)

~ ..,.., ... ...



Trang 7



Trang 8
A.<JII A# ... <JII



1. Phiiliim
1.1. Nguyen am va ph\1 am
a. Nguyen am
-Nguyen am Ia nhling dao di)ng cua thanh quan hay nhling am ma khi ta phat ra Iuong khf tCr
thanh quan len moi kh6ng bj can tro.
- C6 20 am tiet Ia nguyen am trong tieng Anh. Trang d6, nguyen am dtrqc chia ra thanh 2 loai:
nguyen am dan va nguyen am d6i.

Philn lo~i Nguyen am Vfd\1

Nguyen am ngan: /I/; in /In/: trong
/e/;/u/;/u/;/A/;/a/. CUt /kAt/: cat
men /men/: dan 6ng
book /buk/: sach
hot /hut/: n6ng
Nguyen am dan Nguyen am dai: /i:/; meet /mi:t/: g~p
Ire/; /o:/; /u:/; /a:/; /3:/. act /rekt!: hanh di)ng
manager/' mren.1.d3ar/: quan ly
loop /lu:p/: vong l~p
last /la:st/: cu6i cung
term /h:m/: h<;>c ky, chu ky
/e1/; /au/; leal; /ua/; basic /'bei.sik/: co ban
/a1/; /au/; hal; /o1/ slowly /slau/: cham
tour /tuar/: tham quan, du ljch
Nguyen am doi wear /wear/: m~c
care /kear/: quan tam
noisy /'noi.Zi(; on ao
go /gaul: di

b. PhiJ am
-Ph~ am Ia am ph at tCr thanh quan qua mi$ng hay nhling am khi phat ra, Iuong khf tCr thanh
quan len moi bj can tro, bj tac.
- Ph~ am chi phat ra thanh tieng trong loi n6i khi ph6i hqp voi nguyen am.

Phan lo~i Ph\1 am Vfd\1

/p/; If!; Is/; If/; /k/; It!; kitty /'kr.ti/: meo con
/8/;/tJ/ think /8I8k/: nghT
chubby /'tfAb.i/: m§p m(lp
Ph\1 am
ship /fip/: tau
fish /fiJI: ca
sense /sens/: giac quan
tent /tent/: l'eu
/b/; /d/; /g/; /d3/; /v/; girl/g3:l/: co gai
Ph\1 am
IN; /z/;/3/ business/' kinh doanh
hliu thanh
zoo /zu:/: so thu

Trang 9

casual/'k<e3_ju_alf: binh thuong

duck /dAk/: con vjt
vegetable /'ved3_ta_bal!: rau cu qua
1---------------l-/:m--,1.--!'n-1-:-; 1-:-~-:1.--;""h7/;-/71cc/;-+.h-o"-tel /hao'tel/: khach s;;m
/r/; /j/; /w/ marketing /' tiep thi
so ph~ am
world /w3:ld/: the gioi
con l<;~i
need /ni:d/: nhu cau
round /raond/: vong

1.2_ Cilch iim s/es

- Ta din ell' vao am cu6i cua danh tCr ho~c d9ng tCr tru&c khi duqc them "s" ho?c "es" de ph an bi~t
ba each doc khac nhau nhu sau: /s/, /iz/, /z/

phat am Dau hi~u

Khi tl.r c6 t~n cung Ia
path!>. clap!>, kicks, chef§, hit§
Is/ cac ph~ am If/, It!, !kl,
/p/, /8/
----~-- "----- ---
"" -------
Khi tCr c6 t~n cung Ia bus§ wash§ catch§ fizz§ judges
cac am /s/, /z/, If!, ltf!,
/3/, /d3/ (thuong c6
t~n cung Ia cac chfr cai
-s, -ss, -ch, -sh, -x, -z, -o,
-ge, -ce) I ---~-----

Khi tCr c6 tan cung Ia rub!>, cards, egg§, wall!>, nam§ clean!>, !
nguyen am va ciic phu wear§, lives, cloth§ tri§ toy§, fear!>, day§,
/z/ am con l9i: /b/, !d!, row!>, pair!>, belong§
/g/, /1/, /m/, /n/, /r/,
/v/, !of, 1~1

1.3. each ilm -ed
- Ta can ell' vao am cu6i cua d9ng tCr tmoc khi duqc them "ed" de ph an bi~t ba each doc khac
nhau nhlf sau: /t/, !d/, /id/
I --
Ir- each- pMt am

Dau hi~u ----~---------v~-d\1
Khi cac d9ng tcr"i<~lmatched, pushm kis-sed, hopm "laughm .
I thtlc bang am v6 thanh f tricked

Khi tCr c6 tan cung Ia robblill, hugged, called, claimm openm

ldl lam
. nguyen am va ciic phu
con l<;~i: /b/, /g/, !1/,
/m/, /n/, /r/, /v/, /d3/,
f arrived, managm breathlill, advism crim
enjoyed, staym towm repaired

1 '
Khi cac a.;>ng tCr ket
waitlill, rented, added, decided

1 /id/ thtlc bang am It! ho?c

I ;d;
L~------------- ·'-~-·---------------1.-----------------·----~---·---·--_j

d _,. .. ""

.~ LutJ y: M(lt s6 tinh tu t~n

cung c6 "ed" nhtrng each dQc kh6ng thea nguyen tile tren, ma l<;~i
atrqc ph at am Ia /id/, nhtr sau:
Tfnh tu each dQc Nghia
dogged /'dngrd/ = ngoan ctrang; kien djnh
middle-aged /,mrdl'erd3rd/ = tuoi trung nien
naked /'nerkrd/ = tran truong
ragged /'r<egrd/ = rach nat
rugged ['rAgrd] = lam cham; nlqm
sacred /'seiknd/ - thieng lieng
wicked /'wrkrd/ = ac d(\c
wretched /'relfrd/ = toi t$

2. Tr«;mg am
Quytac Vfd\1
D{lng tu
2 am tiet, trQng am thtrcrng rai ap'pear; de'gree; de'cide; ...
vao am 2. Ngo<;~i tru: 'offer; 'answer; 'enter; 'listen;
'open; 'finish; 'happen ...
Danh tit, tinh tit 2 am tiet, trQng am 'local; 'social; 'campus; 'pillow; ...
thtrcrng rai vao am 1.
Danh tit ghep c6 trQng am chinh rai vao 'raincoat; 'tea-cup; 'film-maker; 'short-hand;
am1. 'bookshop; 'footpath; 'shortlist; ...

Tfnh tlr ghep thtrcrng nhan am 1, nhtrng 'home-sick; 'air-sick; 'praiseworthy; ...
neu tinh tu
ghep c6 tu dau tien Ia tfnh tlr NHU'NG: bad-'temper; short-'sighted, well-
ho(lc tr;mg tit, ho(lc ket thuc bang du6i 'informed ...
ed thi trQng am rai vao am 2, di}ng tit
ghep va tr~ng tlr ghep c6 trQng am roi
vao am 2.
Cac tu
ket thuc v6i du6i how, what, 'somehow; 'somewhat ...
where (wh-question) ... thi nhan am 1.
Thtrcrng cac tll 2 am tiet bat aau bang "a" a'bed; a'bout; a'lone ...
thi nhan am 2.
Trang s6 aem, trQng am se nhan vao du6i four'teen; 'fourty ...
-teen; va nhan vao am 1 neu Ia du6i -ty

* Mql so quy lac danh tr<;>ng am khac

Quytac Vfdl,l
Dau nhan chinh a (It trtr6c cac am tiet: application, education, collision, provision,
"ion, ional, ion ally". traditional, internationally, etc.
* Ngo<;~i 1$: television
Dau nhan chinh a (It trtr6c cac am tiet: enthusiastic, optimistic, economics,
"ic, ical, ically". statistics, historical, numerical, specifically,
* Ngo<;~i 1$: politics, arithmetic, heretic

Trang 11
Dau nhan chfnh d~t truoc am tiet: "i!y". ability, university, capacity, community,
electricity, responsibility, etc.

Dau nhan chfnh d~t tmoc cac am tiet: biology, sociology, technology, archaeology,
"ogy, aphy, ophy, omy". geography, photography, philosophy,
economy, astronomy, etc.
Dau nhan chfnh d~t tmoc cac am tlet: physician, electrician, Brazilian, Canadian,
"ian, ial, ially". industrial, controversial, commercially, etc.

Dau nhan chfnh d~t ngay am cu6i khi am trainee, referee, refugee, interviewee,
cu6i c6 cac am: "ee", "eer'', "oo" ho~c pioneer, engineer, mountaineer, taboo,
"oon". balloon, maroon, tycoon, typhoon, etc.
* Ngoai 1~: employee, committee, reindeer
Dau nhan chfnh d~t tru&c cac am tiet: delicious, industrious, fastidious, courageous,
"ious" ho~c "eous". advantageous, tenacious, outrageous,
ostentatious, etc.
Chu y Neu chi c6 am "ous" (kh6ng Ia "ious"
I ho~c "eous"), dau nhan chfnh d~t ngay tru&c
"ous" ho~c hai van trU'6'c "ous".
Vi d!l: disastrous, scandalous, populous,
adventurous, continuous, meticulous etc.
Dau nhan chfnh d~t tru6'c cac am tlet: individual(ly), contractual, perpetual(ly),
"ual, ually". continual(ly), etc. I
Cac ti:r c6 ba am tiet tr& len, t$n cung c6 advocate, communicate, dedicate, illiterate,
am "ate" ho~c "ately", chung ta ciem accelerate, intimidate, unfortunately,
nguqc ti:r "ate, ately" ra tm&c ba am tiet immediately, deliberately, etc.
thi ci6 Ia dau nhan chfnh .

..,I LI.W y: Cac quy tac tr€m Ia dau hi$u nh$n biet pho bien de lam phan trQng am, tuy
nhien, van c6 nhieu cac ti:r kh6ng thea quy tile, do v~y cac em hQc sinh nen luy$n t$p th$t
nhieu phan nay de lam bai thanh th9o va chfnh xac nhat.

Trang 12
....:"' ....... ' ... ...


a a
eac b;m t!\p trung on 10 thi: Hi~n l?i an, Hi~n l?i tii!'p dien, Hi~n l?i hoim thanh, Ttrang fai an,
Ttrang fai tiep dien, Ttrang fai hoim thanh, Ttrang fai hoim thanh tiep dien, Qua khlr an, Qua khlr
tiep dien va Qua khlr hoan than h.
Ngoai ra, tham khao them 2 thi: Hi~n t?i hoan th8nh tiep dien va Qua khlr hoan thanh tiep dien.

1. Thl hi~m t;li don

eang thuc each dung Vf d\1
Voi d9ng tir thlfong - Dien ta m(lt s1,1 th~t hien The sun rises in the East and
+) S + V-s/es + 0 nhien, chan ly luon dung. sets in the West.
-) S +do/does+ not+ V - Dien ta m(lt th6i quen, himh My mother always gets up
+0 d9ng thtrong xay ra 6 hi$n early in the morning.
?) Do/does+ S + V + 0? t?i.
- N6i len kha nang cua m9t Messi plays football very well.
V6i dQng tll' to be ngtroi.
+) S +am/is/are+ 0 - Dien ta m(lt ho?t d(lng, ke The train to London starts at
-) S +am/is/are+ not+ ho9ch c6 dinh theo thai gian 9:45a.m.
0 bieu.
?) Am/is/are+ S + 0? -Dung trong ciiu di'eu ki$n If the weather is beautiful, I will
lo?i 1 go fishing.
Cac diiu hifw nhiin biet:
,.. Khi trong cau c6 cac tr?ng tlr: Always, usually, often, frequently, sometimes, seldom,
rarefy, hardly, never, generally, regularly. '
E.g: My dad always goes to work at 7 a.m.
,.. Khi trong cau xu at hi$n:
0 Every day, every week, every month, every year, every morning ...
0 Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, ...
• Once/ twice/ three times/ four times ... a day/ week/ month/ year, ...

eong thU'c each dung Vf d\1

- Dien ta hanh d9ng dang The kids are playing in the
+) S +am /is/ are+ dien ra va keo dai trong hi en garden now.
V-ing + 0 t?i.
-) S +am/ is/ are+ not -Dung v6'i loi de nghi. canh Be quiet! Someone is coming.
+ V-ing + 0 bao, m$nh l$nh.
?) Am/ is/ are+ S + - Dien ta mQt hanh d(Jng sap I booked the ticket yesterday. I
V-ing + 0? xay ra trong ttrang lai theo ke am flying to Bangkok
ho?ch da dinh tm6'c. tomorrow.
eau hoi v6i tude hoi - Dien ta slf khong hili long He is always complaining.
+) Wh- +am/ is/ are +S ho~c ph an nan ve vi$c gi d6
+ V-ing? khi trong cau c6 always.

Trang 13

___, S +am/ is/ are+ -Diem ta cai gi ci6 thay cioi, My mom is getting older and
V-ing. pMt trien hon. older.
- Dien ta m(>t cai gi moi, ci6i These days most people are
laP v6'i tinh trang tnr6'c ci6. using email instead of writing

, . , Ll.l11 y:
~ St! dung dang tiep dien cho cac himh ci(>ng cia, dang vase tiep dien.
~ Khong dung thi hi$n tai tiep dien v6'i cac ci(>ng tCr chi tri giac, nh?n thli'c nhu: to be,
realize, seem, remember, forget, understand, know, like, want, glance, smell, love, hate ...
E.g: I'm tired now not I am being tired now.
Do you understand the lesson? not Are yoy Ynderstaneing the lesson?
Cac aa·u bil!'t:
~ Thi hi$n tai tiep dien thuang xuat hi$n cac tCr, cum tCr sau: now, right now, at present,
at the moment, at this time.
E.g: The boy is playing football at the moment.
~ Trong ciiu c6 cac ci(>ng tCr: Look!, Listen!, Keep silent!
3. Thl hoim thimh
Cling thii'c each dung VI d\1
- Hanh ci(>ng cia hoim thanh He has finished all the tasks.
+) S +have/has+ Vpz + cho tai thai diem hi$n tai mil
0 khong de c?p t6'i n6 xay ra
-) S + have/has + not + khi nao.
Vpz + 0 - Hanh d(>ng bat dau 6 qua I She has been in love with him
?) Have/has+ S + Vpz khLr va dang tiep tuc 6 hi$n for nearly two years.
+ 0? tai.
. -
- Hanh d(>ng cia tCrng lam She has played the piano ever
trlfOC day va bay gia van con since she was a child.
- M(>t kinh nghi$m cho t6'i That was the most terrible
thai diem hi$n tai (thuang situation I have ever got into.
dung trang tCr ever). i
- Ve m(>t hanh ci(>ng trong She has just left for work, so
~qua khLI' nhung quan tr0 ng tai she can't give you the
thai diem n6i. documents now.
· - flLra ra thong tin m6'i ho~c I have read this book recently.
1 thong bao ve vi$c xay ragan

_ .. . 1 day. _

.~ Luu y: Trong m(>t so tnrang hqp, ta st! dung trang thai qua khLI' phan tCr ella d(>ng tCr
TO BE: BEEN nhu m(>t dang qua khLI' phan tCr ella d(>ng tCr GO.
• Mary has been to Brazil
= (Mary went and came back): fla t6'i Brazil va hi$n tai cia tr6 ve nhil.
• Mary has gone to Brazil
= (Mary went and is in Brazil now): fla t6'i Brazil va hi$n tai dang 6 d6.

Trang 14
CAP TOC 789+ vAo UJP 1

> Sti d~ng thl hii)n t9i hoim thimh v6'i this morning/ this evening/ today/ this week/ this
term ... khi giai ao11n d6 chu-a ket thuc t9i thi:li diem n6i.
Cac difu hi~u nh?n biet:
>Trang thl hii)n t9i hoim thimh thU"ong c6 nhil"ng ttl" sau: Already, not. .. yet, just, ever,
never, since, for, recently, before ...
• For+ N - quang thoi gian: trong khoang (for a year, for a long time, ... )
• Since+ N - moe/diem thoi gian: ttl" khi (since 1992, since June, ... )
• So far= until now= up to now= up to the present: cho den bay gio

4. Thi hi~n hoim lhimh

Cong thll"c each dung Vid~
+) S + has/have + been -Dung ae n6i ve himh dQng I have been waiting for you for
+ V-ing + 0 xay ra trong qua khl.i", dien ra three hours.
-) S + hasn't/haven't + lien t~c. tiep t~c keo dai aen
been+ V-ing + 0 hii)n t9i vii ca trong tU"Ong lai.
?) Has/Have+ S + -Dung ae dien ta hanh d(ing She is tired because she has
been+ V-ing + 0? da xay ra, vtl"a moi ket thuc been working very hard for
nhu-ng ket qua cua himh over 5 hours.
d(ing v~n c6 the nhln thay 6
hii)n t9i.
Cac dii"u hii)u nh?n bie!:
Trang ciiu thl hii)n t9i hoan thimh tiep dien thu-ong xuat hii)n cac ttl", c~m ttl": All day, all
week, since, for, for a long time, in the past week, recently, lately, up until now, so far. ..

5. Thi qua khcr don

Cong thll"c each dung Vid!J
Voi di)ng tu
thll'ong - N6i ve mQt hanh dQng eta I went to the restaurant with
+)S+V-ed+O xay ra va ket thuc trong qua my parents yesterday.
-) S +did not/ didn't+ V khll".
+0 - MQt th6i quen trong qua I often played chess when I
?) Did + S + V+ 0? khl.i". was a child.
- Chuoi hanh d(ing xay ra He went to the office, checked
trong qua khll". his mail and started working.
Voi di)ng ttl" to be - Dien d9t mi)t hanh ai)ng xen My sister was cooking when I
+) S +was/were+ 0 vao mi)t hilnh di)ng dang went home.
+) S+ was/were+ NOT dien ra trong qua khl.i".
+0 -Dung trong cau aieu kii)n If I were you, I would not lend
+) Was/were + S + 0? lo9i 2 (khong c6 th~t 6 hii)n I him money.
,., LU11 "j:
> Doi v6'i di)ng ttl" "tobe":
s = 1/ he/ she/ it (so it)+ was
s =we/ you/ they (so nhieu) +were
---" ---

Trang 15


,. fl<)ng tLJ' 6 thi qua khU' bao gom d<)ng tLJ' c6 quy tac (regular verb) va d(>ng tLJ' bat quy
tac (irregular verbs).
- Cac d;;mg d<)ng tLJ' bat quy tac tra bang d<)ng tLJ' bat quy tile.
- floi voi d<)ng tLJ' c6 quy tac thuong them "ed" sau moi d<)ng tLJ'. Chu y cac tnrong hqp
d~c bi$t khi chuyen d<)ng 1lr c6 quy tac:
• fl(>ng tlr t$n cung Ia "e", ta chi din c<)ng them "d";
• fl<)ng 1lr c6 m(>t am tiet, tan cung Ia m\>t phv am, truoc phv am Ia m<)t nguyen
am, ta nhan d6i phv am cuoi roi them "-ed".
• fl<)ng tli' tan cung Ia "y":
Neu tnroc "y" Ia m(>t nguyen am (a, e, i. o, u) ta c(>ng them "ed"
(VD: play--> played)
Neu truoc "y" Ia phv am (con l~i) ta doi "y" thanh "i + ed"
(VD: study__, studied)
cac dtiu biet:
Trong cau c6 nhO"ng tlr, cvm tLJ': yesterday, last night, last week, last month, last year,
ago, when, in + niim cv the.

6. Thl qua khfr dien

Ciing thU'c each dung Vi d\1
+) S +was/were+ V-ing - Dung de dien ta m(>t hanh At 12 o'clock yesterday, we
+0 d<)ng dang xay ra t 0 i m<)t thai were having I unch.
-) S + wasn't/weren't + diem xac djnh trong qua khU'.
V-ing + 0 -Dung de dien ta m<)t hanh He was chatting with his friend
?) Was/were+ S+ V- d(>ng dang xay ra thi m<)t when his mother came into the
ing + O? hanh d<)ng khac xen vao. room.
I Hanh d<)ng dang xay ra chi a
thi QKTD, hanh d<)ng xen vao
chia thi QKfl.
- Dien d<;~t hai hanh d(>ng xay While I was taking a bath, Hai
ra dong thai trong qua khU'. was using the computer.
- Hanh d\>ng I?P di l?p l<;~i My mom was always
trong qua khU' va lam phi"en complaining about my room
aen nguoi khac. when she got there.
Cac dfiu.hi?u_ nh?_n biet:
Trong cau co nhung tu d 0-c bi"t.
"" ..
while, when, while and as, at that very moment, at+ thoi
gian xac djnh trong qua khU'.

7. Thl qua khfr hoim thimh

C6ng thU'c Ciich dung Vi d!J
+) S +had+ Vp2 + 0 - Dien ta m<:>t hanh d<)ng da We had finished the project
-) S +had+ not+ Vp2 + xay ra, hoan thimh tnroc m(>t when the teacher asked.
0 hanh d(>ng khac trong qua
?) Had+ S + Vp2 + O? khU'.

Trang 16
...!" _., .. .,.


- Khi hai Mnh d(lng cung xay I met them after they had
ra trong qua kht1, ta dung thl divorced each other.
qua kht1 hoim thimh cho
hitnh d(lng xay ra tnr6c va
qua khU' dan cho Mnh d(lng
xay ra sau.
Hanh d(lng xay ra trong 1 I had lived in Hanoi for twenty
khoang thai gian trong qua years when I turned 40.
khU', tnr6c 1 moe thai gian
- Hanh d(lng xay ra nhtr Ia I had prepared for the exams
dieu ki$n tien quyet cho hanh and was ready to do well.
d(lng khac.
- Trong cau dieu ki$n lo?i 3 If I had known the facts, I
de dien ta dieu ki$n khong c6 wouldn't have let you do it.
thU'c trong qua kht1.

•~ LU11 y:
Khi thl qua khU' hoan thilnh thtrang dtrqc dung ket hqp v6i thl qua khU' dan, ta thtrang
dung kem v6i cac gi6i tlJ'va lien trr nhtr: by (c6 nghia nhtr before), before, after, when, till,
until, as soon as, no sooner. .. than
E.g: No sooner had he returned from a long journey than he was ordered to pack his
Cac difu hi~u nh?n biet:
Trang cau thuang c6 cac tlr/c~m trr:
0 until then, by the time, prior to that time, before, after, for, as soon as, by+ time
in the past, ...
• before, after, when by, by the time, by the end of+ time in the past.

8. Thl qua kht1 hoim thilnh tiep dUm

Cong thfrc each dung Vfd\1
+) S+ had+ been+ - Dien d?t m(lt hanh d(lng xay I had been waiting for you for
V-ing + 0 ra trLr<Jc m(lt hilnh d(lng khac three hours before you came.
-) S+ hadn't + been + trong qua kht1 (nhan m?nh
V-ing + 0 trnh tiep dien).
?) Had + S + been + - Dien d?t m(lt Mnh d(lng keo We had been making chicken
V-ing + O? dai lien t~c dan den mi)t soup, so the kitchen was still
hilnh d(lng khac trong qua hot and steamy when she
khli. came in .

..,I LU11 y:
Thl qua khU' hoan thanh tiep dien c6 the dung cau dieu kien lo?i 3 de dien ta m(lt SIJ vi$c
khong c6 th~t trong qua khli va gia dinh ket qua neu n6 xay ra.
E.g: If I had been trying harder, I would have been chosen for the position.
Cac difu biif!:
Cac tLJ' hay xuat hi$n trong thl qua khU' hoan thanh tiep dien: until then, by the time, prior
to that time, before, after, ...

Trang 17
E.g: Had you been waiting long before the taxi arrived?
Until then, I had been sleeping.
Prior to that time, the coronavirus had been being controlled by the government.

Cong thU'c each dung Vid~
+) S +shall/will+ V + 0 - Dien ta dt! dinh nhat thai Are you going to the beach? I
-) S + shall/will + not + xay ra ngay lei luc n6i. will go with you.
V+O - N6i ve m(>t dlf doan dt!a I think it'll be extremely hot
?) Shall/will+ S + V + tren kinh nghiem c6 duqc there.
0? trong qua khll'.
- Khi dua ray kien, de nghi. Don't worry, I'll let everyone--
lai hua. know.
- Dien det dt! doan kh6ng c6 People will not go to Jupiter
ciincu. before the 22nd century.
- SLJ' d~ng trong ci\u dieu kien If it stops raining soon, we will
loei 1, dien ta gia dinh c6 the go to the cinema.
xay ra 6 hien lei va tuong lai.

»- SLJ' d~ng shall trong cac cau hoi:
Shall I... ?/ Shall we ... ? cho cac de nghi. gqi y
» Kh6ng s(r d~ng shall v6'i he/she/it/you/they
cac dau birit
Trang cau thuang c6 cac \Lr, c~m tu: tomorrow, next day/next week/next month next
year, in+ thai gian, two weeks from now on ...
E.g: The prime minister will open the debate in parliament tomorrow.

10. Thl lai dien

Cong thLJ'c each dung Vid~
+) S + shall/will + be+ - oung de noi ve m<?t hanh At 10 o'clock tomorrow, my
V-ing + 0 d(>ng xay ra trong tuong lai brother and I will be going to
-) S +shall/will+ not+ t9i thai diem xac din h. the movie.
be+ - Dung n6i ve m(>t hilnh d(>ng When you come tomorrow,
V-ing + 0 dang xay ra trong tuong lai they will be cooking dinner.
?) Shall/Will + S + be + thl c6 hanh d(>ng khac chen
V-ing + 0? vao.
- Hanh d(>ng se dien ra va
"' """" ' " ,;,, '" !
keo dai lien t~c suot m(>t London, so I'll be staying with
khoang thai gian 6 tuong lai. my grandma for the next 2
- Hanh d(>ng se xay ra nhu The party will be starting at ten
I m(>t phan trong ke hoach o'clock.
ho~c m(>t phan trong thai
gian bieu.

Trang 18
_... _....,. ... ""

Cac dil'u hi~u nhiin bii!t:

Trong cau thU'ang c6 cac c~m tCr: next year, next week, next time, in the future, soon.
Trong cau c6 cac trang tCr chi thai gian trong tll'ong lai kem theo thai diem xac djnh:
• At this time/ at this moment+ thai gian trong tll'ong lai: vao thai diem nay ...
• At+ gia C\J the+ thai gian trong tll'Ong lai: vao luc ...
E.g: At this time next year, I will be studying at Hanoi University.

11. Thl tm:mg lai hoim thimh

eong thli'c each dung Vf d\1
+) S +shall/will+ have -Dung de dien ta m(>t hanh I will have finished my task
+ v,, +0 d(>ng hay Sl/ vi~c hoan thanh before 3 o'clock this afternoon.
-) S +shall/will+ not+ tm6c m9t thai diem trong
have+ v,,+0 tll'Onglai.
?) Shall/Will+ S + have -Dung de dien ta m(it hilnh I will have made the meal
+ v,, +0 d(>ng hay SU' vi~c hoan thanh ready before the time you
tm6c m(it hanh d(ing hay si,J' come tomorrow.
vi~c khac trong tll'Ong lai.
Cac dil'u hi~u nh!ln biet:
• By+ thai gian tll'ong lai
• By the end of+ thai gian trong tll'Ong lai
• Before+ thai gian tU'ong lai
• By the time+ clause
E.g: By the end of this year I will have graduated from university.

12. Thl tmmg lai hoim thimh tiep diem

eong thli'c each dung Vf d\1
+) S +shall/will+ have Dung de dien ta m(it hanh I will have been staying at
been + V-ing + 0 d(ing xay ra trong qua khtl' home alone for 2 days before
-) S +shall/will+ not+ tiep dien lien tuc den m(it the time my parents come
have been+ V-ing + 0 thai diem cho trU'6c trong back tomorrow.
?) Shall/Will+ S + have tll'Ong lai.
been + V-ing + 0?
Cac dfiu hi?u nhiin biet:
For+ khoang thbi gian + by/before + moe thbi gian trong tllo'ng lai
E.g: I will have been working for my company for 10 years by the end of this year.
I will have been learning English for 10 years by the end of this month.

Trang 19


cac thl cac thl qua khu


Ciic thl tw:mg lai Tong hqp cac thl

Trang 20
,....... """"" ... ...


1. Can/ Could/ Be able to: Co the
fli;ing tir
each dung Vid\1
khuyet thieu
- Dien ta kha nang, nang h,rc 6 hi~n -Mary can speak 4 languages.
t(li ho~c tLICing lai. -He can't be at home. It's 8
-Can't c6 the dung trong trllong o'clock.
hqp suy doan (chac Ia kh6ng) 6 -Jane has bought two tickets for
hi~n t9i (ho~c qua kh(r- xem them the match, therefore, he can't be
muc Modal perfect). going alone.
- N6i ve kha nang trong qua khLI'. - I could ride a bike when I was 7.
- Khi n6i ve kha nang lam gl trong -The house suddenly caught fire,
tlnh hu6ng cu the trong qua kh(r but they were able to get out of it.
(can n6 h,rc) thi kh6ng dung could (NOT: We ooul9 get out of it)
ma thay vao d6 dung diu true
was/were able to V.
-co the dllqc dung de' chi kha -I am able to work under pressure.
nang, thay the cho can va could. -He was be able to handle the
- C6 the dLIQ'C Slr dung 6 ca 3 thl problem.
Be able to
hi~n t(li, qua kh(r va tLICing lai. - She will be able to cook a meal
-Will be able to chi kha nang trong after taking part in cooking class.

.~ Ltru y:
» Can/ Could: dLIQ'c duhg de yeu diu dieu gl 6 hi~n t9i
E.g: "Can/could you please give me a lift?"- "Of course".
,.. Can/ Could: dLIQ'c dung de xin phep
E.g: "Can/could I ask you a question" - "Sure. Go ahead!"
> Trong van n6i, CAN dLIQ'c dung thay cho MAY de dien ta m9t SLI cho phep va the phtl
din h. CAN NOT dLIQ'C dung de dien ta m(it S\f cam doan.
E.g: In London buses you can smoke on the upper deck, but you can't smoke downstairs.
,_ Khi dung v6i d(ing tll tri giac, Can c6 m9t y nghTa tllong dllong v6i thl Tiep dien.
E.g: Listen! I think I can hear the sound of the sea.
(kh6ng dung 1 aFR AeaFiAg)

2. Must/ Have to/ Need: Ph<li, can phai

each dung Vid\l
khuyet thieu
- Dien d(lt S\f can thiet ho~c bat -You must work harder if you want
bu9c phai lam dieu gl 6 hi~n t9i a good result.
Must ho~c tLICing lai. - You must be tired after a long
- fllla ra loi suy lu~n chac chan. walk.

Trang 21

- Dtra ra loi khuyen ho~c yeu diu -You must be at home before 9 o'
dtrqc nhan m;;mh. clock.
- Dung mustn't de cam doan. -You mustn't smoke in that area.
- Dien d<;~t siJ bat bu(>c do tinh the -Students have to wear uniform
ho~c dfeu ki~n ben ngoai (n(>i quy, when they go to school.
lu~t phap, quy d[nh ... ).
Have to -Dung don't have to ho~c don't -You don't have to wash the
need to de dien d<;~t "kh6ng can dishes now.
phili lam gi". - Students don't need to write out
the questions when answering
- C6 nghTa Ia "can phai", ttrong II! -You will need to hand in the paper
nhlf have to. this week.
- Dtrqc xem Ia m(>t lo<;~i phil d[nh -You needn't go right now, need
ella must. you?
- Thtrong dung de de c~p den sl! -It's OK. You needn't/ don't need to
can thiet ngay t(rc thai. Dtrqc dung pay for that phone call.
de xin/cho phep- thtrong Ia cho
phep kh6ng lam gi d6. Kh6ng dung
de n6i ve SIJ din thiet thea th6i
quen chung chung.

· . , L1111 y:
> Must thtrong dung cho tinh huong i:J hien t<;~i, do d6 can dung Have to thay the trong
cac thi khac.
E.g: You will have to do your best when the exam is coming. I had to use my mother's
laptop because mine was broken.
> Don't have to dtrqc sil' dung ae ke ve m(>t hilnh d(>ng nao d6 kh6ng din thiet.
> Khi n6i v6'i ai c6 bon ph~n kh6ng dtrqc lam m(>t dieu gi, hay sil' dung must not/
mustn't thay vi don't/do not have to.
E.g: We don't have to go to school at the weekend.
(kh6ng din thiet)
Children mustn't cross the street without an adult. I
(kh6ng dtrqc phep)
> Don't have to =don't need to: kh6ng can thiet
E.g: You don't have to clean those glasses. They are clean.
(kh6ng can thiet)
,__ Need c6 the Ia d(>ng tu thtrong va d(>ng tlJ' khuyet thieu. Kh6ng dung 6' the xac dfnh va
chi dtrqc dung 6 the phil d[nh va nghi van.
E.g: Need he work so hard?
You needn't go yet, need you?
> Need khi dung 6 the xac d[nh phai dtrqc dung v6'i m(>t tLr ngil' phil d[nh. Trtrong hqp
nay, thea sau need Ia d(>ng tlJ' nguyen the khong 'to'.
E.g: I hardly need say how much I enjoyed the holiday.

Trang 22
,.,._.... d' ... ""'

3. May/ Might: co le, co the

O(ing ti:r
each dung Vi d\l
khuyet thieu
-Dung suy doan tlnh hu6ng hi~n a -Sarah may/might be in the library.
t(li ho~c tLtong lai. I'm not sure.
- Dung de xin phep, nhLtng might ft -May I hug you?
May/ Might dLtqc dung trong van n6i (chtl yeu - I wonder if he might go there
trong cau gian tiep). alone.
-Might Ia qua khtl' ctla May: Dien -She might not be there.
ta dieu gl c6 the xay ra qua khtl'

4. Should/ Ought to/ Had better: Nen

O(ing ti:r
each dung Vfd\l
khuyet thieu
- ThLtang dung khi cho y kien ho~c -I think you should do more
lai khuyen. exercises.
- The hi~n s\f bat bui)c hay bon - In my opinion, the government
Should ph~n (c6 S\l' ll,l'a ch9n), kh6ng should shift to a more inclusive
m(lnh bang must. approach.
-The work should be finished
before this weekend.
-Ought (not) to c6 the dung thay -You ought to concentrate on your
cho should/shouldn't. schoolwork.
Ought to
- flLta ra lai khuyen ho~c kien nghj. - There ought to be traffic lights at
this crossroads.
- Had better (not) do st c6 the -Your hair is long. You had better
dLtqc dung tLtong w
nghTa get it cut.
should/ought to.
Had better -Chi dLtqc dung cho tlnh huong cu -It's cold. You had better wear
the, ngLtoi noi nh~n thay hanh more clothes.
di)ng d6 Ia can thiet va mong dqi
himh di)ng d6 se dU"Q"C thl,l'C hi~n.

5. Will/ Would/ Shall

each dung Vfd\l
khuyet thieu
- Dien d9t ho~c d\f doan S\f vi~c. -Tomorrow will be a good day.
tlnh huong se xay ra trong tLtong
Will lai.
- flLta ra lai de nghi, yeu diu, loi -Will you have a cup of tea?
- flLta ra mi)t quyet djnh ngay thai -I'll give you a lift.
diem n6i.
- N6i voi ngLtoi khac ve vi~c b(ln - I'll buy that dress.
muon lam ho~c quyet tam lam.

Trang 23
- Dung dien ta mi)t gia d!nh 6 qua -At midnight Sarah was still
khli ho~c dlf doan ve mi)t tinh awake. She would be tired next
Would hu6ng c6 the xay ra. day.
- Duqc dung trong loi yeu diu, loi -Would you like orange juice?
moi ljch Slf.
- N6i ve tuong lai t(r diem nhin cua -She said she would visit her
qua khli. grandparents tomorrow.
- N6i ve gia dinh- cli€u nguoi n6i - I would hate to miss the show.
tu6ng tuqng.
Shall - Duqc dung chu yeu trong ciiu hoi Where shall we go tonight?
xin ykien ho~c loi khuyen.

•.,. LlfU y:
,. Will vii Would con duqc dung trong cau de nghL yeu cliu va loi moi
E.g: Will you take a photo?
Would you like a cup of tea?
,. Will duqc dung ph6 bien han Shall 6 ng6i thtl- nhat: We va I. _j
6. Modal oe1rfe<ct tu khiem khu1yet hoim
Di)ng t(r each dung Vf d\1
khuyet thieu
"tlang te ... te ra phai": dien ta mi)t I've forgotten the address. I should
dieu nen lam trong qua khli nhung have written it down.
to+ have+
vi If do nao d6 l<ti kh6ng xay ra. (T6i quen mat dja chi roi, le ra t6i
phai viet l(li chli!)
"chile hiln /fl...": suy doan ve mi)t Slf The streets are wet. It must have
must+ have viec trong qua khli, phong doan c6 rained last night.
+Vpz logic dlfa tren nht:rng hi en tuqng (Duong xa u6t nhem, t6i qua chac
trong qua khli. han troi da mua.)
"kh6ng tM nao ... ": suy dien phu djnh He can't/couldn't have moved the
ve Slf Vii)c trong qua khti, trai VOi piano himself.
must+ have+ V3/-ed. (Thiing be kh6ng the nao tlf minh
+have+ Vpz
chuyen cay dan duong dim
"tlang ty ra c6 tM ... ": dien ta mi)t They could have lent me some
could+ have kha nang khong duqc thlfc hien money, but they didn't.
+Vp2 trong qua khli. (Nhe ra he;> c6 the cho t6i muqn
tien, nhung he;> kh6ng cho)
"c6 tM Ia ... ":chi Slf suy do an ve I don't know where the letter is. I
may/might mi)t hanh d(lng trong qua khli might have thrown it away.
have+ Vpz kh6ng chile chan. (T6i kh6ng biet Ia thu kia 6 dau. I

C6 the t6i da vlrt n6 roi)

"le ra kh6ng ciin phBi... ": dien ta mi)t We needn't have hurried. Now we
~needn't+ himh d(lng kh6ng clin thiet phai are too early.
have+ Vpz thlfc hii)n trong qua khli. (Chung ta le ra kh6ng din phai vi)i,
gio xem ra chtlng ta aen sam roi.)

Trang 24
_,.. Af"' ... #


"aang lyra aa lam gi" (nhllng tht,rc I would have bought that CD but I
would+ have chat cu6i cung l<;~i khong lam). didn't have enough money.
+ Vp2 (Ul ra t6i da mua cai dia nh<;~c d6
nhllng t6i l<;~i kh6ng du tien.)

' '
' ''

'' ''

Trang 25
6 chuyen de nay, cilu dieu ki~n va cau u·&c se dtrqc tong hqp m9t each ngan g<;>n va de hieu, ben
cenh d6 cung cap them m9t so each dung, hlnh thllc khac, giup cac b?n nang cao kien thllc.
1. Cilu dfeu


Cau true
s + V (s/es), s +
·t each dung·-···
Dien ta m(lt chan ly, Slf vi~c
luon dung, ho~c mang tinh
If you pour oil on water, it
V (s/es) khoa hoc._ _,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ L _ _ _ _ __ _
_ L_ _ _ ~

true each dung

Dien tra m(lt slf vi~c/hanh If it's sunny, I will play
+ V (s/es), S +will/
d9ng c6 the xay ra 6 hi~n t<;li football.
can/ may+ V (infinitive)

cau t;:;:;c;····-·~cach dung ·!-: v; d\1 .....~
r--f-S_..___ ld ~ntftlnh..hu6ng va~himh · If she invited me, I would -
I + + v,, s + wou I
·d ( )
I . .
d<;>ng khong the xay ra trong
"'come to her party.
cou ld/ sh ou 1 + not + V .. . • .
. h1en tal hoac ttrong la1.
· · · · · · · · · · - - - - - . . l - - '_ _
. . . . .·........... , __

1... Cau triic

=i-.. _~_{lc_~_diing
Dung de dien ta gia th1et trai
VI d!l
If he had worked harder at

If+ s +had + v
guqc v6i q~a k~LI, ket qua
, tra1 ngtrqc v01 h1en l<ill. Vi
s +would/could/might f vi\y, ve gia thiet dung cilu
school, he would be a
student now.
_, Because he didn't work

l ..........

2 3
. .
.- k"
(not) + V (bare·mfm1t1ve) .1 6 1eu u;m 1091. 3, ve·· k''
I dung ciiu dieu kien loai 2.
et qua• hard at sc h oo,1 he 1snt
student now.
..L..::....................... _...:·_ _ _L....,, _ _ __
· ' a

Cau true each dung

lf+S+V,,, ta
D·~· dien gia thiet t~i If he didn't
S +would/could/might ngtrqc v6i hi$n t?i, ket qua wouldn't have merrlf'r1

_... -"" ,.. ""

gia thiet dung cau dieu ki~n _, He loves her, so he

lo;;li 2, ve ket qua dung ciiu married her.
dieu ki~n lo~i 3.

M9t so tmang hQ'p knac

eau true each dung Vid!l
Dung m~nh de If v6i cau yeu Don't go to work if you still
If clause+ Imperative cliu/ m~nh l~nh bat dau feel sick.
bang d9ng ter.
Dung If v6i m(lt tfnh tCr ho~c If disturbed, the birds may
m9t d9ng llr qua khli ph an abandon the nest, leaving the
If+ Adjective/ tCr thay vl dung m9t m~nh chicks to die.
Past participle de. (=If they are disturbed, the
bird may abandon the nest,
leaving the chicks to die.)
Dung "If sb were to do sth", What would you do if you
v6i y nghia nhan m~nh tlnh were to lose your job?
If S + were to + V
huang kh6ng the xay ra. (=What would you do if you
lost your job?)

2. Ciiu u6c
Sau wish va if only c6 3 lo~i m~nh de dU"qc dung de chi U"6c muon:
eau true each dung Vfd!l
atl!<lng lai (Future wish): I wish we would not have an
S + wish 1 if only + S + mong dieu gl d6 se xay ra exam tomorrow.
would I could+ V(beco·lof) trong tU"ong lai. If only it would stop raining,
we could go out.
ahi~n t~i (Present wish): I wish I was rich.
U"6c dieu kh6ng the xay ra I wish I were rich.
trong hi~n t~i. *Were c6 the dU"qc dung
S +wish I If only+ (that)
thay cho was trong cau true
S + V(past simple)
nay, nhat Ia trong 16i van trinh
If only I knew her name.

S +wish I If only+ (that)

aqua khli (Past wish): U"6C I wish I had succeeded in the
dieu gl d6 da ho~c da kh6ng final exam.
S + V(past perfect)
xay ra trong qua khu. If only you hadn't said that.

Mqt so cau true khiic

eau true each dung Vfd\1
S1 + would ratherI would Dien ta dieu khong c6 thl,l"c a I would rather/sooner you
sooner + (that) + S2 + hi~n t~i/tU"ong lai gave up smoking.
(Ai d6 muon ngl!oi khac
lam gl)

Trang 27
I It's (high/ about) time+
(that) S + Vp1
I It's high/about time you went
to school.
= It's high time + (for 0) = It's high time for you to go
+to V to school.
(£la aen luc ai d6 phai
lam gi) I'
S1 +would rather/ would Dien ta dieu kh6ng c6 thifC a I would rather/sooner Ann
sooner+ (that) + S2 + qua khll' had gone to class.
had Vpz
(Ai d6 muon ng11oi khac
lam gi)

Trang 28


1. Cau bl di?ng trong cac thi
Cau bj d(>ng duqc dung khi ta muon nhan m1mh viw hanh d(>ng trong cau.
Cong thlfc chung: S + to be + V,,
Dfeu ki~n de bien d6i tir cau chu dqng sang bi d(>ng:
- v trong ciiu chu d(>ng Ia ngo9i d(>ng tir (thee sau Ia 1 tan ngfr [01)
- Cac tan ngfr (tnfc tiep, gian tiep) phai duqc neu r6 rang
Quy tac bien doi 1 cau tir chi! d(>ng sang bj d(>ng:
- Xac djnh chu ngfr, d(lng tCr va tan ngfr va thl cua d(lng tir trong cau chu d(>ng.
-Lay tan ngfr trong ciiu chu d(>ng lam chu ngfr cua cau bi d(>ng, lay chu ngfr trong cau chu d(>ng
lam tan ngfr va d?t sau By trong cau bj d(>ng.
- Bien doi d(>ng tir chfnh trong cau chu d(>ng thanh d9ng phan tCr 2 trong cau bi d(>ng.
-Them To be vao truoc phan tir hai trong cau bi d(>ng (To be phai chia thea thl cua d(>ng tir
chfnh trong cau chu d(>ng va chi a thea so cua chu ngfr trong cau bi d(>ng).
Thl Cau chu d(>ng Cau bi d(>ng Vi d\1
My father waters this flower every
Simple S + am/is/are+ morning.
Present v,,+by+O -+This flower is watered by my
father every morning.
Her rnother is preparing the dinner in
S +am/is/are+ S +am/is/are+
Present the kitchen.
V-ing + being+ v,, +
Continuous -+The dinner is being prepared by
0 by+ 0
her mother in the kitchen.
S +has/have+ She cleaned the house for hours.
Present S + has/have +
been+ v,, + -+ The house has been cleaned by
Perfect v,,+ o by+ 0 her for hours.
Minh bought that car in 2018.
Simple S + was/were +
S + V-ed + 0 -+That car was bought by Minh in
Past v,,+by+O
Yesterday afternoon he was doing
S + was/were +
Past S + was/were + homework.
being+ v,, +
Continuous V-ing + 0 -+ Homework was being done by
by+ 0
him yesterday afternoon.
Linh has locked the door before
Past S +had+ been+ leaving.
S+ had+ v,, + 0
Perfect v,,+by+O -+The door has been locked by Linh
before she left.
Simple S +will/shall + S + will + be + V,, I will close the window.
Future V+O +by+ 0 -+The window will be closed by me.
They will have completed the project
S +will + have+ by the end of October.
Future S +will/shall +
been+ v,, + -+The project will have been
Perfect have+V,,+O
by+ 0 completed (by them) by the end of

Trang 29
They are going to build a new
S +am/is/are+
To be+ S +am/is/are + supermarket.
going to + be +
going to going to+ V + 0 -->A new supermarket is going to be
built (by them).

2. Ciiu bj
2.1. Bj
Cau true eau chu d\>ng v6i d\>ng tt:r c6 2 tan ngfr: + V + Oi + Ods
Trong d6: Oi (indirect object): tan ngfr gian tiep (Khong tn,rc tiep chju tae d\>ng cua d\>ng tir)
Od (direct object): tan ngfr tn,re tiep (Tan ngfr tn,re tiep chju tae d\>ng cua d\>ng tir)
eau true each dung Vid\1
r-· - Ui"y tan ngfr gian tiep She gave me (Oi) an apple (Od)
S + V + Oi + Od len lam chu ngfr trong yesterday.
__, S + be + V,, + Od eau bj d\>ng. --> I was given an apple yesterday.

-Lay tan ngfr tnre tiep She gave me (Oi) an apple (Od)
S + V + 0"1 + Od
len lam ehu ngfr trong yesterday.
__, S +be+ v,, + gi6i
cau bi d\>ng. -->An apple was given to me
tir + Oi
f-;-MQt sirdQng tir c6 the e6 hai tan ngfr thea sau Ia tan ngfr tn,re tiep va tan ngfr gian tiep
nhtr: give, send, show, lend, pay, promise, refuse, tell, offer, ...

2.2. Bj
Cau true cau ehtl d\>ng: S1 + V1 +that+ S2 + V2 + ...

eau true

It is+ V1 (V,,) that+ S2 1

each dung
Khi V1 ehia 6 cae thi
hi~n t<:>i nhtr hi~n t9i don,
-They think that she works very
1 .

+ vz + ... I hi~n t9i tiep dien, hi~n t11i --> It is thought that she works very
hoan than h. hard. (TH1)
*TH2: Khi V2 chia 6 thl --> She is thought to work very
hi~n l<>i don ho(ic hard. (TH2)
I ttrong lai don
S2 + is/am/are+
V1 (V,,) +to+
VZ(infinitive) + ....

* TH3: Khi V2 chia 6 -They think that she worked very
thi qua kh(r don ho!ic hard last year.
hii~n t;~i holm thimh __, She is thought to have worked
S2 + is/am/are+ very hard last year. (TH3)
V1 (V ,,) + to have +
j_ VZ(V ,,) + ... --+-;-;;-c-:-:::--:-:--c-c~"7·
' * TH1: - Kh1 V1 ch1a ocacthl_q.-u7a+i-_-::P,-e_o_p;--le_s_a71d;--t7h-at,-·s-chc·e-w-as very
I It was+ V1 (V,z) +that khu (qua khtl' dan, qua 1 kind.
L___+_~Z_+_vz_+_.._._ J ____
Trang 30

khu tiil'p dien, qua khu ---> It was said that she was very
* TH2: Khi V2 chia a hoim thanh). kind. (TH1)
thi qua khu don: --->She was said to be very kind.
S2 + was/were + (TH2)
V1 (V,z) +to+ V2
(infinitive) + ...

* TH3: Khi V2 chia a

thi qua khu hoim -People said that she had been very
thimh: kind.
S2 + was/ were + ---> She was said to have been very
V1 (V,z) +to+ have+ kind. (TH3)
V2(V,z) + ...

2.3. Bj d/?ng v6i tii" khuyet thieu

eau true each dung Vfd\1
-Dung de chi hanh d(lng - I must do this homework
xay ra trong hii)n l<Ji --->This homework must be done.
ho~c tuong lai.
- Khi khong biet hay -They could build this house in
S + modal verb + V + 0
khong can biet den tac 1999.
___, S + modal verb + be
nhan cua hanh d(lng. --->This house could be built in
+ v,z +by+ 0
- Khi muon nhan m9nh 1999.
nglfoi ho~c vat thl,l'c -Local people may build a new
hiE)n hanh d(lng v6"i "by". bride.
---> A new bridge may be built by
local people.
-Dung de chi nhO"ng - We should have read this book.
hanh d(lng can phai lam --->This book should have been
S + modal verb + have trong qua khu ho~c read.
+ V,z + 0 dang le phai xay ra
---> S +modal verb+ oh~o >h6oo ,.m, h o l _
have been + V,z nhO"ng hanh d(lng doan
biet chac hi'm phai xay
ra trong qua khu.

2.4. Bj v6'i cac Ill" chi tri

Trong nhO"ng cau true sau day, d(lng tCr chi tri giac duqc g 0 i Ia "V,"
eau true each dung Vi d\1
Chung kien toan b(l People saw him fall out of the
hilnh d(lng, S\l' vii)c window.
___, S + to be + V, (p2) +
---> He was seen to fall out of the
to V
Chung kien nguoi khac People saw her stealing the
lam gi va chi thay m(lt umbrella.

__, S +to be+ V, (p2) + phan CUa himh ci(ing, Sif --+She was seen stealing the
V-ing vi$c umbrella.

2.5. Bj v&i "make" 1 "let", "have",

fl;;lng t(r Cau true vrdv
Make sb do sth ___. Make They make me make tea.
sth done (by sb): bat ai _, I am made to make tea.
a61am gi
S + make+ sb+ Vinf
--+ S + tobe + made + to
+ Vinf
let sb do sth My parents let me do anything by
__, Let sth done (by sb): myself.
cho phep, de cho ai d6 --+ My parents let anything be done I
lamgi by myself.
Let S +let+ sb + Vinf --+ I'm allowed to do anything by
__, S +let+ sb/st +be+ myself by my parents.
--+ S +to be allowed to V
Have to do sth ___. Sth -My mother has to wash the
have to be done: phai clothes every day.
I lam gi (sai khien) --+ The clothes have to be washed

by my mother every day.

- I have the hairdresser cut my hair I
Have sb do sth _, Have every month.
sth done (by sb): Nho ai _, I have my hair cut by the
d6 lam gi (nho va) hairdresser every month.
Get sb to do sth --+ Get She got her father to turn on the TV.
sth done (by sb): Nho ai _,She got the TV turned on by her
a61am gi father.

2.6. kMc
lo;~ibjcY(ing Cau true Vid!l
V+O! Clean the door.
Cau m$nh l$nh --+ S + should/must+ be _,The door should be cleaned.
It + tobe + adj + for sb + It is difficult for him to finish the
to V paper this afternoon.
Chu ngO' gia it --+ It +lobe+ adj +forst _, It is difficult for the paper to be
+to be v,, f~nished by him this afternoon.___J

Trang 32
~ -."" .... .,.

' '
/ cau bj dQng \

lif ''

Trang 33
Cau hoi duoi (Tag Question) Ia m¢t d;;mg cau hoi ngan dU'qc d~t adang sau m¢t cau tran thu~t.
thll'ong cill'qc st! dung trong giao tiep. cau n6i di tm6c cau hoi du6i thll'ong cia day du y nghia va
phan du6i thll'ong dung de xac minh l;;~i thong tin trong cau tm6c d6.
* f.lieu ki~n 1: Neu phfa tm6c Ia cau khang d[nh (+) thl ph fa sau Ia phu d[nh (-) va ngll'qc l;;~i.
* Dieu ki~n 2: Neu phfa tm6c Ia to be thl phfa sau phai Ia to be, neu ph fa tru6c Ia v thl ph fa sau
Ia trq d¢ng tCr cua thl d6.
E.g: You are a doctor, aren't you?
She drives so carefully, doesn't she?

Lilli y:
> Trang ciiu hoi du6i, lu6n lu6n dung cac d;;~i tCr chu ngO" (1, he, it, they, .. ) de d~t ciiu hoi.
> KHONG dung d~i tCr tan ngli" (me, you, him, her, them, us).
> KHONG dung ten rieng (wasn't Jimmy Ia sai).

1. Ciiu hoi du6i v6i cil(: till

- --··-
Thl Cau true __ Vf~\1
*,ing tU" Tobe:
- M~nh de khang d[nh, isn't/ -You are my good friend, aren't
aren't+ S? you?
- M~nh de phu d[nh, -You are not doing your
am/is/are+ S? homework, are you? I
Voi cac thl hi~n t;~i
* £li,ing !Cr thub"ng:
- M$nh de khang ci[nh, -You play this game, don't
don't/doesn't+ S? you?
- M$nh de phu d[nh, do/ does - It doesn't work, does it?
+ S?
- I
*,ing tCr Tobe !
- M$nh de khang ci[nh, -We were young, weren't we?
wasn't/ weren't+ S?
- M$nh de phu d[nh, was/ - She wasn't tall, was she?
Voi cac thi qua khU" were+ S?
* £l¢ng tl!" thll'b"ng
- M$nh de khang d[nh, didn't - He finished his task, didn't
+ S? he?
- M$nh de phu ci[nh, did + S? -You didn't trust me, did you?
- M$nh de khang ci[nh, - She has lived here since
haven't/ hasn't/ hadn't+ S? 1999, hasn't he?
Voi cac thi hoim thimh
- M$nh de phu d[nh, have/ -I hadn't finished my lunch
has/ had+ S? before leaving, had I?
- M~nti de khang ci[nh, won't -We will attend the game,
+ S? won't we?
V6i cac thi tuang lai
- M~nh de phu ci[nh, will + S? -You won't go to Ho Chi Minh,
will you?

Trang 34
A."" _,., ... ,.

2. Cau hoi duoi voi dqng tir khuyet thieu

£>;;\ng tir khuyet thieu Cau true vr d11
- M$nh de khang d!nh, Modal -He should play football,
V +not+ S? shouldn't he?
Can, could, may,
- M$nh de phtl d!nh, Modal V -She cannot swim, can she?
might, should, ...
+ S? -They must not come late,
must they?
- Khi must chi sv
din thiet a -They must work until1 Opm,
dang khang d!nh, ta dung needn't they?
needn't cho cau hoi duoi.
- Khi must chi Sl,l cam doan a -You mustn't come late, must
dang phtl d!nh must not, ta you?
dung must cho cau hoi duoi.

- Khi must chi sv
dlf doan a -He must be a very.kind man,
hi$n tai, ta dl,la viw d(>ng tu isn't he?
theo sau must de ch9n d(>ng
tu cho thfch hqp.
- Khi must chi sv
dl,l doan a -You must have visited here
qua khCr (must+ have+ v,,), once, haven't you?
ta dung have/has cho cau hoi
- Voi d(>ng 1lr khuyet thieu - She has to go to work,
have/ has/ had to, ta dung trq doesn't she?
Have to
d(>ng tu do/ does/ did cho
cau hoi duoi.
Voi ought to, ta dung -She ought to go to school
Ought to
shouldn't cho cau hoi duoi. early, shouldn't she?

3. Ciic d~ng d~c bi~t cua cilu hoi duili

Mot so tnrilng hqp can ltru y:
D<tng d~c bi~t Vfd\1
- Let's+ V ... , shall we? -Let's go to the zoo, shall we?
-Let trong cau xin phep, dung will you -Let us use the telephone, will you?
-Let trong cau de ngh! giup, dung may 1 - Let me help you do it, may I ?
I am ... , aren't I? -I am a student, aren't I?
Nhung neu I am not thi li;ti dung am 1 - I am not easy-going, am I?
V ... (m$nh 1$nh thCrc), will you? - Use the laptop, will you?
I wish ... , may I? - I wish to study France, may I?

Mot so truilng
D<tng Vfd!l
Chtl ngfr Ia One--> dung One ho~c You, thi One can be an obligation to one's friends,
lay duoi. can't one/you?
Cau cam than, lay danh tu
trong cau doi -What a beautiful dress, isn't it?
thimh dai tCr, dung is, am, are. -How intelligent you are, aren't you?

Trang 35
Cau dau c6 II seems that+ m~nh de, lay It seems that you are right, aren't you? I
m(lnh de sau lam cau hoi duoi.
Chu tCr Ia m$nh de danh tCr, dung it trong I What you have said is wrong, isn't it?
ciiu hoi duoi.
Chu ngO' Ia nothing, anything, something, -Nothing is impossible, is it?
everything, that, this, cau hoi duoi phai c6 it. - Everything will be alright, won't it?

Chu ngO' Ia cac d<Ji tCr anyone, anybody, no Somebody wanted a drink, didn't they?
one, nobody, someone, somebody, everyone,
everybody, none of. neither of. thi cau h6i
duoi phai c6 they.
Neither S1 nor S2 _, Lay duoi ca 2 chu ngO' ·----~---
Neither you nor I am a doctor, are we?
(khang djnh).
M$nh de tnrac dau phay c6 cau true: used They used to travel so much, didn't they?
to v, thi cau hoi duoi Ia: DIDN'T+ s
-M\lnh de tnrac dau phay co cau true: had I had better tell him the truth, hadn't I?
better+ v, thi cau hoi duoi Ia: HADN'T+ s
M$nh de tnr6'c -dau .phay c6 cau tnlc: woui"d
She would rather go now, wouldn't she?
rather+ V, ciiu hoi duoi Ia: WOULDN'T+ s
-.- . -···--···------····-
M\lnh de tnr6'c diiu phay Ia I WISH, thi cau I wish to study English, may I ?
hoi duoi Ia MAv 1 _______ _____ I

rrrong cau c6 cac tr<Jng tlr phu djnh ho~c:··· He seldom drinks wine, does he?
ban phu djnh nhU': never, seldom, hardly,
scarely, little ... thi ciiu d6 dU'Q'c xem nhU' Ia iI
ciiu phu djnh - phan hoi du6i se 6' d<Jng
khang din h.
Cau dau c6 1 + cac d(ing tCr sau: thinC
believe, suppose, figure, assume, fancy,
- ·-------·-··--1
I think he will come here, won't he?

imagine, reckon, expect, seem, feel + m\lnh I

de ph~. lii"y m\lnh de ph~ lam cau hoi du6i.
. ·····--'--------------- ···---

I '_, LU1J y:
• M$nh de chfnh c6 not thi van tfnh nhU' 6' m\lnh de ph~.
E.g: I don't believe Joan can do it, can she?
- Cung mau nay nhU'ng neu chu tCr kh6ng phai Ia "I" thi l9i dung m\lnh de dau lam cau hoi
thinks he will come, doesn't she?

Ciiu hoi duili

. ·1!1"
... .::
•1!1· ..

Trang 36
~ ~~ ' ~



Cau gian tiep, hay con g9i Ia cau tlfong thu~t, dlfqc dung de thu~t I<;Ji loi n6i cua nglfoi
khac dU'oi d<:Jng gian tiep.
Khi muon chuyen cau tn)'c tiep thimh cau gian tiep, dln:
- Lui thl: D(Jng tlr can lui 1 thl ve qua khll' so voi thl cua thai diem n6i.
- £loi ngoi, doi tan ngu: Cac d<;Ji tLJ' nhan xlfng va d<;Ji tLr so hO'u khi chuyen tLJ' loi n6i tn)'c
tiep sang loi n6i gian tiep can dU'qc thay doi: 1_, he/she, we __,they, you _, 1/ he/ she
- Doi tr<;Jng tU' chi thai gian, noi chon:
Tn.rc tiep Tuong thu~t
today that day
tonight that night
this morning/ evening that morning/ evening
now then
tomorrow the next day I the following day
yesterday the day before I the previous day
next (week) the next (week) I the following (week)
last (week) the (week) before I the previous (week)
(three days) ago (three days) before
this I these that I those
here there

1. Cilu gian tiep ella cilu ke

Cau true Tn.rc tiep Giiin tiep
Hi~n t~i don Qua khii'don
"I do it," he said. He said he did it.
Qmi khii'don Qua khii' hoim thilnh
"I did it," he said. He said he had done it.
Hi\\n t<ti hoimh thiinh Qua khii' hoim thanh
"I have done it," he said. He said he had done it.
Hi~n t;~i tiep dien Qua khii' tiep dien
"I am doing it," he said. He said he was doing it.
Quii khii' tiep diEm Qua khii' hoim thimh tiep dian
S + say(s)/said +
"I was doing it," he said. He said he had been doing it.
(that)+ S + V
Hi~n t~i hoim thimh tiep dien Qua khii' hoim thilnh tiep dU!n
"I have been doing it," he said. He said he had been doing it.
Qua khii' hoim thimh Qua khii' hoim thanh
"I had done it," he said. He said he had done it.
Qua khii' hoim thilnh tiep dien Qua khii' hoim thanh tiep dien
"I had been doing it," he said. He said he had been doing it.
Modals: will/can/may Past modals: would/could/might
"I will/can/may do it," he said. He said he would/could/might do it.
- -
Trang 37
•~ L!J'IJ y:
> says/say to+ 0-. tells/tell + 0
said to+ 0-. told + 0
» Cac trq d(>ng tll' khuyet thieu (modal verbs) sau day khong din thay doi khi chuyen tll'
cau tn,rc tiep sang cau tuong thu~t: "should", "ought to", "needn't", "would", "could", va
"might". E.g:
- Tn,rc tiep:
"You should send your application tomorrow," Jill said.
- Gian tiep:
Jill told me that I should send my application the next day.
* C6 the dung "had to" thay cho "must":
- Tn,rc tiep:
"I must meet an important customer today," Jack said.
- Gian tiep:
Jack said that he had to meet an important customer that day.

2. Ciiu elm cau

Chung ta stl' d~ng d(>ng tll' "ask" khi tuang thu~t cau hoi. Trong khi tuang thu~t cau hoi chung ta
giil' nguyen thll' \if tll' nhu trong cau tuang thu~t va luqc b6 dau hoi.
D;mg Cau true Vidl,l
Wh-questions S +asked(+ 0)/ wanted to "Where did you go for your holiday,
know/ wondered+ Brown?" Susan asked.
Wh-questions + S + V (lui --+ Susan asked Brown where he had
thl) gone for his holiday.
Yes-No S +asked(+ 0)/ wanted to "Are you the new secretary?" Roger
questions know I wondered + · asked Mary.
if/whether+ s + V (lui thl) -.Roger asked Mary if/whether she was
the new secretary.

3. Cau cUa cau

D~ng Cau true Vid1,1
M\\nh l~nh S +told I asked+ 0
I "Sit down", Ms Brown asked Tom.
khang d!nh +to V ... -. Ms Brown asked Tom to sit down.
M~nh l~nh S + told I asked + 0 "Don't talk", Ms Brown told Tom.
phu d!nh +not to V ... Ms Brown told Tom not to talk.

4.Cau vOi diu cHeu

Lo~iciiu Hlnh thfrc Vid\l
dfeu ki\in tuong thu\it
"If Thanh doesn't come, we'll set off without her."
said David.
Loai 1 -. Loai 2
-> David said that if Thanh didn't come they would
set off without her.

Trang 38
-:"" ,..., ... ...

"If I were younger, I would learn to play football," Mr.

Roger said.
Lo?i2 _, Giil' nguyen
_, Mr. Roger said that if he were younger, he would
learn to play football.
"If you had told rne about the meeting, I would have
come," said Jenny.
Lo?i3 _, Giil' nguyen
__, Jenny said if I had told her about the meeting, she
would have come.
"If you pour oil on water, it floats" said my mother.
Lo?iO _, Giil' nguyen
___, My mother said if I pour oil on water, it floats.

-~ LU'U y: Neu trong cau trvc tiep c6 cau hoi chLJ'a if, khi chuyen thanh cau ttrong thu(lt,
menh de if xep a cu6i cau.
"If I have a flat tire, what should I do?" he asked.
_,She asked what she should do (what to do) if she had a flat tire.

5. Ciiu gian tiep voi m<;>t so dijng tu d~c !Jiet

Cau true Nghia cau true Nghia
Told sb (not) to do Bao ai lam gl Accused sb of Bul)c tl)i ai ve
sth doing sth dieu gl
Asked sb (not) to Yeu cau ai lam gl Admitted doing ThlJ'a nh(ln
do sth sth dieu gl
Advised sb (not) to Khuyen ai lam gl Denied doing Phu nh~n
do sth sth dieu gl
Promised to do HLJ'a lam gl Apologized (to sb) Xin loi ai ve
sth for doing sth dieu gl
Threatened to do fle dQa lam gl Congratulated sb Chuc mlJ'ng ai ve
sth on doing dieu gl
Warned sb (not) to Canh bao ai Ia m gl Insisted on doing Khang khang
do sth sth dieu gl
Invited sb to do Moi ai lam gl Suggested doing GQ'i y
sth sth dieu gl
Reminded sb to do Nhac nhcr ai lam gl Thanked sb for Cam on ai ve
sth doing sth dieu gl
Encouraged sb to Khuyen khfch ai lam Warned sb againsth Canh bao ai dil'ng
do sth gl doing sth lamgl
Begged/ implored Cau xin ai lam gl Blamed sb for doing flo loi cho ai ve
sb to do sth sth dieu gl
Offered to do Ng6 loi lam gl Confessed to doing Thu nh(ln lam
sth sth dieu gl

Trang 39
_.,.,.., A'f' ... ...



1. Danh di)ng Iii' (Gerund)
- La hinh thuc 'V + ing" duqc dung v6i chtl'c nang nhu m9t danh ter.
- C6 the dung danh d(lng tCr 6 cac vi tri sau:
Vj trf Vfd\1
Chu ngfr Smoking is a bad habbit.
B6 ngfr My hobby is dancing.
Tan ngfr My sister keep talking about her new dress.
Dung sau gi6i tCr You can't succeed without working hard.

M{it so di)nglli thea sau boi "llanh dgngli:f (V-ing)"

Admit: thCra nh~n Keep (on): ell' tiep t\lc Face: doi dii)n, duong dau
Appreciate: cam kich (Not) mind: (kh6ng) ngai Finish: hoan thanh
Avoid: tranh Miss: bolo Fancy: tllong tuqng; thich
Delay: tri hoan Postpone: hoan lai Give up: tCr b6
Deny: phu nh~n Quit: tCr b6 Imagine: tu6ng tuqng
Detest ghet Recall: nho lai Put off: hoan lai
Dislike: kh6ng thich Recollect: nhO lai Involve: dinh liu
Consider: xem xet Resent bl,fc tuc Risk: danh lieu
Enjoy: thich; thuong thtl'c Tolerate: chju dl,fng Suggest de nghi
Waste (time, money): phi Can't help: kh6ng the kiem Practise: luyi)n t~p, thl,fc
(thai gian, tien bac) soat, kh6ng the dCrng duqc hilnh
Spend (time, money): dung Can't stand: kh6ng chju
(thai gian, tien bac) dU'<;lC
E.g: He admitted breaking the glass.
I can't recall meeting that man before.

·~ Luu y:
Chung ta c6 the dung dai ttl' tan ngfr (pronoun object) ho~c tinh ttl' so hfru (possessive
adjective) sau cac d(lng tCr tren va dung "Gerund" thea sau.
E.g: His parents don't mind him/his quitting the job.

Mi)t so d(lng tirthll'ang giip thea sau bang "gi6i tir+ gerund (V-ing)"
Di)ngti:f Nghia Di)ngti:f Nghia
Apologize for doing xin loi Approve of doing tan thilnh
sth sth
Be I Get used to quen voi Disapprove of kh6ng tan thanh
doing sth doing sth
Feel like doing cam thay thich Prevent (sb) from ngiin can
sth doing sth
Look forward to tr6ng cho Accuse sb of cao bu9c
doing sth doing sth

Trang 41
Succeed in doing thanh c6ng 1 Insist on doing sth cu khiing khang
sth i
Congratulate sb on khen ngqi Be accustomed to quEm thu(lc v6'i--
doing sth doing sth
I E.g: I really apologize for keeping you waiting.
~inally, they succeeded in reaching the top of the mountain. _j
theo sau "Gerund"
Cau true Nghia
It's no use I good doing sth kh6ng ich gi
It's (not) worth doing sth (kh6ng) dang lam
There's no point in doing sth kh6ng din thiet phai lam gi
What/How about doing sth? con ... thi sao?
Have difficulty/ trouble/ problems doing I g~p kh6 khiin/tr6 ng9i khi lllm vi~c gi
'mh [
E.g: It's no use learning a foreign language if yo-u-;d-o-n';-:-t-p-ra-cc-ti'"""c-e"":"it:-.---- - - - - - 1
There's no point in explaining to hirn.

2. ng:"yii;rl mau
tu ng:uy€:n mau co "To" (Tc:-in:finitive)
Vi tri
Vidu ~
Chu ngO" To swim is good for ou!_ health.
Tan ngO" They decided to have a baby. .
Bo ngO" cho tan ngO" I don't want my mom to know this. _j
a. Hr theo sau b6'i
Agree: dong y Learn: h<;>c
Afford: c6 du tien Manage: xoay x6
r------·-·· . . ...
Appear: to ra; xuat hi$n Offer: t1f nguy~n
Arrange: sap xep Plan: dl,f dinh
Attempt: co gang Pretend: gia v!:J
i Ask: hoi; yeu diu Determine: quyet tiim
Choose: chon Promise: hu·a

Decide: quye"t dinh Refuse: tCr choi

Demand: doi hoi Resolve: quyet dinh
Deserve: x(rng dang Seem: duong nhu

Expect: mong dqi
Fail: that bai
__1I -·
Struggle: phan dau
Threaten: de d 0 a
Grow: tr& nen Want: muon
Happen: tinh co; xay ra Wish: mong muon, u6'c
-------------···--·-· -------

.....~ """"' ... ""

Hesitate: do dlf, ltrong II! Would like: muon

Hope: hi v0ng Claim: tuyen bo
E.g: She finally decided to quit the job.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.

b. Nhiing dl?ng til' duqc dung theo cilu true: "Verbs+ object+ (not) To-infinitive".
Ask: yeu diu Force: ep bu¢c Mean: c6 y djnh Require: yeu diu

Encourage: khuyen Get: nhova Need: dln Teach:d~y

Cause: gay ra Help: giup do Order: ra li)nh Tell:bao

Expect: mong dqi Invite: moi Persuade: thuyet Warn: canh bao

Forbid: cilm Leave: cho phep Remind: nhac nh6 Want/Would like:
E.g: The robbers forced the cashier to hand over the money.
They invited Carol and me to have dinner with them.
I won't persuade you to take up this game.

c. Ciic d.;lng sau day c6 the dung theo ci!u true: "Verb+ +To-infinitive" hoijc "Verb+
Gerund" khi khong cii tan ngfr theo sau d \ing Ill' di tru6c.
Allow +object+ To-infinitive
+ Verb-ing
E.g: The travel agent advised us to wear casual clothes.
The travel agent advised wearing casual clothes.
He doesn't allow his children to come home late at night.
He doesn't allow coming home late at night.
She recommended me to read the book before seeing the movie.

d. "Verb+ Gerund" hoijc "To-infinitive" v6'i cac net nghoa kMc nhau.
Nhfrng d¢ng til' sau day c6 the theo sau bang "Gerund" ho~c "To-infinitive" nhtrng cho y nghTa khac
Verb+ Gerund To-infinitive
Stop doing sth: Dang lam vii)c gl roi ngll'ng Stop to do sth: Ngfrng l~i de lam m9t vii)c
lai khac
E.g: I stopped smoking two years ago. E.g: George had been working for hours, so
he stopped to smoke a cigarette.

Trang 43
Remember/ Forget doing sth: Nh6' ho~c Remember/Forget to do sth: Nh6' ho~c
quen vi~c da xay ra trong QK quen m¢t vi~c din phai lam
E.g: I remember meeting that man, but not E.g: I'm sure you didn't remember to lock
exactly where. the door. Here's the key. I
I never forget having a photo taken Don't forget to lock the door before
with David Beckham. leaving home.
Try doing sth: Li'lm thU vi$c gi Try to do sth: Co gang lam vi~c gi
E.g: If she's not at home, why don't you try E.g: Sally is trying to find a job, now that
ringing her at the office? she's finished college.
Mean doing sth: C6 nghla Ia Mean to do sth: Coy lam vi$c gi
E.g: If we catch the early train, it will mean E.g: I'm sorry, but I didn't mean to disturb
getting up at 6.00. . you.
Need doing sth: Can phai dtrqc lam gi Need to do sth: Can phai lam vi$c gi
E.g: Your room is too dirty. It needs E.g: You look very very tired. You need to
cleaning. take a rest.
(=It needs to be cleaned.)
Regret doing sth: An h~n vi da lam viec gi Regret to do sth: Lay lam tiec phai n6i aieu gi
E.g: She regretted telling him the truth. E.g: I regret to inform you that your
(=She regretted having told him the truth.) application has been unsuccessful.
Go on doing sth: Tiiip tuc lam vi$c gi Go on to do sth: Tiep tuc lam m¢t vi~c khac
E.g: She went on talking about her holiday E.g: She spoke about her son, then she went
all evening. on to talk about her daughter.

e. To-infinitive theo sau so tinh t.:r

,....... . ...
1 Tinh t.:r lfid\1
i Cac tinh tir mieu ta tam tn;mg, cam xuc: I'm happy to live with them.
angry, happy, anxious, annoyed, glad, ...
Cac tinh 1lr mieu ta tinh chat ella hanh It's hard to remember all the items in the list.
d(ing: easy, hard, important, interesting,
. boring ...
"to~+ adj" ho~c ·"adj +
rong cilu true
You are too young to live alone.
f. To-infinitive theo sau so danh t.:r
Danhlu lfid~
~~~~~~--~--~~-- "~~~---~
Theo sau cac danh tir ma c6 d?ng di)ng I told my parents about my decision to buy
tir ho~c tinh tir ttrong (rng ket hqp dtrQ"c house .
. voi dong tir nguyen the.
ng sau cac tir chi th(r tt,r "the Amanda was the first student in our villagje.
1/second ... " ________ I to have chance to get in university.

g. To"infini!ive ln.ic
Cau true lfi d\1
+time/ chance/ an opportunity+ to I didn't have an opportunity to explain what

...... ~ ... #


It's+ a good idea/ a mistake+ to V It's a good idea to reuse those bottles.
It's a mistake to believe him.
try one's best+ to V She tried her best to win the competition.
It's time (for sb) +to V It's time to go home.

2.2. D()ng tir nguyen mau kh6ng co "to"

Vi tri Vid!l
Sau d9ng tir khuyet thieu (can, could, may, You should be careful with your words.
might, ... )
Sau "make+ tan ngiY' (khien cho ai...) va That game was funny. It made me enjoy a
"let+ tan ngiY' (de cho ai...) lot.
My teacher is going to let us leave class
Sau "had better" (min lam gi) va "would It's raining. You'd better wear a raincoat.
rather" (tha lam gi)
Sau "hear/see+ tan ngiY' We all heard the bomb go off.
Trong cau m(lnh l(lnh Close the window, please.


' !lanh d()ng tir- Dqng tu nguyen ''



Trang 45
Lythuyet D;;mg d9ng tlr Vid\1
1a. Danh tlr n6i bang tlr n6i v s6 nhieu Rice and rubber from Vietnam are
and chi 2 nguoi, 2 v~t khac exported to many countries.
nhau (Chi 2 v~t khac nhau)
1 b. Danh tlr n6i bang tCr n6i 1 V s6 it Bread and butter was all we had.
and tao thimh 1 y tuong duy (Chi 2 v~t c6 cung tinh chat, deu Ia
nhat ao an)
2. V6i cac danh tCr n6i v6i V (S2) -Either Trung or I come to the party.
nhau bang S1 or S2; either -Not only alcohol but also
51 or 52; not S1 but S2; not cigarettes are banned in public
i only 51 but also S2; neither places.
I S1 norS2 -Neither my friends nor I am in the
school team.
3. V6i ciic danh tCr n6i v6i v (danh tCr dau tien) -The manager, together with his
nhau bang with; like; as well assistants, has arrived.
as; together with; along -The kitchen, as well as the toilets,
with; in addition to; other is painted in blue.
than .__
4. Sl,l ket hqp giG"a chu tCr Every/each+ N s6
va cac tCr nhu every, each, it+Vsoit
I Each/every
student has to do the

j one Each of/one of+ N Each/every of the students has to

! s6 nhieu (xac djnh) do the homework.
+ v so it
I 5. Some, part, all, most, Neu N (danh ter) s6 - Most of the house was destroyed. I'
almost, the rest, the it thi + v so it -Three quarters of the earth's
remainder of, hoi\c phiin so surface is water.
+N Neu N (danh tCr) s6 -Some of the tomatoes are too
nhieu thi + v so ripe.
I nhieu -Only a third of the students are
· qualified for the new course.
--::------··--- --.--· .__
6. flai ter bat dinh V s6 it -Someone has eaten all the food.
Every/some/any/no (thing, I - Nobody wants to attend the
one, body) meeting. !
-Something strange happened
7. Cac danh tCr chi Sl/ do V s6 it -Twenty kilometers is too far to I

Iuong, thai gian, khoang walk.

each - Five minutes is not enough for me
to do it.
-A hundred thousand dollars is a
big sum of money.
8. Trong mau-ciiu 'There + V ph \I thu(lc danh -There are many apples on the
be+ N' (C6 ... ) tCr dting sau table.

Trang 46
.,f" ......... ... ""

CAP TOC 789+ THI VAO lOP 1 0

LU1.1 y: Neu c6 nhieu -There is a table and four chairs in

danh tCr thi thucmg the room.
ket hqp DT dau tien -There are four chairs and a table
in the room.
9. Khi tir de hoi (who, what, -v so it - Who wants tea?
which), c~m tir ho~c m~nh - What has happened?
de lam chu tCr - What the boy wants now is a cup
of milk tea.
- Reading books is one of my
favorite hobbies.
1 0. Danh tir l~p hqp -v so it (neu xet The whole team is playing very well.
(collective nouns) toan the) (toan the d('>i)
-v so nhieu (neu My family are early risers. (tCrng
xet tCrng ph an/ thanh vien trong nha)
thanh vi en cua n6)
* M('>t so danh tirt~p hQ'p thtrimg g~p:
army (quan d('>i); club (cau l?c b('>); community (uy ban); college (cao dang); committee
(uy ban); class (lop h9c); audience (khan gia); council (h('>i dong); family (gia din h); group
(nh6m); team (d('>i nh6m); jury (h('>i dong xet xtl'); crew (d('>i, nh6m); staff (nhan vien);
crowd (dam dong); government (chinh phu), ...
11. M('>t so danh tCr c6 hinh v so nhieu * Danh tir hlnh thuc so nhieu:
thtl'c so nhieu ho~c danh tCr goods (hang h6a); belongings (v~t
chi v~t gom hai thimh phan mang theo); clothes (qulin ao);
nhtr nhau earnings (tien kiem duqc); outskirts
(vung ven); surroundings (vung xung
* Danh tir chi v(it gom 2 thimh phan
nhtr nhau: scissors (cai keo);
pincers/pliers (cai kim); shorts
(qulin so6c); trousers/pants (qulin
tily);jeans (qulin jeans);
glasses/spectacles (kfnh deo mat);
binoculars (ong nhom); shoes
(giay); sneakers (giay de choi qulin
vqt); boots (giay ong)
* Ltru y: A pair of+ danh tCr gom hai
thanh phlin (d?ng so nhieu) + v so
Eg: A pair of binoculars is
necessary for our trip.
Your new pair of jeans is really
12. Ten cac mon h9c, ciin v so it * Mon hQc: mathematics (toiin);
b~nh, mon the thao va m('>t physics (v~t ly); politics (chfnh trj
vai tlr khac duoi -s h9c); economics (kinh te h9c); I
statistics (m6n thong ke) I
Trang 47
*Can b~nh: measles (b$nh sai);
mumps (b$nh quai bi); rickets (b$nh
coi xuong); AIDS (b$nh AIDS)
* Mon the thao: athletics (dien
kinh); gymnastics (the d~c d~ng c~);
billiards (man bi-d a); darts (tro choi
nem phi tieu); dominoes (co
1 d6min6)
Eg: Mathematics is my favorite
Measles is a dangerous disease.
Dominoes is a good game for
13. Danh t(r du kh6ng c6 v so nhieu People (dan chung); children (tre
t~n cling Ia s/es nhung van em); women (ph~ nO'); police (cimh
' coi a so nhieu sat); cattle (gia sue Ion nhu trau,
bo) ...
Eg: Many young people are out of
work now.
Sheep were grazing in the fields.
'14a. Danh t(r chi ngon ngfr. -v s.o rt -English is spoken in many parts of
the world. (tieng Anh)
[14il. Da.nh t(r chi dan t(ic
- v so nhieu -The English really like to drink tea.
(the+ nationality). i (nguoi nuoc An h)
Danh t(r chi nh6m nguoi -The rich help the poor very much.
(the+ adj). * M(it so danh !Lr chi nh6m nguoi:
The rich (nguoi giau); the poor
(nguoi ngheo); the sick (nguoi om); I'
the dead (nguoi chet); the young
(thieu nien); the old (nguoi gia);
the homeless (nguoi v6 gia w); I
the disabled (ngubi khuyett~t);
I the unemployed (nguoi that nghi$p);
the injured/wounded (nguoi bi

"·.,,,_,.,.,I .. ·'"

nhieu: so luqng
*~number of+ N so nhieu: - V so nhieu
thuong) ...
. · · - - - - - -·-
-The number of students in the
class is 30.
-A number of students were absent

va1 yesterday.
------· ----- " -·

Trang 48
JJ+!'" .,., ... ..

' '
Sl,l hoa hqp gifra chu ngfr- dqng tu '




Trang 49
1 QUAN ~
1. tir quan
£l(li tir va lr<~ng ChU'c nang trong
tir quan h~ diu
Minh is a person who loves to be the center of
s (chu ngfr)
o (tan ngfr) The boy who you saw yesterday is my friend.
(thay the cho .1{1 Ltru y: who con dung trong cau true ciiu che:
nguoi) It +to be + N (nguoi) + who + ...
E.g: It is Minh who helped you. (Minh helped you.)
I It was the girls who were helped by the man. (The girls were
helped by the man.)
S(chung-fr~)----T~~I~d~id~n~'t~li~ke-t~h-e~h·-o-te~l-w~h~ic~h-w_a_s_o_f~l-o_w__q__u_a~lit_y_________ _

0 (tan ngfr) The house which we paid a visit to is very nice.

I (thay cho v~t
S (thay cho ca She got married to a young guy, which surprised
I va loai v~t)
m$nh de phi a everybody. (which thay the cho ca
m(lnh de "She
tru6c, dt1ng sau got married to a young guy", va dieu nay khien mqi

Whom (thay
dau phay)
nguoi surprised)
The men whom you talked to yesterday were very
( • ")
0 tan ngu
cho nguoi) rich. 1
--·--+---------- -------· - ----· -----!
- There was a picture in the paper of a man whose
C6 y nghTa

Whose (thay
cho nguoi, v~t
, h_ f h
so uu: o w om1
_[ leg had been blown off. .
of which - Do you remember Trung, whose fnend you talkedj
ho~c loai v~t)
to yesterday?

> Cac c!Jm tir chi s6 luqng some of, both of, all of, neither of, many of, none of ... c6 the
duqc dung tru6c whom, which va whose. '

> Neu trong m$nh de quan h$ c6 gi6i tir thi gi6i tir c6 the d~t tru6c ho~c sau m(lnh de
quan h$, chi ap d!Jng v6i whom va which. I
> C6 the dung which thay cho ca m(lnh de dt1ng tru6c.
- The men that talked to you yesterday were very
s (chu ngfr) rich.
-This is the hotel that is of low quality.
(thay cho
-The men that you talked to yesterday were very
nguoi, v~t
ho~c loai v~t) o (tan ngfr) -He was sent to prison for a crime that he didn't

L!ru y:
cac truong hqp dung "that"
• That (khong ph<ii which) duqc dung lams (chu ngfr) trong m(lnh de quan h$ khi
c6 tir di tru6c Ia: a//, little, much, none

Trang 50
...,; ......... ... "'

E.g: These walls are all that remain of the ancient city.
• Khi danh tll phia trtr6'c chi ca ngU'b'i l~n v~t (han tll) .
E.g: I see the girl and her dog that are running in the park.
• Sau cac d~i tll bat dinh: someone, anybody, nothing, any thing, something,
no one, ...
• That con dU'qc dung trong so sanh han nhat.
The most/ The best/ The least/ adj + est... + THAT + ...
E.g: This is the most beautiful house that I have ever visited.
• That (thay the cho v~t. cum tll ho~c d6i khi Ia ca ngU'i>'i) con dU'qc dung trong
cau true diu che:
E.g: It was Linh that helped you. (Linh helped you.)
,_ Cac trtri>'ng hqp KHONG dung "that"
• Kh6ng dung that trong m$nh de quan h$ kh6ng xac din h.
E.g: Minh introduced me to Luan, who worked with her on the project.
MiAR iAtFS8uee8 mete LuaA, tRat werl1e8 witR ReF GA IRe projeet.
0 Khi c6 gi6'i tll6' phia trU'6'c (in, on, at, of, ... )
• Khi thay the cho ca m$nh de dtl'ng trtr6'c, mil dung Which de thay the.
E.g: It rained all day, which was a pity.
• V6'i cac tll chi IU'qng c6 gi6'i tll di kern: (neither of, most of, all of, none of, many
of, a Jot of, ... )
C6 y nghi'a -I don't know the school where Linh is studying.
Where (thay tll
"6t9i d8u": -You should go to a store where you can buy
chi noi chon)
at/ inion which food.
C6 y nghi'a - I never forget the day when I first kissed her.
When (thay tll
"khi nao": - She arrived at a time when I was not ready.
chi thi>'i gian)
on/at which
They did not tell her the reason why (for which)
C6 y nghi'a "ly do":
Why (chi ly do) they chased her.
for which
Chu y: Why thU'i>'ng dung sau tll reason.
s (chu ngil'), Could you give this message to whoever is in
Whoever (thay c6 y nghi'a: charge of sales?
cho ngU'i>'i) "bat ctl' ai mil ... " = Could you give this message to anyone who is in
=anyone who charge of sales?

o (tan ngil'), She's a divorced woman, so she is free to marry
c6 y nghi'a: whomever she chooses.
(thay cho
"ba't clr ai rna" = She's a divorced woman, so she is free to marry
= anyone whom anyone whom she chooses.

2. Rut gqn mi;inh de quan hi;i

2.1. Rut gc;m ve v-;ng khi cau mang tinh chu d(mg
- Neu d\>ng tll trong m$nh de quan h$ 6 the chu d\>ng (active), ta dung cum hi~n t~i philn tll
(present participle phrase) thay cho m$nh de d6.
- 86 d~i tll quan h$ va trq d\>ng tll, dU'a d\>ng tll chinh ve nguyen m~u va them du6i - ing. (V-ing)
E.g: The boy who is standing there is my son.
->The boy standing there is my son.

Trang 51
Do you know the man who caused the accident yesterday?
---> Do you know the man causing the accident yesterday?

2.2.· Rut gqn ve V,z khi ciiu mang tinh bi

- Neu d(lng tCr trong m$nh de quan h$ 6 the bi d(lng (passive) ta dung cum qua khLr ph an tCr (V-
ed phrase).
E.g: The plays which were written by him are interesting.
_,The plays written by him are interesting.

deqmm To Infinitive

each dung vr d!l

. kh' d. . • ~- Trung was the only student to win (who won) the
Dung 1 ung truoc 1a .
... h. (1h ~· I scholarship.
so~ IIht'l,fd e wstj - I think Vinh is the best candidate to apply (who applies) for
secon, t 1r, 1ast, ony+ t h
)h _ • h • . h t e post.
N oac tm tu so san · . . . . .
· h h- I
-He was the third person to be killed (who was killed) 1n th1s
on n at way. (d ang b'! d'qng vo1
.. to V) _j_
Khi d(lng tCr Ia I have a lot of works that I must do.
HAVE/HAD ---> I have a lot of works to do.
Dau ciiu c6 HERE (BE), There are six letters which have to be written today
THERE(BE) --->There are six letters to be written today.

The last girl that was killed there was his daughter.
Doi voi ciiu bj d(lng
--->The last girl to be killed there was his daughter.
_, chuyen ve dang
They will give money to anyone that is bitten by the dog.
TO +BE+ Vpz
->They will give money to "' •yv• ·~to be bitten by the dog.
· " Luu y: Chung ta c6 the dung To-infinitive (to V) d€ gian luqc MDQH khi c6 m9t trong

cac tCr: something, anything, nothing, everything, somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody,
somewhere, anywhere, nowhere, everywhere. (day cGng Ia kien thLrc ve m$nh de danh
E.g: There was nothing we could do about it- the situation was beyond our control.
->There was nothing to do about it- the situation was beyond our control.
We need someone who will look after the children while we are at work.
___, We need someone to look after the children while we are at work.

ell! qm:m linh tU' c6 be vil tfnh linhtU'

each dung Vi d!l
Neu phia truoc that- There must be something that is wrong.
Ia d9i ter phi em chi --->There must be something wrong.
Bo who, nhu something,
which ... to be anything, anybody...
va giG' nguyen
tinh tCr phia co ""va""''
truoc phai ""
c6retCr 2 IMy '""' m"""'· """ " or d eod '''' ""'"
goes out of the house
sau. tfnh tCr trolen. _, My grandmother, old and sick, never goes
-~---- - - ---
~the house.
--------- - - ----'

Trang 52
_.,. _.,. ... tl'


Dem tfnh tLr len trtr6c My grandmother, who is sick, never goes out
danh tCr. of the house.
--+ My sick grandmother never goes out of the
I bought a hat which was very beautiful and
Nhil'ng trtrong fashionable.
hqp con l9i --+ I bought a very beautiful and fashionable
Neu cum tinh tCr gam I met a man who was very good at both
ca danh tCr, ta chi con English and French.
each dung V-ing. --+ I met a man being very good at both English
and French.

-~ L<ru y: each rut gQn lo9i nay kha phuc t9p, tuy thu(>c vao 3 yeu to: c6 m(>t hay nhieu
tinh tCr, danh tCr dung trtr6c c6 phai Ia phiem chi khong, c6 dau phay hay khong.

* M<?nh de tfnh ti.r thilnh tinh ti.r ghep

- Rut gQn m~nh de thilnh m(>t tinh ter ghep bang each tim trong m~nh de m(>t so aem va
danh tCr di sau n6, sau d6 ta de chUng c9nh nhau va them dau g9ch noi 6 giil'a.
- Dem trnh tCr ghep d6 ra trtr6c danh tCr dung trtr6c who, which ... - nhil'ng phan con l9i b6
E.g: I had a holiday which lasted two days.
--> I had a two-day holiday .

• ~ LUl.J 'i:
> Danh tCr khong dtrqc them "s"
,.. Chi dung dtrqc d9ng nay khi m~nh de tfnh tCr c6 so aem
» Cac cum nhtr tuoi thi se viet l9i ca 3 tCr va g9ch noi giil'a chung (two years old Ia two-

2.5. Rut g<;m m~nh de quan h$ dung cum danh tu (Dong each danh ti.r/ Ngfr dong vi)
-Dung cum danh tCr khi m~nh de quan h~ c6 d9ng:
Who/Which + be + Danh til/ C\lm danh liJ/ C1,1m gi6'i til/ Tfnh t(r
__, B6 who, which va be.
E.g: Football, which is a popular sport, is very good for health.
__, Football, a popular sport, is very good for health.
Do you like the book which is on the table?
--> Do you like the book on the table?
Vo Nguyen Giap, who was the first general of Vietnam, passed away 8 years ago.
--> Vo Nguyen Giap, the first general of Vietnam, passed away 8 years ago.

Trang 53
de quan hi) 2

• [!] ~

i::, ·'i: ..
•1.:.1.~ ..

Trang 54
_... ""':"" ... ...


Nh~n biet tLr lo(li theo duoi ella danh tlr, d(>ng tCr, tfnh tlr vii tr(lng tlr trong Tieng An h.

1. lri cua ci\c !illo~i

Tir lo"i Vj tri Vid\1
Sau m(lo tlr, tinh tLJ' vii cac tLJ' chi a beautiful girl; my book; this boy
Lam chu ngil', thU'ong aCrng aau Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam.
DanhtlJ' Lam tan ngil', dCrng sau d9ng tCr I like music.
Sau cac d9i tLJ' chi djnh this, that, This movie is interesting.
these, those
Sau cac tLJ' chi lll'qng: many, much, some pencils, a few students
some, any, a few, a little, ...
!lCrng ngay sau chu ngil' I like music.
!lCrng sau tr(lng tLJ' I usually get up at 7 o'clock.
D(ing tLJ'
llCrng sau d(>ng tLJ' tobe trong cau It was built 5 years ago.
llLrng giiJ'a m(IO tlr va danh tlr a famous singer
Sau d(>ng tlr tobe va d(>ng tLJ' noi He is/looks tired.
(Linking Verb)
Trong cau true cau so sanh, cam What an interesting movie!
Tinh tir than It was such a fantastic game!
Trong cau true too +adj +to V vii The weather is too cold to go out.
adj +enough
Trong cau true so/ such ... that It was so noisy that we couldn't
focus on the movie.
llCrng tmoc d(>ng tLJ' I often listen to music at night.
llCrng dau cau ho~c cuoi ciiu: Unfortunately, I was late for the
Tr"ng tir meeting.
llCrng giil'a trq d(>ng tLJ' vii d(>ng tLJ' I have already read that book.
llLrng giil'a d(>ng tlr to be va tfnh tlr She is very nice.

2. Ti!:m to
Tien to Vi d\1
incorrect, illegal, irresponsible,
in-/ il-/ ir-/ im-
impossible, immoral, ...
Ghi chl.i:
Cac tien to mang - lien to il- thll'b'ng di voi cac tLr bat dau bang L;
nghTa phu djnh - Tien to ir- thll'ong ai voi cac tCr bat aau bang R;
- Tien to im- thll'ong ai voi cac ter bat aau bang M ho~c P.
non- non-profit, non-fiction, ...
un- unhappy, undo, unemployed, ...

Trang 55
disappear, disconnect, disagree,
disapproval, ...
mis- mistreat, mistake, miscarriage, ...
anti- antivirus, antisocial, ...
contra- contradict, contrary, contraflow, ...
ex- ex-boss, ex-spouse, ...
cac tien to post- postgraduate, posterior, ... '
lien quan
pre- preschool, pre-war, precede, ...
den thai gian
re- repeat, recycle, reuse, ...

extra- extraordinary, extracurricular, ...
micro- microscope, microorganism, ...
Cac tien to semi- semi-final, semi-formal, ...
am chi so lm;mg ...
supervisor, superlative, superman,
uni- united, uniform, ...
Cac tien to mang dec-/ deci- decade, decimal, decimate, ...
nghia con so ' cent- century '
mill-/ kilo- kilowatts, millennium, ...
' sub- subtropical, suburb, subway, ... I
co-/ col-/ com-
cooperate, colleague, community, I
de- descend, depart, ...
ex- export, exterior, exhale, ...
Cac tien to mang ----~ ---
in- interior, inhale, ...
nghia diem, vi tri
outnumber, outside, outweigh,
out-/ over-
overheat, overload, overtime, ...
re- return, report, ...
tele- television, telepathy, ...
trans- transform, transplant, transport, ...

3. to
3.1. to cila danh tir
Cong thli'c Vi d\1
t teacher, manager, worker, actor, director, visitor, assistant,
Verb+ er/or/ant
attendant, applicant, ...
Verb+ ion action, invention, discussion, construction, suggestion, ...
development, appointment, refusal, arrival, approval,
Verb + ment/al
entertainment, ...
Verb+ ing teaching, building, training, ...
Verb+ ee employee, interviewee, trainee, ...
Verb+ ure failure, closure, exposure, ...

Adj +ness kindness, sadness, happiness, darkness, ...

_ Adj + (i)ty I safety, loyalty, honesty, cruelty, purity, majority, ... - --
- - Adj + dom
rn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____j freedom, wisdom, boredom, ...

Trang 56
....., -." .... #


Adj + th warmth, truth, width, ...

Noun + ist/ian guitarist, musician, artist, novelist, physician, magician, ...
Noun+ ism capitalism, heroism, patriotism, ...
Noun+ ship friendship, relationship, championship, leadership, ...
Noun+ hood motherhood, childhood, neighborhood, ...
-graphy biography, photography, geography, ...
-logy biology, zoology, psychology, geology, ...
academy, apology, bravery, century, machinery, accuracy,
-y/ -ry/ -cy
efficiency, bankruptcy, ...
-age marriage, damage, baggage, carriage, ...
importance, dependence, appearance, significance,
-ance/ -ence
confidence, ...

3.2. H\lu to cua dqng tu

CongthCrc Vfd\1
Adj +en Sharpen, tighten, shorten, loosen, ...
Industrialize, modernize, socialize, memorize, economize,
Noun/ Adj + ize/ ise
idolize, ...
-ate Vaccinate, evacuate, humiliate, congratulate, celebrate, ...
-fy Satisfy, modify, horrify, justify, verify, ...

3.3. H(lu to cua tinh til'

Cong thCrc Vi d\1
Careful, hopeful, helpful, careless, useless, harmless,
-full -less
homeless, peaceful, successful, ...
-ly Manly, friendly, cowardly, chilly, ...
-like/-ish Childlike, childish, selfish, boyish, manlike, ...
Dangerous, mountainous, religious, poisonous, curious,
suspicious, ...
-y Healthy, rainy, snowy, windy, dirty, ...
Alcoholic, artistic, academic, natural, national, cultural,
-ic/ -all -ical
historical, comical, ...
Respectable, knowledgeable, reasonable, resistible,
-able/ -ible
responsible, ...
-ive Informative, attentive, responsive, explosive, massive, ...
-ed/-ing Interesting, excited, fascinating, delighted, ...
Noun+ Adj Homesick, lovesick, seasick, worldwide, nationwide, ...
Noun+ P2 Home-made, sunburned, hand-made, ...
Noun + present Heartbreaking, housekeeping, breathtaking, ...
Adv + present Hard-working, well-being, everlasting, ...
' participle
Adv+ P2 Well-known, newly-launched, well-prepared, ...
Noun/ Adj + Noun-ed Kind-hearted, left-handed, heart-shaped, lion-hearted, ...

Trang 57
3.4. tO cUa

Cong thfrc Vf d\1 ...

-ly Faithfully, happily, hardly, normally, actively, ...
-wise Clockwise, otherwise, likewise, ...
-ward Backward, homeward, eastward, ...

....... _... ... ...


1. Tfnh ti:r d<>ng V-ing va V-ed
D;mg each dung Vid!l
Dien ta ban chat, tinh chat cua mi;>t It was quite surprising that he
V-ing ai ho~c cai gl d6 managed to finish the work.
Mang tinh chu di;>ng The film was amazing.
Dien Ia cam xuc, cho biet ai d6 cam Everyone was surprised that he
V-ed !hay nhu the nao ve mi;>t cai gl d6 passed the examination.
Mang tinh bi di;>ng I was amazed by the film.

2. Tr@l II! ella tinh !i:r

Tr(lt II! Vid\l
Tlnh ti:r chi quan diem, pretty (xinh ci~p), ugly (xau xQ, beautiful
0- Opinion
s\f cianh gia (ci~p), lovely (dang yeu), messy (bi:ra bi;>n), ...
Tlnh ILl' big (to ion), small (nh6), short (ngan, lun), tall
S- Size
chi kfch co (cao), huge (khong Ia), ...
Tfnh tCr old (gia, cO), new (moi), young (tn\), ...
chi ci9 tuoi
Tinh tCr round (Iron), square (vu6ng), triangular (hlnh
S- Shape
chi hlnh dang tam giac)
Tfnh ILl' white (trang), yellow (vang), silver (mau b;;~c),
C- Color
chi mau sac green (mau xanh 1\lc), ...
Tlnh tCr Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese, ...
0- Original
chi nguon g6c
Tlnh tCr gold (bang vang), plastic (bang nhlfa), leather
M- Material
chi chat lieu (bang da), stone (bang cia), ...
Tfnh ILl' chi sleeping bag (lUi ngu), coffee table (ban ca
P- Purpose
m11c cifch sli d11ng phe), school bag (c~p cii h9c), ...

3. Cau true So/ Enough/ Too

Cau true Vid!l
Adj/adv +enough (for He is strong enough to lift the box.
sb) +to V: DU ... (cho ai)
Enough+ N (for sb) to V: I don't have enough money to buy a car.
Du cai gl de (cho ai) lam
Too+ adj/adv (for sb) to The coffee was too hot for me to drink. (I
v:Qua ... cie lam gl (hlnh couldn't drink the coffee.)
Too tht!c khang dinh nhung =The coffee was so hot that I couldn't drink
nghia phil cijnh) it.
So So+ adj/adv: Qua, rat ... The food is so good.

Trang 59
Tinh ti.r

Trang 60
_.., ,u.t' "" ""


CHUYEN DE 13: Tlr H~N D!NH VA D~l Tlr

1. D?i tu·
- D9i tir Ia tCr thay the cho danh tir, tranh SIJ l~p hei danh ter.
Phan lo@i D;li tir
Ngoi Chi! ngfr Tlinngfr
ngoi thu nhat I me
so it ngoi thu hai you you
D;;ti tir
ngoi thlr ba he/she/it him/her/it
nhan xung
ngoi thu nhat we us
so nhieu ngoi thu hai you you
ngoi thu ba they them
Something, someone, somebody, anything, anyone, anybody,
D~i tir everything, everyone, everybody, nothing, no one, nobody, all, one,
bat djnh none, other, another, much, less, (a) few, (a) little, enough, each,
either, neither.
D~i tir Myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves,
phan than themselves.
D~i tir Who, whom, which, that, whose.
quan h~
D~i tir This, that, these, those ...
chi djnh
Who, whom, whose, what, which.
D9i tir
E.g: Who keeps the keys?
nghi van
Whose umbrella did you borrow?

2. M<'o lir
2.1. M<Jo tir khimg xac djnh "a/an"
- M9o tir khong xac djnh dlfqc d~t tm6c danh tCr khong xac djnh, tuc Ia danh tir d6 dlfqc nhac
den ran dau tiiin trong ngfr cimh.
each dung Vid\1
Dung v6i nghTa gi6ng nhlf any, every A lion lives in the jungle.
Dung v6i danh tCr s6 it d8m dlfqc a cup of coffee, a glass of water ...
Tm6c m(it danh tir lam bo ttlc tir- He was a famous person.
thanh phan ph~
Dung trong m(it so c~m tCr chi so a lot, a couple, a third, a dozen, a hundred, a
llfqng quarter, a half...
Khong dung "a", "an" trlf6c danh tir aR apples
s6 nhieu.
Khbng dung "a", "an" tm6c danh tir What you need is confidence.
khong dem dlfqc ho~c danh tir triru

Kh6ng dung "a", "an" tnr6c ten g0 i a delicious dinner
cac bO'a an, trlJ' phi c6 tfnh tlJ' dU'ng
tm6c cac ten g0 i d6

·"' L111J y:
,.. "a" dU'ng trtr6c m(lt ph~ am hoac m(lt nguyen am c6 am Ia ph~ am
E.g: a game, a university,. ..
> "an" dU'ng tnr6c m(lt nguyen am hoac m(lt am cam
E.g: an egg, an ant, an hour,. ..
>"an" cung dU'ng tnr6c cac mau It! dac bii)t doc nhu m9t nguyen am
E.g: an SOS, an X-ray,. ..

2.2. "the"
-Mao tlr xac djnh the dU'ng trtr6c danh tlr xac djnh, tU'c Ia danh tlr d6 da duqc nhac aen trong
cau hoac duqc hai nguoi hieu ngam theo ngO' canh giao tiep.
each dung Vid\1
Khi v~t the hay nh6m vat the Ia duy the sun, the world, the earth,. ..
nhat hoac duqc xem Ia duy nhat I
Tnr6c m(lt danh tlr neu danh tlJ' nay I see a guy. The guy is fixing his car.
~Lra duqc de c?p tru6c d6
The teacher that I met yesterday is my sister-in-
Tru6c m(lt danh tLJ' neu danh tlr duqc
xac bang 1 c~m tlJ' hoac 1 mi)nh de
the girl in uniform, the boy in blue shirt,. ..
-B~t tru6c m9t danh 1lr chi m(lt do vat Please pass the jar of honey.
rieng bii)t ma nguoi n6i va nguoi My father is cooking in the kitchen room.
nghe deu hieu
--:fru&c so sanh nhat (dU'ng trtr6c first, You are the best in my life.
second, only ... ) khi cac tLr nay duqc He is the tallest person in the world.
dung nhu tfnh tlJ' hoac dai llr.
The whale is in danger of becoming extinct.
The + danh tlJ' so it: tuqng trtrng cho
The fast-food is more and more prevelent
m(lt nh6m thu Vat hoac do Vat
around the world.
flat "the" tru6c m(lt tinh tlJ' de chi the old (nguoi gia), the poor (nguoi nghim), the
m(lt nh6m nguoi nhat djnh rich (nguoi giau)
The duqc dung tnr6c nhO'ng danh ttr the Pacific (Thai Binh Duong), the United States
rieng chi bien, song, quan ciao, day (Hqp chung quae Hoa Ky), the Alps (Day Anpo)
nui, ten g0 i so nhieu cua cac nu6c, sa
the North of Vietnam (Bac Vi$t Nam), the Gulf of
Mexico (Vjnh Mehic6)
of+ danh tir Nhung n6i: South Africa (Nam Phi), North
America (Bac My), West Germany (Tay flU'c),
mac du The North of Spain (Bac Tiiy Ban Nha),

Trang 62
,..,"" ,..,,. ... .,.

The Middle East (Trung Dong), The West

(Phtrang Tily).
The+ hQ (6 d~ng so nhieu) c6 nghTa The Smiths (Gia dinh Smith (gem vq va cac
Ia Gia dinh con)), The Browns (Gia dinh Brown)
Dung "the" neu ta nhac den m(lt dja They went to the school to see their children.
diem nao d6 nhtrng kh6ng dtrqc su
d~ng v6i dung chll'c nang.

b. Cac tmimg hqp KHONG DUNG "the"

each dung Vid\1
TrU'6c ten quoc gia so it, chau l~c. ten Europe, Asia, France, Wall Street, Sword Lake
nui, he, dU'ong pho
(Ngo9i trCr nhfrng nU'6c theo che d(l
Lien bang - gem nhieu bang (state))
Khi danh tLr kh6ng de'm dU'qc ho~c I like dogs.
danh tLr so nhieu dung theo nghTa Oranges are good for health.
chung chung
TrU'6c danh tCr trCru tU'Q'ng, trCr khi Men fear death.
danh tCr d6 chi m(lt trtrong hqp ca The death of his father made him completely
bi$t hopeless.
Ta kh6ng dung "the" sau tinh tCr so my friend, kh6ng phai "my the friend"
hfru ho~c sau danh tCr o d(mg so hfru the Nam's book
Khong dung "the" tm6c ten gQi cac President Obama, Chancellor Angela Merkel, ...
bfra an hay tlf6c hi$u They invited some close friends to dinner.
NHU'NG: The wedding dinner was amazing.
Khong dung "the" trong cac trU'ong Come by car/ by bus
hqp nhac den danh tCr v6i nghTa In spring/ in Autumn, from beginning to end,
chung chung khac nhU' chai the thao, from left to right
cac mua trong nilm hay phtrang ti$n To play golf/chess/cards
di ll!i Go to bed/hospital/church/work/prison

3. TU h~n djnh
3.1 . Ti:r chi
- TCr hsm djnh chi djnh dung de chi Slf xa hay gan cua ai d6 v6i ngtroi n6i, bao gem: this, that,
these, those.
Danh tu so it Danh ti1 so nhieu Danh tu khong dem dugc
Gan nguoi noi this these this
Xa nguoi n6i that those that
E.g: I like this room.
That guy over there looks nervous.
These pens belong to me.
Can you see those cats?

Trang 63
3.2. Tu dinh so ht:ru
- TCr h~n djnh so hfru, hay con g<;>i Ia Tfnh tlr so hfru, dtrqc dung de chi vi$c ai d6 dang "so hli'u"
m(lt thll' gi d6, bao gom: my, your, his, her, its, our, their.
E.g: We sold our house last week.
Your wish is my command.
Her dress is from the latest collection.

Luu y:
»- Khong nham Ian Tlr h~n djnh sa htru, hay con g<;>i Ia Tinh tll' sa hihl, v6i D?i tlr sa hihl.
> Phan bi$t Its (cua n6) voi It's(= It+ is):
E.g: The cat licks its fur. __, Con meo liem long cua n6.
It's raining_= It is raining.__, Troi dang mtra.
Look at the bus! It's coming_ = It is coming __, Nhin xe bu'{t kia! N6 dang tien den.

3.3. Til' chis\fkhac

- C6 3 tCr h~n djnh chi S\1' khac bi$t: another, other va the other.
~ -----
n dinh each dung Vi d\1
-Dung de chi m(lt cai gi Would you like another cup of coffee?
d6 khac, hoac them vao __,them 1 c6c ca phe nil'a
cai da n6i den trtr6c d6 I Another reason to reject his offer is ____
- Dung voi danh tCr s6 it ' __,them 1 ly do nfra Ia ___
· Dung d8 chi m(lt cai gi I have no other ideas.
d6 khac han voi cai da n6i __, y kien
Other den trtr6c d 6 There are other jobs you could try.
- Dung v6i danh tCr s6 -+ cong vi$c khac
-Dung d8 chi den (nhfrng) I enjoyed the first book but I didn't read the

cai con l<Ji trong (nhfrng) other books in the series_
The other cai cia n6i den trtr6c d6 __, nhfrng cu6n con lai trong series
- Dung v6i danh tCr s6 it Where is the other box of candy?
1 ho~c s6 nhieu __, h(lp k~o con l~i
--- -

Cau true
--=r - ---------
- --
There are enough chairs for everyone here.
Enough + danh tCr
--> danh tCr "chair"

-I hadn't trained enough for the job.

__, d(lng tCr "train"
-This house isn't big enough for us.
Tinh tCr I Trang tCr I D(lng tCr + Enough
_, tfnh tCr "big"
-We didn't leave early enough.
-+ tr.,_ng tCr "early"

Trang 64
...,.; _,. ... ""

5. each dung both/neither/either

*Both/ Both of (ca hai), Neither/Neither of (cil hai khong), Either/ Either of (mqt trong hai):
dung viii 2 nguoi, 2 v~t
Cau true Vid\1
Both + danh tlJ' de"m dtrqc so nhieu Both restaurants are very good.
Neither + danh tlJ' so ft Neither restaurant is expensive.
Either + danh tlJ' so ft We can go to either restaurant.

*Both of, Neither of, Either of+ the/these/those/my/his/(tlJ' chi djnh) ... + danh tir so nhieu
E.g: Both of these restaurants are very good.
Neither of the restaurants is expensive.
We can go to either of those restaurants.

BAI T ~p T!)' lUY~N


/ Tlr h~m d!nh - D~i tlr '


Trang 65
Llrgng t.:r (Quantifiers) Ia cac tLr chi solugng, dugc d~t truoc danh t.:r de bo nghTa cho danh tlr.
M(lt so lugng tlr trong tieng Anh di voi danh tlr dem duqc, so khac l;;.i di voi danh tlr kh6ng aem
dugc, va m(lt so l;;.i c6 the di voi ca danh tlr Clem OlfQ'C va kh6ng aem dtrQ'C.
1. Luqng tiJ' di v6i danh tiJ' dem
Lugngtlr Vfd\1
Many There aren't many people living here.
A number of+ danh tLr so nhieu A number of countries are overproducing goods.
+ d(lng t.:r so nhieu: vai
The number of + danh tCr so The number of visitors increases rapidly.
nhieu + d(lng tCr so it: solugng
Few/a few Few people can say that they always tell the truth.
Several I've checked it several times.
Every I go for a walk every morning.
Each Each day seems to pass very slowly.

·"" Luu y:
> few, little (it, kh6ng nhieu): thuong c6 nghTa phu dinh, it kh6ng au de dung
,.. a few 1 a little (m(lt vai, m(lt it): thuong co nghTa khang djnh, ft du de dung

tit di v6i danh tu


llfQ'ngtlr ! Vf d\1
Much Does the newspaper have much information?
An amount of He borrowed a large amount of money.
A great deal of A dishwasher uses a great deal of electricity.

Little/a little There is little sugar in my coffee.
·"" Luu y: ChUng ta thuong dung "too much" trong cac ci\u khang dinh de dien ta
ho~c sv vi~c d6 qua nhieu.
E.g: I waste too much money on comics. ___ j
ti:r di v6i d danh tir dem vil danh tir
-·· ·-
ltrQ'ngtll' VI d1,1
Plenty of - There were plenty of berries.
- Plenty of water is on the floor.
Some/ any -Would you like some beer?
-We haven't got any butter.
A lot ofI lots of 1- He has a lot of/lots of friends here.
-That's a lot of money.
Most (of} -She plays tennis most mornings.
- Most of my friends live abroad.
------ ~II workers are in the factory.
-All money will be donated to the poor children.
---------· ----···--------------------------------

Trang 66
~ .,.,; ... .,.

.~ Luuy:
> some: thtrang dung trong cau khilng dinh, cau yeu cau, lai mai, lai de nghi.
> any: thtrang dung trong cau phu djnh, nghi van.

4. D(lng tll' dung sau tll' chi so luqng

Cau true Vf d\1
so thiip phan, phan so, sl! do luang + One third of the city is unemployed.
d(lng tll' so it (M9t phan ba so dan thanh pho that nghi~p.)
All, some, plenty+ of+ danh tll' so it + Some of the milk was sour.
d(lng tll' so it (M9t it sfra da bi chua.)
Half, part, a lot+ of+ danh tll' so nhieu + A lot of my friends want to emigrate.
d(lng tll' so nhieu (Nhieu ngtrai b~n cua toi muon di cu.)
No+ danh tll' so it+ d(lng tll' No student has finished their assignment.
so it (Khong co hQc sinh nao hoan thanh bai tap.)
No+ danh tll' so nhieu + d(lng tll' s6 No people think alike.
nhieu (Kh6ng c6 ngtrai nao nghi giong nhau.)
A number of countries are overproducing
A number of+ danh tll' so nhieu + d(lng
tll' so nhieu
(MQt so nuoc dang san xuat thll'a hang h6a.)
The number of+ danh tll' so nhieu + The number of visitors increases rapidly.
d(lng tll' so it (Lugng du khach tang nhanh chong.)


i' luqng ttl '1



1!1 ..
'', ''

1. Gioi tir chi thoi
Gioi ti:r Vi d1,1
in (trong, vao): dung cho thang, niim, in 1998, in September, in March 1999, in the
mua, the kiva cac buoi trong ngay winter, in the 21st century, in the 1970s, in
(ngoai trLr at night, at noon) the morning,. ..
on (vao): dung cho ngay, ngay thang, on Wednesday afternoon, on 2 April1999, on
ngay thang niim va cac ngay c~,~ the Christmas day, on my birthday, ...
at (luc, vao luc): dung cho thai gian trong at 5 o'clock, at 11 :45, at midnight, at
ngay va vao nhung ngay le Christmas,. ..
between 6 pm and 8 am, between Monday
between (giQa hai khoang thai gian)
and Friday, ...
before lunch, two days before Christmas, the
before (tru'oc, tru'oc khi) day before yesterday,. ...
She regularly goes for a run before breakfast
shortly after six, after lunch, half after seven
after (sau, sau khi) in the morning, ...
I'll see you after the meeting.
for two hours, for 20 minutes, for five days,
for (trong khoang thai gian)
for a long time, for ages,...
since ten past six, since Monday, since
since (1Lr, tlr khi)
yesterday,. ..

till/ until (den, cho den khi)

He'll be at work until/ till half past five. !i
·""-------1-:1-;-s·lept from 9am till! untii_~)J_I21_:_____ ---!
up to (den, cho den) Up to now he's been <:J_U_ie_t__
· ·--------------4
•-' Lmqi:
> Khbng dung cac gi6'i tLr in, on, at tnr6'c every, last, next, this, tomorrow, yesterday ...
I, > M(>t so gi6'i tLr chi thai gian khac: about, by, during, from, to ...
> Khbng dung cac gi6'i tLr in, on, at tnr6'c every, last, next, this, tomorrow, yesterday.
I E.g: I'll come and see you next -
--------- ---~

2. Gi&i lit chi noi diem

Gioi ti:r Vidu
in (otrong)r dung de chi m(>t vTtiihay·· in the box, in the city, ...
m(>t dja diem. I am temporarily staying in a hotel.
on (otren): dung cho be m~i ala v$t,
on the farm, on the floor, on Bui Thi Xuan
m(>t noi chon ho~c fang nhiL Street, on a bus,. ..
on con duqc dung cho duang pho, The paper is on my desk.
phuong ti$n di lai.
at (6, tiii): dung cho m(>t vi trf, m(>t dja at the meeting, at home, at 5 Quang Trung ...
diem xac djnh ho~c m(>t dja chi c6 so

Trang 68
~ ,.,,. ... ..,.

between (6 giii'a): dung de mieu ta vi tri The bank is located between a bakery store
gifra hai ngtroi ho~c hai v~t. thtrong and a hospital.
dung v6'i gi6'i tCr "and".
behind (a dang sau) There is a beautiful garden behind my house.
in front of (a dang trtr6'c) There is a park in front of my house.
under (a dtrai) The cat is under the table.
next to: ke ben, ben c;;mh. The bathroom is next to the kitchen.

-~ Ltru y: Ngoai ra con co ciic gioi tll' chi nai chon khac nhll':
inside (ben trong), outside (ben ngoai), near (gan), by/beside (ben can h), over (6tren),
above (phia tren), opposite (doi di~n), around/round (xung quanh), among (6 gifra nhieu
ngtroi, v~t), ...

3. Mqt so lo~i gioi tCr knac

Phan lo;;ti Giai t.:r Vid\1
To, into, onto: den, tiep I go to school everyday.
c~n va tiep xuc be m~t. 6 I go into the room.
phia ngoai cung cua v~t. The boat was driven onto the rocks.
dia diem
(Into, onto cOng dtrqc
dung v6'i nghTa ttrong t\1' to
Gioi tir chi
nhtrng tiep c~n sau hon.
S\1' chuyen
Into Ia ben trong cua v~t
ho~c dia diem, con onto Ia
ben tren.)
Across: ngang qua A bird is flying across.
Along: doc thea I knew it all along.
Round, around, about: a voyage round Halong Bay
With: v6'i I'm shopping with my brother.
Without kh6ng, kh6ng c6 to travel without a ticket
According to: thea According to the archives, he was born in
Giai tir chi
the each
In spite of: m~c du In spite of eating KFC regularly, Giang
remained slim
Instead of: thay vl I'll have coffee instead of tea.
To/ In order to/So as to:
She works hard to/ in order to /so as to have
Gioi tir chi a better life in the future.
m\JC dich
For: cho, de He signed it for me.
Let me do it for you.

Giai tir chi

Thanks to: nho a Thanks to your help, I passed the exam.
By means of: nho, bang The mathematical calculations involved were
nguyen do
phtrong ti~n facilitated by means of a mechanical device.

Trang 69

4, Gi6i !ir thee sau so tir

1/ Verbs+ about
-Care about sb/sth: coi tr0ng -Remind sb about sth: nhac ai nh6
(Care for: thfch, muon) (Remind sb of sb/sth: gqi ai nh6' den)
-Dream about/of sb/sth: move -Talk about sb/sth: n6i chuy~n ve
- Hear about sth: nghe n6i ve -Tell sb about sb/sth: n6i voi ai ve
(Hear from sb: nghe tin ttl'c cua ai) -Warn sb about/of sth: canh baa ve
2/ Verbs+ at
-Aim (sth) at sb/sth: nham vao -Shout at sb: Ia mang ai
-Arrive at/in: den t~i -Stare at sb/sth: nhin cham chtl
-Glance at sb/sth: liec nhin -Throw sth at sb: nem m~nh vao ai
-Laugh at sb: ctri>'i (nh~o) ai (Throw sth to sb: nem cho ai bat)
-Look at sb/sth: nhin vao - Point (sth) at sb/sth: chTa vao
3/ Verbs + for
-Apply for sth: n(>p don xin -Look for sb/sth: tim kiem
-Ask (sb) for sth: yeu cliu, xin ai ve (Look after sb/sth: cham s6c)
-Blame sb for sth: do loi cho ai ve -Pay for sth: tra tien cho dieu gi
-Forgive sb for (doing) sth: tha thtl' -Search for sb/sth: tim kiem
- Hope for sth: hy VQng ve -Thank sb for (doing) sth: cam on
- Leave (a place) for: rcri dedi den -Wait for sb/sth: chi>' dqi
4/Verbs +of
-Accuse sb of (doing) sth: bu9c t9i ai ~-Die of/from sth: chet vi
-Approve of sth: dong y; chap thu~n -Disapprove of sth: kh6ng dong y
-Consist of sb/sth: gem c6 [-Suspect sb of (doing) sth: nghi ngcr
5/ Verbs+ on
1 -Concentrate on sth: t~p trung vao ~-Insist on (doing) sth: khang khang
I -Congratulate sb on (doing) sth: khen -Live on sb/sth: song nhcr vao
ngqi ai vi cai gi ~-Rely on: tin c~y vao
- Depend on: tuy thu9c vao -Spend (money) on sth: tieu (tien)
6/ Verbs + from
-Escape from: tron thoat kh6i -Protect sb from sth: baa v~
~~vent sb from (doing) sth: ngan ch~n -Suffer from sth: chju, bi (bi)nh, dau kho,".)
71 Verbs+ in
-Believe in sb/sth: tin vao -Succeed in (doing) sth: thimh c6ng ve
-Specialize in sth: chuyen ve
8/ Verbs +to
-Apologize to sb for (doing) sth: xin loi -Devote to (doing) sth: cong hien cho vii)c gi
ai ve vii)c gi - Describe sth to sb: m6 ta cho ai
-Complain to sb about sth: phan nan ve - Explain sth to sb: giai thfch cho ai
-Commit to (doing) sth: cam ket lam - Happen to sb/sth: xay ra v6'i
vii)c gi -Listen to: lang nghe
-Dedicate to (doing) sth: cong hi en cho -Prefer'" to"': thfch '" hon '"
vii)c gi -Talk I speak to sb: n6i v6i
9/ Verbs + with
- Collide with: tong, dung vao -Provide sb with sth: cung cap

Trang 70
~ ........ ... ....

- Compare with/to: so sanh voi (Provide sth for sb: cung cap)
-Fill with: lam day -Supply sb with sth: cung cap
(Supply sth to sb: cung cap)
1 0/ Verbs + into
- Crash into: tong, d~ng vao -Divide into/ Split into: chia ra
- Cut into: cat ra thanh -Translate (from a language) into: djch ra

5. Gi6i lir lheo sau m91 so tinh tir

1/ Adjectives + of
- afraid of: sq -full of: day
- ahead of: di tnroc - guilty of: c6 t(li
- ashamed of: ho th'i'n - independent of: d(lc l?p
- aware of: y thtl'c -jealous of: ghen tj
- capable of: c6 kha nang - proud of: hanh di~n
-certain of/about chac ve - scared of: sq
- confident of: 11! tin - short of: c;,m, ki~t
- envious of: ghen tj -sure of: chac
-fond of: thfch, khoai -typical of: tieu bieu
2/ Adjectives +for
-available for: c6 san - famous for: noi tieng ve
- eager for: n6ng long cha -necessary for: can thiet cho
-eligible for: xtl'ng dang cho -useful for sth: c6 fch cho
3/ Adjectives +to
- accustomed to: quen voi - grateful to sb for sth: biet an
-committed to: t?n tw voi -harmful to: c6 h9i cho
- contrary to: trai voi -important to: quan trQng voi
- dedicated to: t?n tw voi -equal to: bang voi
- devoted to: t?n t~y voi -essential to/ for: can thiet cho
- open to: m6 ra cho -similar to: tli<lng 11! voi
4/ Adjectives + at
-amazed at kinh ngl)c ve -good at gi6i ve (good for: tot cho)
- bad at dove (bad for: xau cho) - clever at kheo leo ve
5/ Adjectives + with
-acquainted with: quen voi -friendly with: than thi~n voi
-angry with/at sb about sth: gi?n -happy with/about hl)nh phuc ve
angry with/at sb for doing sth: gi?n -honest with: thanh th?t voi
-bored with/ fed up with: chan voi -identical with: giong h~t voi
- busy with: b?n r(ln voi -impatient with: mat kien nhan voi
-crowded with: dong due - patient with: kien nhan voi
-disappointed with: that VQng -pleased/satisfied with: hili long voi
-familiar with: quen thu(lc voi -popular with: pho bien voi
6/ Adjectives + about
- annoyed (with sb) about bi/C ttl'c -confused about boi roi ve
-anxious about lo lang ve -excited about: phan khfch ve
-careful about can th?n ve -serious about nghiem tuc ve

Trang 71
-careless about: bat can ve I -sorry about I for: hoi tiec
71 Adjectives + 'from' va Adjectives + in
-absent from: vang m~t a -disappointed in I with: that VQng
-different from: khac voi - interested in: thich thu, quan tam
- free from I of: thoat kh6i -rich in: giau ve
- safe from: an toan -successful in: thanh ci\ng ve
8/ Adjectives+ 'of hoi;ic 'to': Cac tinh Ill' sau day thuong c6 the dugc dung voi gioi 'of'
ho;ic 'to', lily lheo cau true ciiu.
S +to be+ kind/ nice/ polite/ good/ It+ to be + kind/ nice/ polite/ good/ generous/
generous/ rude/ stupid +to sb rude/ stupid +of sb to do st


Gioi tu

Trang 72
,...... -."" ... #


""'" ....... :1> " ..... if'


So sanh Ia m(it phan ngfr phap quan trqng dU'qc sll' dung rat phil bien trong giao tiep cOng nh11
trong van viet, v6i muc dfch nhan manh Slf v~t Slf vi~c d11qc n6i t6i va tao diem nhan cho slf v~t
d11qc n6i t6i.
1. So siinh khong biing
- SLI' dung de so sanh gifra 2 dol t11qng (ng116'i, s11 v~t. s11 vi~c. hi~n 111qng). V6i loai so sanh nay,
ta se chia ra lam 02 loai:
+ V6i trang tlr/ tfnh tLJ' ngan.
+ V6i trang tlr/ tfnh tLJ' dai.
- C6ng thtl'c chung (dung cho trang tLr/ tfnh tLJ' ngan):
S + tobe/V + adj/adv + er +than+ Noun/ Pronoun
E.g: He runs faster than his brother.
She is shorter his father.

-~ chuy:
,.. V6i tfnh tLJ' co am tan cung Ia "y" thl phai dol thanh "i" them "er".
E.g: pretty_, prettier; happy_, happier
» Nhfrng tfnh tLJ'/tn;mg Ill dqc tLJ' hal am tr6 len gqi Ia tfnh tlr dai, m(it am gqi Ia tfnh tLJ'
ng8n. Tuy nhiEm, mQt sO tfnh tlr c6 hai van nhung ke't thUc b8ng "/e", "et", "ow'~ "er"van
xem Ia tfnh tlr ngan.
E.g: slow--> slower
,.. M(it so tfnh tLJ' nh11: senior, junior, superior, inferior, anterior, posterior, ban than chtlng
da ngu yso sanh han, nen kh6ng them "more", va thea sau Ia "to" chtl' kh6ng phai "than".
E.g: For babies, breastfeeding is superior to bottle-feeding.
> Trang tmong hqp tfnh tLJ' ngan c6 1 nguyen am nam gifra 2 phu am tan cung thi phai
gap d6i phu am cuai de tranh thay dol each dqc.
E.g: fat_, fatter; big --> bigger
> So sanh danh tLJ' dem d11qc va kh6ng dem d11qc
- Danh tli' cOng c6 the dung de so sanh trong cac tnrimg hqp kh6ng bang, nh11ng tm6c
khi so sanh phai xac d[nh xem d6 Ia danh tLJ' dem d11qc hay kh6ng Mm d11qc, vi dang
tm6c chilng c6 m(it so d[nh ngfr dung v6i 2 loai danh tli' d6.
- C6ng thtl'c:
S + V +as+ many/much/little/few+ noun+ as+ noun/pronoun
S + V +more/fewer/less+ noun+ than+ noun/pronoun
E.g: He earns as much money as his father.
February has fewer days than March.
Their jobs allow them less freedom than ours does.
* Tham khao nang cao:
,.. Dang sau as va than cua cac m~nh de so sanh, c6 the loai bo chu ngfr neu trung chu
ngfr v6i m~nh de tm6c, d~c bi~t Ia khi d(ing tLJ' sau than va as 6 dang b[ d(mg. Ltlc nay
than va as con c6 them chtl'c nang cua m(it dai Ill quan h~ thay the.
E.g: Their marriage was as stormy as had been expected.
Anne is going to join us, as was agreed last week.
He worries more than was good for him.

Trang 73
> Ho~c cac tan ngO' cOng c6 the bi lo<;~i b6 sau cac d(>ng tir 6 m$nh de sau than va as:
E.g: Don't lose your passport, as I did last year.
They sent more than I had ordered.
She gets her meat from the same butcher as I go to.

1.1. So sanh hon

cau true Vf d\1
S + tobe/ V +more+ adj/adv +than + She speaks English more fluently than her
Noun/ Pronoun friend.

1 .~ Luuy:
I> Sau "than" phai Ia d<Ji tir nhan xung chtl ngO', khong phai Ia tan ngO'
» Khi so sanh m(>t Vat ho~c m(>t nguoi voi tat ca nguoi ho~c Val con l;;~i thi ta phai them
I "else" sau anything/anybody.
I E.g: She is taller than anybody else in the class.
> fle nhan m9nh so sanh, c6 the them much/far truoc so sanh:

S + V +far/much+ Adj/Adv_er +than+ noun/pronoun
: S + V +far/much+ more+ Adj/Adv +than+ noun/pronoun
Harry's watch is far more expensive than mine.
He speaks English much more rapidly than he does Spanish.

Cau true Vfd1,1

S + V + less + adj/adv + THAN + She goes to the movie theater less
noun/pronoun frequently than he does.
(Sau THAN phai Ia <i<Ji tir nhan xung chtl
ngO', kh6ng duqc Ia tan ngO'.)

.~ ltru y:
> C6 the thay cau true not as ... as bang not so ... as de n6i rang cai gi d6 Ia kh6ng bang
cai kia (So sanh kh6ng bang), nhtrng KHONG thay as ... as bang so ... as.
E.g: Your cat is not as/so pretty as mine. i
She cant' draw as/ so beautifully as her.

2. Sc stinh
Cau true VI d!l
Khang S +to be/ V +as+ adj/ adv +as+ Water is as cold as ice.
djnh (S + tobe/ V) + 0
Phu S + to be/ V + not + as + adj/ adv + as + Mary is not as tall as she thought.
djnh 0

-~ Ltru y:
» V6'i each so sanh bang nhau cOng c6 the duqc dien d~t bang cau true "the same as".
Dung "the same as" chu· khong dung "the same like".
S +to be+ the same+ (noun) + as+ noun/ pronoun

Trang 74
./A#' A~>~"' ... ....

E.g: The black car is as expensive as the white one. =The black car is the same price as
the white one.
> S + V +the same + (noun) + as + noun/ pronoun
E.g: My school is as high as his.
My school is the same height as his.

3. So sanh nhat
Cau true Vf d!i
Tfnh tLJ' S + V +the + adj/adv + est + This is the longest river in the
ngan N/pronoun world.
Tfnh tLr S + V + the most/least + adj/adv + She is the most beautiful girl I have
dai N/pronoun ever seen.

•~ LUll j:
> Dung giai tLJ' "in" vai danh tLJ' so ft.
> Sll d~ng giai tu "of" vai danh tu so nhieu.
> Thanh ngil': One of the+ so sanh nhat +noun -. noun Ia so nhieu, d(ing tLJ' chia 6 so ft.
> M(it so tfnh tu tuy~t doi khong dugc dung so sanh hon nhat unique, extreme, perfect,
top, prime, primary, absolute, supreme.
> So sanh nhat c6 the duqc bo nghTa bang "much" ho~c "by far"
E.g: He is the greatest by far.
> Vai m(it so tfnh tLJ', trang tLJ' d~c bi~t sau, chung khong tuan thea quy tac chung cua
cac tfnh tlr, trang tu
khac, din ghi nh6'.
E.g: good/well-. better-> the best; bad/badly-. worse-. the worst; far-. farther/ further
-> the farthest/ the furthest; much/ many-. more -> the most; little -. less -. the least;
old-> older/ elder-. the oldest/ the eldest

4. so sanh kep
Cautruc Vid!l
The sooner you take your
So sanh dong
The + comparative + S + V, the + medicine, the better you will feel.
comparative + S + V The colder it gets, the more
(cang ... can g)
uncomfortable I become.

So sanh IGy tien

Tfnh tu ngan: The weather gets colder and
S + V + adj-er + and + adj-er colder.
(cimg ngay
can g)
Tfnh tu dai: The exams are becoming more
S + V + more and more + adj and more difficult.

.~ l1J1.J y:
> Vai dang so sanh IGy tien, d(ing tu thuong dung Ia get, become.
> Neu chi m(it ve· c6 adj/adv so sanh thl ve' con lai c6 the dung "The more".
> Trang phan comparative, neu adj/adv ngan thl them -er, dai thl them more+ adj/adv.
> Sau "The more" 6 ve thll nhat c6 th€ c6 "that" ho~c khong.
E.g: The more (that) you study, the smarter you will become.
The more (that) we know about it, the more we are assured.

Trang 75
• Trong tnximg hqp neu ca hai ve deu c6 "it is" thi b6 "it is".
E.g: The shorter (it is), the better (it is).
• Neu ca hai ve deu Ia "tobe" thi bo "tobe"
E.g: The closer to one of the Earth's pole (is), the greater the gravitational force (is).
» Cac c~m: all the better (cimg tot hem), all the more (cimg ... hem), not... any the
more/worse ... (chiing ... hem/kern ... tf nilo), none the more ... (chang chlit nao) dung de
nhan rat manh cho cac tfnh tLJ' ho~c ph6 tlr duqc dem ra so sanh dang sau, va chi duqc
dung v6i cac tfnh tu· trLJ'u tuqng:
E.g: I enjoyed Sunday mornings all the more as Sue used to come round to breakfast.
He didn't seem to be any the worse for his experience.
He explained it all carefully, but I was still none the wiser.

5. So sanh so
Cau true
The blue hat
S + V +multiple numbers+ as+ much/ many/ one:~ ·~~ u~
much as the other ... · 1
adj/ adv + (N) +as+ N/pronoun
Mary types twice as fast as I do.

· " ' Lmqi:

,.. twice that many/twice that much = gap doi ngan ay ... chi duqc dung trong van n6i,
khong duqc dung trong van viet.
E.g: We have expected 80 people at that rally, but twice that many shown up
(twice as many as that number).
,. Neu Ia phu djnh, as thll' nhat c6 the thay bang so. Sau as phai Ia m(it dai tLJ' nhan xung
chu ngfr, kh6ng duqc Ia m9t tan ngfr.
E.g: Mandy is not as tall as her father.
Mandy is not so tall as her father.
· » Danh tlr cOng c6 the duqc dung de so sanh trong truang hqp nay, nh ung nen nh6
u6c khi so sanh phai dam bao rang danh tLJ' d6 phai c6 cac tfnh tLJ' tuong duang. .
g: My house is as high as his. _j
--> My ho~se is the same height ~s his.-··-----

cau so seinh

Trang 76
""""" """"' "" ""


ME)nh de tr~ng ngfr Ia mE)nh de ph~ c6 chuc nang ctla m()t tr~ng tfr bo nghTa cho d()ng tlr, tfnh tfr
hay tr~ng tLr trong ciiu thong qua cac liem tfr ph~ thu()c.
1. M~nh de tr~ng ngfr chi !hili gian (Adverbial clause of
- ME)nh de tr(lng ngfr chi thili gian c6 the dung dau ho~c cuoi ciiu. Neu mE)nh de tr(lng ngfr chi
thai gian dung adau ciiu se ngan each voi m~nh de chfnh bang dau phay.
Lientfr Vid\1
Once you get down to it, you have to try your best.
Once: M(it khi
(M()t khi b(ln bat tay vao lam, b9n phai no h,rc he't minh.)
When it is rain, I usually stay home.
When: Khi
(Khi troi mLia, toi thLiong nha.)
I learned a lot of Japanese while I was in Tokyo.
While: Trong khi
(Toi dii hc;>c dl!Q'C khii nhieu tieng Nhat trong khi song aTokyo.)
By the time I arrived, everyone had left.
By the time: Trtioc khi
(Tmoc khi toi den, mc;>i ngLioi da roi di.)
She had learned English before she came to England.
Before: Tm6'c khi
(Co ay hc;>c tieng Anh tmoc khi co ayden nLioc An h.)
He came after night had fallen.
After: Sau khi
(Anh ayden sau khi man dem buong xuong.)
I haven't seen her since she graduated from high school.
Since: Tfr khi
(Toi khong g~p co ay ke tfr khi co ay tot nghi~p cap 3.)
I'll stay here till/until you get back.
Till/until: Cho toi khi
(Toi sea day cho toi khi b9n quay l9i.)
I saw her as she was leaving office.
As: Khi
(Toi thay co ay khi co ay dang roi van phong.)
As soon as: As soon as mom heard the news, she phoned to me.
Ngay sau khi (Ngay sau khi m~ nghe dl!Q'C tin tuc, m~ dii gc;>i diE)n cho toi.)
Just as he entered the room, I heard a terrible explosion.
Just as: Vfra khi/luc (Anh ay vfra vao phong thi toi nghe thay m()t tieng no khtlng
Whenever: I'll discuss it with you whenever you like.
Bat cu
khi nao (Toi se thao luiin cung b9n bat cukhi nao b9n thfch.)
As long as it doesn't rain, we can go out.
As long as: Mien Ia
(Mien Ia troi khong mLia, chung ta c6 the ra ngoai di choi.)
No sooner ... than ... : No sooner had he arrived than he wanted to leave.
Vfra moi .... thi diL . (Anh ay vfra m6'i den da muon roi di.)

* .:re chinh va

Khi mijnh de tr11ng ngfr TLiong lai don +until/ She won't come until it is 9 o'clock.
chi thai gian athl hi~n when/ as soon as + (Cho t6'i 9 gia, co ay se khong den.)
l(li don. HiE)n t11i don

Trang 77
T~onglaihoanthanh I will have waited at the hall by the
+ by/ by the time+ time she arrives.
Hi$n t9i don (Khi c6 ay t6i thi t6i da cho 6 sanh roi.)
Linh will work for her grandfather's
Khi m(!nh de tr;mg ngfr company after she has graduated from
T~ong lai don+ after
chi thai gian thi hi(!n
+ Hi$n t9i hoan thanh
t~i hoim thanh. (Linh se lam vi$c cho c6ng ty cua 6ng
c6 ay sau khi tot nghi$p d9i hQc.)
Qua khCr don+ when/ She cried as soon as she heard the
until/ before/ after/ news.
as soon as + Qua (C6 ay kh6c ngay khi c6 ay nghe thay
khCr don tin d6.)
We were playing chess when she
Qua khCr tiep dien + came.
I Khi m\!nh de tr;mg ngfr when +Qua khCr dan (Khi c6 ay t6i, chung t6i dang choi co
chi thai gian !hi qua vua.)
khCrdon. I have played football since I was 7
Hi$n t9i hoan thanh + years old.
since+ Qua khCr dan (T6i da choi bong da ke tCr khi t6i 7
She had explained everything clearly
I Qua khCr hoan thanh
I + b t he t1me
. b f
1 e ore
[ before we started our work.
, _. _ . ,. . . • _ .
~ Qua khCr don I (Co. ay da g1~1 th11:h ".:9' ~~~ r~ rang_
tr~oc kh1 chung tal bat dau cong v1ec.)
He was chatting with his friends while
Qua khCr tiep dien +
his teacher was teaching the lesson.
while+ Qua khCr tiep
Khi m(!nh de tr<tng ngfr (C~u ay n6i chuy$n v6i b9n trong khi
chi thai gian thi qua co giao dang giang bai.)
khu tiep dien. The phone rang while I was having a
Qua khCr don+ while
+Qua khCr tiep dien
(fli$n tho9i reo khi t6i dang tam.)

2. M$nh de lr?ng ngfr chi noi chon \"-'-'""""a' clause of place)

lien tCr Vid\1
I will go where you want me to.
Where: Noi nao
(T6i se di noi b9n muon t6i di.)
Sit wherever you like.
Wherever: Bat cer dau
(Ngoi bat Clr dau anh thich.)
I'll go with you anywhere you go.
Anywhere: Bat cCr dau
(Anh se di t6i v6i em t6i bat cCr dau.)
He looked for his cat everywhere they went together.
Everywhere: Tat ca (Anh ay da tim kiem con mea cua minh 6 tat ca
mQi noi ma hQ I
mQi noi
I da tCrng di c~ng nhau.)

Trang 78
......... .A# ... .,.


3. Mi)nh de tr~ng ngfr chi each th!l'c (Adverbial clause of manner)

Lien tu Vi d\1
They fought as heroes do.
(HQ chien dau nhu nhfrng nguoi anh hung.)
As/ just as/ like/ the
I love my pets just as they are my babies.
way: nhu Ia/ giong nhu
(Toi yeu thu cung nhu the chung Ia con cua toi v$y.)
She looks at him like she saw him for the first time.
(Co ay nhin anh ta nhu the m6i nhin thay anh ta l"an dau.)
As if/ as though: C!l' She looked at me as if I were mad.
nhu the Ia, nhu the (Co ay nhin toi nhu the toi bj dien.)

4. Menh de trang ngfr chi m~c dich (Adverbial clause of purpose)

Lien tu Vid\1
She dresses like that so that everyone will notice her.
so that: fle
(Co ta m~c nhu v$y de mQi nguoi chu y toi.)
Some people eat so that they may live. Others seem to live in
order that they may eat.
In orderthat: fle ma
(M<)t so nguoi an de hQ c6 the song. So khac duong nhu song
de ma hQ c6 the an.)
In case: Phong khi, We had better take an umbrella in case it should rain.
trong truong hqp (Chung ta nen mang thea ode phong troi mua.)
I gave you a map, so you wouldn't get lost.
So: de, vi v$y
(Toi da dua cho b9n m(lt cai ban do de b9n se khong bj l(lc.)

5. Menh de !rang ngfr chi nguyen nhan (Adverbial clause of reason)

Lientu Vid\1
Because (of= owing to He sold the house because it was too small for his family.
=due to+ N/ NP) (Anh ay ban can nha b6i vi n6 qua nh6 voi gia dlnh anh ay.)
As he was tired, he sat down.
(B6i vi anh ta mi)t nen anh ta ngoi xuong.)
Since we have no money, we can't buy it.
(Vi chung ta khong c6tien, chung ta khong the mua n6.)
Seeing that you won't help me, I must do the job myself.
Seeing that
(Vi anh khong giup toi, toi phai tt! lam cong vii)c cua min h.)
They don't go to the movies, for it rains cats and dogs.
(HQ khong di xem phim, vi troi mua tam til.)
He was late yesterday due to the fact that the traffic was
Due to/ because of the
fact that
(Hom qua anh ay t6i mu<)n b6i vi tac duong nghiem trQng.)

,.,I luu y:
> Since va As thuong dtl'ng 6 dliu cau. '
> Because c6 the dtl'ng 6 dau cau ho~c gifra cau, neu "because" dtl'ng 6 gifra cau thi
khong c6 dau phay.

Trang 79
6. ngfr chi ket qua
lien tu Vfd1,1
So + tfnh tlr/tn;mg tu + The coffee is so hot that I cannot drink it
that: qua """ den noi (Ca phe qua n6ng den noi ma toi khong the uong duqc.)
Such (a/ an) + adj + It was such a hot day that I took off my jacket.
danh tCr +that: qua ... (Troi n6ng den noi ma toi da c6i b6 ao khoac.)
den noi ma
The shops were closed, so I didn't get any milk.
So: vi v$y, cho nen (ella hang da dong c(ra, cho nen toi khong mua duqc chut sera
Therefore/ I was late, with the result that I missed my train.
Consequently/ As a (T6i den mu(>n, do d6 ma toi 16' mat chuyen tau ctla minh.)
result/ As a The storm is stronger. Therefore, the flight is canceled.

consequence/ With (Bao m;;mh len. Do d6, chuyen bay bi huy_) I
the result that + S + V:

Oo 001";""""'
. / Lmqi:
» D6i v6i danh tLr, cau true "so ... that" d: kem v6i much/ many/ few/ little ph fa tru6c danh ,
tCr de chi mli"c d(>.
S + V +so many/ few/ much/ little+ noun +that+ S + V
E.g. He brought so much food that we couldn 'teat It aiL
I (Anh ay mang qua nhi"eu do an den noi chung toi khong the an het.)
»As the result c6 the theo sau boi "of noun" c6 nghia Ia vi, do (chi nguyen nhan).
S + V + as a result + of Noun
E.g: The accident happened as a result of the slippery road.
(Tai n(ln xay ra Ia do duong tron.)

Lil'in ti:r Vfd1,1
Though/ Although/ Though he looks ill, he is very strong.
Even though: m?c du (Mac du trong anh ta 6m yeu, th\fc ra anh ta rat kh6e m;;mh.)
In spite of the game, the football match wasn't canceled.
In spite of/ Despite: du, (Mac du troi mua nhung tr$n bong da van kh6ng bi huy_)
mac du He walked to the bus stop despite being tired.
(Anh ta di b(> t6i diem xe bus mac du dang m$t)
No matter- No matter how you say, I still love her.
(al)though, duqc theo (Cho du b9n n6i nhu the nao, t6i van yeu co ay.)
! sau boi how, what, '
where, who:
cho du, mac du
1-------- " --
Some people like meat with much fat in it whereas others hate


Trang 80
Whereas = While
nguqc lai, trong k
J t
M(>t s6 nguoi thfch an thit v6i nhieu chat beo, trong khi s6 khac
!:!_ghet _ --------~
~ ,.,,.. ... ..
CAP iOC 789+ THI VAO lOP 10

This film was invested millions of dollars. However, it wasn't

TCr noi "However/
as successful as expected.
Nevertheless": tuy
(B9 phim nay dLrqc dau tli hang tri~u do Ia. Tuy nhien, b(> phim
khong thanh cong nhli mong dqi.)

'' M~nh de tr~ng ngfr

• .. ~-------------------------------------------------~

Trang 81
18: U'NG DOl
1. Thu th~p vii xiu: nh(ln thong tin
Cau hoi: bat dau bang cac trq d(lng tCr: am, is, are, was, were, do~
does, did, will, would, have, may, might, can, could.... .
Cilu tni loi: bat dau bang "Yes" ho~c "No" vii dtra them thong tin. [
co the tni loi bang: I
-I think/believe/hope/expect/guess so.
cau hoi
(Toi nghi/ tin/ hi vqng/ mong/ doan the.)
-Sure/ Actually/ Of course/ Right ...
(Di nhien/ Chac chan roi.)
-I don't think/ believe/ expect/ suppose so.
(Toi khong nghi/ tin/ mong/ cho rang the.)
- I hope/believe/guess/suppose not.
(Toi hi vqng/ tin/ doan/ cho Ia khong.)
- I'm afraid not. (Toi e rang khong.) I
Ciiu hoi: thtrong chLJ'a lien tCr "or" vii yeu cau phai chqn m(lt phtrong j
cau hoi an. tni loi: Ia cau chqn m(lt trong hai Slf ll,fa chqn dtrqc dtra ra trong
Cau ,11

chqn h,ra
(Or questions)
I cau h6i. Khong dung tCr "Yes" ho~c "No" de tra loi cau hoi nay.
E.g: Are they Chinese or Vietnamese?- They're Vietnamese.
Pork or beef?- Beef, please./l'd prefer beef.
Cau hoi: bat dau bang cac ter de h6i nhtr what, which, who, whose,
where when, why, how... de thu th§p thong tin.
Cau hoi c6 tll' de
Cau tni lo'i: can cung cap thong tin neu trong cau hoi.
hoi (wh-
E.g: Which of these pens is yours?- The red one.
Why did he fail the exam?- Because he didn't prepare well for it.
I--·-···----+-:C:::a·u-7h"'o-!-id7 u-co:::i-c:t7h-tr7o-ng--:d'"un-g-d
7 e"x-a7' c-n"'h"'a:-n:-t:-ho""·n-g-ct7in_v_,_oc:c.i-'n-g·O':-d:::-ie'":u_x_u-=o"'·n-g--1

6 cu6i cau hoi.

cau hoi duoi Cau tni lo'i: cGng gi6ng nhtr cau hoi C6-Khong. 1

(Tag questions) E.g: Jane left early for the first train, didn't she?- Yes, she did.
Peter made a lot of mistakes again, didn't he? - Right, he did.
Loi hoi duong:
- Could you show me the way to ... ?
(B9n lam on chi toi dtrimg den ... )
-Could you be so kind to show me how to get to ... ?
Hoi dtrong ho\ic
(B9n c6 the vui long chi toi dtrong den ... )
loi chi dan
-Is there a bank near here?/ Where's the nearest bank?
(Asking for
(a day c6 ngan himg khong?/ Ngan hang gan nhat 6 dau v§y?)
directions or
Loi dap:
-Turn left/right. (Re trail phai.)
-Go straight ahead for two blocks and then turn left.
(Di thang qua hai diiy nha roi re trai.)
Loi xin dtrqc chi dan:
' - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - · - - - ----·--------

Trang 82
,>!" ,.;"' ... ""


-Could you show me how to operate this machine?

(B9n lam on chi cho t6i each v~n himh chiec may nay.)
-Could you tell me how to ... ?
(B9n hay chi cho toi lam the nao diL)
- How does this machine work? Do you know?
(Cai may nay ho9t d6ng the nao? B9n c6 biet kh6ng?)
-Keep walking until you reach/ see ....
(Ctl' di thang den khi b9n den/ thay)
- It's just around the corner. (N6 6 ngay g6c dtrong.)
Loi dap:
-First, ... Second, ... Then, .... Finally, ...
(Tm6c het ... Ke den ... Tiep thea ... cuoi cung ... )
-The first step is ... , then .. .
(Btr6c dau tien Ia ... , roi .... )
-Remember to .... (Hay nh61a .... )
-Well, it's very simple. (A, don gian lam.)

2. Quan h~ xa giao
Chao hoi:
-Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. (Chao.)
- Hi/Hello. Have a good day.
(Chao. Chtlc b9n m 0t ngay tot lanh.)
-How are you?/ How have you been?f How are the things? ...
(B9n d9o nay the nao?)
Loi dap cau chao hoi:
-Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. (Xin chao.)
-Hi/Hello. (Chao.)
-Nice/ Pleased/ Glad/ Great to meet you.
(Han h9nh/ Rat vui dU'<)'c g~p b9n.)
-Hi. I am Peter. And you? (Chao. T6i ten Peter. Con b9n?)
- Have we met before?
(Tmoc day chtlng ta da g~p nhau chtra?)
- It's a lovely day, isn't it?
(Hom nay Ia m 0t ngay d~p troi, phai kh6ng?)
Gioi thi~u:
Chilo hoi va gioi - I would like to introduce you to .. ./ ... to you.
thi~u (Greeting (T6i muon gi6i thii)u b;;m v6i .. ./ ... v6i b9n.)
and introducing) -I would like you to meet.. ..
(T6i muon b9n dU'Q'C g~p g6' v6i ... )
-This is .... (Day Ia ... )
-Have you two met before?
(Tm6c day hai b;:m da g~p nhau chua?)
Loi dap cau gioi thi~u:
- How do you do? (Han h9nh dtrQ'c g~p b9n.)
-Nice/ Pleased/ Glad/ Great to meet you. (Han h9nh dtrQ'c g~p b9n.)

Trang 83
-Would you like to .... ? (B;:m c6 muon ... ?)
-I would like to invite you to ... (T6i muon mai b?n ... )
-Do you feel like/fancy having ... ? (B;:m c6 muon ... ?)
-Let me ... (De toi. .. )
Dong y lai moi:
-It is a great idea. (Y kien qua tuy~t!)
-That sounds great/fantastic/wonderful! cool/ fun.
(Nghe c6 ve hay day.)
-Yes, I'd love to. (Vang, t6i rat thich.)
-Why not? (T9i sao kh6ng nhi?)
-OK, let's do that. (Duqc, cll nhu the di.)
Tir choi loi moi:
-No, thanks. (Kh6ng, cam on.)
- I'm afraid 1 can't. (T6i e rang t6i kh6ng the.)
-Sorry, but I have another plan.
(Xin loi, nhung t6i c6 ke ho(lch khac roi.)
- I'd love to but... (T6i muon lam nhung ... )
-Some other time, perhaps. (Lan khac v~y nhe.)
!--------···-- Mo hi~u sl,l' ra hi<)u vii chao t<~m bi~t:
-I'm afraid I have to be going now/I have to leave now.
(E rang bay gia t6i phai di.)
-It's getting late so quickly.
(Trai mau t6i qua.)
-I had a great time/ evening.
(T6i rat vui/ c6 mi)t buoi t6i tuy(lt vai.)
-I really enjoyed the party and the talk with you.
(T6i th~t st,r thich buoi ti$c va tro chuy~n vai b(ln.)
-Thank you very much for a lovely evening.
Ra ve va chilo
(Cam on ve bu6i t6i tuy~t vai.)
t{lm bi~t
-Good bye/ Bye. (T?m bi~t.)
(leaving and
-Good night. (T9m bi$t.)
saying goodbye)
Loi aap:
-I'm glad you had a good time.
(T6i rat vui vl b9n da c6 mi)t khoang thai gian vui ve.)
- I'm glad you like it. (Toi rat vui Ia b?n thich n6.)
-Thanks for coming. (Cam on b(ln da den.)
- Let's meet again soon. (H~n sam giip l9i nhe.)
-See you later. (H~n gap l9i.)
-Good bye/ Bye. (T?m bi~t.) I
i -Good night. (T9m bi$t.)
Take care. (Hay bao trong.) -------·····-··-··-··-
Loi khen ngQ'i: ,
Khen ngQ'i va
-You did a good job!/ Good job! (B;:m lam tot lam.)
chuc mimg '1- What you did was wonderful/ desirable/ amazing. •
(Complimenting •
,____________ _J~hfrn_291 b;:m lam duqc ~~~t tuy~t vail dang nguong mi)/ kinhng?_c:)J

Trang H4
,..!" .A# "" ,..


and -You played the game so well. (B;;m choi rat hay.).
congratulating) -Congratulations! (Xin chtlc mirng!)
-You look great/fantastic in your new suit.
(B~n tr6ng th~t tuyi)t trong bi? do moi.)
-Your dress is very lovely. (Chiec vay ella b~n th~t dang yeu.)
-You have a great hairstyle! (Kieu t6c ella b~n th~t tuyi)t!)
-I wish I had such a nice house.
(lfoc gl t6i c6 ng6i nha xinh xan nhtr the nay.)
Loi dap:
-Thank you. I'm glad you like it. (Cam on. Rat vui Ia b~n thich n6.)
-You did so well, too. (B~n cOng lam rat tot.)
-Your garden is fantastic, too. (Khu vtrb"n ella b~n cOng tuyi)t lam.)
-Thank you. I like yours too. (Cam on. T6i cOng thich ... )
Loi cam on:
-Thank you very much for. .. (Cam on rat nhieu ve ... )
-Thank you/ Thanks/ Many thanks. (Cam on rat nhieu.)
-It was so kind/ nice/ good of you to invite us ...
(B~n th~t Ia ttl" te/ tot da mai chtlng t6i. .. )
- 1am thankful/grateful to you for ... (T6i rat biet on b~n vl...)
Ciim on Loi dap:
(Thanking) -You 're welcome. (Kh6ng c6 chi.)
-Never mind/Not at all. (Kh6ng c6 chi.)
-Don't mention it. I Forget it. (C6 gl dau. Dirng nhac nO"a.)
-It's my pleasure (to help you). (T6i rat vui dtrqc gitlp b~n.)
-I'm glad 1could help. (T6i rat vui Ia c6 the gitlp dtrqc b~n.)
-It was the least we could do for you.
(Chung t6i da c6 the lam dtrqc han the nO"a.)
Loi xin loi:
-I'm terribly/awfully sorry about that. (Toi het stl"c xin loi ve di€u d6.)
- I apologize to you for (T6i xin loi b~n ve ...)
- It's totally my fault. (D6 hoan toan Ia loi ella toi.)
-I didn't mean that. Please accept my apology.
(Toi kh6ng coy lam the. Xin hay chap nh~n lai xin loi ella toi.)
-It will not happen again. I promise.
(T6i htl"a Ia dieu d6 se khong xay ra nO"a.)
- 1shouldn't have done that. (Le ra t6i khong nen lam the.)
Xin loi
-Please let me know if there is anything I can do to compensate for
it. (Hay n6i cho t6i biet Ia t6i c6 the lam gl de bil dap l~i dieu d6.)
Loi dap:
-It doesn't matter. (Kh6ng sao dau.)
-Don't worry about that. (Dirng lo.)
-Forget it. /No problem./ Never mind./That's all right./ OK.
(Kh6ng sao.)
-You really don't have to apologize.
(Th~t ra anh kh6ng can phai xin loi dau.)
-OK. It's not your fault. (Dtrqc roi. D6 kh6ng phai Ia loi ella b~n.)

Trang 85
liJi dien d!it Sl,f thong cam:
- I'm sorry to hear that... (T6i lay lam tiec khi biet rang ... )
-I feel sorry for you. (T6i lay lam tiiic cho ban.)
- I think I understand how you feel.
(T6i nghTt6i c6 the hieu dlfQ'C cam giac cua ban the nao.)
Sl,f thong cam
-You have to learn to accept it.
(B<:m phai hoc each chap nh~n di"eu d6 th6i.)
Loi dap:
-Thank you very much. (Cam on rat nhieu.)
-It was very kind/nice/thoughtful/caring/considerate of you.
(Ban th~t Ia tot/ tll te/ siiu sac/ chu dao.)

Loi yeu diu:

-Can/ Could/ Will/ Would you please? (lam on ...)
-Would you mind+ V-ing ... ? (Ban c6 phien kh6ng neu ... )
- Would it be possible ... ? (Li~u c6 the ... )

1 -I would be grateful if you could .... (T6i rat biet on neu b<;m c6 the ... )
1- I wonder if... (T6i whoi kh6ng biet... c6 dLrQ'c kh6ng.)

Yeu cliu I L~i da~:

1 Dong y:
-Sure/ Certainly/ Of course. (DT nhien Ia dlfQ'c.)
-No problem. (Kh6ng van de gl.)
-I'm happy. (T6i san long.)
TCr chili:
-I'm afraid I can't. I'm busy now/ I'm using it.
(T6i e rang kh6ng the. Bay gio toi dang b~n/ t6i dang dung n6.)
-I don't think it's possible. (T6i cho Ia kh6ng the dLrqc.)
- Is it OK if I do it later? (Lat nfra c6 dU"qc kh6ng?)
Loi xin phep:
-May/ Might/ Can/ Could I? (Xin phep cho t6i. .. )
-Do you mind if I ... ?/Would you mind if 1. .. ?
(B<;m c6 phien kh6ng neu t6i. .. )
-Is it OK if...? (Li~u c6 on kh6ng neu ... )
-Anyone mind if... (C6 ai phien kh6ng neu ... )
-Do you think I can/could ... ? (B<;m c6 nghT Ia t6i c6 the ... )
Xin phep
Loi dap:
(Asking for
Dong y:
-Sure/ Certainly/ Of course/ OK. (Tat nhien roi.)
-Go ahead./ You can. (CU' II! nhien.)
- Do it! Don't ask. (Cu lam di! !lung hoi nfra.)
TCr chili:
- I'm afraid you can't. (T6i e rang kh6ng dU"qc.)
-I don't think you can. (T6i cho rang kh6ng dLrqc.)
- No, you can't./ No, not now. (Kh6ng. Bay gio thl kh6ng.)

Trang 86
,..,.,. """"" ... #


4. Than phi"en ho~c chi !rich

Loi than phfen ho!ic chi trfch:
-You should have asked for permission first. (Ul ra b9n phai xin phep tnr6'c.)
-You shouldn't have done that. (Ul ra b9n kh6ng nen lam dieu d6.)
-Why on earth didn't you listen to me? (Sao b9n l9i khong chju nghe t6i nhi?)
-You're late again./You are being late recently. (B9n l9i di tre./D9o nay b9n ell' di tre th6i.)
-No one but you did it! (Chac chan Ia b9n chtl' kh6ng ai khac lam dieu d6!)
Loi dap:
- I'm terribly sorry. 1didn't mean that. (Toi thanh th~t xin loi. T6i kh6ng coy lam v~y.)
- I'm sorry but 1had no choice. (Xin loi nhtrng t6i kh6ng con s\f 1\fa chqn nao khac.)
- I'm sorry but the thing is ... (Toi xin loi nhtrng chuy~n Ia the nay ... )
-Not me! (Khong phai toil)

5. to quan diem cua nglfoi noi

-I (totally/ completely/ absolutely) agree with you.
(Toi hoan toan dong yv<'ii b9n.)
-I can't agree with you more. (Toi hoan toan dong yv6'i b9n.)
-Absolutely/definitely. (Di nhien roi.)
-Exactly! (Chinh xac.)
-That's true/That's it. (Dung v~y.)
-You are right. There is no doubt about it.
Dong yhoiic
(B9n n6i dung. Chang con nghi ngo gi ve dieu d6 nil'a.)
khong dong y
-That's just what I think. (T6i cOng nghT the.)
(Agreeing or
-That's what I was going to say. (T6i cOng djnh n6i v~y.)
Khiing dong y ho!ic dong y mi;lt phan:
-You could be right but I think ... (C6 the b9n dung nhtrng t6i nghT 18...)
-I may be wrong but... (C6 the t6i sai nhtrng ...)
-I see what you mean but I think... (T6i hieu y b9n nhtrng t6i nghT... )
-I just don't think it's right that... (Toi kh6ng cho Ia dieu d6 dung ... )
-I don't quite agree because ... (T6i khong han dong y boi vi...)
-You're wrong there. (B9n sai roi.)
-Personally, I think that ... (Ca nhiin t6i thi cho rang ... )
Loi hoi y kien:
-What do you think about. .. ? (B9n nghT give... ?)
-Tell me what you think about... (Hay cho t6i biet b9n nghT give ...)
-What is your opinion about...? (Y kien cua b9n ve ... Ia nhtrthe nao?)
-How do you feel about ... ? (B9n thay the nao ve ... ?)
Hoi va dua ra y
Loi dua ra y kien:
kien (Asking for
-In my opinion/Personally, ... (Theo t6i thi...)
and expressing
-In my view, ... (Theo quan diem cua toi, ... )
-It seems to me that... (D6i v6'i t6i c6 ve lit..)
-As far as I can say ... (Theo t6i duqc biet thi...)
-I strongly/ firmly think/ believe/ feel that...
(Toi hoim toan nghT/ tin/ cam thay Ia ...)
- 1must say that... (T6i phai n6i rang ... )

Trang 87
Loi khuyen hofiic de nghj:
- !f I were you, I would ... (Neu toi Ia b<;m thi toi se ... )
- If I were in your situation/ shoes, I would ...
Loi khuyen ho\ic a
(Neu toi vao hoan canh cua b(ln thi toi se ... )
de ngh! - It's a good idea to ... ( ... Ia mot y hay day.)
(Advising or -You should/had better. .. (B9n nen ... )
I making - It is advisable/recommendable lo ... (B9n nen ... )
I suggestions) - I would recommend that... (Toi khuyen Ia .... )
-Why don't you ... ? (Sao b9n khong ... ?)
-What about/How about...? (Con vlL thi sao?)
-Shall we ... ?/Let's ... (Chung ta hay ... )
Lili canh bao:
-You should/ had better .... or/ if... not... (B9n nen ... neu khong thi .. )
I' -You should/had better .... Otherwise, ... (B9n nen ... neu khong thi...)
E.g: You should wear a safety helmet while riding, or you'll get a fine.
I You shouldn't smoke in here. Otherwise, you'll ruin the carpet.
I Loi canh bao Loi dap:
(Warning) -Thank you/ Thanks. (Cam on.)
i -I will do it. (Toi se lam the.)
Loi de nghj giup do:
-Can/ May I help you? (De toi gitlp b(ln.)
-Let me help you. (De toi gitlp b(ln.)
-How can I help you? (T6i c6 the gitlp gl cho b9n?)
-Would you like some help?/ Do you need some help?
(B9n c6 c'iin gitlp gi khong?)
Chap nh(in loi de ngh! giup do:
-Yes, please. (Vang.)
-That is great. (That tuyet.)
- That would be great/ fantastic. (That tuyet.)
Loi de nghi giup
- It would be nice/ helpful/ fantastic/ wonderful if you could.
do (Offering)
(Rat tuyet neu b(ln c6 the lam vay.)
- Thanks. That would be a great help.
(Cam an. Duqc b9n gitlp thi tot qua.)
-You're so nice. Thank you so much.
(B9n that tot bung. Cam on b9n nhi'eu)
- As long as you don't mind. (Dugc chCr neu b(ln kh6ng phi"en.)
Tll' choi loi de nghj giup do:
-No, please. (Khong, cam on.)
-No. That's OK. (Khong sao dau.)
-Thanks, but 1can manage. (Cam on, nhung toi lam dugc ma.)

Trang 88
_, ...,., ... ....


' '
I' Ciiu giao tiep ''


Trang 89

Trang 90
A. TO' Vl)'NG VA BAI T~p

STT Tu Tu lo~i Phi€m am Nghia

1 absent adj l'rebsant/ vang m~t

(thuqc) h9c thu~t. him lam,

2 academic adj I, reka' demrkl
lien quan tcri h9c t~p

3 assign v la'saml giao vi\ic

4 assignment n la'sammant/ bai t~p. vi$c duqc giao

5 attend v la'tendl tham dl!

6 compulsory adj lkam 'pAl sari/ bat bu¢c

7 concentrate v /' knnsntrert/ t~p trung

8 curriculum n lka' nkjalaml chuang trinh giang d9y

9 degree n ldr'gri:l bang cap

10 dictionary n /' drkfanri/ tu dien

11 diploma n ldr'plaumal chtl'ng chi, giay khen

12 discuss v ldr'skAsl thao lu~n. ban b9c

13 enroll v lm'raull dang ky

14 entrance exam n ky thi tuyen sinh

15 extracurricular adj lka'nkjala(r)l ngo9ikh6a

16 graduate v /' grred3uat/ tot nghi$p

17 headmaster n I, hed' ma:sta(r)l hi$u trtr6ng

18 illiteracy n /r' l1tarasil slf mu chO', that h9c

19 kindergarten n I' kmdaga:tnl mau giao, nha tre

20 knowledgeable adj /' nnhd3abll hieu biet, uyen bac, am hieu

21 lecture n /' leklj'a(r)l bai len lop

slf thuyettrinh, bai thuyet

22 presentation n I ,prezn 'terfnl

23 project n /' prnd3ektl dl! an, ke ho11ch, cong trinh

du tu each, kha nang, di'eu

24 qualify v (' kwnhfarl

25 revise v ln'vaTZI on l9i

Trang 91

26 scholarship n /' sknlafrp/ hoc bong

27 semester n /sr' mesta(r)/ hoc ky
-- "

28 studious adj I' stju :dias/ ham hoc

29 play truant v /'tru:ant/ tron hoc

30 tutorial n /tju: 'to: rial/ Slf htr6ng

Exercise 1 _Choose !he correct answer.
1. Our teacher encouraged us to take part in _ _ activities in order to develop soft skills.
A. theoretical 13. extracurricular C. dedicated D. extractive
2. People who have _ _ from university stand a better chance of getting a good job.
A. developed B. graduated C. received D. obtained
3. Ellen _ _ in a three-year teacher-training course in London.
A. retook B. practiced C. followed D. enrolled
4. The _ _ rate is higher in underdeveloped countries than in developed countries.
A. illiteracy B. professor C. course D. research
5. Everyone was given a _ _ at the end of the course.
A. demand 13. faculty C. diploma D. major
Exercise 2. the sentences with suitable words.
~ compulsory --~degree -assigned .. -····· tutorials - dictionary
1. She has a _ _ in linguistics from the University of Languages and International Studies.
2. Maths is _ _ for all students, but cookery and handicraft are optional.
3. Students explore how to conduct scientific experiments through online _ _ ,
4. Mrs. Lan _ _ a lot of difficult tasks to her students.
5. If you don't understand the meaning of a word, look it up in a _ _ .
Exercise 3. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to im:Hcate the wo1rdlr;l OPPOSITE in
meani:nglc the underlined wnr<llsl
1. Half of our students were absent from class today.
A. present B. disabled C. effective D. optional
2. In my college, students need to attend classes five times a week.
A. improve B. miss C. join D. prepare
Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer B, C, or D lo indicate !he nv••u,.,, ClOSEST in
me·aniing to the underlined wor<Ur;l
1. She is quite knowledgeable about natural science.
A. hardworking 13. well-informed C. well-behaved 0. significant
2. It is difficult to concentrate on my work if there is a lot of noise.
A. neglect B. cancel C. focus 0 forget

Exercise 5. Choose the correct answer to indicate the most meaningful sentence written from
the given words.
1. an/ English/ is/ important/ curriculum/ school/ part/ of/ the.
A. English is an important curriculum of the school part.
ll. English is an important part of the school curriculum.
C. An important school part is English of the curriculum.
D. The important curriculum of school is an English part.

2. II am/ attend/ the/ child/ first/ in/ family/ my/ to/ college.
A. I am attend to the first college child in my family.
B. I am the first college in my child to attend family.
C. I am the first child in my family to attend college.
D. I am the first family in my college to attend child.

3. There/ were/ students/ very/ few/ his/ at/ lecture/ that/ morning.
A. There were very few lecture at his students that morning.
B. There were very students at his few lecture that morning.
C. There were very few students at his lecture that morning.
D. There were his lecture at very few students that morning.

4. Our/ teach/ three-week/ English/ will/ qualify/ course/ you/ to/ overseas.
A. Our three-week course will qualify you to teach English overseas.
B. Our English course will qualify you to teach three-week overseas.
C. Our English overseas course will qualify you to teach three-week.
D. Our English will qualify you three-week course to teach overseas.

5. Our/ allowed/ headmaster/ the/ to/ festival/ hold/ a/ school/ last year.
A. Our headmaster allowed the school to hold a festival last year.
B. Our headmaster allowed a festival to hold the school last year.
C. Our headmaster hold the school to allowed a festival last year.
D. Our school hold the headmaster to allowed a festival last year.
Exercise 6. Choose the correct answer to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
the original one in each of the follow•inq
1. In spite of feeling confident about his entrance exam, Milan did very poorly.
A. Milan should have done better than he actually did on his entrance exam.
B. Milan's confidence in his ability to pass his entrance exam was not justified by his results.
C. Milan was sure that he would pass entrance exam, and indeed his results were quite good.
D. Milan failed her entrance exam despite being especially well-prepared.

2. Jane has hardly worked since he graduated from university two years ago.
A. Jane has been working hard for the past two years since graduating from university.
B. If Jane had worked harder in university, he would have found work.
C. Jane has done very little work during the two years since he graduated from university.
D. It has been hard for Jane to find work when he graduated from university.

3. Had she revised the lesson carefully, she would have been able to finish the test.
A. If she had revised the lesson carefully, she could finish the test.
B. Not having revised the lesson carefully, she couldn't finish the test.
C. Although she didn't revise the lesson carefully, she was able to finish the test.
D. Because she revised the lesson carefully, she was able to finish the test.

Trang 93
4. I should have finished my project yesterday but I was exhausted.
A. I finished my project yesterday and I was exhausted.
B. I was exhausted so I didn't finish my project yesterday as planned.
C. Yesterday I was exhausted but I tried to finish my project.
D. My project was finished yesterday but I was exhausted.

5. Without her teacher's advice, Linh would never have gotten the scholarship.
A. Linh's teacher advised her and she didn't get the scholarship.
B. Linh's teacher didn't advise her and she didn't get the scholarship.
C. Linh got the scholarship as her teacher gave her some advice.
D. If her teacher didn't advise Linh, she wouldn't get the scholarship.

Trang 94

STT Tirv1,111g Tir lo~i Phien am Nghia

1 agility n la'd3rlati/ Slf nhanh nh~n. lanh lqi

2 amuse v la'mju:zl lam vui, thfch thu

3 badminton n l'bredmmtanl mbn cau long

4 barbecue n /' ba: b1kj u:/ ti$c mrong ngoai troi

5 camping n /'kremp18l cam tr?i

6 chess n llfesl covua

7 climbing n /'klarm18l leo nui

8 club n lkiAbl diu l<;1c b(>

9 collector n lka' lekta(r)l nguoi suu tam

10 cycle v /'Saiki/ <ii xe <i?P

11 entertain v I, enta' teml giai trf

12 exercise n /' eksasa1zl the due

13 gallery n I' grelari/ phong trung bay

14 martial art n I, ma:jl 'a:t/ v6 thu~t

15 muscle n l'mAsll bap thit, co

16 museum n lmju'zi:aml baa tang

17 musical instrument n nh<;1c cu

18 occupied adj /'nkjupa1dl b~n r(>n

19 physical adj /'fiZikl/ (thu9c) co the, than the

20 playground n I' ple1graund/ san choi

21 practice v,n I' prrektJsl luy$n t~p

22 recharge v l,ri:'!Ja:d3/ n<;1p l?i (nang luqng)

23 relax n ln'lreksl thu gian

24 refresh v ln'frefl lam cho khoan khoai

25 routine I n lru:'ti:nl th6i quen

26 rugby n /' rAgbi! bong bau due

27 sedentary adj /' sedntri/ ft v~n <i(>ng

28 sightsee v /' SaitSi:/ tham quan, du lam

. -
Trang 95
29 skydiving n /' skardarVrD/ nhay du

30 sunbathe v /'sAnberil! tam nang

Exercise 1 . Choose the correct answer.
1. A relaxing evening at home helped me _ _ my batteries.
A. improve B. recharge C. review D. reduce
2. Engaging in sports activities can help people _ _ their minds.
A. promote B. seek C. refresh D. revalue
3. Jame always keeps his mind fully _ _ with things that interest him.
A. scheduled B. occupied C. bored D. crowded
4. Alex has taken up two different _ _: karate and judo.
A. folk museum B. musical instruments C. body language D. martial arts
5. It takes hours of _ _ to learn to play the guitar.
A. practice B. activity C. product D. passion
Exercise 2. the sentences with suitable words.
------------------ - ------- ..· - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------ -- ---------------------- .... ~-------

badminton club agility

1. The chess _ _ welcomes both beginners and experienced players.
2. Each game is designed to increase your physical and mental _ _.
3. We gathered around the table in our garden and had a _ _ yesterday.
4. The club provides outdoor and indoor games such as football, _ _, and table tennis.
5. On the final day of the trip, Hellen enjoyed some _ _ around New York.
Exercise 3. There is a mistake in the underlined of each sentence. Find the mistake.
1. I used to go skydiving two times a month when I were young.
A. used to B. skydiving C. times D. were
2. I would rather go to a live rugby match than watching it on TV.
A. would B. live C. than D. watching
3. We spend much of the daylight hours sunbathe on a private island.
A. much B. daylight C. sunbathe D. on
4. We hit art galleries and picked up some pieces here for decorate our apartment
A. hit B. galleries C. some D. for
5. She always invites her classmates over for 2 afternoon tea or a weekend barbecue.
A. invites B. over C. a D. weekend
Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the'""~·-''··' CLOSEST in
me,an1inoto the underlined wonll"d
1. A short vacation domestically or abroad really helps me to relax after work.
A. unwind B. enhance C. travel D. suffer
2. The children amused themselves for hours with their paintings.
A. desired B. replaced C replenished D. entertained

Trang 96
Exercise 5. Choose the correct answer to indicate the most meaningful sentence written from
the given words.
1. We/ all/ benefits/ about/ physical! the/ know/health/ of/ activity.
A. We all know about the physical activity of health benefits.
B. We know about the physical activity all of health benefits.
C. We know about all of the health benefits physical activity.
D. We all know about the health benefits of physical activity.

2. He/ a/ for/ stamp/ been/ collector/ has/ years.

A. He has been stamp for a collector years.
B. He has been a collector for stamp years.
C. He has been a stamp collector for years.
D. He has been a collector stamp for years.

3. Mrs. Brown/ with/ her/ daughter/ entertained/ stories/and/ kept/ songs.

A. Mrs. Brown kept her daughter entertained with stories and songs.
B. Mrs. Brown entertained her daughter kept with stories and songs.
C. Mrs. Brown daughter entertained her kept with stories and songs.
D. Mrs. Brown kept her stories and songs entertained with daughter.

4. Regular/ your/ will/ to/ exercise/ strengthen/ help/ muscles.

A. Regular muscles will help to strengthen your exercise.
B. Regular exercise will help to strengthen your muscles.
C. Regular exercise will strengthen to help your muscles.
ll. Regular exercise will help strengthen to your muscles.

5. Mike/ usually/ starts/ his/ day/ with/ a/ healthy/ activity/ like/ cycling.
A. Mike usually starts his activity with a day like healthy cycling.
B. Mike usually starts cycling with a healthy activity like his day.
C. Mike usually starts his day with a healthy activity like cycling.
D. Mike usually like cycling his day with starts a healthy activity.
Exercise 6. Choose the correct answer to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
the original one in each of the following questions.
1. Due to unforeseen circumstances, my visit to the museum has been called off.
A. My visit to the museum is canceled because something unexpected has happened.
B. Something happened at the museum, so they canceled our visit.
C. We are no longer going to the museum because there is no time on our schedule.
D. We cannot go to see the museum because it will be closed.

2. Without the necessary equipment, rock climbing is a very dangerous activity.

A. Rock climbing is only safe if you have an expert climbing with you.
B. It is safe to go rock climbing if you don't know enough about the sport.
C. Sports such as rock climbing need a lot of expensive equipment.
D. Rock climbing is not safe unless you have the right equipments.

3. We will go camping as long as the weather is fine.

A. If the weather is good, we will go camping.
B. The weather is good when we will go camping.
C. If the weather is better, we will go camping.
D. We will go camping immediately the weather is good.

Trang 97
4. This is the first time I have played a musical instrument.
A. I have played a musical instrument this time.
B. I have ever played a musical instrument.
C. I have never played a musical instrument before.
D. I had never played a musical instrument before.

5. We should do regular exercises instead of sitting in front of the television all day.
A. Taking regular exercises is better than sitting in front of the television all day.
B. Sitting in front of the television all day helps you take regular exercises.
C. Sitting in front of the television all day and doing exercises are advisable.
D. Don't do regular exercises, just sit in front of the television all day.

Trang 98

STT T(r Vl)1lg Tlr lo<ti Phien am Nghia

1 access v, n /'rekses/ Sl/ truy c~p, tiep c~n

2 cosmopolitan adj I, knzma' pnhtan/ (thu¢c) quoc te, toan the gioi

3 cost of living n I, knst av 'IIVI~/ chi phf sinh ho')t

4 cottage n /'knt1d3/ nha tranh

5 countryside n /' kAntrisaid/ vung nang than

6 crowded adj /'kraudTd/ dong due

7 dense adj /dens/ day d~c

8 diverse adj /dar'V3:S/ phong phd

9 downtown n I ,daun'taun/ khu vtfc thanh pho

10 dweller n /'dwela(r)/ elf dan

11 entertainment n /, enta'ternmant/ sv giai trf

12 flat n /flret/ ciin h9

13 hectic adj /' hekt1k/ hoi ha, soi noi

14 immigrant n /'maigrant/ ngtrbi nh~p elf

15 metropolis n /ma 'trnpahs/ doth!

16 migrate v /mai'greTt/ dictr

17 monotonous adj /ma' nntanas/ buon te

18 neighbor n /' ne1ba(r)/ hang x6m

19 opportunity n I, npa 'tju: nati/ ccJ h9i

20 overcrowding n I, auva' kraud1~/ Slf qua tai ve nglfOi

21 peaceful adj /'pi:sfl/ yen binh, thanh binh

22 population n I ,pnpju' leiJn/ dan so

23 remote adj /ri'maut/ xa xoi, heo lanh

24 resident n /' rez1dant/ ngtroi dan

25 residential adj /,rezi'denjl! thu¢c dan ctr

26 rural adj /' ruaral/ (thu¢c) nang than

27 skyscraper n I· skaiskreipa(r)/ nha chqc troi

28 suburb n /' SAb3:b/ ngo')io,ngo')ithanh

Trang 99
29 urban adj !'3:ban/ (thu¢c) thanh ph6

30 well-paid adj I, wei 'pe1d/ duc;rc tra Iuong h~u hTnh

Exercise 1. Choose the correct answer.
1. Air pollution is obviously one of the major _ _ of city life.
A. references B. disadvantages C. expressions D. attempts
2. People who live in cities have better _ _ to educational facilities, medical services.
A. access B. purchase C. express D. administer
3. The rapidly aging _ _ will put a strain on the country's health care system.
A. university B. education C. population D. family
4. I enjoy the _ _ pace of life in urban areas instead of the monotonous life in the
A. poor B. giant C. hectic D. huge
5. Without adding some more buses, _ _ on public transport will persist.
A. overcrowding B. development C. redundancy D. overpowering
Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer B, C, or 0 to indicate the CLOSEST in
me:ani:ngto the underlined wonl(s).
1. The majority of the city's residents have lived here for generations.
A. inhabitants B. institutes C. estates D. means
2. If you live in a remote area, obtaining electricity can be a problem.
A. distracted B. poor C. isolated 0. common
Exercise 3. Choose the correct answer to indicate the most m•·~ninn;ful sentence written from
the words.
1. Life/ was/ on/ the/ and/ farm/ slow/ monotonous.
A. The farm was slow and monotonous on life.
B. Life on the farm was slow and monotonous.
C. Life was on monotonous and the slow farm,
D. Slow life and the farm was on monotonous.

2. For/ a child/ from/ great/ a trip/ to/ the city/ the/ suburbs,/ was/ a/ adventure.
A. For a child from the suburbs, a trip to the city was a great adventure.
B. For a trip from the suburbs, a child was a great adventure to the city.
C. For a trip from the suburbs, a child to the city was a great adventure.
D. For a great adventure, a trip to the city was a child from the suburbs.

3. The/ many/ population/ continued/ to/ in/ rural/ areas/ has/ fall.
A. The rural areas in many population has continued to fall.
B. The population in many rural areas has continued to fall.
C. The population has continued to rural fall in many areas.
D. The areas in many rural population has continued to fall.

4. The city/ was/ with/ noisy/ skyscrapers/ and/ overcrowded/ vehicles/ of/ all sorts.
A. The city was noisy with vehicles and all sorts of overcrowded skyscrapers.
B. The city was noisy vehicles of skyscrapers and all sorts with overcrowded.

Trang 100
C. The city overcrowded with skyscrapers and was noisy vehicles of all sorts.
D. The city was overcrowded with skyscrapers and noisy vehicles of all sorts.

5. The/ city/ became/ moved/ too/ so/ that/ they/ polluted/ out/ to/ the countryside.
A. They became too polluted so that the city moved out to the countryside.
B. The city became too polluted so that they moved out to the countryside.
C. The countryside moved out too polluted so that they became to the city.
D. The city moved too polluted so that they became out to the countryside.
Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with suitable words.
I peaceful cosmopolitan dense residential opportunities
1. London's a very ___ city, you can find cultures from all over the world there.
2. I'd love to live somewhere _ _ where I can wake up to see green fields.
3. The _ _ population of the cities gave rise to social tensions.
4. This villa is in a quiet _ _ area and built in a French colonial style.
5. In urban areas there are more _ _ for women with high school education to find jobs.
Exercise 5. Choose the correct answer to indicate the sentence that is closestin meaning to
the original one in each of the following questions.
1. The level of unemployment in rural areas is said to be much higher than in urban areas.
A. This urban area is worse than the rural area in terms of the quality of work that gets done.
B. People say that the lack of work is far higher in rural areas than in urban areas.
C. People talk about losing their jobs much more in urban areas than in rural areas.
D. Because of its position, this region has fewer jobs on offer than rural areas.

2. No sooner had we got to know our new neighbours than they moved away.
A. Soon after we got to know our new neighbours, we stopped having contact with them.
B. If our new neighbours had stayed longer, we would have gotten to know them better.
C. Once we had said to our new neighbours, they moved somewhere else.
D. Hardly had we become acquainted with our new neighbours when they moved away.

3. Had I known how crowded London would be, I would never have moved to this city.
A. I moved to London only because I was unaware of how many people were there.
B. Since it was so crowded in London, I decided that I would never move there.
C. In the end, London turned out to be far more crowded than I'd thought before moving there.
D. I would have had a better time living in London if only there hadn't been so many people.

4. She regrets not having taken the opportunity to get a well-paid job.
A. It's a pity that she has never been able to get a well-paid job.
B. She should have chosen to get a well-paid job when she had the chance.
C. She wishes that she had had the chance to get a well-paid job.
D. She feels sorry that she didn't get a well-paid job when she had the chance.

5. Except that the rent is not high, the flat has nothing to recommend it.
A. There are no positive points about the flat apart from the fact that it is cheap to rent.
B. The most important thing to consider about a flat is how low the rent is.
C. The flat was recommended to me because of its low rent.
D. Though the rent cannot be recommended, it probably is the cheapest flat that can be found.

Trang 101

STT Tlr Vl!llQ Tll'lo~i Phien am Nghia

1 ancient adj /'emfant! xU'a, cO

2 architecture n I' a: kitektJa(r)/ kien true

3 attraction n /a'troekfn/ cMm thu hUt du ljch

4 base n /be IS/ nen, m6ng

5 builder n /'bTida(r)/ thq xay, ngub'i xay dl,fng

6 burial n /'berial/ le mai tang

7 chamber n /'t.feimba(r)/ buong,phong

8 construction n /kan' strAk.fn/ Slf xay dt!ng

9 cover v /'kAva(r)/ bao phu

10 dedicate v /' dedTkeit/ dimh cho (de tu6ng nh6')

11 dynasty n /' dmasti/ trieu d9i

12 entrance n /' entrans/ 16i vao

13 exit n /' eks1t/ 16i ra

14 giant adj /'d3aiant/ kh6ng ro
15 journey n /' d33:ni/ cu(>c himh trinh
16 magnificence n /mreg' mfisns/ sl,f trang 1$, /i)ng lay

17 man-made adj /,moen 'me1d/ nhan t9o

18 marble n /'ma:bl/ da cam th<;~ch

19 mysterious adj /m1' shari as/ ky bi, bi an

20 pyramid n /' piramid/ kim !lf thap


21 rank v, n /rre~k/ xep h<;~ng/bang xep h<;~ng

hinh xoan 6c/c6 hinh xoan

22 spiral n, adj /'spairal/

23 statue n /' stretfu :/ tuqng

24 stone n /staun/ aa
25 surpass v /sa'pa:s/ vuQ't tr(>i

26 theory n /'9Iari/ gia thuyet, ly thuyet

27 throne n /9raun/ ngai vimg
c---- '--·
28 tomb n /tu:m/ ngoi m(l, lang m(l

Trang 102

29 tower n /'taua(r)/ toa thap

30 treasure n,v /'tre3a(r)/ kho bau/quy tr0 ng, triln quy

Exercise 1. Choose the correct answer.
1. The _ _ Greeks dedicated many shrines to Aphrodite.
A. ancient B. medieval C. former D. old
2. His last wish was to _ _ his final years to the construction of the bridge.
A. dedicate B. send c. have D. protect
3. It took hours to move Churchill's _ _ up a ramp and lower it into place.
A. stadium B. stable c. state D. statue
4. Ha Long Bay was once _ _ among the New Seven Wonders of Nature.
A. set B. ranked C. considered D. mixed
5. The museum is built around a(n) _ _ lake.
A. man-made B. unauthentic C. manufactured D. forged
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with suitable words.
j builder exit architecture treasure entrance
1. This church is a perfect example of medieval _ _ .
2. This book is a(n) _ _ house of information on Arctic birds.
3. The tunnel _ _ was submerged by rising seawater.
4. The emergency _ _ is at the back of the gallery.
5. A prudent _ _ should forecast how long the stuff is likely to last.
Exercise 3. Choose the correct answer to indicate the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word in each of the following questions.
1. The most popular exhibit in the museum was a giant animatronic dinosaur.
A. tiny B. medium C. titanic D. average
2. The ancient temple ruined in the war will be reconstructed soon.
A. senescent B. ageless C. new D. vintage
Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word in each of the following questions.
1. The distant mountains look hazy and mysterious.
A. unknown B. enigmatic C. vague D. puzzling
2. Man-made fabrics were found to exist at a very early age.
A. natural B. designed C. counterfeit D. artificial
Exercise 5. Choose the correct answer to indicate the most meaningful sentence written from
the given words.
1. in/ were/ burial/ many/ century/ these/ ancient/ the/ sites/ last/ of/ destroyed.
A. In these last century many of the ancient burial sites were destroyed.
B. Many of these ancient burial sites were destroyed in the last century.
C. These ancient burial sites were destroyed in the last of many century.
D. Many century were destroyed in the last of these ancient burial sites.

Trang 103
2. has/ construction/ the/ been/ to/ of/ fund/ new/ largely/ used/ finance/ galleries/ the.
A. The largely construction of new galleries has been used to finance the fund.
B. The new galleries of construction has been used the fund to largely finance.
C. New largely construction of the galleries has been used to finance the fund.
D. The fund has been used largely to finance the construction of new galleries.

3. roof/ the/ stone/ were/ pillars/ of/ to/ support/ used/ massive/ the/ temple/ eight.
A. Eight massive stone pillars were used to support the roof of the temple.
B. Eight stone pillars were used to support the massive temple of the roof.
C. Massive pillars were used to support the eight roof of the stone temple.
D. The temple used eight pillars of stone were to support the massive roof.

4. when/ they/ dreams/ up/ they/ the/ found/ their/ beyond/ tomb/ wildest/ opened/ treasure.
A. When they opened the treasure they found tomb beyond their wildest dreams.
B. The tomb beyond their wildest dreams opened up when they found beyond treasure.
C. When they opened up the tomb they found treasure beyond their wildest dreams.
D. They found the tomb when they opened up treasure beyond their wildest dreams.

5. archeologists/ burial/ found/ the/ in/ the/ chamber/ fragments/ of/ bone.
A. Fragments found bone of the archeologists in the burial chamber.
B. The archeologists found fragments of bone in the burial chamber.
C. The archeologists found fragments of the burial chamber in bone.
D. The archeologists found the burial chamber in fragments of bone.

Trang 104

STT Tlr Vl,lllg Tlr lo;ti Phien am Nghia

1 acid rain n I. <es1d ·rem/ mtra axit

2 aquatic adj I a· kwa;trk/ song antrac, mQC antrac

I ,baJaodar'v3:Sati
3 biodiversity n st,r da dang sinh hQc
4 climate n /'kla,mat/ thai tiet, khf h~u

5 deforestation n I ,di: .fun' steiJn/ st,r phat quang, pha rlrng

6 deteriorate v fd,'tiariareit/ htr hong ai, giam gia tri ai

7 drought n /draut/ han han, st,r kho can

8 ecological balance n can bang sinh thai

9 ecosystem n /' i:kausistam/ h~ sinh thai

10 emission n /I'miJn/ st,r boc ra, t6a ra

bi de dQa tuy~t chung, c6

11 endangered adj /In· demd3ad/
nguy co tuy~t chung

12 erosion n /I'rau3n/ st,r x6i man, st,r an man

13 extinction n /Ik'str8kJn/ st,r tuy~t chung

14 fertility n /fa'tJiati/ st,r phi nhieu, mau mo

15 fossil fuel n /'fusl fju:al! nhien li~u h6a th9ch

16 gasoline n /'ga;sali:n/ xang, dau lll'a, dau h6a

17 habitat n I' ha;bJta;t/ mbi trtrong song, noi song

18 hazardous adj /' ha;zadas/ nguy hiem, hiem ngheo

19 land degradation n S\f thoai h6a cua aat

20 leakage n /'li:i<Id3/ st,r ra ri

n rae
21 litter /' hta(r)/
v xa rae

22 mankind n /ma;n' kamd/ loai ngtroi, nhan loai

23 ozone n /' auzaon/ khfozon

24 poach v /pau\f/ san bat trai phep

25 pollution n /pa'lu:Jn/ st,r b nhiem

Trang 105
26 resources n /n'so:s/ tainguyen

27 species n /'spi:ji:z/ loai

giai quyet, khac ph~c (m9t

28 tackle v /'trek!/
van de, m9t cong vii)c .. )

29 vegetation n I yed3a 'teiJn/ tham thlfc v~t

30 wildfire n /'waiidfaia(r)/ chayrirng

Exercise 1. Choose the correct answer.
1. Pollution can have disastrous effects on the balanced _ _ .
A. world B. habitat C. ecosystem D. livinghood
2. Cuba has a tropical _ _ with year-round sunshine.
A. humidity B. climate C. temperature D. condition
3. Some _ _ plants and animal species have become extinct.
A. watery R swimming C. sea D. aquatic
4. People who drop _ _ can be fined in some cities.
A. letter B. paper C. litter D. money
5. Most people accept the proposition that we have a duty to protect _ _ animals.
A. endangered B. drought C. scared D. risked
Exercise 2. Comp•lete the sentences with suitable words.
pollution drought -----deforestation-~~- vegetation . --···-poach~-~~
---~-----~- --·--·--------------~~---~~-~---------~--~ ----~-1
1. People who _ _ in the protected ecological areas would be properly punished.
2. As the pace of _ _ picked up, the area of land covered by dense forest declined
3. A fifth year of _ _ is expected to have dramatic effects on the California economy.
4. The land loses its protective cover of _ _ and soon turns into a desert.
5. There has been a sharp decrease in _ _ since the law was introduced.
Exercise 3. Choose the correct answer to indicate the word OPPOSITE in m<•an""' to the
underlined word in each of the folllnw•inn qwestion;s
1. Climate change has begun to deteriorate seriously in the last 20 years.
A. improve B. increase C. strengthen D. grow
2. Many species of aquatic plants can exist in very little light.
A. onshore B. terrestrial C. marine 0. amphibian
Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to !he
underlined word in each of the follmvino q;ue~;tions.
1. Some animals are in danger because their native habitat is being destroyed.
A. residence B. occupation C. resources D. apartment
2. The agreement preserved our right to limit trade in endangered species.
A. attacked B. threatened C. polluted D. poached

Trang 106
Exercise 5. Choose the correct answer to indicate the most meaningful sentence written from
the given words.
1. poor/ soil/ contributed/ increased/ erosion/ methods/ farming/ have/ to.
A. Poor farming methods have contributed to increased soil erosion.
B. Methods contributed to increased solid erosion have poor farming.
C. Soil erosion methods have contributed to increased poor farming.
D. Increased farming erosion have contributed to poor soil methods.

2. the/ of/ tight/ greenhouse/ enough/ gases/ laws/ not/ controlling/ are/ emission.
A. The emission of greenhouse gases are not tight enough controlling laws.
B. Laws controlling the emission of greenhouse gases are not tight enough.
C. Not enough laws are controlling the tight emission of greenhouse gases.
D. Greenhouse gases controlling the emission of tight laws are not enough.

3. is/ extracted/ gasoline/ oil/ from/ companies/ distilled/ oil/ crude/ by.
A. Gasoline is distilled from crude oil extracted by oil companies.
B. Distilled crude oil is extracted from oil companies by gasoline.
C. Oil from oil companies is distilled by extracted crude gasoline.
D. Gasoline is distilled from oil companies by extracted crude oil.

4. the/ a/ in/ declared/ wildfire/ emergency/ New Mexico/ authorities.

A. The New Mexico authorities declared emergency in a wildfire.
B. A wildfire emergency authorities is declared in the New Mexico.
C. The authorities declared a wildfire emergency in New Mexico.
D. The emergency in New Mexico authorities is declared a wildfire.

5. Australia/ a/ natural/ rich/ is/ in/ country/ resources.

A. Australia is natural resources in a rich country.
B. Australia is a rich natural country in resources.
C. Australia is rich resources in a natural country.
D. Australia is a country rich in natural resources.

Exercise 6. Choose the correct answer to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
the original one in each of the following questions.
1. Scientists have observed a drop in ozone levels over the Antarctic.
A. Scientists have recorded a decrease in the levels of ozone over the Antarctic.
B. Scientists have not noticed any rise in ozone levels in the Antarctic.
C. Ozone levels over the Antarctic are dropping and it concerns scientists.
D. The Antarctic has the highest drop in ozone levels observed by scientists.
2. Mankind is warned to stop spoiling the environment.
A. The environment is spoiled and mankind should keep doing it.
B. Despite being warned, mankind still spoils the environment.
C. It is high time mankind stopped spoiling the environment.
D. No warnings were made to stop mankind spoiling the environment.

3. Without enough attention, land degradation in many areas is becoming more serious.
A. Despite enough attention, land degradation in many areas is becoming more serious.
B. Land degradation is becoming more serious in many areas and requires enough attention.
C. Land degradation in many areas is becoming more serious thanks to enough attention.
D. In many areas no attention is paid to land degradation and it is not becoming serious.

Trang 107
4. Trees are dying in areas where acid rain is most common.
A. Acid rain is killing trees in areas where it is most common.
B. Areas where acid rain is most common do not have dying trees.
C. Trees are dying in areas where no acid rain is found.
D. Trees in areas where acid rain is most common show no sign of dying.

5. The newcomers can pose a threat to biodiversity by changing the ecosystems.

A. The biodiversity and ecosystems remain unchanged despite the newcomers.
B. The newcomers have no effect on the ecosystems and biodiversity.
C. By making changes to the ecosystems, the newcomers threaten biodiversity.
D. No newcomers can change the ecosystems to pose a threat to biodiversity.

Trang 108


STT nrvo,mg nrlo;ti Phien am Nghia

1 acute adj la'kju:tl (bi)nh) dip tfnh

2 allergy n /'relad3i! d! tl'ng

3 ambulance n /' rembjalansl xe ctl'u thtiong

4 antibiotics n I ,rentiba.'ntikl thuoc khang sinh

5 blood pressure n /' biAd preJa(r)l huyet ap

6 cell n Isell tebao

7 diagnosis n I, da1ag 'naus•sl sl! chan doan

8 diarrhea n l,da.a'nal bi)nh tieu chay

9 diet v, n /'da•at/ (SI!) an kieng

10 dressing n /' dres1~l bang ctl'u thliOng

11 fever n /'fi:va(r)l con sot

12 gym n ld31ml phong t~p the dvc

13 hospitalize v I' hnsp1tal a1zl nh~p vii)n

14 infectious adj /In'fekJasl de lily nhiem

15 injure v /'•nd3a(r)l bi thtiong, lam ai bi thtiong

16 intestine n /In'testml ru¢1

17 kidney n /' k1dni/ th~n

18 measles n /'mi:zlzl bi)nh s6i

19 operate v /'npareJt/ mo, ph au thuiit

20 pandemic n lpren' dem.kl d~i djch

21 prescribe v lprr' ke don

22 rash n lrreJI ' phat ban

23 recover v In' kA va(r)l binh phvc

adj dau nhtl'c

24 sore lso:(r)l
n cho dau

25 sprain v,n lspreml bong giin

26 substance n /' SAbstansl chat

27 surgery n I' s3:d3ari/ phau thuiit

Trang 1 09
28 tablet n /'taeblat/ (vi en) thuck

29 transfusion n /traens'fju:3n/ sl,f truyen mau

30 wound n /wu:nd/ vet thLrang

Exercise 1. Choose !he correct answer.
1. My mother's been very ill, and she's still in hospital _ _ .
A. recovering B. reopening C. recalling D. repairing
2. The tapeworm is an inhabitant of the _ _ .
A. brain B. intestine C. stomach D. liver
3. H2 viruses may pose a _ _ threat.
A. rash B. pandemic C. diet D. allergy
4. She suffered kidney failure and needed a blood _ _ .
A. withdrawal B. transfer C. transfusion D. test
5. The singer complained of a _ _ throat after Wednesday's show.
A. sore B. strained C. hurt IJ. wounded
Exercise 2. Comp,le!ethe sentences with suitable words.
l!mti.biotics ---- dress-i-ng
----gym ---- C!i-ag-nosis sprain
1. "Clean the wound and put on a fresh _ _," the doctor advised his patient.
2. I thought my wrist might be broken, but it was just a bad _ _ .
3. We can treat this condition quite successfully with _ _ .
4. I go to the _ _ every Monday and Wednesday, without fail.
5. The doctor has made a _ _, but there'll be an additional examination by a specialist.
Exercise 3. Choose the correct answer to indicate the word OPPOSITE in m•·~ninn to the
underlined word in each of the fnllinw·inn qw,stiions.
1. When a person has an infectious disease, he is usually isolated.
A. non·toxic B. non·poisonous C. non-contagious D. harmless
2. Jane never really recovered from the shock of his father's death.
A. deteriorated B. enhanced C. improved D. claimed
Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer to indicate the word CLOSEST in me,anma to the
underlined word in each ofthe follow inn qm!Siiions.
1. He's suffering from an acute infection of the lower respiratory tract.
A. critical B. powerful C. violent D. stabbing
2. He used his sore finger as an excuse for not going to school.
A. stinging B. irritated C. sensitive D. painful
Exercise 5. There is a mistake in !he underlined of each sentence. Find the mistake.
1. My brother prefers sitting at home than going to the gym to work out.
A. prefer B. sitting C. than D. to work out

Trang 110
2. The man of whom sports car is parked in front of the hospital is a famous surgeon.
A. of whom B. parked C. front of 0. famous
3. I feel such sore that I cannot bring myself to have dinner.
A. feel B. so C. cannot 0. have
4. Because her bone structure, Sarah never looks as light as she actually il;.
A. Because B. ever C. as 0. is
5. The doctor prescribed some pills to he I p you sleep better. did he?
A. prescribed B. to help C. better D. did he

Trang 111

SIT Tir VIJllg Til' lo~;~i Phien am Nghla

1 benefit n, v /'ben,fit/ quyen IQ"i! giup fch cho

2 blanket n /'blre~kit/ chan

3 blood n /biAd/ mau

4 charitable adj /'tJreratabl/ tir thi$n

5 coupon n /'ku:pun/ phieu mua hang

6 dirty adj /'d3 ti/ ban thiu, do ban

7 donate v /dau'neTt/ hien t~ng, quyen g6p

8 education n I, ed3u' ke1Jn/ giao due

9 elder n /'elda(r)/ nguoi cao tuoi


10 encourage v /In' kAr1d3/ khuyen khfch, d(lng vien

11 establish v h'strebhfl thimh l$p, thiet l$p

12 flooded adj /'fiAd!d/ bjng$p

13 forced adj /fo:st/ bj ep bu(lc


14 fundraising n /'fAndreiZI~/ vi$c gay quy

15 graffiti n /gra'fi:ti/ hinh ho?c chO' ve tren tuong

16 homeless adj I /'haumlas/ v6 gia cu

17 impact n /'Imprekt/ anh huang

18 individual n I, md1' V1d3ual/ ca nhan, ca the

19 kind-hearted adj I, kamd 'ha:tJd/ tot bung, c6 long tot

20 leadership n /'li:daJip/ slf lanh a(lo
21 mentor n /'menlo: (r)/ nguoi huang dan
22 mural n /'mjuaral/ blrc bfch hal), tranh tuong

non-profit /,nun 'prufit

23 n to chCrc phi lqi nhu$n
organization ' o:gana1' zeifn/

24 poverty n /' pnvati/ sl! ngheo nan, thieu than

25 provide v /pra'vaJd/ cung cap

26 rescue v /' reskju :/ cuu thoat, giai thoat
------ r-·
v an nau, che ch& I
27 shelter /'felta(r)/
n nha tinh thuong, nha cuu trq
' I
Tlf vl,ING vA sA1 TAP
28 sort v /so:t/ sap xep, ph an lo<Ji

29 tutor n /'tju:ta(r)/ nguoi d<JY kern, gia su

30 volunteer v I yolan 'tra(r)/ di tinh nguy(ln

Exercise 1. Choose the correct answer.
1. After the first three months, the _ _ project really started to pick up steam.
A. providing B. establishing C. encouraging ll. fund raising
2. The _ _ of her childhood stands in total contrast to her rich life in Hollywood.
A. education B. poverty C. mural D. shelter
3. Their research shows that the average _ _ watches around three and a half hours of
television per day.
A. people B. tutor C. individual D. volunteer
4. Being a(n) _ _ woman, she felt sorry for the poor child.
A. heated B. absent-minded C. ill-tempered D. kind-hearted
5. The kids had scrawled _ _ all over the school walls.
A. base B. fence C. door D. graffiti
Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer to indicate the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word in each of the following questions.
1. The steel tubes were clogged with dirty matter.
A. smelly B. clean C. cruddy D. steady
2. I wouldn't have helped him at all, but then I'm not as kind-hearted as you.
A. selfless B. tolerant C. mild D. cruel
Exercise 3. Choose the correct answer to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word in each of the following questions.
1. The prisoners are forced to live in harsh conditions.
A. chosen B. advised C. made D. labored
2. The heavy spring rain has flooded out the ground floor of the hotel.
A. drained B. overflowed C. streamed D. wet
Exercise 4. There is a mistake in the underlined parts of each sentence. Find the mistake.
1. The com outer had made a great impact in modern life.
A. computer B. had made C. great D. in
2. Her center is typical- a non-profit organization that care for about 50 children.
A. typical B. non-profit C. care ll. about
3. She now helps in a local school as a volunteer twice days a week.
A. help B. local C. volunteer D. twice days
4. One of the objects are to create a mural with the theme of the environment.
A. objects B. are C. mural D. the theme

Trang 113
5. You don't want to wind up homeless, don't you?
A. want B. wind C. homeless D. don't you
Exercise 5. Choose the correct answer to indicate the sentence that is closest in to
the original one in each of the questions.
1. Although they are poor, they are very kind-hearted.
A. In spite of their poverty but they are very kind-hearted.
B. In spite of their poverty, they are very kind-hearted.
C. In spite of their poor, they are very kind-hearted.
D. In spite of they are poor, they are very kind-hearted.

2. The group is in his leadership, we cannot do anything to change his mind.

A. We can do nothing to change the leader's mind.
B. We can do anything to change his mind as a leader of the group.
C. There's nothing we can do to change his mind as he is the leader of the group.
D. We can do everything to change the leadership's mind.

3. I am certain that you would volunteer to join the campaign.

A. I know that you would volunteer to join the campaign.
B. You are likely to volunteer to join the campaign.
C. I have no idea you wouldn't volunteer to join the campaign.
D. I know that you wouldn't volunteer to join the campaign.

4. Fund raising is one of the most common activities in our community.

A. In our community, fundraising is less common than any other activity.
B. In our community, no activities are more common than fundraising.
C. In our community, no activities are less common than fundraising.
D. In our community, one of the most common activities is fundraising.

5. I couldn't decide where to donate to the homeless.

A. I knew where to donate to the homeless but I didn't.
B. I couldn't make up my mind where to donate to the homeless.
C. I couldn't know where to donate to the homeless.
D. My mind was made where to donate to the homeless.

Trang 114

STT nr vl,lllg Tir lo;ti Phienam Nghia

1 accordion n /a'ko:dian/ dim xep

2 acoustic adj /a'ku:strk/ thU(>C am hQC

3 ballad n /'brelad/ khuc ballad, bai nh9c ballad

4 canvas n /'krenvas/ vai cang de ve, vai ve

5 catchy adj /'kretjl/ bat tai, de nh6', de thu(>c

6 choir n /' kwara(r)/ d(>i hqp xu6'ng, d(>i hqp ca

7 chorus n /' ko:ras/ di~p khuc

8 collaborate v /ka' lrebarert/ c(>ng tac

9 contemporary adj /kan'temprari/ duang d9i, duang thoi

10 duo n /'dju:au/ b9 doi

11 explicit adj /rk'splrsrt! ro rang, dlrt khoat!thang

12 genre n 1'3nnra/ the lo9i

13 hum v /hAm/ ngan nga

14 improvise v (' rmpravarz/ Li'ng khau, Li'ng bien

15 key n /ki:/ kho8/di~u. am di~u

phong canh/tranh phong

16 landscape n I' lrendskerp/

17 mainstream n /'mernstri:m/ xu huang/xu the chu d9o

18 masterpiece n /'ma:stapi:s/ ki~t tac

19 orchestra n /'o:lastra/ dan nh9c giao huang

20 organist n /'o:ganrst/ nguoi chai dan ang

21 poetry n /'pauatri/ thica/ngh~thuattha

do gam thu cong/nghe lam

22 pottery n /'pntari/
gam thu cong

23 rehearse v /rr' h3:s/ dien taP

24 remix v,n /' ri:mrks/

phai l9i/ban phai l9i, sv phai

25 rhyme v,n /rarm/ gieovanNan

26 sample n,v /'sa:mpl! mau, vat mau/lay mau

27 sketch v, n /sketf/ ph<\c hoa/ban phac hqa

28 songwriter n /'Sn8raita(r)/ nhac sT, nglfoi viet nhac

toed¢, nhip d¢ (cua ban

29 tempo n /'temp au/

30 theme n /8i:m/ de tal, chu de

Exercise 1. Choose the correct answer.
1. Robin Williams forgot his music, so he had to _ _ the accompaniment.
A. improvise B. remember C. hear D. call
2. The song is so _ _ it makes you bounce round the living room or tap your feet.
A. boring B. catchy C. funky D. gloomy
3. He was standing in a corner _ _ quietly without drawing anyone's attention.
A. yelling B. humming C. belting D. shouting
4. Christopher can draw a rough _ _ of his apartment on a napkin.
A. key B. remix C. sketch D. tempo
5. Even though the composer said he _ _ another song, his recent work was widely
considered plagiarized.
A. improvised B. remixed C. asked D. sampled
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with suitable words.
;··-~--······ --·-··----·---------·- . . . . . . . . -~----- ---- ...• -----··--··-·----··- ..

1__c~11temporary ke¥_____ or<>~_estl"l'l__ ........ maim;tre_al11_ __________!!"'""~--- ,

1. He was never part of the literary _ _ as a writer.
2. She plays the flute in the school _ _ .
3. The museum contains 6,000 _ _ and modern artworks.
4. It is a must for any professional vocalist to always avoid singing off _ _ .
5. In the 18th century, art was seen, along with music and _ _, as something edifying.
Exercise 3. Choose the correct answer to indicate !he word CLOSEST in to the
underlined word in each of the
1. She made some very exolicjt references to her personal life in her latest record.
A. complex B. vague C. honest D. clear
2. She writes a lot of contemporary music for people Iike Whitney Houston.
A. up-to-date B. modern C. recent D. current
Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer to indicate the most sentence written from
!he words.
1. the/ in/ orchestra/ at/ not/ so/ playing/ made/ slowerI was/ it/ them/ 1/ it/ a/ tempo/ time/
A. The orchestra was not rehearse at a slower tempo, so I made them playing it in time.
B. I was not playing it in time, so the orchestra made them rehearse it at a slower tempo.
C. The orchestra was not playing it in time, so I made them rehearse it at a slower tempo.
D. I made them rehearse it in time, so the orchestra was not playing it at a slower tempo.

Trang 116
2. but/ it/ up/ a/ was/ very/ found/ to/ built/ be/ the/ masterpiece/ disappointing/ play/ I.
A. A masterpiece was built up to be very disappointing, but I found it the play.
B. The play was built up to be a masterpiece, but I found it very disappointing.
c. The play found I a masterpiece but it was bum up to be very disappointing.
D. A very disappointing play was built up to be the mast~rpiece but 1. found it.

3. chorus/ verses/ in/ Tom/ and/ the/ sang/ everybody/ joined/ the.
A. Everybody sang the verses and joined in Tom the chorus.
B. The verses sang Tom and in the chorus joined everybody.
c. Tom sang the verses and everybody joined in the chorus.
D. Everybody sang the chorus and Tom joined in the verses.

4. As/ a/ ballad/ they/ composed/ themselves/ occasion/ the/ sing/ special/ for/ they/ by/
A. As they sing a special composed ballad they walk by themselves for the occasion.
B. A special ballad composed for the occasion they sing as they walk by themselves.
C. The special occasion sing a composed ballad by they for themselves as they walk.
D. As they walk, they sing a special ballad composed by themselves for the occasion.
5. more/ out/ a/ over/ brushed/ effect/ painter/ the/ canvas/ to/ the/ bring/ vivid.
A. The painter brushed over the canvas to bring out a more vivid effect.
B. The canvas brushed over a more vivid effect to bring out the painter.
C. The painter bring out the canvas to a more vivid effect brushed over.
D. A more vivid canvas brushed over the painter to bring out the effect.
Exercise 5. Choose the correct answer to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
the original one in each of the following questions.
1. They complimented each other for their ability to collaborate effectively as a team.
A. Their ability to collaborate with each other effectively as a team complimented them.
B. As for their ability to collaborate effectively as a team, they complimented each other.
c. As a team, they complimented each other for their ability to collaborate effectively.
D. To collaborate effectively as a team, they complimented each other for their ability.

2. Had he been able to hold a tune, he would have been allowed in the choir.
A. Not having been able to hold a tune, he wouldn't be allowed in the choir.
B. If he could hold a tune, he would be allowed in the choir.
C. Although he couldn't hold a tune, he was allowed in the choir.
D. Because he could hold a tune, he was allowed in the choir.

3. The orchestra should have been able to play the song but the tempo was too fast.
A. The tempo of the song was fast but the orchestra could play it.
B. The orchestra could play the song because its tempo was not fast.
C. The tempo was not fast so the orchestra could not play the song.
D. The tempo of the song was too fast for the orchestra to play it.

4. Chris told me that he was a church organist when he was in his thirties.
A. Chris told me that when he was in his thirties, he worked as a church organist.
B. When he was in his thirties, Chris told me that he was a church organist.
C. Chris told me in his thirties that he was a church organist.
D. As a church organist, Chris told me that he was in his thirties.

Trang 117
5. I don't know the words of the song but I can hum it to you.
A. I don't know the words of the song and cannot hum it to you.
B. I can hum the song to you though I don't know the words of it.
C. I don't know the song but I can hum the words to you.
D. I don't know the words but you can hum the song to me.

Trang 118

STT Tlr V\lllg Tlr lo11i Phien am Nghia

1 bitter adj /' b1ta(r)/ dang

2 boil v /boil/ IUQC, soi

3 bok choy n /,bnk '!foi/ rau cai chfp

4 broccoli n /'brnkali/ bong cai xanh

5 buffet n /'bAfei/ . ti~c bup-phe

6 cauliflower n /'knliflaua(r)/ suplo

7 chewy adj /'tjll:i/ dai

8 dessert n /di'Zs:t/ mon trang mi~ng

9 greasy adj /' gri:si/ beo,ng~y

v mr6ng
10 grill /grd/
n vi mr6ng

11 ham n /h~m/ th!t giam bong

12 jug n /d3Ag/ ca dl,lng n116c

n lo vi song
13 microwave /' ma1krawe1v I
v quay Ia vi song

14 mild adj /madd/ em dju, khong gat

15 oatmeal n /'autmi:l/ yen m<;~ch

16 omelet n /'nmlat/ tnrng trang

17 pastry n /'peistri/ b(>t da nhao

18 plaice n /pleis/ ca bon

19 poach v /pau!f/ chan

20 pork n /po:k/ thjt lqn

21 raisin n /' re1zn/ nho kho

22 roast v, n /raust/ (sl/) quay, n116ng

23 saucer n /' so:sa(r)/ dia lot tach

24 seasoning n /'si:zam8/ gia vj

25 shiitake mushroom n /JI'ta:ki 'mAjl"um/ nam h110ng

n mieng, lat mong

26 slice /slais/
v cat thilnh mieng

Trang 119
27 sour adj /'saoa(r)/ chua

28 spinach n /'spmJ!f/ rau chan vjt

n banh mi mr6ng
29 toast /taust!
v mr6ng (banh mi)

30 vegetarian n /,ved3a'tearian/ nguoi an chay

Exercise 1. Fill !he word in the gap.
I microwave sour - - - vegeiarian--5easonirl9______ grillect--l
_ _ _ _ _j

1. The smoothie was too _ _ so I added a bit of honey.

2. Since I became a ~ I've got rid of a lot of fat.
3. Phoebe adjusts the _ _ to fit her husband's taste.
4. I prefer to have my bacon _ _ rather than fried.
5. She heated up the leftover pasta from last night in the _ _ .
Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s).
1. Indian food often tastes strong as Indians tend to use a generous amount of spice when
A. cool B. hot C. mild D. light
2. Some foreign tourists find Vietnamese coffee too bitter for their tastes.
A. harsh B. pleasant C. acidic D. sweet
Exercise 3. There is a mistake in the underlined parts of each sentence. Find the mistake.
1. Oatmeal i§ proved !l.§ing healthy as it helps to reduce blood sugar levels.
A is B. being C. as D. reduce
2. My mother prepares a slice of toasted, ham and omelet for breakfast today.
A. prepares B. of C. toasted D. for
3. Eat spinach may benefit eye health and help prevent cancer.
A. Eat B. benefit C. help D. prevent
4. I was gifted a voucher tog_ buffet at a fine-dining restaurant this weekend.
A. gifted B. to C. a D. fine· dining
5. Vegetables such as broccoli and bok choy should add to the daily meal.
A. Vegetables B. such as C. add D. to
Exercise 4. Put the words in order to make sentences.
1. favorite/ my/ dishes/ of/ Chicken/ is/ roasting/ one.

2. boils/ degrees/ Water/ Celsius/ 100/ at.

3. texture/ of/ She/ the/ mushrooms/ chewy/ enjoys/ shiitake.

Trang 120
4. Vietnam/ most/ of/ Pork/ in/ popular/ type/ is/ meat/ the/ consumed.

5. pours/ water/ much/ into/ too/ jug/ the/ that/ it! overflows/ He.

Exercise 5. Choose the correct answer to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
the original one in each of the following questions.
1. From the look on your face, I'm sure this is the first time you've eaten Indian food.
A. The expression on your face makes it clear that you'll never eat Indian food again.
B. I don't think you like Indian food as there is a strange look on your face.
C. What I understand from the look on your face is that this won't be the last time you eat Indian
D. You can't have tried Indian food before, as far as I can gather from the expression on your
2. Some restaurants with a good view charge very high prices even if they don't serve good
A. The view from some restaurants are wonderful and the food they serve is good.
B. Whether the food they serve is good or not, dining at scenic restaurants is usually very
C. People don't mind paying large bills at restaurants, as they know they're paying for the view
as well.
D. If a restaurant has good food, it is the food that attracts customers, not the view.

3. The hazards of eating meat are far outweighed by the health benefits of doing so.
A. Though meat can be unhealthy, it's even more unhealthy to avoid eating it.
B. Consuming animal flesh can harm you, but it's still an essential source of nutrition.
C. Eating meat may promote health in some ways, but harms it in many more.
D. In order to be healthy, it's important to eat meat despite potential health risks.

4. She never eats cake except when she celebrates her birthday.
A. Until her birthday, she will never taste even a small piece of cake.
B. At last, on her last birthday, she tried a piece of her birthday cake.
C. Although she celebrates her birthday every year, she never eats any of her birthday cake.
D. The only occasion on which she eats cake is on her own birthday.
5. An excessive consumption of sweets leads to obesity unless the energy obtained is used up.
A. Be sure to do some exercise to burn off the excess energy you'll get from eating sweets.
B. People get fat as a result of eating far too many sweets and doing nothing energetic at all.
C. If a person eats too many sweets but doesn't bum the energy thus given, he'll become obese.
D. Obesity comes about because far too much sugar is consumed to be able to use the extra

Trang 121

STT Til' 11\1119 Til' lo<~i Phien am Nghia

1 awareness n /a'weanas/ y thtl'c

2 barrier n /'baeria(r)/ himg rao chan duong ngang

d~ng Cl,l kiem tra nang di)

3 breathalyzer n /' bre8alaiza(r)/

4 cancellation n I, kaensa · leij\1/ slf huy b6

xe buY, ch(ly duong dai, xe

5 coach n /kautf/

di lam hang ngay (gifra hai

6 commute v /ka'mju:t/
d[a diem)

7 crossroad n /' krnsraudz/ ngatu

8 dead end n /,ded 'end/ dub'ng c~t

9 driving offense n /' draL VI8 ;;>'fens/ Sl/ vi ph9m lu~t giao thong

10 flat lire n I, flaet /'taia(r)/ lop x[t

11 handbrake n /' haendbre1k/ phanh tay

(giao thong) m$t di) day d~c,

12 heavy adj /'hevi/
dong due

13 highway n /'haiweJ/ duong eao toe

tong vao ngub'i khac roi b6

14 hit and run n /,h1t an 'rAn/

n tieng coi 6 to
15 honk /hn8k/
v bop coi (o to)

/' laJSns
16 license suspension n vi~c t[ch thu bang lai

v VIIQ't (ai)
17 pass /pa:s/
n con deo

111 park v /pa:k/ d~u (xe)

19 pedestrian n /pa' destrian/ ng11oi di bi)

20 polhole n /'put haul! o9 a

21 railway station n /' reiiWei 'steifn/ ga tau h6a

22 roadside n /'raudsaJd/ re dl!b'ng

23 sailboat n /' seJib<Jut/ thuyen buom

Trang 122

24 scooter n /'sku :ta(r)/ xe tay ga, xe tnrqt

25 signpost n /' sa.npaust/ bien chi dtrong

26 speeding n /'spi:di~/ vi(k lai xe qua toe a(>

27 subway n /'SAbWei/ tau di$n ngam

28 T-junction n /'ti: d3A~kfn/ ngil ba

29 traffic jam n /'traefik d3aem/ tile dtrong

30 vehicle n /'vi:akl/ phtrong ti$n

Exercise 1. Write ONE word from the box in each gap.
hit and run license suspension traffic jams breathalyzer scooter
1. Traffic policemen use a _ _ to evaluate the percentage of alcohol in drivers' blood.
2. She was charged with a _ _ on the highway.
3. She prefers to have a _ _ rather than a moped.
4. Governments have been trying to come up with the most effective ways to tackle _ _ .
5. _ _ can deter people from committing driving offenses.
Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s).
1. Driving education can significantly increase awareness about road safety.
A. information B. alertness C. neglect D. enlightenment
2. People are encouraged to opt for public transportation to travel between places.
A. commute B. walk C. fly D. drive
Exercise 3. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or 0 to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s).
1. The cancellation of the new drink-driving law has increased the number of crashes.
A. congestion B. contraction C. retirement D. allowance
2. There has not been a single day that this metropolis witnesses light traffic.
A. smooth B. little C. heavy D. dark
Exercise 4: Choose the correct answer to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
1. The pedestrian walked past the crossroad and suddenly .9Q! hit with a car.
A.paM B.~e C.g~ D.w~

2. Joana pulled down !ly the roadside to buy a cup of coffee.

A. pulled down B. by C. roadside D. of
3. A barrier has been Q.Y1 up to prevent people of hitting that huge pothole.
A. put B. to C. of D. hitting
4. It was his lucky day when he had both a flat tire and a broken handbrake.
A. lucky B. when C. both D. broken

Trang 123
5. We looked in our map to find the nearest subway station.
A. in B. map C. the D. subway
Exercise 5. Put the words in order to make sentences.
1. fined/ Tom/ a/ been /week/ speeding/ twice/ for/ has.

2. signposts/ way/ to/ that/ seems/ It/ are/ the/ at/ us/ wrong/ like/ directing/ T-junction.

3. People/ can I drive I thanks to/ Hanoi to Haiphong/ from/ in/ just/ the/ an hour/ excellent/

4. the/ the/ off/ railway/ hitchhiker/ station/ near/ dropped/ They.

5. reached/ couldn't/ They/ a/ end/ find/ out/ way/ and/ a/ dead.

Exercise 6. Mark the letter A, B, CorD on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is
closest in meaning to the one in each of the following questions.
1. Since it is Black Friday, all parking lots nearby the mall are full.
A. If it was not Black Friday, all parking lots nearby the mall wouldn't have been full.
B. If it is not Black Friday, all parking lots nearby the mall wouldn't be full.
C. If it was not Black Friday, all parking lots nearby the mall wouldn't be full.
D. If it had not been Black Friday, all parking lots nearby the mall wouldn't have been full.
2. The sound of cars honking in the middle of a traffic jam is really annoying.
A. People are annoyed by the sound of cars honking in the middle of a traffic jam.
B. People are annoying by the sound of cars honking in the middle of a traffic jam.
C. People annoyed the sound of cars honking in the middle of a traffic jam.
D. People annoyed by the sound of cars honking in the middle of a traffic jam.

3. Tourists can rent out sailboats to enjoy the stunning view of golden hours.
A. Tourists are unable to rent out sailboats to enjoy the stunning view of golden hours.
B. It is possible for tourists to rent out sailboats to enjoy the stunning view of golden hours.
C. It is impossible for tourists to rent out sailboats to enjoy the stunning view of golden hours.
D. Tourists will able to enjoy the stunning view of golden hours by sailboats.

4. The taxi driver ignored the stop sign, so it was only natural that he crashed his vehicle.
A. Naturally, the taxi driver nearly had an accident after he had disregarded the stop sign.
B. As he had disregarded the stop sign, the taxi driver was lucky to avoid crashing his car.
C. Since he paid no attention to the stop sign, it is not surprising that the taxi driver had an
D. The taxi driver probably crashed his car because he was foolish enough to ignore the stop

5. We narrowly avoided an accident with a coach by managing to stop quickly.

A. If the coach hadn't stopped so suddenly, we wouldn't have had the accident.
B. The gap we had left between us and the coach was too narrow to avoid an accident.
C. It was such a narrow road that we nearly had an accident with a coach.
D. We would have had an accident with a coach if we hadn't come to a stop so quickly.

Trang 124

STT Tlr VIJllg Tll' lo;~i Phien am Nghia

1 accessory n lak'sesari/ phv ki~n

2 belongings n lbr' lo~r~zl v~t dvng ca nhan

3 ceremony n /' seramani/ nghi le, buoi le

4 civilization n I, srvalar' zerjhl nen van minh

5 concept n /'konseptl khai ni~m. quan ni$m

6 costume n /'kostju:ml trang phvc

7 ethnic minority n dan t¢c thieu so

8 evoke v h'vaukl khoi gc;ti

· ..
9 fine art n I, fain 'a'I/ my thu~t

van h9c, truyen thong dan

10 folklore n /'faukb:(r)l

11 handicraft n /' hcendikra:ft/ nghe thu cong, ao thu cong

12 heritage n /'hentrd3l disan

c6 tfnh chat ljch sd', <iLic;tc ghi

13 historic adj lhr' storrkl
vao ljch sd'

14 indigenous adj hn' drd3anas1 ban xu, ban aia

15 inheritance n hn 'herrtansl S\f thua ke

16 manners n /' mcena(r)zl phong (Vc, t~p quan

17 medieval adj l,medi'i:vll cO xua, xa xua

18 mythology n lmr'8olad3i! than tholli

quy tile, quy ph?m, lieu

19 norm n /no:ml
20 oblige v la'blard3l bat bu¢c

21 offspring n /'ofsprr~l con cai, con chau

22 origin n /'orrd3ml nguon goc, din nguyen

23 parade v lpa'rerdl dieu hanh

ILiu giil', bao ton, duy tri lau

24 preserve v lprr'zs:vl

25 racism n /' rersrzaml S\f phiin bi$t chung t¢c

Trang 125
26 reflect v /n'flekt/ phan anh

27 religious adj /r1'hd3as/ (thu(>c) ton giao, tfn nguong

28 ritual n /' ritfual/ nghi thU'c

29 self-sacrifice n I, self 'srekrifais/ SIJ hy sinh, Sl/ quen minh

30 unity n /'ju:nati/ siJ aoan ket

Exercise 1. Write ONE word from the box in each gap.
j=-_racism·------heritage-- --~ unity -~=~~ et~ilic_lllino~itie5_~=-~ere!11ony___ j
1. The government has promised to continue the fight against _ _ .
2. A large number of _ _ in Vietnam contributes to the country's rich cultural diversity.
3. Learning history helps to instill a sense of patriotism and _ _ into children.
4. Our government spent a great proportion of public expenditure to preserve historical _ _ .
5. Many people prefer to have a religious wedding _ _ .
Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s).
1. Her grandfather left her a small inheritance after his death.
A. birthright B. legacy C. heritage D. estate
2. In some societies, making loud noises while eating is considered impolite conduct.
A. style B. manner C. tone D. appearance
Exercise 3. Mark !he leiter B, CorD on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part
that needs correction in each of the fol!low·ino qwestions.
1. The church was built of medieval Gothic architecture with high ceilings and tall buttress.
A. was B. of C. architecture D. buttress
2. The reason why people conform with social norms is that they can feel a sense of inclusion.
A. with B. social norms C. feel D. inclusion
3. One among the most famous rituals in Finland is taking a dip in the lake after having a hot
A. among B. rituals C. taking D. having
4. British celebrate the Royal family members birthday with a military ceremony and parade.
A. British B. members C. with D. ceremony
5. The project supports preserving indigent and traditional cultures through its legacy funds.
A. supports B. indigent C. traditional D. its
Exercise 4. Put the words in order to make sentences.
1. artists/ Greek/ great/ source/ inspiration/ civilization/ always/ been/ Ancient/ has/ a/ for/ of.

2. very/ variants/ of/ folk tales/ be/ across/ cultures/ can/ There/ different.

Trang 126
3. dresses/ is/ highland/ costume/ men's! traditional/ Scottish.

4. The/ tradition/ personal! to/ get rid of/ the/ dead/ belongings/ prevails/ among/ of/ various/

5. self-sacrifice/ many/ save/ others/ to/ Vietnamese/ order/ wars./ the/ in/ During/ soldiers/

Exercise 5. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is
closest in meaning to the original one in each of the following questions.
1. Handicrafts are not only commercial products but also reflect the customs of a country.
A. Handicrafts are commercial products and do not reflect the customs of a country.
B. Handicrafts are not commercial products but they reflect the customs of a country.
C. Handicrafts are not commercial products and do not reflect the customs of a country.
D. Handicrafts are commercial products and reflect the customs of a country.

2. In some cultures, children are obliged to learn about their origin.

A. In some cultures, children are can learn about their origin if they want.
B. In some cultures, children have to learn about their origin.
C. In some cultures, children are willing to learn about their origin.
D. In some cultures, children refuse to learn about their origin.

3. Visiting that historic building evokes memories from their past.

A. Visiting that historic building brings forward memories from their past.
B. Visiting that historic building brings about memories from their past.
C. Visiting that historic building brings back memories from their past.
D. Visiting that historic building brings forth memories from their past.

4. As far as I know, they're still working on a solution to racism problems.

A. As far as I'm concerned, they are about to find a solution to racism problems.
B. From what I know, they haven't yet found a way to solve racism difficulties.
C. I know that they have no idea about how they can get over racism problems.
D. It seems to me that they are still far from finding a solution to racism difficulties.

5. Their offspring are taught to follow their family's traditional customs.

A. They teach their offspring to follow their family's traditional customs.
B. They taught their offspring to follow their family's traditional customs.
C. Their family's traditional customs are taught to follow by their offspring.
D. Their offspring following their family's traditional customs are taught.

Trang 127
... .. --~



STT Tlr Vl,l11g Tlr lo(li Phienam Nghia

1 altar n /'o:lta(r)/ ban tho

2 ancestor n /' rensesta(r)/ to tien

n trai
3 camp /kremp/
v cam trr;~i

4 celebrate v /' seiibrei1/ to chuc le, an mung

5 chant v /lfa:nt/ hat len, reo ho

6 chimney n 'tfimni/ ong kh6i

7 cranberry n /' krrenbari/ qua nam vi.;!t quat

8 fascinating adj /'fresmeJliD/ thu v[, hap dan

n bQ-a ti.;!c
9 feast /fi:st!
v ti.;!c tung

10 fireplace n /'faiapleis/ lo slfoi

11 firewood n /'faiawud/ cui dot

12 gravy n /' greiVi/ nlfoc xot

13 lean pork paste n /li:n po:k peist/ gio, cha lua

14 pickle n, v /' pikl/ dlfa muoi, muoi (do an)

15 reindeer n /' reind1a(r)/ tuan l¢c

16 religion n /n'hd3an/ ton giao

17 ribbon n /'riban/ nO', dai ruy bang

18 seasonal adj /'si:zanl/ thu¢c ve mua, theo mua

19 sledge n /sled3/ xe trlfQ't tuyet

20 snowflake n /' snaufle1k/ bong tuyet

21 spectacle n /' spekt<:>kl/ cimh tlfqng, quang cimh

22 steep adj /sti:p/ doc

23 sticky rice n /' st1ki ra1s/ 980 nep/xoi

24 stuffing n /' S1AfiD/ nhan nhoi (viJO ga)

25 superstitious adj I ,su:pa' stJfas/ me tin, d[ doan

adj cam kY., kieng kY.

26 taboo /ta'bu:/
I n dieu, tLr cam kY., kieng kY.

Trang 128

27 Thanksgiving n I, ece~ks ·giVIIJ/ let? on

28 turkey n /'t3:ki! gatay

29 worship v,n /'W3:fip/ (st,r) tho cung, ton tho

30 wreath n /ri:S/ vbng hoa

Exercise 1. Write ONE word from the box in each gap.
altar Thanksgiving celebrate reindeer taboo

1. Children believe that if they behave nicely, Santa Claus will fly in a sledge pulled by-~
and drop his gifts down chimneys for them.
2. Eating beef is considered a _ _ in Hinduism.
3. They have mashed potato, pickles, a roasted turkey and sausage stuffing for-~·

4. In almost all houses and offices in Vietnam, there is a small _ _ to worship gods and
honor ancestors.
5. How people _ _ new year varies in different cultures.
Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer A, !l, C, or D to indicate the word(s) ClOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s).
1. He spent the majority of his winter holiday learning how to ski steep slopes.
A. extreme B. flat C. slanted D. high
2. My mother makes the best-roasted turkey covered in her famous Q.[l!ll)'.
A. sauce B. juice C. seasoning D. powder
Exercise 3. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s).
1. In Michigan, there is a town called Frankenmuth where people celebrate Christmas all year
A. annually B. seasonal C. year by year D. frequently
2. He is a rational man who does not believe in the supernatural.
A. early B. theoretical C. simple D. superstitious
Exercise 4. Mark the letter A, B, Cor 0 on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part
that needs correction in each of the following questions.
1. They set up camping and process firewood to prepare for a meal.
A. set up B. camping C. process D. for
2. Their kids are so happy see snowflakes start falling down from the sky as they can now build
a snowman.
A. see B. start C. falling D. from
3. "Banh chung" and lean pork paste ill traditional food offerings to ancestors during Tet holiday
in Vietnam.
A. paste C. offerings D. to
4. Christian ill the religion that has the largest number of follower in the world.
A. is B. has C. largest D. follower

Trang 129
5. This year she arrives in Spain just on time to enjoying the fascinating carnival scene.
A. arrives B. on C. enjoying D. fascinating
Exercise 5. Put the words in order to make sentences.
1. upcoming/ for/ geeks/ a/ will/ movie/ film/ festival/ feast/ The/ be/ real.

2. recipes/ for/ She/ cranberry/ Thanksgiving/ a/ prepared/ bunch/ of/ has.

3. wrapped/ All/ carefully/ are/ and/ presents/ ribbon/ paper/ colorful/ the/ in.

4. flower/ candles/ with/ wreaths/ house/ and/ decorated/ of/ They/ their/ boxes/ gifts.

5. kids/ and/ is/ tradition/ to/ her/ stories/ gather/ family/ fireplace/ them/ the/ the/ tell/ It/

Exercise 6. Mark the letter A, B, C or[) on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is
closest in to the one in each of the fnlllnwinn qwestioros
1. "The festival is a breathtaking spectacle," they said.
A. The festival is said to be a breath-taking spectacle.
B. The festival was said to be a breath-taking spectacle.
C. The festival was said to have been a breath-taking spectacle.
D. The festival is said to have been a breath-taking spectacle.

2. Because heavy snowfall blocks streets, we are planning a small get-together at home to
celebrate the holiday.
A. If heavy snowfall did not blocks!reets, we would be planning a small get-together at home to
celebrate the holiday.
B. If heavy snowfall had not blocked streets, we would be planning a small get-together at home
to celebrate the holiday.
C. If heavy snowfall had not blocked streets, we would not be planning a small get-together at
home to celebrate the holiday.
D. If heavy snowfall did not block streets, we would not be planning a small get-together at
home to celebrate the holiday.

3. John cannot hear anything but chanting and sound of confetti popping.
A. John cannot hear anything except for chanting and sound of confetti popping.
B. John can hear chanting but not sound of confetti popping.
C. John cannot hear chanting but he can hear sound of confetti popping.
D. John cannot hear anything even chanting and sound of confetti popping.

4. The majority of people see Christmas as a holiday rather than a religious event.
A. Christmas is seen as a holiday and a religious event by the majority of people.
B. Christmas is seen as a holiday but not a religious event by the majority of people.
C. Christmas is seen as more of a holiday than a religious event by the majority of people.
D. Christmas is seen as either a holiday or a religious event by the majority of people.

Trang 130
5. They were going to take a holiday in Danang and had already booked their flight.
A. Their flight to Danang was cancelled, so the holiday they had booked went to waste.
B. They had planned a vacation in Danang and had even made their flight arrangements.
C. They couldn't go to Danang in the end because they forgot to make arrangements for the
flight in advance.
D. They decided against a holiday in Danang in spite of having paid for their plane tickets.

Trang 131

STT Tirvt,mg nrlo;ti Phienam NghTa

1 advertisement n /ad 'V3:tlsmant/ quang cao

2 biweekly adj /bai'wi:kli/ hai tuan m(>t ian

3 brand n /braend/ thuong hi$u

4 brief adj /bri:f/ ngan gon

5 celebrity n /sa' lebrati/ nguoi noi tii!'ng

co quan kiem duy~t/quyen

6 censorship n /' sensafip/ kiem duyWc6ng tac kiem
I I duy$1

7 column I n /'kulam/ c(>t, g6c

8 commercial adj /ka'm3:j1/ c6 tfnh thuong mo;~i

9 edit v /'edit! chinh sCra

10 emergence n /I' m3:d3ans/ S\f noi len, XUat hi$n
11 engagement n /m' ge1d3mant/ st,rcam ket
12 eye-catching adj eye-catching bat mat
- -----
13 feature n /'fi:tfa(r)/ bai bao d~c bi$t, d?c diem

14 filter n /'fiita(r)/ b91oc

15 influencer n /'mfluansa(r)/ ngu·oi c6 tam anh huang
-- -
16 journalism n /'d33:na1Izam/ nghe bao

17 multi-functional adj /mAiti fA~kJanl! da nang


111 obsessed adj /ab'sest/ bi am anh

--m---·- - - - - - -
19 paparazzo n I, paepa' raetsau/ thq san anh
--- ----
20 privacy n /' pnvasi! st,r rieng tu

21 readership n /'ri:dafip/ nh6m d9c gia trung thimh

- --------- -
22 social platform n /' saujl 'plaethm/ nen tang xa h(>i



theme song

/8i:m su~/
thai thuqng, phong each

bao Ia cai

bai hat chu de

,-------- -- . -----------------
adj I /An' skru: pjalas/ v6 luang tiim
"""""""""""''"'"''"""""-""""""" _________
27 up-to-date adj /,AP ta 'deit/ c$p nh$t, mai nhat
--- w•---~--- -- -•--rn-rn•~---·-----

Trang 132.

28 user-friendly adj /,iu:za 'frendli! than thi~n v6i ngtroi dung

29 view n, v /vju:/ ltrqt xem/ xem

30 youngster n /'jA~sta(r)/ gi6i tre

Exercise 1. Write ONE word from the box in each gap.
I influencers 1 brand I user-friendly paparazzi edit
1. He spent hours _ _ the article before he could publish it.
2. Baldwin was so annoyed by the _ _ that he started getting angry.
3. These days _ _ have a huge impact on their followers' purchase decisions.
4. Advertising has proved to be an extremely effective way to increase _ _ awareness.
5. Their goal is to make the new website's interface more _ _ .
Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
me>aniingto the underlined word(s).
1. The company gave a short yet compelling statement to the press about their recent scandal.
A. temporary B. sharp C. brief D. quick
2. He catches up with the latest technology news by subscribing to a biweekly magazine.
A. up-to-date B. old C. futuristic D. fashionable
Exercise 3. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s).
1. Non-profit journalism has been on the rise as readers gradually lose trust in traditional news
A. successful B. productive C. worthless D. commercial
2. She complained that the magazine had invaded her privacy by printing the photos.
A. publicity B. emergence C. removal D. retirement
Exercise 4. Mark !he le!ler A, B, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part
!hal needs correction in each of !he following questions.
1. TikTok is the most talked-about social platform recently and i§ very likely dominating the
A. the most B. recently C. is D. dominating
2. The story distorting by an unscrupulous tabloid press is causing areat misinterpretation.
A. distorting B. tabloid press C. causing D. great
3. The downside of social media is that it makes people obsessed of self-perfection.
A. of B. is that C. of D. self-perfection
4. Her newly uploading vlog has been subject to censorship since it violates YouTube's terms of
A. uploading B. subject to C. violates D. terms
5. Many social media users have reported that these platforms are invading their private.
A. Many B. have C. are D. privare

Trang 133
Exercise 5. Put the words in order to make sentences.
1. youngster's! on/ and/ leaves/ violent/ well-being/ unwanted/ effect/ content/ a/ long-term/
to/ negative/ Exposure/ sexual.

2. gender/ believed/ harmful/ advertisement/ is/ to/ promote/ The/ stereotypes.

3. song/ podcast/ revealed/ They/ new/ their/ a/ for/ theme.

4. life/ to/ her/ all/ Being/ of/ celebrity/ a/ enjoy/ allows/ luxuries.

5. Mass/ engagement/ public/ enhance/ channel! to/ media/ effective/ be/ an/ can.

Trang 134



STT Tit V\fllg Tit lo!li Phien am Nghia

1 abroad adj /a'bro:d/ 6 mrac ngoai, ra mrac ngoai

2 accommodation n /a,kuma'derfn/ noii'J

3 airplane n /' eaplern/ may bay, phi co

hang khong, hang hang

4 airline n /'ealarn/

5 arrival n /a'rarvl/ s\l' den, S\l' tai noi

6 backpacking n /' brekprekr~/ du ljch bui

7 luggage n /' IAgid3/ hanhly

8 board v /bo:d/ len tau, dap tau

9 border n /'bo:da(r)/ bien giai

10 postcard n /' paustka:d/ buu thiep

11 cab n /kreb/ xe taxi

12 capital n /'kreprtl! thu do, thu phu

13 check in v /tfek rn/ d~t thue khach s<~n

14 currency n /'kAransi/ tien t~

15 custom n /'kAstam/ phong tuc, t~p I~

16 delay v,n /dr'ler/ (st!) ch~m tre, trl hoan

17 departure n /dr'pa:tfa(r)/ S\l' roi khoi, S\l' khai hilnh

18 destination n /,destr'nerfn/ diem den

19 direction n /da'rekfn/ huang, S\l' chi dan

20 double room n /,dAbl 'ru:m/ phbng doi

21 duty-free adj /,dju:ti 'fri:/ mien thue

22 embassy n /'em basil d<~i sCr quan

23 ferry n /'feri/ phil

24 reserve v /n'z3:V/ d~t truoc, dang ky truac

25 passenger n /' presrnd3a(r)/ hilnh khach (di tau xe ... )

26 motel n /mau'tel! nha nghi

27 guidebook n /' gardbuk/ sach huang dan du ljch

28 hitchhike v /' hrtfhark/ di nho xe

Trang 135
d~p nhu tranh, gay an tuqng
29 picturesque adj I, piklfa ·resk/
m;;mh (phong canh, ngubi. .. )

30 tourist n /'tuanst/ khach du ljch

Exercise 1. Write ONE word from the box in each gap.
-------------------~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------·---

l_ __!111ba~S)f______ ____ ~~E!nc}l_ __ hitchhikE! ·····-~p~o_stcard_s~- acco111m_o_d~tion


1. Normally converting _ _ before travelling means getting a less favorable exchange rate.
2. They spent 2 weeks _ _ across Pennsylvania.
3. Nick sent his parents a few _ _ from his honeymoon.
4. She got in touch with the _ _ to extend her tourist visa.
5. They booked a travel package which covered flights, _ _ and meals.
Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or 0 to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s).
1. The border is shared between two countries.
A. edge B. sideline C. door D. boundary
2. There are a bunch of picturesque destinations when visiting London.
A. pleasant B. attractive C. colorful D. vivid
Exercise 3. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s).
1. Due to the delay of the flight, she has been waiting for 6 hours.
A. continuance B. lag C. rush D. beginning
2. I took out the ticket before I boarded the plane.
A. sit down B. settle C. land D. come
Exercise 4. Mark !he letter A, B, CorD on your answer sheet to indicate !he underlined
that needs correction in each of the following qw>st1ions.
1. Shoppers can 9ltl duty-free good at the airport.
A. Shoppers B. get C. duty-free D. good
2. Lily and her friends checked on at the hotel before visiting the Louvre museum.
A. checked B. on C. visiting D. the
3. Travelling allows people to exgand their knowledge of local customs and tradition.
A. allows B. expand C. of D. tradition
4. The departure time of the fli.9hN to Ho Chi Minh city i§. 8:00a.m.
A. time B. the C. flights D. is
5. Some passenger think that the ferry may be heading in~ wrong direction.
A. passenger B. that C. may be D. the

Exercise 5. Put the words in order !o make sentences.

1. the/ capital/ is/ Paris/ city/ of/ France.

Trang 136

2. places/ faraway/ by/ travel! to/ aeroplane/ People/ can.

3. devastated/ airline/ Covid-19/ industry/ the/ has/ pandemic/ The.

4. popular/ travelling/ a/ trend/ among/ is/ Backpacking/ for/ generations/ young.

5. to/ this/ his/ week/ trip/ luggage/ Andy/ for/ new/ needs/ Thailand.

Exercise 6. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is
closest in meaning to the original one in each of the following questions.
1. He took a cab in order to get to the train station on time.
A. He took a cab so as to get to the train station on time.
B. He took a cab so as for get to the train station on time.
C. He took a cab so as getting to the train station on time.
D. He took a cab so as towards get to the train station on time.

2. Studying abroad in a different country opens up many opportunities for students.

A. Many opportunities are opened up for students to study abroad in a different country.
B. Many opportunities are opened up for students when studying abroad in a different country.
C. Many opportunities are opened up for students with studying abroad in a different country.
D. Many opportunities are opened up for students study abroad in a different country.

3. The motel has run out of room, but the couple had reserved it before they got there.
A. The motel has run out of room, therefore the couple had reserved it before they got there.
B. The motel has run out of room, as a result the couple had reserved it before they got there.
C. The motel has run out of room, however the couple had reserved it before they got there.
D. The motel has run out of room, besides the couple had reserved it before they got there.

4. People say that guidebooks are becoming obsolete in this digital age since the Internet is
already a great source of travel information.
A. Guidebooks are said to becoming obsolete in this digital age since the Internet is already a
great source of travel information.
B. Guidebooks are said be becoming obsolete in this digital age since the Internet is already a
great source of travel information.
C. Guidebooks are said becoming obsolete in this digital age since the Internet is already a
great source of travel information.
D. Guidebooks are said to be becoming obsolete in this digital age since the Internet is already
a great source of travel information.

5. Some countries require tourists to receive certain vaccinations before entry, while others do
A. Vaccinations are given to tourists at the border by some countries, but not by all.
B. Tourists need not be vaccinated to enter certain countries, but other nations may demand
C. Many countries vaccinate tourists after they have entered, whereas many others don't.
D. While many tourists get vaccinated upon entry to some countries, many others do not.

Trang 137

STT Tir VI!"Q Tir Iolli Phien ilm Nghia

1 alien n /'edian/ ngLJoi ngoai hanh tinh

2 asteroid n /'aestaroid/ tieu himh tinh

3 astronaut n /' aestrano:t/ phi hanh gia

4 comet n /'knm1t/ sao chOi

5 constellation n I, knnsta' leifn/ chom sao

6 cycle n /'Saiki/ chu ky

7 Earth n /3:8/ Trai flat

8 elliptic adj /I' hptJkl/ c6 hinh elip

9 experiment v, n /Ik' sper1mant/ thi nghi~m, thLr nghi~m

10 full moon n /,fol 'mu:n/ trang tron

11 hemisphere I n /' hem1sha(r)/ ban cau

12 Jupiter n /'d3u:pita(r)/ Sao M(>c

13 leap v,n /li:p/ nhay qua/bLJ6c nhay

14 lunar eclipse n /'lu:na(r) I'klrps/ nguy$t thl!c
15 Mars n /ma:z/ Sao H6a

16 Mercury n /' m3: kjari/ Sao Thuy

17 Neptune n /'neptju:n/ Sao Hai VLiang

18 orbit ' n,v /'o:bJt/ quy cf~o/di theo quy d~o

19 oxygen n /'nks1d3an/ khi oxi

20 Pluto n /'plu:tau/ Sao Diem VLJang

21 ring n /r1~/ vimh dai/quang (sang)

22 satellite n /' saetalart/ v$ tinh

- --
23 Saturn n /'sael3:n/ Sao Tho

24 solar eclipse n ' /'saula(r) 1'khps/ nh$t thl!c

25 spacecraft n /' speiskra:ft/ tau vo trv



unidentified flying
object (UFO)


I'fl.,. deohlrud
, bd k
n 31 t/
£ kinh vien vQng

v;;~t t h"b
e ay xac
. d 1n h

Uranus 1_ ---
n /'ju<~ran<~s/
-•rn---·----•••- -
Sao Thien VLiang

Trang 138

29 Venus n /'vi:nas/ Sao Kim

30 visible adj /'VIZabl( c6 the nhln thay citrqc

Exercise 1. Write ONE word from !he box in each gap.
telescope satellite cycle oxygen Mars
1. Giant planets such as Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Venus and Mercury can be observed using a

2. Earth finishes its elliptical orbit around the sun in a _ _ of 365 days.
3. Elan Musk has an ambition to land humans on--·
4. Astronauts must use special equipment to breathe in space as the level of _ _ there is so
5. It costs a hundred million dollars for a _ _ to launch.
Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) ClOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s).
1. People are curious to know what on Earth is viewable from space.
A. visible B. bold C. definite D. certain
2. Research carried out in space covers various fields such as biology, physics, astrobiology,
A. procedure B. experiment C. assignment 0. attempt
Exercise 3. Mark the letter A, B, CorD on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part
that needs correction in each of the following questions.
1. Even though scientists have spent years studying !ifu on other planets, the existence of alien
maintain an unsolved mystery.
A. studying B. life C. of D. maintain
2. Some people believe that solar and lunar eclipses occur when gods are anger and they bring
disasters and misfortunes.
A. occur B. gods C. anger D. misfortunes
3. In the past, farmers harvested crops and sailors navigated in the ocean using constellations.
A. crops B. navigated C. in D. constellations
4. There is i! myth which a full moon can influence animal behavior.
A. a ll. which C. full 0. influence
5. Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are often describe as disk-like spacecraft and surrounded
by green light.
A. objects B. describe C. and D. by
Exercise 4. Put the words in order to make sentences.
1. age/ when/ the/ ended/ dinosaurs/ The/ of/ Earth/ asteroids/ hit.

2. are/ Uranus/ planets/ solar/ the/ Pluto/ the/ and/ system/ in/ Neptune,/ among/ outermost.

Trang 139
3. hemispheres/ The/ into/ halves/ two/ called/ divided/ is/ and/ Earth/ southern/ northern/

4. cultures/ are/ Comets/ to/ many/ be/ sign/ known/ a/ in/ of/ bad/ luck/ often.

5. people/ images/ access/ stunning/ of/ to/ their/ of/ hundreds/ ring/ stock/ NASA/ give.

Exercise 5. Choose !he correct answer to indicate the sentence that is closest in to
the one in each of the follo,ving que!;lic•ns.
1. Thanks to Neil Armstrong's success, humans took a giant leap in space exploration.
A. If Neil Armstrong did not succeed, humans would not take a giant leap in space exploration.
B. If Neil Armstrong does not succeed, humans would not take a giant leap in space
C. If Neil Armstrong had not succeeded, humans would not have taken a giant leap in space
D. If Neil Armstrong had not succeeded, humans would take a giant leap in space exploration.

2. At NASA, trainees must pass intensive tests before they become astronauts.
A. At NASA, trainees must be tested intensively to become astronauts.
!l. At NASA, trainees must test intensively to become astronauts.
C. At NASA, trainees must be tested intensively become astronauts.
D. At NASA, trainees must test intensively become astronauts.

J. Some people believe that aliens come from a more advanced civilization and they outsmart
A. Aliens are believed come from a more advanced civilization and outsmart humans.
!l. Aliens are believed coming from a more advanced civilization and outsmarting humans.
C. Aliens are believed to come from a more advanced civilization and to outsmart humans.
D. Aliens are believed to come from a more advanced civilization and outsmart humans.

4. It is not worthwhile to search for life on other planets.

A. It is no use to search for life on other planets.
!l. It is no use searching for life on other planets.
C. It is not use searching for life on other planets.
D. It is not use to search for life on other planets.

5. It is reported that the moon would be totally eclipsed at 12.10 p.m.

A. The moon is reported to be totally eclipsed at 12.10 p.m.
B. The moon was reported that would be totally eclipsed at 12.10 p.m.
C. It is report that the moon won't be totally eclipsed at 12.10 p.m.
D. It is reported that the moon will be totally eclipsed at12.1 0 p.m.

Trang 140

STT Tir Vl)llQ Tir lo;:~i Phien am Nghia

1 alternative adj /o:l't3:natiV/ thay the

2 battery n /' bretri/ bi) pin, ac quy

/' ba1augres
3 biogas power n nang lw;rng khf gas sinh h<;>c

4 charcoal n /'\fa:kaul/ than chi

5 coal mine n /'kaul mam/ m6 than

6 crude oil n /kru:d oil/ dautho

7 electricity n /I, lek'tnsati/ di~n

8 energy-saving adj I' enad3i 'seiVI~/ tiet ki~m nang hJ<;rng

environmentally- /m, vairanmentali

9 adj than thi~n voi mol tnrong
friendly 'frendli/

10 generator n /'d3enareita(r)/ may phat ai~n

11 harmful adj /' ha:mfl/ d(ic h(li

v lam n6ng, dun n6ng

12 heat /hi:t/
n hoi n6ng, sll'c n6ng

13 hydropower n /' haidraupaua(r)/ nang luqng thuy ai~n

14 install v /m'sto:l/ lap a~t

15 invention n /m'venfn/ sang che, phat minh

non-renewable /,nnn
16 n nang luqng kh6ng the tal t(lo
energy n' nju:abl'enad3i/

17 nuclear power n nang luqng h9t nhan

18 plentiful adj /' plentifl/ day, nhieu

19 power outage n /' pauar aulid3/ tinh tn;mg mat di~n

20 power plant n /'paua pla:nt/ nha may di~n

21 radiation n /,reidi'eifn/ ph6ng X<)

22 recycle v /,ri:'saikl! tal che

23 reduce v /ri'dju:s/ giam thieu

24 renewable energy n nang luqng tal t;;~o duqc

Trang 141
~~~~-~~~-~~-'-..~ __

25 reuse v /,ri: 'ju:z/ tai sll' d~ng

26 solar power n /,saula 'paua(r)/ nang luqng m~t trai

27 source n /so:s/ nguon

I 28
phat trien ben vung
development di'velapmantl

29 wind power n /wmd 'paua(r)/ nang luqng gi6

30 windmill n /'wmdmii/ c6i xay gi6

Exercise 1. Write ONE word from the box in each gap.
~~I>~,V~rout~g-e~: =::_:_ __c:il=ar~~ai ~:=--=::install:·~=-~ 'tn\leiition:
1. Thomas Edison's _ _ of the light bulb has changed our lives.
=: . radiation=:]

2. Years after the nuclear explosion, the _ _ level in that area is still high.
3. The area was struck by lightning and people there suffered from a one hour _ _ .
4. She is learning to _ _ home energy monitor.
5. A lot of manufacturing industries use _ _ and wood as fuel.
Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or 0 to indicate the word(s) ClOSEST in
!o the underlined word(s).
1. Harmful fossil fuels contribute significantly to global warming and climate change.
A. Detrimental B. Disadvantageous C. Painful D. Evil
2. One of the ways to reduce one's carbon footprint is to save electricity at home.
A. shorten B. shrink C. cut down on D. disappear
Exercise 3. Mark the leiter B, CorD on your answer sheet !o indicate the underlined
that needs correction in each of the
1. Renewable energy sources play a pivotal role in the Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs).
A. sources B. pivotal C. the D. developments
2. Earthquake and tsunami are the main causes for the Fukushima nuclear power disaster.
A. Earthquake B. tsunami C. causes D. for
3. Today most of electric vehicles are powered by batteries.
A. of B. vehicles C. are D. batteries
4. Windmills are considering as a sustainable form of energy since they do not damage the
A. considering B. as C. form D. landscape
5. The least common examples of renewable energy are solar energy, wind power, geothermal
power, hydropower, and biomass.
A. least B. examples C. are D. hydropower
Exercise 4. Put the words in order to make sentences.
1. be/ fossil/ fuels/ Biogas/ power/ to/ a/ can/ environmental-friendly/ alternative/ more.

Trang 142
2. once/ be/ petrol! Non-renewable/ are/ such/ oil/ produced/ as/ sources/ they/ energy/
crude/ or/ consumed/ cannot.

3. all/ appliances/ He/ ones/ replaces/ house/ by/ at/ his/ energy-saving/ traditional.

4. The/ located/ mine/ in/ is/ world's! US/ the/ largest/ coal.

5. suburbs/ in/ plants/ remote/ built/ usually/ Power/ are.

Exercise 5. Mark the letter A, B, CorD on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is
closest in meaning to the original one in each of the following questions.
1. Hydroelectricity can be generated from both man-made and natural waterfalls.
A. Hydroelectricity can be generated from man-made but not natural waterfalls.
B. Hydroelectricity can be generated from not only man-made waterfalls but also natural ones.
C. Hydroelectricity can't be generated from either man-made or natural waterfalls.
D. Hydroelectricity can't be generated from man-made or natural waterfalls.
2. Children should be taught to reduce, reuse and recycle.
A. Children must be taught to reduce, reuse and recycle.
B. Children have to be taught to reduce, reuse and recycle.
C. Children had better be taught to reduce, reuse and recycle.
D. Children ought to be taught to reduce, reuse and recycle.

3. Internal combustion engine is the most widely used type of heat engine.
A. No other type of heat engine is more widely used than internal combustion engine.
B. There are other types of heat engine that are more widely used than internal combustion
C. Internal combustion engine is used as widely as other types of heat engine.
D. Internal combustion engine is not used as widely as other types of heat engine.

4. Hospitals always store electric generators in case there is a power outage.

A. Hospitals always store electric generators in case over power outage.
B. Hospitals always store electric generators in case about power outage
C. Hospitals always store electric generators in case of a power outage.
D. Hospitals always store electric generators in case with power outage.

5. More emphasis should be placed on developing alternative energy sources such as wind,
solar energy, and tides.
A. People should pay more attention in developing alternative energy sources such as wind,
solar energy, and tides.
B. Alternative energy sources such as wind, solar energy, and tides shouldn't be prioritized.
C. Priority should be made to alternative energy sources such as wind, solar energy, and tides.
D. More pressure should be put on developing alternative energy sources such as wind, solar
energy, and tides.

Trang 143

STT Tir Vl!11g Tir lo!li Phien am Nghia

1 advancement n /ad'va:nsmant/ sl! tien b(l

2 automated adj /'o:tamert! II! a(ing h6a

3 creativity n I, kri :er 'trvati/ Sl! sang t<;~o

4 development n /dT'velapmant/ sl! phat trien

5 device n /dT'vars/ thiet bi

6 dial v /'daral/ quay so (ai$n tho9i)

7 digital adj /' drd31tl/ ky thu$1 so

8 discover v !d1' slvwa(r)/ kham pha

ch9y bang ai$n/(thu(lc) di$n

9 electronic adj /r,lek'trunrk/
10 equipment n /r' kwrpmant/ trang thiet bi

11 evidence n /' ev1dans/ bang chlrng

12 explore v /rk'splo:(r)/ tham hiem

13 headline n /' hedlarn/ de muc, tit (bao)

nam ngang, thea chieu

14 horizontal adj /,hnrr'znntl!

15 hormone n /'ho:maun/ ho6c-m6n

16 invent v ' /rn 'vent/ sang che, phat minh

17 keyboard n /'kibo:d/ ban phim

18 machine n /ma'j1:n/ maym6c

19 mechanism n /' mekan1Zam/ coche

20 network n /'netw3:k/ m;;mg ltr6i

21 program n I /'praugr<em/ chtrong trlnh

22 psychology n /sai'kulad3i! tam ly hoc

23 software n /'snftwea(r)/ phan mem

24 stimulate v /' strmjuleit/ kich lhich




-- -----

chuyen doi, hoan aoi
c6ng tac

Trang 144

27 trait n /tre1t/ net, d?c diem

28 upgrade v /,Ap'greid/ nang cap

29 vertical adj /'V3:hkl/ nam d0 c, theo chieu doc

30 wireless adj /'waralas/ khong day

Exercise 1. Write ONE word from the box in each gap.
vertical trait upgraded psychology switch
1. _ _ is the scientific study of how mind works and how it influences our behavior.
2. My computer has not been _ _ to windows 11.
3. _ _ video is currently the trendiest format on social platforms.
4. You can turn the light on by flipping the _ _ on the left wall.
5. An organism's _ _ are determined by genes and influenced by the environment.
Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s).
1. Alexander Graham Bell is widely known to have invented the telephone.
A. ignored B. destroyed C. failed 0. losed
2. Internet Browser is now an essential software for computer.
A. file B. system C. program D. hardware
Exercise 3. Mark the letter A, B, CorD on your answer sheet lo indicate the underlined part
that needs correction in each of the following questions.
1. Sony is one of the largest manufacturer of digital camera in the world.
A. the B. manufacturer C. of D. camera
2. A local area network (LAN) is a group of devices that are interconnected and olace in the
same location.
A. devices B. interconnect C. placed D. in
3. The university's technology programs are attracted potential investors.
A. technology B. are C. attracted D. potential
4. His selfie with President Obama have unexpectedly gone viral on the internet.
A. have B. unexpectedly C. gone D. on
5. The plant i§_ fully automate with all processes operated !ly a control computer.
A. is B. automate C. processes D. by
Exercise 4. Put the words in order to make sentences.
1. completely/ requires/ machine/ can/ replace/ that/ creativity/ work/ No/ empathy/ at/ and I

2. are/ supposed/ These/ pills/ to/ hair/ growth/ stimulate.

3. not/ while/ driving/ allowed/ to/ are/ use/ handheld/ devices/ electronic/ Drivers.

Trang 145
4. small/ explored/ a/ We/ part/ ocean/ of/ have/ only/ the.

5. in/ used/ public/ for/ Surveillance/ certain/ be/ cameras/ reasons/ should/ security/ places.

Exercise 5. Mark the letter B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is
closest in meaning to the one in each of the questions.
1. There is no evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus on food can infect humans.
A. SARS-CoV-2 virus on food is not proved to be unable to infect humans.
B. SARS-CoV-2 virus on food is proved to be unable to infect humans.
C. SARS-CoV-2 virus on food is not proved to be able to infect humans.
D. SARS-CoV-2 virus on food is proved to be able to infect humans.

2. Alexander Fleming was the first one to discover penicillin.

A. No one had discovered penicillin before Alexander Fleming.
B. People had discovered penicillin before Alexander Fleming.
C. People discovered penicillin at the same time with Alexander Fleming.
D. No one discovered penicillin at the same time with Alexander Fleming.

3. Wireless keyboard is gradually replacing the traditional one.

A. Traditional keyboard is be gradually replaced by wireless one.
B. Traditional keyboard is being gradually replaced by wireless one.
C. Traditional keyboard is being gradually replacing by wireless one.
D. Traditional keyboard is be gradually replacing by wireless one.

4. The new camera lenses are promoted to have a special focusing mechanism.
A. The new camera lenses are improved to have a special focusing mechanism.
B. The new camera lenses are built to have a special focusing mechanism.
C. The new camera lenses are developed to have a special focusing mechanism.
D. The new camera lenses are advertised to have a special focusing mechanism.

5. Due to the advancement in medical technology, more people's lives have been saved.
A. lnspite of the improvement in medical technology, more people's lives have been saved.
B. Thanks to the development of medical technology, more people's lives have been saved.
C. Along with the advanced medical technology, less people's lives have been rescued.
D. Regardless of the advancements in medical technology, people's lives have been saved.

Trang 146

STT Ti:r Vl,l'ng Ti:riO;li PhiEm am Nghia

1 application n /,repb'keifn/ ung d~ng, st,r ap d~ng

2 attendance n /a'tendans/ st,r tham gia

3 breadwinner n /' bredwma(r)/ tr~ ci?t gia dinh

4 burden n /'bs:dn/ ganh n~ng

5 community n /ka'mju:nati/ c<?ng dong

6 consequently adv /' knnsikwantli/ viv?y

7 content adj, n /' knntent/ (st,r) hili long

8 discriminate v /d!' sknmme1tl phan bi\lt d6i xu

9 domestic adj /da' mestJk/ (thu(>c) gia dinh, ben trong

10 equality n /i' kwnlati/ st,r binh dang

11 externally adv !Tk' sh:nali/ ben ngoai

12 facilitate v /fa' SIIIteil/ tao dieu ki(ln de dang

13 financial adj /fai'n<:enjl/ (thuQc ve) tai chfnh

14 hands-on adj /,hrendz 'nn/ tht,rc te, ngay tai cho

individually- /,mdi'V1d3uali
15 adj c6 xu huang ca nhiin
oriented o:rient/

16 integrate v /' Inhgreit/ hoa nh?p

17 labour n /'leiba(r)/ lao d\>ng

18 leave n /li:v/ nghiphep

19 male-dominated adj /'rneii dnmmeitl nam gi6'i ap dao

20 norm n /no:m/ chuan mt,rc

n thanh kien
21 prejudice /' pred3ad1s/
v lam cho (ai) c6 thimh kien

22 real-life adj /,ri:al 'la1f/ CUQC song tht,rc

23 responsive adj /ri'spnnsiv/ phan ung nhanh nhaY

24 role n /raul/ vai tro

25 sector n /' sekta(r)/ phan, mang, ITnh Vl,l'C

26 sole adj /saul/ dQC nhat

27 stereotype n /' steriata1p/ khu6n mau

Trang 147
28 tailor v /'teiia(r)/ bien doi theo nhu cliu

29 virtual adj /'v3:tfual/ ao

30 vision n /'V13n/ tam nhln

Exercise 1. Write ONE word from the box in each gap.
facilitate vision male-dominated role attendance

1. The Prime Minister shares his _ _ to narrow down gender gap with respect to
2. Cooking classes for men have seen a remarkably increase in _ _ .
3. Gender _ _ are blurring among young generations.
4. _ _ sectors such as construction or finance are now attracting more and more female
5. The company has been responsive to find ways to _ _ favorable condition for maternity.
Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the CLOSEST in
me:aninn to the underlined wordfsl
1. Blake is content with her workplace where all voices are heard.
A. satisfied B. proud C. comfortable D. fulfilled
2. She has overcome the stereotype that women should not work in the technology sector.
A. bias B. sexism C. prejudice D. mind set
Exercise 3. Choose the correct answer to indicate !he wordlsl OPPOSITE in mean::ng to the
1. Discrimination against black people continues to be a controversial topic after the death of
George Floyd.
A. Hatred B. Equality C. Justice D. Prejudice
2. She just could not integrate into that male-dominated society.
A. divorce B. exit C. finish Do isolate
Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer to indicate the underlined !hat needs correction in
each of the following qw,stiions.
1. We are still seeing a disparitv for men's and women's salaries.
A. seeing B. disparity C. for D. salaries
2. The government have provided tailored training sessions to rural women to learn hands-on
technical skills.
A. have B. to C. women Do hands-on
3. Real-life unequality is far more extreme than what people see on newspapers and TV.
A. inequality B. far C. what Do see
4. Gender norms restrict female employment over both developed and develooing countries.
A. norms B. over C. developed D. developing
5. Employers should offered the same number of days of parental leave to both genders.
A. Employers B. offered C. number D. parental leave

Trang 148
Exercise 5. Put the words in order to make sentences.
1. in/ family/ the/ sole/ considered/ often/ in/ Men/ the/ were/ breadwinner/ as/ a/ past.

2. of/ heavier/ coronavirus/ burden/ is/ time/ domestic/ in/ getting/ Women's.

3. female/ attitude/ changed/ towards/ has/ in/ in/ years/ significantly/ politics/ recent/
Community/ leadership.

4. have/ believed/ than/ men/ It/ is/ higher/ that/ financial/ literacy/ women.

5. school/ where/ everyone/ be/ is/ promoting/ environment/ individual-oriented/ an/

themselves/ can/ The.

Exercise 6. Mark the letter A, 13, CorD on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is
closest in meaning to the original one in each of the following questions.
1. Some fathers prefer being externally employed to staying at home and taking care of their
A. Some fathers would rather being externally employed than to stay at home and take care of
their kids.
B. Some fathers would rather to be externally employed than to stay at home and take care of
their kids.
C. Some fathers would rather being externally employed than staying at home and taking care
of their kids.
D. Some fathers would rather be externally employed than stay at home and take care of their

2. It makes more sense to describe jobs that are taken on by both males and females
using gender-neutral terms.
A. It is more logical to describe jobs that are taken on by both males and females using gender-
neutral terms.
B. It is wiser to describe jobs that are taken on by both males and females using gender-neutral
C. It is more sensible to describe jobs that are taken on by both males and females using
gender-neutral terms.
!l. It is more practical to describe jobs that are taken on by both males and females using
gender-neutral terms.

3. Customers have complained that virtual assistants and AI bots support harmful gender
A. Virtual assistants and AI bots have been complained to support harmful gender
13. Virtual assistants and AI bots are complained to have supported harmful gender
C. Virtual assistants and AI bots have been complained to have supported harmful gender
!l. Virtual assistants and AI bots are complained to support harmful gender discrimination.

Trang 149
4. Nowadays there are more women working in the government and consequently, their political
participation has considerably increased.
A. Nowadays there are more women working in the government and in addition, political
participation of women has considerably increased.
B. Nowadays there are more women working in the government and as a result, political
participation of women has considerably increased.
C. Nowadays there are more women working in the government and similarly, political
participation of women has considerably increased.
D. Nowadays there are more women working in the government and furthermore, political
participation of women has considerably increased.

5. Women are restricted from holding senior decision making positions due to perceptions that
men are natural leaders.
A. Women are restricted from holding senior decision making positions even if perceptions that
men are natural leaders.
B. Women are restricted from holding senior decision making positions despite perceptions
that men are natural leaders.
C. Women are restricted from holding senior decision making positions as soon as perceptions
that men are natural leaders.
D. Women are restricted from holding senior decision making positions owing to perceptions
that men are natural leaders.

Trang 150
' ~


Phrasal Verb Ia gl?

v' Phrasal Verb - hay con g9i Ia cvm d¢ng ter, Ia s1,1 ket hqp gifra d¢ng ti:r v6i cac tieu ter
(particle) Ia gi6i tCr (preposition), ho~c ph6 tCr- hay con g9i Ia trllng tCr (adverb).
< Phrasal Verb c6 chuc nang nhu d¢ng tCr va thui>'ng 11lo ra 16p nghia rieng biE)t so v6i
nghia cua d¢ng tlr chinh.

Ciic d~ng bai !huang xuiithi~n Phrasal Verb?

Trong de thi m6n tieng Anh, Phrasal Verb thuang xuat hiE)n trong cac dllng bai sau:
• Hoan thanh ciiu
• nm tCr dong, trai nghia
• sua loi sai
• Dien tll vao dolln van
Phan nay se tong hqp m9t so Phrasal Verb thong dvng trong tieng Anh de giup cac blln de dang
tra CUU va h9C t~p.


1.1. Verb+ adverb
• Phrasal Verb kh6ng c6 tan ngiitheo sau (Intransitive Phrasal Verb): c6 chuc nang nhu n9i
d(>ng tCr, kh6ng c6 tan ngil' theo sau, vii khong dung duqc 6 the bi d¢ng.
E.g: That magazine comes out once a week.
• Phrasal Verb c6 tan ngiitheo sau (Transitive Phrasal Verb): c6 chuc nang Ia ngolli d(>ng
ter, c6 tan ngil' di kem.
E.g: We could make out a figure in the distance.

-~ Luu )i:
- Neu tan ngO' trong cau Ia Danh tCr (Noun), thi Phrasal Verb c6 the dung tru6c ho(ic sau tan ngO'.
E.g: I picked up Jim on my way home.
= I picked Jim up on my way home.
- Neu tan ngO'trong cau Ia Dlli tCr (Pronoun), thi Phrasal Verb phai dung tru6c tan ngO'.
E.g: She tied them away.

1.2. Verb+ preposition

-Lolli Phrasal Verb nay luon c6 tan ngO' theo sau.
E.g: They referred to our conversation.
-Trang cau c6 the c6 2 tan ngO'.
E.g: He asked the waiter for the bill.

1.3. Verb+ adverb+ preposition

Vi tr[ cua Ioili Phrasal Verb nay lu6n dung tru6c tan ngO'.
E.g: We are looking forward to our holiday.


2.1. Phrasal verb chu de Education

Phrasal verb Nghia Vid~

hand in n(>p The teacher wants us to hand in our

homework before Saturday.

Trang 151
hand out dlia cho, Lisa, hand out these worksheets, please.
phan phat

rub out tay, chui, x6a Lily, rub out what's written on the board,

work out tim ra, lam You need to work out the answer without
using a calculator.

cross out g9ch bo, x6a Remember to cross out all the wrong

break up t9m dCrng, t9m nghi We'll break up on January 1 5 and go back
on February 2 - so we have a two-week
go back di hQC l9i

sign up dang ky, ghi danh Don't forget to sign up for the Physics
course before Monday.

brush up on on tap l;ei Brush up on the things you learned 3

months ago, or you'll forget it all.
scrape through vliQt qua (thliimg I might scrape through the exam if I'm
m()t each kh6 khan) lucky.

miss out bolo, bo qua Please be careful not to miss out on any
question on the exam.

play up Cli Xlr toi t$ Some students often play up when the I
teacher's new.

write out viet ra (1 each chi Do your essay in rough first before writing it
tiet) out.

jot down toe ky Jot down her information before she

deletes it.

fill in dien vao (thtiimg Please fill in the blank.

de caP den tCrng
ph an)

drop out bo (gliJa chCrng) If you drop out before the lecture ends, it
doesn't count.

mug up hQc v()i (thtiong Ia Don't just mug up on the key points and
trtiOC ky thi) hope that you'll pass the exam.

turn over Iat, gi6 (sach) Now, turn over page 32 and read it out loud.

read out dQc (thanh tieng) Now, turn over page 32 and read it out loud.

fall behind M l9i (phia sau) He was ill for weeks, so he fell behind with
his schoolwork.

mess up lam hong I messed up my exam and got only 5/10.

Trang 152

pass up tlr b6 I can't believe she passed up the chance to

become a student of Ivy League.

2.2. Phrasal verb chu de Work

Phrasal verb Nghia Vid\1

get ahead c6 lqi the hem To get ahead in a job interview, you need to
leave a good impression first.

take sb on thue (ai) When the boss took me on, he showed me

what to do.

stand down de l9i vi trf quan He stood down as Chairman and let his son
tr0 ng cho ng11oi took over.
khac lam

step down roi c6ng vi$c, vj trf I'm old, I think it's time for me to step down.
de ng11oi khac dam

take over tiep quan, nam He stood down as Chairman and let his son
quyen took over.

carry out tien hanh, thi,J"c hi$n She has carried out at least 5 successful

hand over ban giao The president retired at 60 and handed over
the business to her niece.

fix up xep ljch Secretary Kim, can you fix up a board

meeting at 10 for me?

pile up (c6ng vi$c) chat The work is piled up while he's away.

be tied up b~n t6i mat Have you been tied up at your work lately?

be snowed g~p kh6 khan v6"i I'm currently snowed under deadlines and
under qua nhieu thlr. phai tasks.

chase up nhac nho ng11oi I'd do a project by myself rather than chase
khac lam nhO"ng up on people.
vi$c ho d11qc giao
(nh11ng ch11a lam)

move along (c6ng vi$c) dien ra The project continues to move along.
su6n se

squeeze in danh m(>t chut thai I can squeeze a meeting in early tomorrow
gian de lam g1, morning.
tranh thu

Trang 153
work towards no li,rc ae d<;~t dU'c;iC Both companies are working towards the
ket qua contract.

keep at kien tri Things will get better as long as I keep at it.

branch out kinh doanh them We are branching out to a new product line
ITnh vt,ra khac, m6 - children clothes.
r(ing chi nhanh

work on Scientists are working on genetically

phat trien, cai thi~n
modified crops and foods.
stick at tiep tuc c6 gang, no You'll never learn to play the piano if you're
lt,rc lam di'eu gi d6 not going to stick at it.
kh6 khan

pencil in sap xep vii)c gi v6'i Let's pencil a meeting in for next Thursday
ai (biet tm6'c thai at 11.
gian, dia diem c6
the thay doi)

2.3. Phrasal verb chii de Time

I P_hrasal verb Nghi'a Vid\1
l clock on ghi chep thai gian Every day he would clock on at 9 o'clock in
aen the morning and clock off at 5 o'clock in the
I clock off ghi chep thai gian afternoon.

I ve
I take you back khien b9n nho ve 1 The movie Reply 1988 takes many of us

+ khoimg thai gian
trong qua khll
. nghr ve nhfrng thll
back to our childhood.

I've been thinking back to my school year.

trong qua khll

I bring back (sth) gqi nhac ve nhfrng That music always brings back happy
thlr trong qua khll memories.

date back
.da c6/da ton t<;~i
A large number of paintings here date back
trong m(it khming to the 1960s.
1 thai gian

go by tr6i qua The last week went by so fast.

take time off nghf gifra gia Take some time off before getting back to
1---------t-----~------- --·---------------------1
hold you up I khien b9n tri hoan Sorry, I'm late, but my train was held up.
hold-ups (n)
~----------· ___ j _ _ _ _ _ _ _.__L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ j

Trang 154

press on kien quyet de lam gi You shouldn't keep pressing sweets on

people when they're trying to diet.

hurry someone gi~c ai (de khien h<;> Mom tried to hurry me up so we wouldn't
up nhanh hon) miss the bus.

keep up with duoi kip. bat kip It's hard to keep up with Tom at work. He's
(toe d9) ella ai d6 smart and hard-working, too.

drag on tiep t~c keo dai The meeting dragged on for more than 20
minutes, which made everyone irritated.

run on tiep t~c (I au hon Ia Sorry, I'm late. My class ran on until 7.

pass by tr6i qua Three months passed by since I went

studying abroad.

lie ahead sap xay ra (trong Nobody knows what lies ahead in the
tuong lai) future.

run out ket thuc, het When the visa permit runs out, you need to
go back to Vietnam.

hang out giao luu, g~p go, di I love hanging out with friends in my spare
choi time.

knock around danh nhieu thai We have knocked out together for years
together gian v6i nhau since primary school.

while away danh thai gian thu I love whiling away my days off and going
gian (trong khi around the neighbourhood.
dang cha aqi aieu
gi, ho~c kh6ng c6
vi~c gi lam)

free up some dimh rieng thai gian We can free up some time by cancelling
time cho vi~c gi some unimportant classes.

bring forward dai ljch len sam She has to bring her holiday forward
hon because of some booking problems.

2.4. Phrasal verb m6 ta S\1' ki~n. tinh huong (Situation)

Phrasal verb Nghia Vid~

back off lui lei, rut lui Can you just back off and let us do this on
our own?

bank on d\l'a vao, tin tu6ng Can I bank on your support?

blend in hoa vao, Ian vao We tried to blend into the crowd.

call for doi hoi, yeu diu Members have called for his resignation.

Trang 155
call (slh) off huy b6 Sorry, I have to call off our plans tonight.

dress up an di$n, hoa trang He dressed up as a cowboy for the party.

get out of thoat kh6i, tr6n I've got a meeting on Friday evening, but I'm
trying to get out of it.

go with chap nh$n, dong y I think we can go with the advertising

I agency's suggestions, don't you?

hot up (tr6 nen) phll'c t(lp, A few days before the elections, the pace
cang thang hem began to hot up.
mix sb/sth up nham Ian ai, nham I mix them up as they look so similar.
muddle sb/sth ian cai gi I've arranged the books alphabetically so
up don't muddle them up.
pack (sth) out day trim, ch$t cll'ng Around 100,000 football fans packed out
I the stadium to see the game.

revolve around xoay quanh The conversation revolved around childcare


rise above (a kh6ng di! nhli'ng He rose above his difficulties.

bad situation/ vi$c xau anh htr6ng
influence) den ban than
run up against d6i m?t v6'i The plans for the new bridge ran up against
I strong local opposition.
send up bat chu6'c, nh<;~i lai The show was very funny- they were
sending up sports commentators.

stand out noi bat, khiic biet She always stands out in the crowd
because of her beauty.

tell (sb) apart philn bi$1 As babies, the twins looked so much alike
that I just couldn't tell them apart.

tum out tr6 nen nhu the ni10, It turns out that she had known him when
h6a ra they were children.

2.5. Phrasal verb mii Ia cam cam

Phrasal verb Nghia Vidv

brighten up vui ve hon She brightened up considerably as she

I heard the good news.

cheersb up_ lam ai vui len He made jokes to cheer her up.

break down sup do (tam lr<J~oke down as hearing she has lost the
b$t kh6c baby.
----- - -----------

Trang 156

cool down h~ h6a (tam tr~ng) Just try to cool down and think rationally.

calm down binh tinh l~i Calm down! Losing your temper doesn't
solve the problem.

bottle up kim nen, che d~y She's bottled up her feelings for 5 years.
cam xuc

tear apart lam ton th11ang The fact that he cheated on her tore her

be carried away mat kiem scat vi I got a bit carried away in the final round.
qua phan khich

feel for dong cam I really feel for the ones who suffer from

have sth against kh6ng thich ai Tom's got something against his parents.

care for quan tam, th11ang He's waited for her for 10 years. That
proves he really cares for her.

snap out of thoat kh6i (th116'ng You cannot just tell depressed people to
Ia Sl,l' tieu CI,I'C) snap out of it. It's much more complicated.

choke back kim nen Rose choked back tears as she described
what had happened.

insist on (doing khiing khiing I don't know why you insist on talking about
sth) it.

bowl over ng~c nhien I was bowled over by the magnificent


grow on ngay cang thich thu I wasn't sure about this album when I
(du tm6c day bought it, but it's really grown on me.
kh6ng thfch)

jump at sth chap nh~n m9t She jumped at the chance of a trip to Paris.
each hac hung, hac
hue/ ch6p lay co

2.6. Phrasal verb

Phrasal verb Nghia Vid!l

ask out ng6 loi (mi:ri di

chai/ bat dau m9t He hasn't asked me out yet.
moi quan h~)

Trang 157
break up chia tay, ket thtic, Suzy and David broke up last week.
split up cham dU"t m(lt mili They split up after a year together.
quan h$
finish with She has finished with him.
break off (with) She returned the ring and they broke off
their engagement.

drift apart chia each, xa each He made no strong efforts to win her back
to him, so they drifted apart again.
face up to a6i m~t v6i van ae, She's going to have to face up to the fact
Sl/ th~t that he's not going to marry her.

fall for "66", yeu ai a6 He's fallen for her in a big way.
fall in love with He fell in love with a young German girl.

fall out tranh cai He left home after falling out with his

fit in hoa nh~p It's no surprise she's leaving - she never

really fitted in.

get along hila thu~n. hqp

She gets along well with her family.

go for (a type of thich kieu nguoi I would go for a guy with short hair and big
person/ thing ) nao, loei hinh nao, eyes. I
cai gi

go out h~n ho, c6 moi He hasn't gone out with anyone since he
quan h$ tinh cam got divorced two years ago.

hit off thich, than thi$n James and Lily hit it off immediately.
ngay l~p !tic

let (sb) down that vong You will be there tomorrow- you won't let
me down, will you?

make up lam hoa We often quarrel but we always make it up

soon after.

miss out b616" We didn't have a TV at home when I was

I young, and I felt as though I missed out.

pair off bat aau m(lt m6i All my friends seem to be pairing off and
I quan h$ getting married. I
~settle down On djnh CUQC song She quickly settled down in her new family.

run off b6 di, roi di d(lt You can't run off (home) now, just when I

1 I ng(lt need you!

Trang 158

2. 7. Phrasal verb chu de an uong (Food & Drink)

Phrasal verb Nghia Vi d\1

go off hong, oi, thiu The milk smells bad. I think it goes off.

thaw sth out ra dong Remove the fish from the freezer and thaw
it out.

put sth on bat dau nau (m6n I'll make sure to put the chicken on and
gl) make some salad.

heat up lam n6ng Make sure to heat the pizza up before you
eat it.

boil over tran (khi soi) Make sure not to let the soup boil over.

hand around chi a do an/thll'c No one's eating cookies. Shall I hand them
u6ng around?

pour out do day When the guest's here, I'll pour out the

top up lam day l9i, rot The bartender went round the room,
them topping up glasses.

go with hqp voi nhau You should try egg sandwiches with mayo,
they go really well with each other.

be left over con thCra l(li The customers really enjoyed the dinner.
Nothing was left over.

live on/off chi an duy nhat 1 You cannot live on salad, eat some more
lo(li thifc pham protein and rice.

eat out dian ngoai My family decided to eat out on my parents'

1Oth anniversary.

pick at an 1 luqng nh6, ken It's better to have big meals than just
an picking at things all days.

gobble down an v(>i, nu6t v(>i Gobbling down food will not do good to
your digestion.

send out for gQi do an ngoai You can cook yourself or send out for some
food instead of going out.

2.8. Mi;lt so c~m

Phrasal verb Nghia Phrasal verb Nghia

account for lay thong tin, giai leave sb off = to cho ai nghi vi~c
thich; chiem baa dismiss sb

Trang 159
be up to sb to v tuyvao ai leave out b6 quen, b6 s6~

bear out= chU'ng t6, xac nh~n live up to song dung ky vc;mg

be fed up (with) chan, chan ngify live on song dl/8 vao, song
s6t (chi dap U'ng
dtrqc nhu cau an 6)

be fond of = be thich let sb down lam ai that v9ng

interested in =
be keen on

be on duty dang lam nhi$m vu look after = take cham s6c

care of

break down hong look down on/upon coi thuang ai


break into d(>tnh$p look into di'eu tra

break through d(>t pha look up tra cU'u

bring about gay ra make allowance for chieu co, de mat den
bring up nu6i nang, d~y do make out = take in hieu
I = understand
call in (sb) nha ai d6 giup do make room for d9n cho cho
(luc kh6 khan)

call off = put off huy make up lam hoa/ trang

diem/ dlfng chuy$n

call on sb =visit , ghe tham ai make up for bu dap, den bu


carry on tiep tuc make up one's quyet djnh


carry out lhlfc hi$n, hoim make use of t~n dung


catch on pho bien on account of ' bai vi

catch sight of bat giip on behalf of thay mat

catch up on c~p nh~t thOng tin out of control ngoai tam kiem soat

catch up with = bat kip v6i out of date qua ht;m

keep pace with

clear off I tron ch~y out of order hong

-· -- "----'

Trang 160

come across = tlnh cog~p out of the blue bat ngo

run into = run

come forward mang t6'i thong tin out of the question khong the
with something (something) =impossible
come in for phai chiu =be out of work that nghi~p
subjected to

come over vtrQ1 qua (kh6 pick up nh~t. don, hieu


come round tlnh l~i. hoi ph~c pull through hoi ph~c (sau phiiu

come off thimh cong, bong put aside de danh, tiet ki~m =
ra save up

come about xay ra (khong thea put down dan ap

ke ho~ch)

come up with nay ra, nghT ra put on m~c. di)i, di, quang, ...

count on tin ttrong, dt,ra vao put out d?pllia

cut down on cat giam put up dt,rng leu

cut out luqc b6, lo~i trlr/
ngung ho~t di)ng

fall back on dt,ra vao, trong c?y put up with chju dt,rng

fall out cainhau result from nguyen nhiln do

get away from tranh xa result in =lead to gay ra

get by duang dau, xoay x6 run out of het

get dressed up an di~n say against chong doi


get off xuong xe see sb off tien ai

get on len xe/ c6 mi)t moi see sb through thau hieu ai

quan h~ tot/ thfch
ung/ tiep t~c lam gl
get in
len (tau, xe)
---- --
get on well with quan h~ tot v6'i ai set up thanh l?p
sb =get along
with sb

get over vuqt qua shy away tranh cai gl, tranh
lam gl vl sq, cang
~ .. ..... L...----····-···--·---····-

get rid of lo<;~i b6 show off the hi~n. khoe

get sth across to lam ai d6 hieu hay show up xuat hi~n

sb tin

give off boc mui, t6a ra mui stand in for thay the

give up tLr b6 stand up for ung h9

go along with dong y take after = look gi6ng

go back on nuot loi alike
go beyond vuqt qua, vuqt len take in Ilia

go by di qua, tr6i qua take off c6i ra/ cat canh/

thilnh c6ng

go off no (bom, sung)/ 6i take on tuyen d~ng, dam

thiu (thtl'c an)/ do nh~n (tr<ich nhi~m)
chuang (dong ho)

go on tiep t~c take over nam quyen, kiem


go over kiem tra take to ham thich, say me

go through di qua, hoan thimh take up bat dau m(>t s6 thich

I (cong vi~c)

go with hgp nhau (do iin, tell apart phan bi~t

quan ao, .. )

hand down to = truyen l9i (cho the try out thU', kiem tra
pass on to h~ sau, ... )

hand over trao tra quyen lt!c turn back tra l<;~i

hang up (off) cup may turn down bac b6, tll choi, v~n
nh6 (am thanh)

keep up gifrl<;~i, duy tri turn into h6a thanh, chuyen

keep on tiep t~c lam vi~c gi, thimh
n6i lien t~c gay ra
kh6 ch[u, ..

hold on dgi, gifr may, dim turn out h6a ra, tr6 nen

hold back kiem che turn up = show up xuat hi~n

hold up tri hoan, chong d6' use up sU' d~ ng het, qm ki~t

cai gil gifr, duy tri

I I ai, cai gi

Trang 162

keep in touch giO' lien l~c voi ai wear off mat tac d~ng, bien
with sb mat, nh~t dan

keep sb from = ngiin can ai <i6 work out tien trien thu~n lqi/
stop sb from luy~n t~p/ tim ra <iap
an/ tfnh toan

I ' Phrasal verb



'' ''

Trang 163

• Idiom dLrQ'c col Ia thimh ngfr cua van h6a phLrong ray.
• Thllt'tng Ia cac c~m tll, ho(ic cOng c6 the Ia m(lt ci\u dLrqc ghep l~i tCr cac tll nhLrng c6 y
nghla khac v6i nghla den cua cac tll d6. Nho v$y mil chung se the hi$n nhfrng m?t y nghla
rieng va khac so v6i tllng tll cau t~o nen chung.
• Idiom dLrQ'C hieu theo nghla b6ng, chil' kh6ng phai theo nghla den.
• La S\f ket hqp cac tll theo van hoa, phong t~c t$p quan, quy tr6c hay 99i each khac Ia S\f
ket hqp tll wnhien. S\f ket hc;rp nay hlnh thilnh theo th6i quen su d~ng ng6n ngfr cua ngtroi
ban xil'.

cac bai idioms vii collocations?

• Hoim thimh cau
• T1m tll dong nghla
• T1m tll trai nghia
1.1. Idiom lien quan den mau sac

Idioms Nghla Idioms Nghla

a white lie n6i d6i v6 h~i black tien, c61ai

catch sb red- bat qua tang the dark biet, mu tit


feel blue thay buon the pink c6 sere khoe tot

green with envy ghen ti in the red dang mac nc;r, dang
het tien

in black and white r6 rang, giil'y trang out of the blue ngo
m\fc den

1 .2. Idiom liim quan den do an

Idioms Nghla Idioms Nghla

(be) nuts d6 hoi, dien 6 trong hoiln canh


de nan giai cup oftea s6thfch

v$t v6 d~ng, peanuts

"kh6 nu6t"

a peach (c6 gai) tuy~t voi sell/go like hot ban dat nhtr tom
cakes ttroi

a piece of cake Q't lake sth with a tin ail cm~u gl

pinch of salt
apples and oranges rat khac nhau the best thing since nguoi/ y tu6ng/
=chalk and cheese sliced bread ph at minh tot

bite off more than co lam vi~c gl qua (two) peas in a pod giong nhau y due
one can chew sue mlnh
go bananas tuc gi(\n the apple of one's nguoi duqc ai d6
eye yeu

1.3. Idiom lien qmm den lhien nhi<m

Idioms Nghia Idioms Nghia

a fair-weather mqt nguoi chi Ia let nature take its CU ae mQi thU diem
friend b?n khi mQi vi~c tot course ra mqt each W nhien

beat about the n6i vong vo once in a blue hqa hoan, rat hiem
bush moon

come rain or shine chac chan, du the over the moon vo cung vui su6'ng
nao di nfra = on cloud nine
down-to-earth thl,lc te, khong vien see the wood for thay cay ma khong
vong the trees thay rung

get into hot water g~p rae roi save sth for a rainy de danh phong khi
day kh6 khan

go downhill (vi~c lam an, sue the tip of the iceberg chi Ia m<?t ph an nh6
khoe) xuong doc ella sl,lvi~c
have one's head in dau 6c tren may under the sun mqi thu tren aoi
the cloud

hold water c6 sue thuyet ph~c, win by a landslide chien thiing v6'i so
chfnh xac phieu 16'n

1.4. Idiom lien quan den

Idioms Nghia Idioms Nghia


a big fish in a small nguoi quan trqng let the cat out of v6 tlnh tiet 19 m(lt
pond trong mqt nh6m the bag dfeu bf m(lt
a black sheep of thanh vien ca bi$t like water off a nuac do dau v!t
the family duck's back
--~----~-----· --·
a dog with two tails rat vui su6'ng, h?nh pigs can fly dfeu khong tlf6ng,
phuc ti?t a¢ khong the xay ra
---------· --·-·--··---·-----·- ·--~---··-~--

every bird loves to mea khen mea dai put the cat among gay them rae roi
hear himself sing du6i the pigeons

get butterflies in cam thay bon chon take the bull by the can dam giai quyet
one's stomach horns m<?t tinh huong kh6

lovebirds nhO'ng c?p d6i yeu a lone wolf/bird nguoi c6 d<)c, thfch
nhau 6 m<)t minh

get out of the rat tho<lt kh6i c6ng raining cats and mua tam t1i
race vi$c/ cu<)c song dogs
bon chen

have a bee in one's qua lo lang, b[ am smell a rat nghi ngo c6 chuy$n
bonnet anh vi chuy$n gi maam
kill two birds with m<)t mOi ten trung (there are) many con nhieu ll,fa chQn
one stone hai dfch fish in the sea khac nO'a

cold fish nguoi h;mh lung, v6 a dark horse nguoi giau nghe, rt
cam the hi$n

1.5. Idiom lien quan den co the

Idioms Nghla Idioms Nghia

(by) a hair's breadth duong to sqi t6c, lend a sympathetic thong cam v6i ai
suYt nO'a thi ear to sb

a pain in the neck dieu kh6 ch[u, bl,fc lift a finger (to help) nhac m<)t ng6n tay
b(>i (lam vi$c gi)

behind one's back lam dieu gi bf m$t, make one's blood lam ai s6i mau, gi$n
sau lung ai boil dO'

bite the hand that a

an chao a bat make/lose money t<;~o ra/ danh mat
feed you hand over fist tien rat nhanh v6i
by the skin of one's sat sao, rat sat off one's head dien, lo<;~n trf

cost an arm and a oat cat co on the tip of one's sap nh6 ra
leg = pay through tounge
the nose

fight tooth and chien aau ac li$t, pull someone's leg treu chQc ai
nail/claw danh nhau ac li$t = play tricks/jokes

Trang 166
' ~

get/have cold feet mat het can dam, put one's foot in \5' mom n6i dieu gl
chun bt16'c one's mouth dang xau ho

have itchy feet thfch di du ljch day scratch someone's giup do ng116'i khac
d6 back v6'i hy vqng h9 se
giup lai mlnh

hit the nail on the n6i dieu gl d6 see eye to eye dong tlnh
head chuan kh6ng can

in the blink! trong nhay mat take sth to heart de b~ng, di! trong
twinkling of an eye long

in two minds phan van the apple of one's ngt16'i ma mlnh yeu
eye quy

keep an eye on canh chCrng turn a blind eye nham mat lam nga

keep one's head co gang m<')t each turn a deaf ear gia diec, lam nga
above the water kh6 khan

keep sb on their khien ai d6 phai t~p up in arms chong doi k!ch li~t
toes trung vi10 vi~c h9
dang lam

know sth like the nam r6 nhtJiong up to my ears/eyes b~n toi mat toi mOi
back of one's hand ban tay

lead sb by the nose dat mOi ai wet behind the ears mi~ng con hoi sO'a,
qua non n6t

give sb a cold lanh nhat voi ai, 16' with bated breath nfn tho, hoi h<')p
shoulder di

1.6. Idiom co chua "And"

Idioms Nghia Idioms Nghia

on and off thinh thoang, khong home and dry chile chan thanh
=off and on tht16'ng xuyen c6ng

back and forth di roi ve, di di lai lei part and parcel thiet yeu, q uan

bits and pieces nhO'ng thli linh tinh, right and left 6 mqi phfa, 6 khap
= odds and ends l~t v~t nai

by and large n6ichung safe and sound blnh an v6 Slf

cut and dried kh6ng c6 gl m6'i me spick-and-span ngiin nap gqn gang
hay d<')c dao

Trang 167
few and far hiem g~p through thick and ben nhau du c6
between thin chuy~n gi xay ra
highs and lows nhil'ng Ilie thiing wear and tear Sl/ hao mon
= ups and downs tram
---- - --·· -

1.7. Idiom Ia c~m danh ttr

-···--· -
Idioms Nghia Idioms Nghia
. --
a breeze m9t vi~c rat de a stroke of luck may man bat ngo
------·-· - ---
a lost cause nguoi ho~c vi~c a wet blanket I nguoi u rO, buon rau
kh6ng c6 kha nang
thimh c6ng
---- --
a man/woman of nguoi c6 cua an close call thoat duqc nguy
means cua de, nguoi giau = close shave hiem trong gang tac
= narrow escape
·-·- .... --···
a raw deal vi~c d6i xu kh6ng the last straw gi 0 t nu6c tran ly
cong bang = a nail in the

1.8. Idiom ia cl)m tir

~----· Idioms -- -~,---- Nghia 1diom-s---,----Nghi~----,

· b~ck-to the drawing : bat dau l9i --+k-n_o_w-=b_y_s..,ig-cht ra

be at a loose end ranh roi, kh6ng c6 look daggers at sb
vi~c gi lam
_b_e_a_tpains_t_o_dc-o---1--,l·am vi~c can th~ke do with -----··- xoay ·--- --·
s6, duong dau
sth I
va tan tam . I
be out oft he , khbng the duqc make ends meet xoay s6 de kiem
. question song
1 blow one's.. trumpet I b6c phet, khoac-lac make good time
hoan thanh nhanh
chong m¢t chuyen
break the ice ph a v6 bau kh6ng make light of xem nhu kh6ng
khf, lam quen nhau quan tr 0 ng
bring down the lam ca khan phbng not breath a word kh6ng tiet 19 chuy~n
house vo tay nhi~t li~t of sth gi
burn them idnight thCrc khuya de lam overstep the hanh thea each
oil vi~c ho~c hoc bai mark/line kh6ng the chap
nh~n duqc

come to light duqc biet den, patch things up lam hoa, han gan
duqc phat hi~n
cut it fine den sat gicr, vera pull one's weight no life, lam trim trach
kheo nhi~m

cut the apron kh6ng I~ thu(>c put on an act gia b(>, lam b9
strings vao ai (b6 m~).
song w l$p
down the drain do song do bien put sb/sth at tuyy su d~ng
(cong sere, tien b9c) someone's
drop a brick Ia lcri, Ia mi~ng put your own house wgiai quyet van de
in order ella mlnh
face the music chju trach nhi~m ve sell sb short danh gia sai ve ai
nhO'ng gl mlnh da d6 vl chi thay
lam khuyet diem ella hQ
d~ noi gi$n, phat take my hat off to sb nga mO than ph~c
fly off the handle
cau ai
get the hang of sth nam bat dU<;)C, Slr take sb/sth for xem nh~. coi nh~
d~ng duqc granted
hit the books hQc t$p cham chi take sth into c:'in nhac, xem xet
account/ vi~c gl
go through the roof noi tr$n Iiii dlnh, noi tie the knot ket han
=hit the roof/ceiling con tam banh
jump the traffic WQt dim d6 tighten one's belt that lung bu(>c b~ng

1. 9. Idiom Ia c!Jm linh ilrl tlr

Idioms Nghia Idioms Nghia

all at once bat thlnh llnh on second thought xem xet l9i, nghi l9i

at heart thlfc chat, co ban on the house mi~n phf

at the cutting edge hon han, vuqt tr(>i, on the level th$t tha, thang than,
mai nhat Iuong thi~n
at the drop of a hat ngay l$p tlrc on the rocks (gap) tr~c trijc

at the eleventh vao phUt ch6t on the spot ngay l$p tlrc

behind the close trong bf m$t on the verge of tren bcr v1,1c
doors = on the brink of
= on the edge of
· - - - " - - - - - - - - · · · · - · · - - - -·········----

Tranq 169
every so often I
thinh thoang, kh6ng out of bounds ngoai ph~m vi quy
= once in a while thuong xuyen ' dinh, cam vao

in vain uong c6ng, v6 ich without a shadow chac chan, khong

of a doubt nghi ngo gi

2.1. Collocations v&i DO

Collocations lllghia Collocations Nghia

do an assignment lam bai t~p do harm gay h(li

do business (with) kinh doanh do a job lam m()t c6ng vi$c

do one's best co gang het slJ'c do one's duty lam nhi$m vu

do a crossword choi giai 6 chfr ' do one's hair lam toe

do damage gay thi$t hai do one's homework lam bai t$p ve nha

do a course theo m()t kh6a h9c do research nghien clJ'u

do an experiment lam thi nghi$m do someone a lam giup ai dieu gi

do good bo ich . do the shopping muasam

wrong lam sai do wonders/ mang I<Ji ket qua

miracles tuy$t voi
2.2. Collocations v&i MAKE

Collocations Nghia Collocations NghTa

, make an thu xi'ip m()l cu()c make a so sanh

I appointment hen comparison

make an co gang, no luc make a dong gop vao

attempt/effort contribution
make an thong bao make a decision = quyet ajnh
announcement make up one's '
I mind

make the bed d9n giuong make a difference/ t(lo su khac bi$t

make a cake lam banh make an excuse vi~n cO

make changes thay doi make a mistake mac sai ram

make a choice ch9nlua make money kiem tien
"----- '
make a comment nh~n xet make noise Iamon

Trang 170
' A

make a complaint phim nan, than make a start khai hanh


make progress tien bi? make a suggestion de nghi

make a plan len kehoach make a will lam di chuc

make a (phone) gQi di$n thoai make use of sll d~ng


make preparations chuan bi cho make a speech dqc bai dien van

make a profit thu lqi nhu~n make a promise hlla h~n

2.3. Collocations voi TAKE

Collocations Nghia Collocations Nghia

take sb/sth for xem nh~, coi n h~ take interest in quan tam den

take place xay ra take offence that v9 ng, ph~t y

take part in tham gia vao take powder/office nh~n chuc

take effect c6 hi$u li,rc take a pity on sb thong cam cho ai

take advantage of t~n d~ng cai gi take a view/ c6 quan diem/ thai
sth attitude dQ

take notice of sth chu y den cai gi take sth as a xem cai gi nhu loi
compliment khen t~ng

take responsibility ch[u trach nhi$m ve take sth as an xem cai gi nhu loi si
for sth cai gi insult nh~c

2.4. Collocations voi HAVE

Collocations Nghia Collocations Nghia

have difficulty (in) g~p kh6 khan khi have fun vuive
doing something lam cai gi

have a problem c6 van de, g~p kh6 have/take a rest nghi ngoi

have a go/ try thlr have a relationship c6 moi quan h$ v6i


2.5. Collocations v6i PAY

Collocations Nghia Collocations Nghia

Trang 171
pay attention to chu y den pay a visit to aen tham

pay a compliment khen ngqi pay tribute to bay to long kfnh


2Ji, Collocations v&i ASK

Collocations Nghia Collocations Nghia

ask a favour xin giup do ask for something 1 hoi 9;

ask a question hoi mi)l ciiu hoi ask for permission xin phep

ask for advice xin loi khuyen asksb out ru ai d6 di choi

ask for directions hoi duong

2.7, Collocations v&i CATCH

Collocations Nghla Collocations Nghia
---~·-··--"' "~~

catch (on) fire bat I.Xa catch someone's thu hut slf chu y
"' ., cua ai

catch a bus/ a train bat xe/ tau you later! h<?n g~p l9i

catch a cold cam l?nh your breath ngung/nghi de tho

binh thuong tr6 l?i

catch sight of nhin thay

~d~om Collocation 1 Idiom - Collocation 2

Exercise 1.

1. T~m djch: Giao viem cua chtlng toi khuyen khich chtlng toi tham gia cac ho~t d(lng ngo~i kh6a
de ph at trien cac ky nang mem.
2. T~m d!ch: Nhil'ng ngtroi da tot nghi~p d~i h<;>c c6 co h(li kiem dtrqc vi~c lam tot hon.
3. T~m djch: Ellen dang ky m(lt kh6a dao t~o giao vien ba nam 6 London.
4. T~m d!ch: T)i I~ mu chil' 6 cac ntroc kern phat trien cao hon cac ntroc phat trien.
5. T~m d!ch: Tat ca m 0 i ngtroi deu dtrqc nh~n chtl'ng nh~n vao cuoi kh6a h<;>c.
Exercise 2.
[1. de!Jr~~=-1 2:_~~filpuTso_I)'__J3. t_ll!~~~s- __ I4:-ass~~ned- _[5. dic~()narG
1. T~m d!ch: Co ay c6 bang ngon ngil' hoc t~i D~i hoc Ngo~i ngil'.
2. T~m djch: Toan h<;>c Ia mon bat bu(lc doi voi tat ca h<;>c sinh, nhtrng nau an va thu cong my
ngh~ Ia mon 11,1 ch 0 n.
3. T~m d!ch: Hoc sinh kham pha each tien hanh cac thi nghi¢m khoa hoc thong qua htrong dan
tn,rc tuyen.
4. T~m djch: CoLan giao rat nhieu bai t~p kh6 cho h<;>c sinh cua mlnh.

[!_·A____]2_ B··-
1. absent: vang
5. T~m djch: Neu b~n khong hieu nghia cua tlr, hay tra tlr dien.
Exercise 3.

m~t >< present: c6 m~t

T~m djch: M(lt nlJ'a so hoc sinh cua chtlng toi da vang m~t trong lop h<;>c hom nay.
2. attend: tham dl,f, tham gia >< miss: b6 16'
T~m djch: 0 trtrong d~i hoc cua toi, sinh vien din phai tham gia cac lop h<;>c nam !"an m(lt tuan.
Exercise 4.
.B c
1. knowledgeable: am hieu =well-informed: thong th~o
T~m d!ch: Co ay kha am hieu ve khoa h<;>c tl,f nhien.
2. concentrate = focus: t~p trung
T~m djch: Rat kh6 de toi t~p trung vao cong vi~c cua mlnh neu c6 nhieu tieng on.
Exercise 5,
.B 2. c 4.A A
1. T~m d!ch: Tieng Anh Ia m(lt phan quan tr<;>ng trong chtrong trlnh hoc 6 trtrang.
2. T~m djch: Toi Ia dtl'a tre dau tien trong gia dlnh hoc d~i h 0 c.
3. T~m djch: C6 rat it sinh vien tham dl,f bai giang cua ong ay vao sang hom d6.
4. T~m d!ch: Kh6a hoc ba tuan cua chung toi se gitlp b?n du dieu ki~n de giang d~y tieng Anh 6
ntroc ngoai.
5. T~m d!ch: Hi~u trtr6ng cua chung toi da cho phep trtrong to chlrc m(lt le h(li vao nam ngoai.
Exercise 6.
1. B c B 4. B c
1. T?m d!ch: M~c du cam thay tl,f tin voi bai thi tuyen sinh cua mlnh, Milan da sai s6t rat nhi"eu.
= U§ ra Milan phai lam tot hon nhil'ng gl anh ay thl,fc sl,f da lam trong ky thi tuyen sinh.
2. T~m d!ch: Jane hau nhu kh6ng lam vi<;lc ke tLr khi anh ay tot nghi~p d~i h<;>c hai nam trtroc.
= Jane da hau nhtr kh6ng lam vi$c trong su6t hal niim ke ttl' khi anh ay tot nghi$p d 0i h0 c.
3. Cau true cau dieu ki$n lo 0 i Ill, dung de dtra ra gia su himh d(>ng trai voi Sl/ th$ttrong qua khtl'.
If+ S + Vpz, S +would/could/might have been Vp 2
C6 the dung dao ngil': Had s Vp 2 , would/could/might have Vpz
T9m djch: Neu co ay on l9i bill hoc can th$n, co ay cia c6 the hoim thilnh bai thi.
4. Cau true: s +should have+ Vpz: le ra nen lam nhtrng cia kh6ng lam.
T9m djch: Le ra toi phai hoim thimh dlf an cua minh viw hom qua nhtrng t6i da ki(it stl'c.
= Vi ki(it stl'c nen t6i cia kh6ng hoim thanh dl! an cua minh ngay hom qua nhu ke ho9ch.
5. T9m djch: Neu kh6ng c61oi khuyen cua giiio vien, Linh se kh6ng baa gio dot dtrQ'c hoc bong.
= Linh d9t dtrqc hoc bong nho c6 giao vien citra ra mQt so loi khuyen.

Exercise 1.
[2-B- - - - - ' -
f2. C
I 3. B
I 4. D
1. T9m djch: M9t buoi toi thtr gian 6 nha da gitlp t6i n9p l9i nang ltrqng.
2. T0m djch: Tham gia vao cac hoet d(>ng the thao c6the giup mol ngtroi sang khoai tinh than.
3. Tem djch: Jame lu6n de tam tri cua anh ay b$n r(>n v6i nhil'ng thtl' mil anh ay htl'ng thu.
4. Tem djch: Alex da hoc hal man v6 thu$t khac nhau: karate va judo.
5. T9m djch: Phai mat hang gio luy(in t$p de hoc chai guitar.

Exercise 2.
,·c;IU·b__ ~==l 2. ag~ity ~- 1 3. barbecue ~=:D· badlllint()_n__ ~s~_ghtse<:~~~-]
1. Tem djch: Cau lee bQ co vua chilo d6n ca nhil'ng ngtroi moi bat dau va nhO'ng ngtroi chai c6
kinh nghi(im.
2. Tem djch: Mol tro chai deu dliQ'C thiet ke de gia tang Slf nhanh nh~n ve the chat va tinh than
cua ben.
3. T9m djch: Chung toi quay quan ben chiec ban trong khu Vl!bn va c6 m(>t bO'a ti(ic ntr6ng vao
ngay hom qua.
4. T9m djch: Cau lee b(> cung cap cac tro chai ngoai troi va trong nha nhtr bong da, cau long va
b6ng bim.
5. T0m djch: Vao ngay cuoi cung cua chuyen di, Hellen vui ve thiim thu vong quanh New York.
Exercise 3.
1. D 5. c
1. Sua were _, was
T9m djch: T6i tlJ'ng nhay du hai llln m9t thang khi con tre.
2. Sua watching -• watch
T9m djch: T6i tha di xem trlfc tiep m(>t tr$n bong bau d~c con han Ia xem 6 tren TV.
3. Sua sunbathe _, sunbathing
T0m djch: Chung t6i danh ph an 16n thai gian ban ngay de tam nang tren mQt han ciao rieng.
4. Sua for _, to
Tem djch: Chung toi den cilC phong trtrng bay ngh(i thu~t va chon m(>t so tac pham aday de
trang tri cho can hQ ella minh.
5. Sua a _, an
T9m djch: Co ay lu6n mol cac b9n cung lop u6ng tra chieu hoijc tham gia ti(ic ntr6ng cuoi tuan .

. ·-]
1. relax = unwind: thtr gian

Trang 174

T<;~m djch: M<)t ky nghi ngan trong mrac ho~c mrac ngoai thlfc Slf giup t6i thU' gian sau gia lam
2. entertain: giai trf, tieu khien amuse: giai trf, lam thfch thu
T<;~m djch: NhG'ng d(ra tre thfch thtl hang gia v6i nhG'ng blrc tranh cua chtlng.
Exercise 5.
1z. c 1 s. c
1. T<;~m djch: nit ca chung ta deu biet ve nhG'ng lqi fch s(rc kh6e cua ho<;~t d<)ng the chat.
2. T<;~m djch: Anh ay Ia m<)t nha SU'U t~p tem trong nhieu nam.
3. T<;~m djch: Ba Brown giup con gai giai trf bang nhG'ng cau chuy~n va bai hat.
4. T<;~m djch: T~p the d~c th11<'1ng xuyen se giup tang CU'ang CCI bap cua b<;~n.
5. T<;~m djch: Mike th11ang bat dau m<)t ngay cua mlnh bang m<)t ho<;~t d<)ng lanh m<;~nh nh11 d<;~p
Exercise 6.
I2 D 14. c I 5. A
1. T<;~m djch: Do nhG'ng tlnh huang kh6ng IU'ang tnr6c duqc, chuyen thiim bao tang cua t6i da bj
= Chuyen tham cua t6i den vi~n bao tang bi huy b6 do c6 slf c6 bat nga.
2. T<;~m djch: Neu kh6ng c6 cac thiet bj can thiet, leo nui Ia m<)t ho;;~t d<)ng rat nguy hiem.
= Leo nui kh6ng an toan trCr khi b;;m c6 thiet bj thfch hQ'p.
3. Fine= good (adj): tot, d~p
T<;~m d!ch: Chung toi se di cam tr;;~i mien Ia thai tiet tot.
= Neu thai tiet d~p, chung t6i se di cam tr<;~i.
4. This is the first time: day Ia llln dau tien = never .... before: ch11a bao gia ... tnr6c 66
T<;~m djch: Day Ia llln dau tien t6i chai m<)t nh9c c~.
= T6i chU'a bao gia chai nh;;~c c~ tm6c 66.
5. T;;~m djch: Chung ta nen t~p the d~c th11ang xuyen thay vl ngoi tnr6c tivi hang ngay.
= T~p the d~c aeu a~n tot han ngoi tnr6c tivi hang ngay.


Exercise 1.
11. B 1z.A I 5. A
1. T<;~m djch: 6 nhiem kh6ng khf r6 rang Ia m<)t trong nhG'ng bat lqi 16n cua cu<)c song 6thanh
2. T9m djch: NhG'ng nguai song 6 thanh ph6 d11qc tiep c~n tot han v6i cac ca so giao d~c, djch
v~ y te.
3. T<;~m djch: Dan s6 gia h6a nhanh chong se gay cang thang cho h~ thong cham soc sLrc kh6e
cua oat ntr6c.
4. T<;~m djch: T6i thfch nhjp song hoi ha 6 thanh thj han Ia cu<)c song dan di~u 6 nang than.
5. T9m djch: Neu kh6ng c6 them xe bu'{t, tlnh tr<;~ng qua tai cac ph11ang ti~n giao thong c6ng
c<)ng van se tiep dien.
Exercise 2.
11. A 12. C
1. resident: nguai dan = inhabitant: dan c11
T<;~m d!ch: Phan 16n c11 dan ctla thanh ph6 a a song 6 day qua nhieu the h~.
2. remote: xa x6i, heo lanh = isolated: rieng bi~t, bi~t l~p
T<;~m djch: Neu b9n song 6 khu vlfc vung sau vung xa, vi~c sll d~ng di~n c6 the Ia m<)t van de.

Trang 175
1. T;;~m djch: Cu(>c song 6 nang tr;;~i dien ra ch~m rai va don di$u.
2. T;;~m d!ch: Doi v6i m(>t dll'a tre den ter vung ngo;;~i 6, m(>t chuyen di den thanh phola m(>t cu(>c
phieu IU'u tuy$t voi.
3. T;;~m d!ch: Dan so 6 nhieu vung nang than tiep t~c giam.
4. T;;~m d!ch: Thanh pho qua dong due v6i nhfrng toa nha chQc troi va dll lo<;~i xe c(> on ao.
5. T<;1m djch: Thanh pho tr6 nen qua 6 nhiem nen hQ phai chuyen t6i nang than.
Exercise 4.
1. T9m djch: London Ia m(>t thilnh pho da van h6a, b;;~n c6 the tim thay cac nen van h6a ter khap
nai tren the gi6i.
2. T;;~m djch: T6i thich song 6 mQt noi nao d6 yen binh, noi t6i c6 the thll'c d~y de nhin thay
nhfrng canh dong xanh.
3. T9m djch: M~t d(> dan so day d~c ella cac thanh pho da lam nay sinh nhung ciing thang xa
4. T<;lm djch: Bi$t thl! nay nam trong m(>t khu dan CU' yen tinh va dU'Q"C xay dlfng theo phong
each thu(>c dja Phap.
5. T9m djch: 0 khu VIJC thanh thj, ph~ nfr c6 trinh dQ trung hQC pho thong c6 nhieu CO h(>i tim
dU'qc vi$c lam hon.
Exercise 5.
3. A
1. T<;1m djch·. MLI'c d(> that nghi$p 6 khu VIJC nang than dU'Q"c cho Ia cao han nhieu so v6i khu vlfc
thanh th!.
= NgU'oi ta n6i rang tinh tr;;~ng thieu vi$c lam 6 nang than cao hon nhieu so v6i thanh thj.
2. No sooner+ had + S + Vp2 +than + S + Ved: ngay sau khi ... thi
=Hardly+ had+ S + v,21V·ed +when+ S + Ved: vera m6i ... thi ...
T<;1m djch: Ngay sau khi chung t6i biet nhfrng ngU'oi hang x6m m6i ella minh thi hQ chuyen di.
= Chung t6i vera m6i lam quen v6i nhfrng ngU'oi himg x6m m6i ella chung t6i thi ho chuyen di.
3. Neu toi biet London dong due nhU' the nao, toi se khong bao gio chuyen den thanh pho nay.
= T6i chuyen den London chi vi toi kh6ng biet so IU'Q"ng ngU'oi song 6 day.
4. Co ay hoi tiec vi da khong nam lay co h(>i de c6 dU'Q"C m(>t c6ng vi$c dU'Q"C tra IU'Ong cao.
= Co ay tie"c nuoi vi da kh6ng c6 dU'Q"c m(>t cong vi$c dU'qc tra IU'ong cao khi c6 co hQi.
5. T<;1m dich: Ngo9i trer gia thue khong cao, can h(> khong c6 gi de gi6i thi$u.
= Kh6ng c6 diem noi b~t nao ve ciin hQ ngoai vi~c gia thue re.


Exercise 1
1. T;;~m thai: NgU'oi Hy L;;~p co d9i l~p nhieu den tho cho Aphrodite.
2. T;;~m thai: Mong muon cuoi cung cua anh ay Ia cong hi en nhfrng nam cu6i doi ella minh cho
vi$c xay dlfng cay diu.
3. T9m thai: Phai mat hang gio dedi chuyen bll'c tU'qng ctla Churchill len m9t do9n dU'ong doc
va dat n6 vao dung vi tri.
4. T;;~m thai: Vjnh H<;1 Long terng dU'Q"c xep h;;~ng trong Bay ky quan thien nhien m6i.
5. T<;1m thai: Bao tang dU'qc xay dlfng xung quanh m(>t ho nU'6c nhan t<;1o.

Exercise 2.
11. architecture I 2. treasure I 3. entrance I 4. exit I 5. builder
1. T9m djch: Nha tho nay Ia mi)t vi d~ hoan hao ve kien true thai Trung co.
2. T<;~m djch: Cuon s<ich nay Ia mi)t kho tang thong tin ve cac loai chim aBac Ct,rc.
3. T9m d!ch: Loi vao aLrong ham b! nhan chlm boi nLroc bien dang cao.
4. T9m d!ch: Loi thmlt hi em aphia sau phong tmng bay.
5. T<;~m
djch: Mi)t thq xay can th~n nen ang chCrng tmoc d(J ben cua v~t li~u.
Exercise 3.
11. A lz. c
1. giant: khong ro ><tiny: nh6 xiu
T<;~m d!ch: V~t tmng bay noi tieng nhat cua bao tang Ia mo hinh m(Jt con khung long ho<;~t hinh
khong ro.
2. ancient: co, xlfa >< new: moi
T<;~m djch: Ngoi den cob! pha huy trong chien tranh se sam dLrqc xay di,J'ng l<;~i.
Exercise 4.

1. mysterious = enigmatic: bi an
T<;~m d!ch: Nhfrng ng 0 n nui xa xa trong mO' ho va huyen bf.
2. Man-made= artificial: nhi\n t<;~o
T<;~m djch: Cac lo<;~i vai nhan t<;~o <ilfQ"C phat hi~n rang <iii ton t<;~i rat lau doi.
Exercise 5.
I 5. B
1. T<;~m d!ch: Rat nhieu trong so nhfrng khu mi) co nay <iii b! pha huy tLr the ky tmoc.
2. T<;~m djch: Ph an Ion quy <iii dLrqc sli d~ng de tai trc;r cho vi~c xay dt,rng cac phong trlfng bay
3. T<;~m dich: Tam c(Jt dado si) aLrc;rc sli dt,mg de nang do mai cua ngoi den.
4. T<;~m djch: Khi ma lang mi), ho <iii tlm thay kho bau nam ngoai tlfang tlfqng cua minh.
5. T<;~m djch: Cac nha khao co hoc <iii tim thay nhfrng manh XlfO'ng trong ham chon cat.

Exercise 1.
Is. A
1. T<;~m d!ch: 6 nhiem c6 the c6 nhfrng tac di)ng nguy h<;~i den can bang h$ sinh thai.
2. T<;~m djch: Cuba c6 khi h?u nhi~t doi voi nhieu ngay nang trong nam.
3. T<;~m d!ch: M(Jt so loai di)ng thi,J'c v~t song dLroi nLroc <iii b! tuy~t chung.
4. T<;~m a
djch: Nhfrng ngLroi xit rae bCra bai c6 the b! ph<;~t m(Jt so thanh pho.
5. T<;~m dich: Hau het m 0 i ngLroi aeu tan thanh de xuat rang chung ta c6 trach nhi~m bao v~ cac
loa I d(Jng v?t c6 nguy cO' tuy~t chung.
Exercise 2.
11. poach I 2. deforestation I 3. drought I 4. vegetation I 5. pollution
1. T<;~m djch: Nhfrng ke san tri)m acac khu sinh thai <ilfQ"C bao v~ se b! trCrng ph<;~t thich dang.
2. T<;~m djch: Khi toe d(J pha rCrng gia tang, di~n tfch oat atrc;rc che phu bai rCrng r~m giam di
dang ke.
3. T<;~m d!ch: Nam h<;~n han thu nam di! kien se c6 nhfrng tac d(Jng dang ke den nen kinh te

Trang 177
4. T~m d!ch: Vung diit mat di 16'p phu baa vf; cua tham thlfc v$t va s6'm bien thanh sa m<;Jc.
5. T~m d!ch: 6 nhiem da giam dang ke ke tll' khi d~o lu$t dU'qc ban han h.
Exercise 3.

1. deteriorate: tr6 nen xau hon improve: cai thif;n

T~m d!ch: nnh hinh bien doi khi h$u da tr6 nen tf; hem mi)t each nghiem trqng trong 20 nam
2. aquatic: dU'6'i nU'6'c terrestrial: tren c~n
T~m d!ch: Nhieu loai thlfc v$t thuy sinh c6 the ton t 0 i trong dieu kif;n anh sang rat it.
Exercise 4.

1. habitat: m6i tmong song residence: noi cu tnl

T~m d!ch: Mi)t so loai di)ng v$t dang gi'ip nguy hiem vi moi tmong song cua chung dang b! phil
2. endangered: gi'ip nguy hiem threatened: bide dQa
T9m d!ch: Th6a thu~n da baa v~ quyen h~n che bu6n ban cac loai c6 nguy co tuy~t chung cua
chung t6
Exercise 5.

1. T9m d!ch: Cac phU'ong phap canh tac yeu kem da g6p ph an lam tang x6i mon dat.
2. T~m d!ch: Cac lu$t kiem soat vif;c phat thai khi nha kinh chU'a du chat che.
3. T<;lm djch: Xang dU'qc chU'ng cat tlr dau th6 khai thac b6i cac c6ng ty dau m6.
4. T9m djch: Cac nha chtl'c trach da ban bo tinh tr<;lng khan cap ve chay rung 6 New Mexico.
5. T9m d!ch: NU'6'c Lie Ia mi)t quae gia giau nguon tai nguyen thien nhien.
Exercise 6.

1. T9m d!ch: Cac nha khoa hqc da quan sat thay Slf s~t giam nong di) ozon 6 Nam Clfc.
~ Cac nha khoa hQc da ghi nh$n Slf s~t giam nong di) ozon 6 Nam Clfc.
2. T9m djch: Nhan lo(li dU'qc canh baa ngll'ng lam h\li den m6i tmong.
~ Da den luc nhan lo9i ngll'ng lam h\li moi trU'ong.
3. T9m djch: Neu khong dU'qc quan tam dung mtl'c, tinh tr\lng thoai h6a dat 6 nhieu khu we
ngay cang nghiem trqng.
~ Suy thoai dat ngay cang nghiem trQng 6 nhieu vung va can dU'qc quan tam dung mtl'c.
4. Cay coi dang chet dan 6 nhil'ng noi thll'ong xay ra mll'a axit nhat.
~ MU'a axit dang giet chet cay coi 6 nhil'ng noi d6.
5. T9m d!ch: Nhfrng sinh v~t ngo~i lai c6 the de dQa den da d~ng sinh hQc bang each thay d6i
hf; sinh thai. ~ Bang each t~o ra nhfrng thay doi doi v6'i h~ sinh thai, nhfrng sinh v$t ngo~i lai de
dQa t6'i Slf da d~ng sinh hQc.

Exercise 1

1. T~m d!ch: M~ t6i b! om rat nang va ba ay van dang nam vif;n hoi ph~c.
2. T~m d!ch: San day Ia mi)t lo9i ky sinh song trong rui)t.
3. T~m d!ch: Vi rut H2 c6 the Ia m6i de dQa gay ra d~i d!ch.

Trang 178
4. T~m djch: C6 ay bj suy th$n va din dlfc;>'C truyen mau.
5. T~m djch: CasT phan nan vi bi dau hQng sau buoi bieu dien hom thtl' Tlf.
Exercise 2.
11. dressing I 2. sprain I 3. antibiotics I 4. gym I 5. diagnosis
1. T~m djch: ''Lam s~ch vet thlfong va !hay bang m6i di", bac sT khuyen benh nhan cua minh.
2. T~m djch: T6i nghT co tay cua minh c6 the da gay, nhLrng hoa ra chi Ia bi bong gan nijng.
3. T~m djch: ChUng ta c6 the dieu tri tinh tr~ng nay kha hieu qua v6i thuoc khang sinh.
4. T~m djch: T6i di den phong t$p the dl,IC moi thtl' Hai va thtl' Tlf, deu nhlf vat !ran h.
5. T~m djch: Bac sT da chan doan, nhLrng se c6 mi)t cui)c kiem tra bo sung b6i mi)t chuyen gia.
Exercise 3.

1. infectious: lay nhiem >< non-contagious: kh6ng lay nhiem

T~m djch: Khi mi)t ngLrlli mac benh lay nhiem, anh ay thLrong se bi each ly.
2. recover: hoi phl,Jc, binh !Tnh l~i >< deteriorate: tr6 nen te han
T~m djch: Jane van chlfa Vlfqt qua dlfc;>'C sau CU SOC ve cai che! cua cha minh.
Exercise 4.
1. acute: cap tfnh, nghiem trQng =critical: nguy kjch
T~m djch: Anh ay dang bj nhiem !rung cap tfnh dLrllng h6 hap.
2. sore= painful: dau d6n
T~m djch: C$u ay lay co bi dau ng6n tay de !ron hQc.
Exercise 5.
\1 c \2.A \3. B \4. B I 5. D
1. SLJ'a: than--+ to
T~m djch: Anh trai t6i thfch 6 nhil han den phong t$p the dl,Jc de rim luyen stl'c kh6e.
2. SLJ'a: of whom --+ whose
T~m djch: Nglfoi dan 6ng c6 chiec xe the thao d$u tm6c benh vien Ia mi)t bac sT phau thu$t noi
3. SLJ'a: such --+ so
T~m djch: T6i cam thay dau den noi t6i kh6ng the an toi.
4. SLJ'a: Because --+ Because of
T~m djch: Vi cau true Xlfong cua minh, Sarah kh6ng the tr6ng nhe can nhlf thl,(c te.
5. SLJ'a: did he--+ didn't he
T~m dich: Bac sT da ke thuoc de giup b~n ngu ngon hon, phai kh6ng?


Exercise 1.
I 2. B 13. c I 5. D
1. T~m djch: Sau ba !hang dau lien, dl,l" an gay quy thl,l"c Slf bat dau ho~t di)ng hieu qua han.
2. T~m djch: Thai tho au ngheo kh6 cua c6 ay hoan toan trai nglfc;>'C v6i cui)c song giau c6 cua
c6 ay 6 Hollywood.
3. T~m djch: Nghien ctl'u cua hQ cho !hay !rung binh moi nglfili xem tivi khoang 3 tieng mcri moi
4. T~m d ch: La mi)t ngLrlli phl,J nfr nhan h$u, ba thay thlfong dtl'a tre ti)i nghi\!p.
5. T~m d ch: Nhfrng dtl'a tre dave b$y len khap cac btl'c !Lrllng cua tmang.

Trang 179
Exercise 2.

1. dirty: ban >< clean: s~ch se

T 0m dich: Cac ong thep bi tac nghen b6i cac chat ban.
2. kind-hearted: tot b~ng >< cruel: d(lc ac
T 0 m djch: T6i da kh6ng giup anh ta chtlt nao, nhtmg toi khong tot b~ng nhtr ban.
Exercise 3.

1. forced = made: bat, bat bu(Jc

T9m djch: Tu nhan bi bu(lc phai song trong nhung dieu ki~n khac nghi~t.
2. flooded = overflowed: trim ng~p
Tam dich: Tr~n mtra xuan 16'n da lam ng~p tang tr~t ella khach san.
Exercise 4.
1. St!a: in -+on
Tam djch: May tfnh da c6 tac d(lng 16'n den cu(lc song hi~n doi.
2. St!a: care-+ cares
Tam djch: Trung tam ella co ay Ia mi;it to ch(rc phi lqi nhu§n dien hinh, cham s6c cho khoang 50
tre em.
3. Stra: twice days-+ twice
Tam djch: Hi~n tai, co ay giup dcr m(lt trtrong hoc dja phtrong v6'i ttr each Ia tinh nguy~n vien hai
ran m(Jt tuan.
4. St!a: are-+ is
T9m dich: M(lt trong nhil'ng mvc tieu Ia 190 ra mi;it b(rc tranh ttrong v6'i chu de ve moi trtrong.
5. Stra: don't you-+ do you
T9m djch: Ban khong muon tr6thanh ngtroi vo gia ctr, dung khong?
Exercise 5.
1. Althoug\h + S + V, main clause= In spite of+ N/ Noun phrase/ V-ing, main clause: m~c du
T 0 m djch: M?c du nghiw nhtrng ho rat nhan h$u.
2. Tam djch: Nh6m dang nam dtr6'i Slf lanh dao ella anh ay, chung toi khong the lam gi de thay
doi y kien ella anh ay.
= Chung toi khong the lam gi de thay doi quyet djnh cua anh ay vi anh ay Ia trtr6ng nh6m.
3. T9m djch: Toi chile chan rang b;;m se tinh nguy~n tham gia chien djch.
= Toi biet rang b9n se tinh nguy~n tham gia chien djch.
4. T<em djch: Gay quy Ia m(lt trong nhil'ng hoat d(lng pho bien nhat ella c(lng dong ella chtlng toi.
= Trong c(lng dong ella chtlng t6i, m(lt trong nhil'ng ho9t d(lng pho bien nhat Ia gay quy.
5. T9m dich: T6i kh6ng the quyet dinh noi quyen g6p cho ngtroi vo gia ctr.
= T6i khong the quyet dinh se quyen g6p cho ngtroi vo gia ctr 6 dau.


Exercise 1.
B 5. D
1. T<em djch: Robin Williams quen mat phan nh(IC ella minh nen anh ay phai Lrng bien phan d~m.

Trang ·:so
2. T~m d!ch: Bai hat hap dan aen muc khien b~n tung tang khap phong khach ho(lc go nh!p
3. T~m djch: Anh ay ciang ci(rng trong g6c l(ing le ngam nga ma kh6ng thu hut sl,l' chu y cua bat
4. T~m d!ch: Christopher co the ve m9t ban phac thao tho ve can hi? cua m1nh tren m(it chiec
khan an.
5. T~m d!ch: M(ic dli nh~c si n6i rang anh ay cia lay mau tu
m9t bai hat khac nhung tac pham
gan ciay cua anh ay cia b! nhieu nguoi coi Ia ci~o y tu6ng.
Exercise 2.
11. mainstream I 2. orchestra I 3. contemporary J 4. key J 5. poetry
1. T~m d!ch: Anh ay chua bao giothu9c dong van hqc chfnh thong voi tucach Ia m9t nha van.
2. T~m d!ch: Co ay thoi sao trong dan nh~c ella truong.
3. T~m d!ch: Bao tang chua 6.000 tac ph am ngh~ thuat ciuong ci~i va hi~n ci~i.
4. T~m d!ch: Dieu bat bu(ic cioi voi bat ky ca si chuyen nghi~p nao Ia lu6n tranh hiit l~c giqng.
5. T~m d!ch: Vao the ky 18, ngh~ thuat, cling voi am nh~c va tho ca, ciuqc xem nhu m(it th(r g1
ci6 giup m6 mang trf 6c.
Exercise 3.

1. explicit = clear: r6 rang

T~m djch: Co ay cia ciua ra mQt so dan chung rat r6 rang ve CUQC song ca nhan ella m1nh trong
rna thu am moi nhat ella m1nh.
2. contemporary= modern: ciuong thoi, hi~n ci~i
T~m djch: C6 ay viet rat nhieu nh~c ciuong ci~i cho nhilng nguoi nhu Whitney Houston.
Exercise 4.
1z. s 13. c J4. D J5.A
1. T~m d!ch: Dan nh~c cia choi khong ciung nh!p, v1 vay t6i cia bat hqt8p l~i voi nh!p ci9 cham
2. T~m d!ch: V6 k!ch ciuqc xay dl,l'ng cie tr6thimh m9t ki~t tac nhung t6i thay n6 rat ciang that
3. T~m djch: Tom hat nhilng cio~n phan khuc va mqi nguoi cling hoa giqng cio~n cii~p khuc.
4. T~m d!ch: Khi h9 cii b9, h9 hat m<?t ban ballad ci(ic bi~t do chfnh h9 sang tac cho dip nay.
5. T~m d!ch: Hqa sT quet len vai b~t cie mang l~i hi~u Lrng song ci9ng han.
Exercise 5.
jz.A J4.A I 5. B
1. T~m d!ch: H9 khen ngqi nhau ve kha nang c<?ng tac hi~u qua trong m9t nh6m.
= V1 kha nang c<?ng tac hi~u qua nhu m(it nh6m, h9 khen ngqi Ian nhau.
2. T~m djch: Neu anh ay c6 the nam bat giai cii~u, anh ay cia ciuqc phep vi10 dan hqp xuong.
= Kh6ng nam ciuqc giai cii~u. anh ay se kh6ng ciuqc phep vao dan hqp xuong.
3. T~m djch: Dan nh~c ciang le ra c6the choi ciuqc bai nh~c nhung tiel tau cua n6 qua nhanh.
= Tiel tau cua bai hat qua nhanh khien dan nh~c kh6ng the choi ciuqc.
4. T~m djch: Chris n6i voi t6i rang anh ay tung Ia ngh\! si choi organ cua nha tho khi anh ay 30
= Chris n6i voi t6i rang khi anh ay 30 tuoi, anh ay cia lam vi~c nhu m(it nguoi choi aim organ ella
nha tho.
5. T9m d!ch: T6i kh6ng biet loi ctla bai hat nhung t6i c6 the ngan nga n6 cho b9n nghe.
= T6i c6 the ngan nga bai hat cho b9n nghe du toi kh6ng biet loi ella bai Mt ci6.

Trang 181
Exerdse 1,
11, sour I 2, vegetarian I 3, seasoning I 4, grilled I 5, microwave
1, T~m djch: Sinh to qua chua nen toi da them m(>t chut m$t ong,
2, T~m d!ch: Ke tCr khi toi an chay, toi da lo~i b6 dugc rat nhieu chat beo,
3, T~m djch: Phoebe dieu chinh gia vi de phu hgp v6i khau vi ctla chong,
4, T~m djch: Toi thfch nu6ng thjt xong kh6i hon Ia chien,
5, T~m djch: Co ay ham n6ng mi Y con s6t l~i tCr dem qua trong Ia vi song,
Exercise 2,

1. strong: m~nh, dam >< mild: dju, khong gat

T~m djch: Do an An D9 thuong c6 vi d$m vi nguoi An D(> c6 xu huang stl' dvng nhieu gia vi khi
nau an,
2. bitter: dang >< sweet: ng<;>t
T~m djch: M(>t so du khach nu6c ngoai thay ca phe Vi$t Nam qua dang so v6i khau vi ctla h<;>,
Exercise 3.
1. Stl'a being --> to be
T~m djch: Yen m~ch dugc chli'ng minh Ia tot cho sli'c kh6e vi n6 giup giam lugng duong trong
2. Stl'a toasted --> toast
T~m djch: M~ toi chuan bj m(>t Iat banh mi nu6ng, giam bong va trli'ng trang cho b(fa sang hom
3. Stl'a Eat--> Eating
T~m djch: An rau chan vjt c6 the c6 lgi cho mat va giup ngan ngCra ung thu,
4. Stl'a to __, for
T9m djch: Toi da dugc t§ng m(>t phieu mua hang d8 dung m(>t b(fa an t1f ch<;>n t9i nha hang cao
cap vao cuoi tuan nay,
5. Stl'a add __, be added
T~m djch: Nen bo sung cac lo9i rau nhu bong cai xanh va cai ng<;>t vao b(fa an hang ngay,
Exercise 4.
1. Chicken roasting is one of my favorite dishes.
T~m djch: Ga quay Ia m(>t trong nhO'ng m6n an yeu thfch ctla toi.
2. Water boils at 100 Celsius degrees.
Tam djch: Nu6c soi 6100 d(> C.
3. She enjoys the chewy texture of shiitake mushrooms.
T~m djch: Co ay thfch ket cau dai ctla nam dong co.
4. Pork is the most popular type of meat consumed in Vietnam.
T~m djch: Thjt lgn Ia loai thjt dugc tieu thu pho bien nhat 6 Vi$t Nam.
5. He pours too much water into the jug that it overflows,
Tam djch: Anh ta do qua nhieu nu6c vao binh den noi n6 bj tran.
Exercise 5.

1. can't have v,,: dung dien dat dieu gi d6 chac chan khong xay ra trong qua kht:r.
T9m djch: TCr ve mat cua b9n, toi chac rang day Ia l'an dau lien b9n an m6n An DQ.

Trang 182
= B~n chac han chlia tlJ'ng thu do an AnD(> baa gio, toi c6 the thay dli<;IC dieu d6 tlr bieu cam
tren khuon m!it cua b~n.
2. T~m djch: M(>t so nha hang c6 khung dmh d~p tfnh gia rat cao ngay ca khi do an h9 phvc vv
khong ngon.
= Cho du thuc an h9 phvc vv c6 ngon hay khong, an uong t~i cac nha hang c6 khung canh d~p
thtiong dat d6.
3. T~m djch: Nhilng nguy co cua vi$c an thjt con 16'n hon rat nhieu so v6'i nhilng lqi fch ve sue
kh6e cua vi$c d6.
= An thjt c6 the tang Cl!b'ng sue kh6e thea m9t so each, nhling l~i gay h~i cho sue kh6e ve
nhieu m!it.
4. T~m djch: C6 ay kh6ng baa gio an banh trlJ' khi mlJ'ng sinh nh~t cua mlnh.
= Dip duy nhat ma co ay an banh Ia vao ngay sinh nh~t cua chfnh mlnh.
5. T~m djch: An qua nhieu do ng9t d~n den beo phl trlJ' khi nang ltiqng n~p vao dtiqc su dvng
= Neu m9t ngtioi an qua nhi'eu do ngQt nhling kh6ng tieu thv het nang lli<;tng dtiqc cung cap,
nglib'i d6 se tro nen beo phl.

Exercise 1.
\1. breathalyzer I 2. hit and run I 3. scooter I 4. traffic jam I 5. license suspension
1. T~m djch: Canh sat giao thong su dvng may do hoi tho de danh gia nang d(> con trong mau
cua tai xe.
2. T~m djch: Co ay da bj bui)c ti)i gay tai n<tn va b6 ch<tY tren cao toe.
3. T~m djch: Co a'y thfch so hilu mi)t chiec xe tay ga hon Ia m9t chiec xe so.
4. T<tm djch: Chfnh phu cac nti6'c da va dang co gang dtia ra nhilng each hi$u qua nhat de giai
quyet tlnh tr<tng tac dtiong.
5. T<tm d!ch: Vi$c t<tm giil giay phep c6 the ngan can nhilng ngtioi vi ph~m lai xe.
Exercise 2.

1. awareness: nh~n thlfc

alertness: canh giac
T<tm djch: Giao dvc lai xe c6 the nang cao dang ke nh~n thlfc ve an toan dlib'ng b9.
2. Travel = commute: di l<ti
T~m djch: M9i ngtib'i dtiqc khuyen khfch h!a ch9n phtiong ti$n giao thong cong ci)ng dedi l<ti.
Exercise 3.

1. cancellation: huy b6 >< allowance: cho phep

congestion: tac nghen contraction: Slf co b6p retirement: nghi vi$c
T<tm djch: Vi$c huy b61u~t cam lai xe khi uong rtiqu bia m6'i da lam gia tang so vv va ch<tm.
2. light thtia that>< heavy: dong due
T~m djch: Chlia m9t ngay naoma do thi nay chlfng kien tlnh tr<tng giao thong thtia that.
Exercise 4.
13. c js. c
1. Sua with -. by
T~m djch: Ngtioi di b9 bang qua nga tli va bat ngo bi oto tong.
2. Sua pull down: pha huy __,pull over: tap vilO (hoijc pull in)

Trang 183
Tem dich: Joana tiip ve le dtrimg de mua m 0tly ca phe.
3. SLra of _, from
Tem d[ch: Mot rao chan da dtrqc dlfng len cte ngan m 0 i ngtroi roi vao cai 6 ga khong lo do.
4. Slra lucky_, unlucky
Tem djch: Do Ia m 0t ngay kem may man v6i anh ay khi v(ra bi X\!P lop vlJ'a bi hong phanh tay.
5. SLra in -> on
Tem dich: Chung toi nhin ban do cua minh de tim ga tau dien ngam gan nhat.
Exercise 5.
1. Tom has been fined for speeding twice a week.
T9m dich: Tom da bi phet vi chay qua toe d 0 hai llln mot tuan.
2. It seems like signposts at that T-junction are directing us to the wrong way.
Tem djch: Cove nhtr bien chi dan 6 nga ba do dang htr6ng chung ta di sai dtrong.
3. People can drive from Hanoi to Haiphong in just an hour thanks to the excellent highways.
Tem dich: Moi ngtroi co the lai xe tlJ' Ha N()i den Hai Phong chi trong m()t gio nho cac tuyen
dtrong cao toe tuy$t viii.
4. They dropped the hitchhiker off near the railway station.
Tem djch: Ho cho ngtroi qua giang xuong gan nha ga.
5. They reached a dead end and couldn't find a way out.
Tem d[ch: Ho da di vao ng6 c~t va kh6ng tim thay loi ra.
Exercise 6.
I 2. A I 3. B
1. cau dieu kien loei 2 dien ta dieu kh6ng co th~t 6 hien t(li.
Cau true: If+ S + V-ed, S +would I could I should + V
Tam dich: Vi Ia ngay Thl1 Sau den toi nen tat ca cac bili d~u xe gan trung tam mua sam deu kfn
2. Tem dich: Tieng xe o to bam coi giO'a luc k\!t xe th~t Ia kho ch[u.
3. Tem djch: Khach du ljch co the thue thuyen buom de thtr6ng ngo<;m khung canh tuy$1 d(!p cua
khung gio vang.
4. Tem djch: Tili xe taxi ph6t Ia bien baa d(rng lei nen vi$c xay ra tai n;;m Ia chuy$n dtrong nhien.
= Boi vi tai xe khong chu y t6i bien baa dLJ'ng lei nen khong co gi ngec nhien khi anh ta gay ra tai
5. Tem dich: ChUng toi da tranh dtrqc tai n9n v6i xe khach nho vao vi$c thanh c6ng dlJ'ng xe lei
m()t each nhanh chong.
= Neu chung toi kh6ng dlJ'ng lei nhanh chong, chung toi se xay ra tai nen v6i xe khach. (ciiu c'lieu
ki$n loei 3 dien ta dieu kh6ng the xay ra trong qua khlr)


Exercise 1.
1· 1. racism I 2. ethnic minority I 3. unity I 4. heritage I 5. ceremony~
1. Tem dich: Chfnh phu hua se tiep t~c cu()c chien chong lei phan biet chung t(>c.
2. Tem d[ch: Mot so ltrqng Ion cac dan t 0c thieu so 6' Viet Nam dong gop vao slf phong phU, da
dang van hoa cua diit ntr6c.
3. Tem dich: Hoc ljch slJ' giup truyen tal cho tre em tinh than yeu ntr6c va tinh than doan ket.
4. Tem d[ch: Chfnh phu cua chung toi da danh m()t ltrqng lon chi lieu cong de baa ton cac di san
l[ch sLr.
5. Tem dich: Nhfeu ngtroi thfch to chuc le ctr6i thea ton giao.

Trang 184

Exercise 2.
11. B I 2. B
1. inheritance = legacy: di san, thlla ke
T?m djch: 6ng ctla co de l?i cho co m(\t di san nh6 sau khi ong qua doi.
2. conduct= manner: each ctr xu
T?m djch: Trong m(\t so xa h(\i, gay on ilo trong khi an dtrqc coi Ia each ctr xu bat ljch Sl/.
Exercise 3.
IZ.A 13. A I 5. B
1. Sua buttress __, buttresses
T<tm djch: Nhil tho dtrqc xay dlfng theo kien true Gothic thai trung co v6i trlin nhil vii cac tr~ op
ttrong cao.
2. Sua with __, to
T<tm djch: Ly do t<ti sao mQi ngtroi thich nghi v6i cac chuan mlfc xa h(\i Ia hQ c6 the cam nh~n
dtrqc Sl/ hba nh~p.
3. Sua among __, of
T<tm djch: M(\t trong nhiing nghi IE\ noi tieng nhat 6 Phlin Lan Ia ngam minh trong ho sau khi
xong hoi ntr6c n6ng.
4. Sua members__, member's (members')
T?m djch: Ngtroi Anh to chuc sinh nh~t cac thilnh vien Hoang gia bang m(\t buoi le duy~t binh
vii diE\u hilnh.
5. Sua indigent__, indigenous
T?m djch: Dl! an ho trq bao ton van h6a bim dia vii truyen thong thong qua quy di san van h6a.
Exercise 4.
1. Ancient Greek civilization has always been a great source of inspiration for artists.
T<tm djch: Nen van minh Hy L<tP co d<ti luon Ia nguon cam hung bat t~n cho cac ngh~ sT.
2. There can be very different variants of folklores across cultures.
T<;~m djch: Truy~n dan gian c6 the c6 nhiing bien the rat khac nhau giiia cac nen van h6a.
3. Scottish men's traditional costume is highland dresses.
T<;~m djch: Trang ph~c truyen thong ctla nam gi6i Scotland Ia vay.
4. The tradition to get rid of personal belongings of the dead prevails among various societies.
T?m djch: Truyen thong vtl1 b6 do d<;~c ca nhan ctla ngtroi chet pho bien trong nhieu xa h(\i khac
5. During the wars, many Vietnamese soldiers committed self-sacrifice in order to save others.
T?m djch: Trong chien tranh, nhieu chien sT Vi~t Nam da hy sinh quen minh de cuu ngtroi khac.
Exercise 5.

1. T?m djch: Hang thu cong my ngh~ khong chi Ia san pham thtrong m<;~i mil con phan anh
phong t~c t~p quan cua m(\t quoc gia.
= Hang thtl cong my ngh$ Ia san ph am thtrong m<;~i vii phan anh phong t~c cua m(\t quoc gia.
2. T<;~m djch: m(\t so nen van h6a, tre em c6 nghTa v~ tim hieu ve nguon goc cua minh.
= am(\t SO nen Van h6a, tre em phai hQC Ve nguon goc cua min h.
3. T<;~m djch: Tham quan tba nhilljch su gqi l?i nhiing ky ni$m Ill qua khlr cua hQ.
= Den tham tba nha ljch su d6 khien hQ nh61<;~i nhiing ky ni$m tll qua khu.
4. T<;~m djch: Theo nhtr toi biet, hQ van dang nghien ClrU giai phap cho van de phan bi$1 chung
= Theo nhiing gi toi biet, hQ van chtra tim ra each giai quyet van de phan bi$t chung t(\c.

Trang 185
5. T~m d[ch: Con cai cua h<;> dLrqc d(ly de tuan thea cac phong tuc truyen thong cua gia dinh.
= H<;> d?Y con cai cua minh tuan thea cac phong tuc truyen thong cua gia din h.


Exercise 1.
11. reindeer I 2. taboo I 3. Thanksgiving p. altar I 5. celebrate
1. Tam d[ch: Tre em tin rang neu chung ngoan ngoiin, 6ng gia Noel se bay tren xe tm<;>t do tulin
19c keo vii tha qua xuong ong kh6i cho chung.
2. Tam d[ch: An th[t b6 dLrqc coi Ia dieu cam kY. trong d;;Jo Hindu.
J. T<;~m d[ch: H<;> c6 khoai tay nghien, dLra chua, ga tiiy nLr6ng va xuc xfch nhoi cho Ul T<;~ an.
4. Tam d[ch: Hliu het nha cLra hay co quan 6 Vi~t Nam deu c6 m9t ban tho nh6 de tho cung than
linh va to tien.
5. T<;~m d[ch: cac nen van h6a khac nhau, each m<;>i ngLroi an mung nam m6i cGng khac nhau.
Exercise 2.

1. steep = slanted: doc

extreme: cue flat: phang high: cao
Tam d[ch: Anh ay da danh ph an 16n ky nghi dong cua minh de h<;>c each trLr<;>t tuyet trE>n nhiJng
won nui doc.
2. gravy = sauce: nLr6c xot
juice: nLr6c trai cay seasoning: gia v[ powder: b9t
T<;~m d[ch: Me toi lam m6n ga tay nLr6ng phu day nLr6c xot noi tieng ngon nhat cua ba.
Exercise 3.
12. D
1. all year round: quanh nam >< seasonal: thea mua
annually: himg nam year by year: hang nam frequently: thLrong xuyen
Tam d[ch: Michigan, c6 m(lt th[ tran ten Ia Frankenmuth, noi m<;>i ngLroi to chU"c le Giang sinh
quanh nam.
2. rational: ly trf >< superstitious: me tfn
early: sam theoretical: ly thuyet simple: don gian
Tam d[ch: Anh ay Ia m(lt ngLroi dan 6ng ly trf, khong tin vao dieu sieu nhien.
Exercise 4.
IL1_._B_ _ _ _ 2. A ,I I 3. B 1 5. c
1. Stl-a camping _, camp
Tam d[ch: H<;> dung trai va chat cui de chuan bi cho bo·a an.
2. Stl-a see _, to see
Tam d[ch: NhiJng dlfa tre cua h<;> rat vui khi thay nhfrng bong tuyet bat dau roi !U"tren troi xuong
vi gio day chung c6 the dap ngLroi tuyet.
3. Sua is_, are
Tam d[ch: Banh chLrng va gio lua Ia m6n an truyen thong de cung to tien trong ngay Tet 6 Vi\lt
4. Sua follower_, followers
T~m d[ch: Thien Chua Giao Ia ton giao c6 soiLrqng tfn do 16n nhat tren the gi6i.
5. Sua enjoying _, enjoy
T<;~m d[ch: Nam nay, co den lay Ban Nha dung luc de thLr6ng thlfc khung canh le h(li tuy\jt voi.

Trang 186
Exercise 5.
1. The upcoming film festival will be a real feast for movie geeks.
Tam djch: Liem hoan phim sap t6i se Ia m¢t bfra ti$c thi/C Sl/ cho nhfrng tfn do me phim.
2. She has prepared a bunch of cranberry recipes for this year's Thanksgiving.
Tam dich: Co ay da chuan bi m¢t loat cac cong there nau an c6 nam vi$t quat cho LeTa em.
3. All the presents are carefully wrapped in colorful paper and ribbon.
Tam djch: Tat ca cac m6n qua deu duqc g6i can th(in trong giay va ruy bang nhieu mau sac.
4. They decorated their house with flower wreaths, candles, and boxes of gifts.
Tam dich: Ho trang trf ngoi nha cua minh v6i vong hoa, nen va h¢p quit
5. It is her family tradition to gather the kids around the fireplace and tell them stories.
Tam djch: Truyen thong cua gia dlnh co ay Ia t(ip trung nhO'ng dera tre quanh 16 str6i va ke
chuy$n cho chung nghe.
Exercise 6.
12. D Is. s
1. Tam dich: "Ul h9i Ia m(it khung canh ngoan m~c"- ho n6i.
= Le h(ii dtrqc cho Ia m(it khung canh ngoan m~c.
2. Tam djch: Vl tuyet roi day dijc lam tac nghen dtrong ph6, chung t6i dang len ke hoach to chll'c
m(it buoi t~ t?p nho 6 nha de ky ni$m ky nghi.
= Neu tuyet roi day khong lam Uic nghen duong ph6, chung toi se khong len ke hoach cho m¢t
buoi t~ t?p nho 6 nha de ky ni$m ngay lit
3. Tam dich: John khong the nghe thay gl ngoai tieng ho va tieng phao giay.
= John khong the nghe thay gl ngoai trer tieng ho va tieng phao giay.
4. Tam djch: Da so m 0 i ngtroi xem Giang sinh Ia m(it ngay le hon Ia m9tsv ki$n ton giao.
= Hliu het m 0 i ngtroi deu coi Giang sinh Ia m9t ngay le hon Ia m(it ki~n ton giao.
5. Tam dich: Ho da djnh di nghi 6 Da Nang va da dijt xong ve may bay roi.
= Ho da len ke hoach ve ky nghi 6 Da Nang va th(im chf con sap xep xong chuyen bay roi.


Exercise 1.
11. edit I 2. paparazzi I 3. influencers I 4. brand I 5. user-friendly
1. Tam dich: Anh ay da danh hang gio de chinh sua bai baa trtr6c khi c6 the xuat ban n6.
2. Tam dich: Baldwin bi nhO'ng tay san anh lam phien den mere bat dau noi cau.
3. Tam djch: Ngay nay, nhfrng ngtroi c6 sere anh htr6ng c6 tac d¢ng rat 16n den quyet djnh mua
hang cua nhfrng ngtroi theo d6i ho.
4. Tam dich: Quang cao duqc cherng minh Ia m(it each eve ky hi$u qua de tang d(i nh?n di$n
thtrong hi$u.
5. Tam dich: M~c tieu cua ho Ia lam cho giao di~n ella trang web m6i than thi$n hon v6i ngtroi
Exercise 2.

1. short = brief: tom tat

temporary: tam thai sharp: sac net quick: nhanh
Tam djch: Gong ty da dtra ra tuyen bo ngan g0 n nhtrng thuyet ph~c v6i bao chf ve be b6i gan
day cua hQ.
2. latest= up-to-date: m6i nhat
old: cO futuristic: ttrong lai fashionable: thai thtrqng

Trang 187
Tem d!ch: Anh ay c$p nh$t nhiJng tin tt:rc c6ng nghi) m6i nhat bang each dang ky t?p chi dtrqc
phat himh hai tuan m<?t ian.
Exercise 3.
[1. D __ _j~A_··_____ ::::J
1. non-profit: phi lqi nhu$n >< commercial: thtrong m?i
successful: thanh c6ng productive: hii)u qua worthless: kh6ng c6 gia tr!
Tam d!ch: Bao phi lqi nhu$n dang tr€m da phat trien khi d<)c gia dan mat niem tin vi10 cac nguon
tin tU'c truyen thong.
2. privacy: Slf rieng ttr >< publicity: Slf cong khai
T?m d!ch: Co ay phim nim rang loP chi da xiim ph 0 m quyen rieng ttr cua m1nh bang each in cac
bU'c anh.
Exercise 4.
1. SLra dominating _,to dominate.
Cau true likely+ to V: c6 the
T<;~m d!ch: TikTok Ia nen tang xa h9i dtrqc nhac den nhieu nhat gan day va rat c6 these thong tr!
th! trtrong.
2. St1a distorting _, distorted: Rut g 0 n mi)nh de quan hi) d 0 ng bi d<)ng
Tam d!ch: Cau chuyi)n bi b6p meo boi bao Ia cai v6 hmng tam dang gay ra Slf hieu lam 16n.
3. St1a of--> with.
Cau true obsessed with + N: b! am anh bai
Tam d!ch: Mat trai cua m<;~ng xa h(li Ia khien mQi ngtroi bi am anh boi Slf hoan hao cua ban than.
4. St1a uploading __, uploaded
Tam d[ch: Vlog m6i tai len cua c6 ay da bi loi kiem duyi)t vi vi ph~m ciieu khoan d!ch v~ cua
You Tube.
5. Sil'a private --> privacy
Tam d!ch: Nhieu ngtroi dung m(lng xa h(ii da baa cao rang cac nen tang nay dang xam ph?m
quyen rieng ttr cua hQ.
Exercise 5.
1. Exposure to unwanted violent and sexual content leaves a long-term negative effect on
youngster's well-being.
T;;un d!ch: Vii)c tiiip xuc v6i n(li dung bao life va khieu dam khong mong muon de l~i tac d(lng
tieU ClfC lau dai aen SlrC khoe CUa tre.
2. The advertisement is believed to promote harmful gender stereotypes.
Tam d!ch: Quang cao dtrQ'c cho Ia nham thuc day cac ainh kiiin gi6i d(lc h~i.
3. They revealed a new theme song for their podcast
T<Jm djch: HQ da tiet li) mot bai hat chu de mai cho podcast cua hQ.
4. Being a celebrity allows her to enjoy all luxuries of life.
Tem d!ch: La m(lt ngtroi n6i tieng cho phep c6 tan htr6ng m9i thU' xa hoa trong cu(lc song.
5. Mass media can be an effective channel to enhance public engagement
T(lm d!ch: Truyen thong d;ei chung co the Ia phtrong tien hii)u qua de tang cuong slf quan tam
cua c6ng chung.

Exercise 1 _
r·~-------------r--~--~~--....--------c-- --,-c,----..
·-~--------,--- · -,
i_1_cu_r_re_n~~---J~~-it_c_hh_i~~--L_~postcard ' "':rn_b_a_ss_y__ _l5 __ ~ccommodati<:_nJ

1. T?m djch: Thong thliong chuyen doi trent~ tmac khi di du ljch dong nghTa voi nh~n d119'c mi)t
ty gia hoi doai ft lqi nhu~n hon.
2. T?m djch: Ho cia danh 2 tuan di nho xe khap Pennsylvania.
3. T?m djch: Nick cia glii cho bo m<;> mi)t vai ti(m b11u thiep tlr tuan triing m~t cua anh ay.
4. T?m djch: C6 cia lien l?c voi d?i sll' quan de gia h?n visa du ljch.
5. T?m djch: Ho cia dat m9t g6i du ljch baa gom cac chuyen bay, cho 6 va bfra an.
Exercise 2.
j2. B
1. border; boundary: bien gioi
edge: qmh sideline: canh door: ella
T?m djch: Hai quoc gia c6 chung d11ong bien gi6'i.
2. picturesque; attractive: dep, thu hut
pleasant: de chju colorful: sac so vivid: song d(lng
T?m djch: C6 mi)t lo?t cac diem den tuy~t dep khi aen thiim London.
Exercise 3.
J2. c
1. delay: tri hoan >< continuance: tiep t~c
rush: vi)i vang beginning: bat dau
T?m d!ch: Do chuyen bay b! hoan nen coda phai cho dqi suot 6 tiEing dong ho.
2. boarded: len >< land: dap xuong oat
T?m d!ch: T6i lay ve ra tmac khi len may bay.
Exercise 4.
J2. B J3. D J4.C js. A
1. good -> goods: himg h6a
T?m d!ch: Khach hang c6 the mua hang mien thue t?i san bay.
2. Slia on _, in. check in: nh~n phong
T?m djch: Lily vii b(m be nh~n phong khach S?n tr116'c khi aen tham baa timg Louvre.
3. Slia tradition_, traditions
T?m djch: Du ljch giup m 0 i ng11oi m6 mang kien thtl'c ve phong t~c vii truyen thong d!a ph11ong.
4. Slia flights -> flight
T?m djch: Thai gian khoi hanh cua chuyen bay den Thanh pho Ho Chf Minh Ia 8 gio sang.
5. Stra passenger -> passengers
T?m djch: Mi)t so hanh khach cho rang c6 the chiec phil dang di sai h11ong.
Exercise 5.
1. Paris is the capital city of France.
T?m djch: Paris Ia thanh pho thu 66 cua Phap.
2. People can travel to faraway places by aeroplane.
T?m djch: Moi nglioi c6 the di du ljch den nhfrng noi xa bang may bay.
3. The Covid-1 9 pandemic has devastated the airline industry.
T?m djch: fl?i d!ch Covid-19 cia tan pha nganh hang kh6ng.
4. Backpacking is a popular trend for travelling among young generations.
T?m d!ch: Du ljch b~i/phliQ't Ia mi)t xu h11ang di du ljch pho bien ctla the he tre.
5. Andy needs new luggage for his trip to Thailand this week.
T?m d!ch: Andy can m(lt chiec va li moi cho chuyen di c!Ein Thai Lan trong tuan nay.
Exercise 6.
11. A j2. B Is. s
Trang 189
1. in order to = so as to: de
T0 m dich: Anh ta bat taxi de den ga xe ltl'a dung gio.
2. T0 m djch: Du hoc m()t oat mr6c khac maranhieu CCI hQi cho sinh vien.
= Nhieu cO h()i dtrQ'C mara a
cho sinh vien khi du hoc m()t quoc gia khac.
3. Tom djch: Nha nghi da het phong nhtrng c~p d6i da oat trtrac khi den d6.
= Nha nghi a a het phong, tuy nhien c§p d6i aa dat phong trtr6c khi den d6.
4. T0m djch: Moi ngtroi n6i rang sach htr6ng dan/cam nang dang tra nen loi thoi trong thoi d<!i
ky thu$t so nay vi Internet da Ia m()t nguon thong tin du ljch tuyi)t voi.
= Sach htr6ng dan dtrQ'c cho Ia dang tr6 nen loi thoi trong thoi a 0 i ky thu$t so nay vi Internet ail
Ia m<?t nguon thong tin du ljch tuyi)t voi.
5. T<)m djch: M()t so quoc gia yeu diu khach du ljch phai tiem phi>ng trtr6c khi nh$p canh trong
khi cac quoc gia khac thi kh6ng.
= Khach du ljch kh6ng clin phai xac nh$n a a tiem vacxin khi nh$p cimh vao m()t so quoc gia
nhtrng cac quoc gia khac co the yeu cliu aieu nay.


Exercise 1.
r1. telescope I 2. cycle I 3. Mars
I 4. oxygen 1 5. satellite---~
1. T<)m djch: Cac hanh tinh khong Ia nhtr Sao M()c, Sao H6a, Sao Tho, Sao Kim vii Sao Thuy c6
the dtrqc quan sat bang kinh thien van.
2. T<)m djch: Trai flat ket thtlc quy ao;10 hinh elip quanh m§t troi trong chu ky 365 ngay.
3. Tam djch: Elon Musk c6 tham v0 ng <itra con ngtroi len sao H6a.
4. T9m djch: Cac phi hanh gia phai stl'dung thiet bi d§c bii)t aethotrong kh6ng gian vl mtl'c oxy
6 a6 qua thap.
5. T9m djch: Phai ton den hang tram trii)u 66 Ia de c6 the ph6ng m()t vf) tinh.
Exercise 2.

1. viewable = visible: c6 the nhin thay dtrQ'c

bold: d$m definite: xac djnh certain: chile chan
T<;~m d!ch: Moi ngtroi to mo muon biet thtl' gl tren Trai flat co the nhin thay ttr ngoai kh6ng gian.
2. research = experiment: nghien ctl'u
procedure: thu tuc assignment: gan attempt: no h,rc
T0 m djch: Nghien ctl'u <itrqc thlfc hii)n trong kh6ng gian baa gam nhieu ITnh VlfC khac nhau nhtr
sinh h0 c, v$t ly, thien van h 0 c, v.v.
Exercise 3.
[1_._D_·-::__-::__-::__-::_-::_"'12=-.C 14. c 1 5. s
1. SLia maintain _, maintains
Tom djch: Mac du cac nha khoa hoc da danh nhieu nam ae nghien ctl'u slf song tren cac hanh
tinh khac, nhtrng Slf ton t<;~i ella ngtroi ngoai hanh tinh van Ia m()t bi an chtra <ilfQ'c giai aap.
2. SLia anger_, angry
T9m djch: M()t so ngtroi tin rang nh$t thlfc va nguyf)t thlfc xay ra khi cac vi than gi$n dfr vii
chtlng mang l9i tai h0 a va bat h9nh.
3. SLia in-> across
T9m djch: Trong qua khtl', nang dan thu ho9ch mua mimg va cac thuy thu di chuyen tren <i9i
dtrong bang each sll' dung cac chi>m sao.
4. SLia which __, that

Trang 190
T<tm djch: C6 m(>t gia thuyet rang trang tron c6 the anh hllong den himh vi cua d(>ng v~t.
5. Sua describe _, described
T<tm dich: V~t the bay khong xac djnh thllong dm;1c mota Ia tau vO tn,t hlnh dTa va dllqc baa
quanh b6i anh sang xanh l~c.
Exercise 4.
1. The age of dinosaurs ended when asteroids hit the Earth.
Tam djch: Thai d<ti khung long cham dlrt khi cac tieu hanh tinh va vao Trai flat.
2. Neptune, Uranus and Pluto are among the outermost planets in the solar system.
T<tm djch: Sao Hai Vllong, Sao Thien VLIOng vii Sao Diem Vllong nam trong so nhfrng hanh tinh
ngoai cling trong h$ m~t troi.
3. The Earth is divided into two similar halves called northern and southern hemispheres.
T<tm dich: Trai flat dllqc chi a thilnh hai nCra giong nhau, dllqc gQi Ia ban cau bac va ban cau
4. Comets are often known to be a sign of bad luck in many cultures.
T<tm dich: Sao choi thllong dllqc biet den Ia m(>t dau hieu cua nhfrng dieu khong may man trong
nhieu nen van h6a.
5. NASA give people access to their stock of hundreds of stunning ring images.
T<tm dich: NASA cho phep mQi nglloi truy c~p vao file c6 chua hang tram buc anh ch~p vanh dai
quanh hanh tinh tuy$t d~p cua hQ.
Exercise 5.
12.A I 3. D
1. T<tm djch: Nho thanh cong cua Neil Armstrong, con nglloi da c6 m(>t bll<'tc nhay vQt trong
kham pha kh6ng gian.
= Neu Neil Armstrong khong thanh cong, con nglloi da khong c6 m(>t blloc nhay vQt trong kham
pha khong gian.
2. T<tm dich: T<ti NASA, cac thlfc t~p sinh phai Vllqt qua cac bai kiem tra chuyen sau trlloc khi
tr6 thanh phi hanh gia.
= T9i NASA, cac hQc vi en phai dllqc kiem tra chuyen sau de tr6 thanh phi hanh gia.
3. T9m djch: M(>t so nglloi tin rang nglloi ngoai hanh tinh den tCr m(>t nen van minh tien tien hon
va hQ thong minh hon con nglloi.
= Nglloi ngoai hanh tinh dllqc cho Ia den tCr m(>t nen van minh tien tien hon va thong minh hon
con nglloi.
4. T<tm djch: Kh6ng dang de tim kiem Sll song tren cac himh tinh khac.
= lim kiem Slf song tren cac hanh tinh khac khong mang l9i lqi ich gl.
5. T9m djch: Thea baa cao, m~t trang se bi che khuat hoan toan vao ltlc 12 gio 10 phtlt.
= M~t trang dllqc baa cao Ia hoan toan bi che khuat ltlc 12 gio 1 o phtlt.


Exercise 1.
11. invention I 2. radiation I 3. power outage I 4. install I 5. charcoal
1. T<tm djch: Phat minh bong dim cua Thomas Edision da thay doi cu(>c song cua chtlng Ia.
2. Tam djch: Nhieu nam sau v~ no hot nhan, muc d9 ph6ng x<t6 khu vlfc d6 van 6 muc cao.
3. Tam djch: Khu VlfC bi set danh vii nglloi dan 6 d6 bj mat dien 1 gio dong ho.
4. T<tm d ch: C6 ay dang hQC each lilp d~t giam sat nang lllqng l<ti nhil.
5. T 0 m d ch: Rat nhi'eu nganh cong nghieP san xuat su d~ng than cui va go lam nhien lieu.

Trang 191
Exercise 2.
1. harmful = detrimental: c6 hai
disadvantageous: bat IQ'i painful: dau d6n evil: xau xa
Tam djch: Nhien lieu h6a thach tac d('>ng tieu ClfC doi v6i Slf n6ng len toan cau va
bien doi khf
2. reduce = cut down on: giam
shorten: rut ngan shrink: co lai disappear: bien mat
Tam dich: M('>t trong nhfrng each de mi)t ngLJbi cilt giam ILJQ'ng khi thai cacbon Ia sll' d~ng dien 6
nha m('>t each tiet ki$m.
Exercise 3.
Ll1_._c_________l_z_.D________~I_3_. A ________LI4_._A_________ll_s._A______~
1. SLI'a Developments-> Development
Vi Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Ia mi)t danh tLr rieng.
Tam dich: Cac nguon nang ILrqng tai tao dong vai tro quan tr 0 ng trong "M~c tieu Phat trien Ben
2. SLI'a for --. of.
Cause for: gay ra, dan den, v6i cause Ia di)ng tLr; cause of: nguyen nhiin, v6i cause Ia danh tlr.
Tam djch: Di)ng da·t va song than Ia nguyen nhiin chfnh gay ra tham hoa dien h<et nhiin
3. 86 of. Vi most of+ danh tLr xac din h.
Tam dich: Ngay nay hau het cac loai xe dien deu chaY bang pin.
4. SLI'a considering_, considered. Chuyen thimh passive.
Tam djch: C6i xay gi6 dLJQ'c coi Ia m('>t dang nang luqng ben vfrng vi chung kh6ng lam hong
canh quan.
5. SLI'a least-> most
Tam dich: cac vi du pho bien nhat ve nang ILJQ'ng tai tao Ia nang luqng m~t trai, nang luqng gi6,
di$n dja nhi$t, thuy dien va
sinh khoi.
Exercise 4.
1. Biogas power can be a more environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuels.
Tam djch: Nang luqng khf sinh hQc c6 the Ia m('>t giai phap thay the than thi$n v6i m6i truang
hon cho nhien lieu h6a thech.
2. Non-renewable energy sources such as crude oil or petrol cannot be produced once they are
Tern djch: Cac nguon nang luqng kh6ng thetai tao nhLJ dau tho ho$c xang kh6ng the dLJqc san
xu at rni)t khi chung da duqc lieu thv.
3. He replaces all tradit'1onal appliances at his house by energy saving ones.
Tam djch: Anh ay thay the tat ca cac thiet bj truyen thong trong nha bang nhfrng thiet bi tiel
ki$rn nang luqng.
4. The world's largest coal rnine is located in the US.
Tam djch: M6 than 16'n nhat the gi6i nam 6 My.
5. Power plants are usually built in remote suburbs.
Tern djch: Cac nha may dii\n thLrimg duqc xay dlfng 6 cac vung ngoai 6 xa x6i.
Exercise 5.
1. B D A c A
1. T<un dich: Thuy dii\n c6 the dLJqc t;eo ra tLJ' ca thac nhan tao va thac nLJ6c \If nhien.
Trang 1 92
= Thtly <ii~n c6 the auqc t<;~o ra khong chi tlJ' cac thac nuac nhan t<;~o ma con tlJ' cac thac nuac
11! nhien.
2. T<;~m djch: Tre em nen auqc d<;~y each giam thieu, tai su d~ng va tai che.
3. T<;~m djch: D(>ng co <iot trong Ia lo<;~i <i(>ng co nhi~t auqc su d~ng r(>ng rili nhat.
= Kh6ng c6 lo<;~i <i(>ng co nhi~t nao auqc su d~ng r(>ng rili hon <i(>ng co dot trong.
4. in case+ of: phong truong hqp
T<;~m djch: Cac b~nh vi~n lu6n chuan bj may phat <ii~n phong truong hqp mat <ii~n.
5. T<;~m djch: Can chu tr 0 ng hon viw vi~c phat trien cac nguon nang luqng thay the nhu gi6, nang
luqng m~t troi va thtly trieu.
= Moi nguoi nen chu tr 0 ng hon vi~c phat trien cac nguon nang luqng thay the nhu gi6, nang
luqng m~t troi, thtly trieu.


Exercise 1.
11. psychology I 2. upgraded I 3. vertical I 4. switch I 5. trait
1. T<;~m djch: Tam ly hoc Ia nghien cuu khoa hoc ve each thuc ho<;~t <i(>ng ctla tam trf va each n6
anh huang aen hanh vi ctla chung ta.
2. T<;~m djch: May tfnh ctla toi chua auqc nang cap len Window 11.
3. T<;~m djch: Video d 0 c hi~n Ia ajnh d<;~ng xu huang nhat tren cac nen tang xil h(>i.
4. T<;~m d!ch: B<;~n c6 the b~t a en bang each b~t cong tile abuc tuang ben trai.
5. T<;~m djch: Tinh tr<;~ng ctla m(>t sinh v~t auqc xac ajnh boi cac gen va chju anh huang ctla moi
Exercise 2.

1. invent: phat minh >< destroy: pha htly

ignore: ph6't lo fail: that b<;~i lose: <ianh mat
T<;~m djch: Alexander Graham Bell auqc biet aen Ia nguoi ail phat minh ra <ii~n tho<;~i.
2. software: phan mem >< hardware: phan cung
file: t~p tin system: h~ thong program: chuang trlnh
T<;~m djch: Internet Browser hi~n nay Ia m(>t phan mem thiet yeu cho may tfnh.
Exercise 3.
I5 B
1. Sua manufacturer--> manufacturers
T<;~m djch: Sony Ia m(>t trong nhfrng nha san xuat may anh ky thu~t solon nhat tren the gioi.
2. Sua place__, placed
T<;~m djch: M<;~ng c~c b(> (LAN) Ia m(>t nh6m cac thiet bj ket noi voi nhau va auqc <i~t 6 cung m(>t
vj trf.
3. Sua attracted --> attracting
T<;~m djch: Cac chuang trlnh c6ng ngh~ ctla truong <i<;~i hoc dang thu hut cac nhil <iau tu tiem
4. Sua have __, has
T<;~m djch: Anh w ch~p ctla anh ay voi Tong thong Obama ail bat ngo ian truyen tren internet.
5. Sua automate--> automated
T<;~m djch: Nha may hoan toan (If <i(>ng voi tat ca
cac quy trlnh duqc v~n hanh bang may tfnh
di'eu khien.

Trang 193
Exercise 4.
1. No machine can completely replace humans at work that requires creativity and empathy.
T(lm djch: Khong m(>t co may nao c6 the thay the hoim toan con ngU'oi trong cong vi~c aoi hoi
S\1' sang t<;IO va dong cam.
2. These pills are supposed to stimulate hair growth.
T(lm djch: Nhung vien thuoc nay aU'qc cho Ia c6 tac dung kich thich m9c t6c.
3. Drivers are not allowed to use handheld electronic devices while driving.
T9m d!ch: NgU'oi lai xe khong aU'qc phep su dung thiet bi di~n tu dim tay khi lai xe.
4. We have only explored a small part of the ocean.
Tam d!ch: Chung toi mcri chi kham pha m(>t phan nho cua dai dU'ong.
5. Surveillance cameras should be used in certain public places for security reasons.
Tam djch: Camera giam sat nen dU'qc su dung 6 nhfrng noi c6ng c(>ng nhat d!nh vlly do an ninh.
Exercise 5.

1. Tam d!ch: Khong c6 bang chtl'ng nao cho thay vi rut SARS-CoV-2 tren thvc ph am c6 the lay
nhiem sang ngU'oi.
= Virus SARS-CoV-2 tren th\fc pham chU'a dU'qc chtl'ng minh Ia c6 the lay nhiem sang ngU'oi.
2. Tam d!ch: Alexander Fleming Ia ngU'oi dau tien phat hi~n ra penicillin.
= Kh6ng ai phat hi~n ra penicillin trU'6c Alexander Fleming.
3. Tam d!ch: Ban phim khong day dang dan thay the ban phim truyen thong.
= Ban phim truyen thong dang dan bi thay the b6i ban phim khong day.
4. Tam djch: Cac ong kinh may anh m6i dU'qc quang cao Ia c6 co che lay net d~c bi~t.
5. Tam d!ch: Do SU' tien bi) trong ky thu§t y h9c, nhieu ngU'oi da aU'qc ctl'u song.
= Nho S\1' phat trien cua ky thu§t y hQC, nhieu ngU'oi da OU'<;>"C ClrU song.


Exercise 1.
11. vision I 2. attendance I 3. role
I 4. male-dominated I 5. facilitate
1. Tam djch: Thu M'tng chi a se muc tieu cua ong Ia thu hep khoang each gi6i tinh trong cong
2. T<;~m djch: Cac lop h9c nau an danh cho nam gi6i da c6 SU' gia tang dang ke ve so ngU'oi tham
3. Tam djch: Vai tro gi6i dang mo nhat dan trong cac the h~ tre.
4. Tam d!ch: Cac linh v\fc do nam gi6i thong tr! nhU' xay d\fng hay tai chinh hi~n dang thu hut
ngay cang nhieu lao d(>ng nu.
5. T9m d!ch: Gong ty da nhanh chong tlm each tao dieu ki~n thu§n lqi cho nhan vi en mang thai.
Exercise 2.

1. content = satisfied: hai long

proud: W hila comfortable: thoai mai fulfilled: hoan thimh
Tam d!ch: Blake hili long v6i noi lam vi~c cua mlnh, noi m9i y kien deu dU'qc lang nghe.
2. stereotype = prejudice: djnh kien
bias: thien vi sexism: phan bi~t gi6i tinh mindset: tU' duy
T<;~m djch: Co ay ail VU'qt qua djnh kien cho rang phu nu khong nen lam Vi~c trong linh VIJC cong
Exercise 3.

Trang 194
I 2. D
1. discrimination: phan bi$t ><equality: blnh dang
hatred: thu ghet justice: cong bang prejudice: dinh kien
T~m dich: S\1" phan bi$t doi xLI voi nglloi da den tiep t~c Ia chtl de gay tranh cai sau cai chet ctla
George Floyd.
2. integrate: tfch hqp >< isolate: tach rieng
divorce: ly hbn exit: ra di finish: ket thuc
T~m djch: Co ay khbng the hoa nh~p vao xa hi)i gia tm6ng d6.
Exercise 4.
12.A I5 B
1. SLra for --+ between
T~m djch: Chung ta van thay c6 s!f chenh l$ch gifra lvang ctla nam vil nO".
2. SLia have --+ has
T~m dich: Chfnh phil da to chLic cac buoi dao t~o phu hqp cho ph~ nO" nong thon de h9c cac ky
nang ky thu~t th!fc han h.
3. SLia unequality--+ inequality
T~m dich: S\1" bat blnh dang ngoai doi th!fc con khac nghi$t han nhieu so voi nhfrng gl m9i ngvoi
thay tren bao va TV.
4. SLia over--+ in
T~m dich: Cac chuan m!fc ve gi6"i h~n che vi$c lam ctla nO" gi6"i 6 cac nll6"c phat trien va dang
phat trien.
5. SLia offered --+ offer
T~m dich: Ngvoi sLI d~ng lao di)ng nen ova ra so ngay nghi thai san can bang cho ca nam va
Exercise 5.
1. In the past, men were often considered as the sole breadwinner in a family.
T~m djch: Tnroc day, dan ong thvong dvqc coi Ia tr~ ci)t duy nhat trong gia dlnh.
2. Women's domestic burden is getting heavier in time of coronavirus.
T~m dich: Ganh n~ng ni)i trq ctla ph~ nO" ngay cang n~ng ne han trong thai gian djch Covid.
3. Community attitude towards female leadership in politics has changed significantly in recent
T~m dich: Thai di) ctla ci)ng dong doi voi nha lanh d~o chfnh tri Ia nO" da thay doi dang ke trong
nhfrng nam gan day.
4. It is believed that men have higher financial literacy than women.
T~m dich: Ngvoi ta tin rang nam gioi c6 hieu biet ve tai chfnh han ph~ nO".
5. The school is promoting an individual-oriented environment where everyone can be
T~m djch: Trllong h9c dang gay d!fng mi)t mbi trllong hll6"ng toi ca nhan, nai m9i ngvoi deu c6
the Ia chfnh mlnh.
Exercise 6.
13. A I 5. D
1. T~m djch: Mi)t so bng bo thfch lam vi$c ben ngoai han Ia 6 nha va cham s6c con cai ctla h9.
= Mi)t so bng bo tha di lam thue ben ngoai han Ia 6 nhil cham con.
2. T~m djch: Se hqp ly han khi mota cac cong vii)c ma ca nam va nO" c6 the dam nMn bang cac
thu~t ngO" trung tfnh.

Trang 195
= Se hqp ly han neu m6 ta cac c6ng vii)c do ca nam va nfr dam nh$n bang cac thu~t ngfr trung
3. T<;~m djch: Khach hang ph an nan rang trq ly ao va c6ng nghi) trf tui) nhan t<;~o ung h9 ph an bii)t
gi6'i tfnh ci(jc h<;~i.
= Trq ly ao va c6ng nghi) trf tui) nhan t<;~o cia bj phan nan Ia ung hQ SIJ phan bii)t gi6'i tfnh ci(jc h<;~i.
4. T<;~m djch: Ngay nay, ngay cang c6 nhieu phv nfr lam vii)c trong chfnh phu va do ci6, S1J tham
gia chfnh trj cua ph~ nfr cia tang len dang ke.
= Ngay nay, cang c6 nhieu ph~ nfr lam vii)c trong chfnh phu va do d6, SIJ tham gia chfnh trj cua
phv nfr da tang len dang ke.
5. T<;~m djch: Phv nfr ft cil.fqc nam gifr cac vj trf cap cao quan trQng do quan nii)m rang nam gi6i
Ia nhfrng nhil lanh ci<;~o bam sinh.
= Phv nfr bi h<m che nam gifr cac vj trf cap cao quan trQng do quan nii)m rang nam gi6'i Ia nhfrng
nha lanh ci<;~o bam sinh.

Trang "196

Trang 197
D;;mg bili hoim thimh ciiu tlnrimg kiem tra kien thli'c ngfr phap vii tir v!fllg. Cac eM diem
ngfr philp g!ip Ia:
• Thi cua d(lng tir
• TLJ' loai, cvm d(lng tir, danh d(lng tir va d(lng tLJ' nguyen the, m$nh de quan h$, ...
• Collocations, idioms
• Cau chuc nang giao tiep

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following qu.eslionls.
Question 1. Where are the photos _ _ were taken at the Christmas party?
A. whom B. which C. who D. whose
Question 2. "Have you been able to reach Peter?" - "_ _ ."
A. That's no approval. B. Yes, I've known him for years.
C. No, the line is busy. D. It's much too high.
Question 3. Mathematics and Literature are _ _ subjects in high schools.
A. additional B. optional C. compulsory D. religious
Question 4. The United States has a(n) _ _ of around 250 million.
A. population B. pollution C. application D. territory
Question 5. Learning English is a _ _ for such an intelligent boy like him.
A. cup of coffee B. piece of cake C. piece of cookies D. bar of chocolate
Question 6. My mother only wears Ao Dai _ _ special occasions.
A. at 13. on C. in D. with
Question 7. My house _ _ in 1986.
A. is built B. was building C. was built D. has been built
Question 8. The doctor _ _ told me not to stay up too late at night is my friend's father.
A. whom B. which C. who D. whose
Question 9. His house looks spacious and bright. It is _ _ house.
A. a seven-room B. a seven-rooms C. seven room D. seven rooms
Question 10. If you get up early, you _ _ be late.
A. weren't 13. wouldn't C. aren't D. won't
Question 11. It's very hot today. I wish I _ _ on the beach now.
A. am B. was C. were D. had been
Question 12. When he lived in the city, he _ _ to the theater twice a week.
A. uses to go 13. has gone C. used to go D. was going
Question 13. My father asked us _ _ too much time playing computer games.
A. not to spending B. did not spend
C. not to spend D. to not spend
Question 14. Nobody went to the party, _ _ ?
A. does he B. do they C. didn't they D. did they
Question 15. It is nearly three months _ _ he visited his parents.
A. while B. during C. since D. when
Question 16. Tomorrow we'll go to Noi Bai Airport to meet Maryam, _ _ is our relative from
A. who B. whom C. whose D. that

Trang 198
Question 17. He admitted not _ _ his colleagues well.
A. to treat B. treating C. treat D. to treating
Question 18. Do you know who is _ _ his pottery workshop?
A. bringing out B. taking over C. passing down D. turning down
Question 19. What do you usually have for _ _ breakfast?
A. X B. a C. an D. the
Question 20. I said that I remembered _ _ with him in a handicraft village, but he said I was
A. to working B. working C. to work D. work
Question 21. _ _ I was talking to my teacher, my friends were waiting outside the room.
A. While B. Although C. So that D. During
Question 22. My grandfather is the _ _ oldest artisan in the village, Nancy's grandfather is
the oldest.
A. first B. most C. second D. only
Question 23. A ___ is a solid figure or object, made by carving or shaping wood, stone, clay,
A. painting B. sculpture C. medal D. picture
Question 24. All food products should carry a list of _ _ on the packet.
A. elements B. materials C. recipes D. ingredients
Question 25. _ _ she is young, she's the most famous artisan in the village.
A. When B. Although C. Whereas D. Despite
Question 26. Travellers are advised to find an alternative _ _ during road repairs.
A. field B. direction C. route D. itinerary
Question 27. Make sure you _ _ a hotel before you come to our island, especially in summer.
A. book B. keep C. put D. buy
Question 28. Computers offer a much greater degree of _ _ in the way work can be
A. flexible B. flexibility C. flexibly D. inflexible
Question 29. Would you mind _ _ the door?
A. open B. to open C. opening D. opened
Question 30. You should give up _ _ or you will die of cancer.
A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. smoked
Question 31. "This roast beef is delicious." - "_ _ ."
A. I'm glad you like it B. No, don't worry
C. I don't, either D. Sure. I'd love to
Question 32. The candidate took a _ _ breath before he walked into the interview room.
A. deep B. deeply C. depth D. deepen
Question 33. Laura is _ _ most intelligent girl I've ever known.
A. 0 B. a C. an D. the
Question 34. The children _ _ their kites in the field when it started to rain.
A. are flying B. will fly C. would fly D. were flying
Question 35. It was so noisy outside that she couldn't concentrate _ _ her work.
A. at B. in C. on D. with
Question 36. "May I help you with your suitcase?"-" _ _."
A. What a shame! B. Me too
C. Yes, please D. You're welcome

Trang 199
Question 37. I _ _ my old school last week.
A. visited B. visit C. am visiting D. have visited
~u<es''"" 38. Travelling to _ _ countries in the world enables me to learn many interesting
A. differ B. difference C. differently D. different
~u<est•on 39. He was offered the job thanks to his _ _ performance during his job interview.
A. impressive B. impressively C. impression D. impress
~u<es••on 40. They _ _ ping pong when their father comes back home.
A. will play B. will be playing C. play D. would play
Question 41. He _ _ us to go out in the sea yesterday as a strong wind ___ .
A. not allow/ blow B. didn't allow/ was blowing
C. don't allow/ were blowing D. doesn't allow/ was blowing
n .. ,,otinn 42. I couldn't cut the grass because the lawn mower _ _ a few days before.
A. broke down B. has broken C. had broken down D. breaks down
Question 43. The building has a smoke detector _ _ any fires can be detected immediately.
A. so that B. if C. such as D. so as to
44. Helen has come _ _ a brilliant idea for losing weight
A. out on B. through for C. across to D. up with
uu,est!Dn 45. During the flood, army helicopters came and tried to evacuate _ _ injured.
A. an B. a C. the D. 0
Question 46. Waste paper can be used again after being _ _.
A. produced B. recycled C. wasted D. preserved
uu<estmn 47. Let's go to the beach this weekend, _ _ ?
A. do we B. shall we C. will we D. don't we
~u<es••o" 48. While I was going to school yesterday, I _ _ him.
A. meet B. met C. will meet D. am meeting
Qu•estion 49. I have been to Ho Chi Minh City _ _ of times.
A. a great deal B. much C. a lot of D. little
""'""''"" 50. _ _ we save, _ _ we can buy a new house.
A. The much money/ the less soon B. More money/ the soon
C. More money/ sooner D. The more money/ the sooner

Trang 200


Nhilng d?ng kien thuc thu&ng giip nllift 6 phiin bai tim IOi sai Ia:
• St! hoa hqp gifra chu ngfr va d(>ng tir
o Cau true song song
o Thl cua d(>ng tir
• M$nh de quan h$, m$nh de tn;mg ngfr
• Tir loai, tir n6i
Khi lam dang Mi mly ci'iniiJIJ y gi?
" Nhin vao ph an gach chan xem da chi a dung thi chtra? C6 hail hqp voi chu ngfr
" Nhln viw ciiu xem cac tir n6i (for, and, or, but, so, ... ) da phu hqp chtra? Neu c6 thl
tiep we xem cac ph an gach chan n6i boi tir n6i da dung cau true chtra? (danh til,
duoi -ing, m$nh de)
" Xem xet cac tir loai da dung chCrc nang chtra? Cac danh tir s6 ft, s6 nhieu, khong
dem dtrqc.

Mark !he letter A, 8, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
Question 1. Each of the members of the group were made to write a report every week.
A. members B. were C. to write D. week
Question 2. If you think carefully before making your decision, you will avoid to get into trouble
A. carefully B. making C. to get D. later
Question 3. They ask me what hapoening the night before, but I was unable to tell them.
A. ask B. what happening C. but D. to tell
Question 4. I often look into new words in the dictionary whenever I don't know their meanings.
A. look into !l. in C. whenever D. their
Question 5. Caroline refused taking the job given to her because the salary was not good.
A. taking B. given C. because D. was
Question 6. Although his family i.§ poor, but he studies very well.
A. is B. but C. studies D. well
Question 7. One of the most popular holiday in the US i.§ Thanksgiving, which is celebrated in
A. the most B. holiday C. is D. in
Question 8. My mother still spends 7 hours a day to do the housework.
A. My B. spends C. a day D. to do
Question 9. The result of thattest must be inform before August.
A. The B. of C. must D. be inform
Question 10. I didn't feel like to go to work this morning because it was raining hard.
A. didn't B. to go C. to work D. raining hard

Trang 201
Question 11. Why don't you congratulate our son about passing his final exam?
A. don't B. about C. passing D. final
Question 12. My parents often take careful of me when I am sick.
A. parents B. careful C. when D. sick
Question 13. Have you ever read any novels writing by Jack London?
A. Have you B. read C. any D. writing
Question 14. The school year starts usually in late August in most parts of the country.
A. starts usually B. in C. parts D. the country
Question 15. Now that I've become Q[Q, I can't read as quick as I used to.
A. Now that B. old C. quick D. used to
Question 16. Peter wishes he wasn't punished for being late for school yesterday.
A. wishes B. wasn't C. being D. for
Question 17. They was told to plan everything very carefully before the journey.
A. was B. everything C. carefully D. journey
Question 18. More than ten students have failed the exam, that surprised the teacher.
A. More than B. have failed C. that D. surprised
Question 19. Because the highway system was built 40 years ago, most of the roads now need
to repair.
A. Because B. was built C. most of D. to repair
Question 20. Sleeping, resting, and to drink fruit juice are the best ways to care for a cold.
A. Sleeping B. to drink C. are D. best ways
Qu•estion 21. If we had more time last week, we would certainly have finished the project on

A. had B. certainly C. the D. on

Oweslion 22. My mother always !J.ill up early to prepare breakfast for everyone in the family.
A. get B. to prepare C. everyone D. family
Question 23. I finished college last year, and I am working here for over eight months now.
A. finished B. am working C. over D. now
Question 24. This concert ill more worse than I expected it to be.
A. This B. is C. more worse D. to be
Qwestion 25. The closer it gets to December 21, the first day of winter, the short the days
A. gets to B. first day C. short D. become
Question 26. After Mrs. Wang had returned to her house from work, she was cooking dinner.
A. had returned B. to her house C. from work D. was cooking
Qwestion 27. Girls are not allowed to go to school on some countries because of gender
A. are B. to go C. on D. of

Trang 202
Question 28. There are probably around 3,000 languages speaking in the world.
A. are B. around C. speaking D. world
Question 29. The wooden fence surrounded the factory is beginning to deteriorate from rain.
A. The wooden B. surrounded C. is beginning D. from rain
Question 30. Every night Sandy sits above the armchair and watches television.
A. night B. above C. and D. watches
Question 31. If I were her, I will quit that job immediately and look for another one.
A. were B. will quit C. immediately D. another one
Question 32. Two out of three people striking by lightning survive.
A. out of B. striking C. lightning D. survive
Question 33. It is normal for students to be nervous when they were preparing for a new school
A. normal B. to be C. they D. were preparing
Question 34. The teacher felt l!lliJiijy when he saw what was happening in the classroom.
A. angrily B. he saw C. was happening D. in the classroom
Question 35. Jupiter, who is the largest planet in our solar system, has more gravity than the
A. who B. our C. more D. the Earth
Question 36. Although the low salary, he agreed to take the job.
A. Although B. the C. agreed D. to take
Question 37. The last person leaving the room must turn off the lights.
A. The last B. leaving C. turn off D. the lights
Question 38. The director wanted to know how long you have been learning English.
A. to know B. how long C. have D. learning
Question 39. The more near the let holiday come, the more exciting the children feel.
A. The more near B. Tel holiday C. the more D. exciting
Question 40. The children were so amusing at the cartoon that they couldn't stop laughing.
A. so B. amusing C. that D. laughing
Question 41. If there §no water, there would be no life on the earth.
A. is B. would be C. on D. the
Question 42. We are looking forward to spend our summer vacation in a foreign country.
A. are 13. spend C. vacation D. in
Question 43. There are so much chickens in the garden that I can't count them_ill[.
A. so much B. chickens C. the D. all
Question 44. Vietnam exports a lot of rice is grown mainly in the south of the country.
A. exports B. is grown C. in the south D. the country
Question 45. The Earth is the only planet with a large number of oxygen in ill; atmosphere.
A. the B. number C. oxygen D. its

Trang 203
Question 46. The lion has long been f! symbol of strength, power and crueL
A. The B. long C. a D. it is cruel
Question 47. Professor Jones said that a good way to improve your language are learning to
practice it frequently.
A. said B. to improve C. are D. to practice
Question 48. The number of people infected with COVID-19 have increased in the past few
A. infected B. have C. in D. few
Question 49. The boy climbed up the tree to get bird's eggs had a bad fall.
A. climbed B. to get C. bird's eggs D. bad
Question 50. The Oxford English Dictionary is well-known for including many different meanings
of words and to give practical examples.
A. The B. well-known C. meanings D. to give

Trang 204
d?ng bili nay, til' Glf<;1C IJ6i thlfifng Si! kiJ6 hem cac til' 6 4 phm:mg an Vii ngfr canh cua
ciiu van sii giUp cac em doan sa nghla cua til' g6c, Do d6 neu kh6ng bUit nghla ella
til g?ch chan, hiiy:
.f Doc th~t ky ngO' canh
.f Doan nghTa cua ciiu
.f Lo9i trif dap an,


Mark the letter A, B, CorD on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions,
Question 1, Heavy rain makes driving on the road very difficult
A, hard B, easy C, interesting D. simple
Question 2, The shoplifter immediately admitted her crime to the security guard.
A, agreed R pleased C, denied 0, confessed
Question 3. School uniform is compulsory in most of Vietnamese schools.
A, depended B. paid C. required D, divided
Question 4, Bill, come and give me a hand with cooking,
A. attempt 8, prepare C, be busy D. help
Question 5, Many scientists agree that global warming poses great threats to all species on
A. cares R hopes C, fears D. risks
Question 6, When being interviewed, you should concentrate on what the interviewer is saying
or asking you.
A, pay attention to B. be related to C, be interested in D. express interest to
Question 7, The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the famous man-made wonders of the world.
A, artificial B, natural C, modern 0, eternal
Question ll. Volunteering offers you a chance to gain experience in the field that you are
interested in.
A, provide 8, obtain C, create D. use
l/U<es'""' 9. He was asked to account for his presence at the scene of crime,
A, complain B. exchange C. explain D, arrange
Question 10. His new work has enjoyed a very good review from critics and readers.
A. viewing B. regard C. opinion D, look
Question 11, You cannot predict the weather with absolute accuracy,
A. foretell B. decide C, prevent D. discover
""'""m 12, He said that his father had cut down on the number of newspapers and
A. reduced 8. increased C, deleted D, raised
Question 13, If the children are ill, we will put off going to France this winter.
A. consider B. continue C, postpone D. display
Question 14, If the weatherman has predicted accurately, tomorrow will be a perfect day for our
A. correctly 8. carefully C, acutely D. originally

Trang 205
Question 15. My wife was so keen on the picture that she paid through her nose for it.
A. paid nothing B. was offered
C. turned a deaf ear D. paid much more than usual
Question 16. The student service centre will try their best to assist students in finding a suitable
part-time job.
A. help B. allow C. make D. employ
Question 17. My cousin tends to look on the bright side in any circumstances.
A. be confident B. be pessimistic C. be smart D. be optimistic
Question 18. When their rent increased from $200 to $400 a month, they protested against such
tremendous increase.
A. light B. huge C. tiring D. difficult
Question 19. Oil is one of the principal sources of energy.
A. most important B. most difficult C. most popular D. most expensive
Question :w. He seems to make the same mistake over and over again.
A. for good B. by the way C. repeatedly D. in vain
Question 21. I'll take the new job whose salary is fantastic.
A. reasonable B. wonderful C. debatable D. unacceptable
Question 22. Mary is planning to tie the knot with her German boyfriend next June.
A. get married B. say goodbye C. get together D. fall in love
Question 23. She was so happy when he got down on bended knee and popoed the question.
A. asked her out B. asked her to be on a date
C. asked her to give him some money D. asked her to marry him
Question 24. In spite of poverty, we managed to raise our children properly.
A. give up 13. go up C. make up D. bring up
Question 25. We can use either verbal or non-verbal forms of communication.
A. posture B. speech C. facial expressions D. gesture
Question 26. She got up late and had to rush to the bus stop.
A. come into B. went leisurely C. dropped by D. went quickly
Question 27. My parents are going to hit the roof if they find out we had a party here.
A. become angry B. become sad C. become worried D. become scared
Question 28. We were very anxious about the result of the exam.
A. careful B. excited C. careless D. worried
Question 29. The sign indicates the correct direction to the store.
A. looks B. shows C. says D. needs
Question 30. I used to meet him occasionally on Fifth Avenue.
A. in one occasion 13. once in a while C. one time D. None is correct
Question 31. Many household pets are neglected and starving because their owners aren't at
A. poor B. wealthy C. hungry D. lucky
Question 32. We've run across a slight problem with the instruction manual.
A. met by chance B. experienced C. crossed out D. crashed
Question 33. When the fire got out of control, firemen tried their best to extinguish it.
A. put off B. put down C. put a way D. put out
Question 34. The differences between British and American English are comparatively small.
A. relatively B. extremely C. surprisingly D. straightly
Qu,estion35. He resembles his father in appearance very much.
A. looks after B. names after C. takes after D. calls after

Trang 206
Question 36. Elephants will become extinct if man continues killing them.
A. die out B. die down C. die of D. die away
Question 37. The lost hikers stayed alive by eating wild berries and drinking spring water.
A. revived B. surprised C. survived D. convinced
Question 38. My father has lost his job, so we'll have to tighten our belt to avoid getting into
A. earn money B. save money C. sit still D. economize
Question 39. She was brought up in a well-off family. She can't understand the problems we are
A. wealthy B. kind C. broken D. poor
Question 40. The fer-de-lance, a kind of viper, is one of the most poisonous snakes.
A. important B. bad tasting c. unhealthy D. deadly
Question 41. When one is unfamiliar with the customs, it is easy to make a blunder.
A. commitment B. an injury C. a mistake D. an enemy
Question 42. Because of cutbacks in council spending, plans for the new swimming pool had to
be shelved.
A. disapproved B. stopped C. canceled D. delayed
Question 43. My elder sister failed her final exam, which depressed my parents.
A. embarrassed B. satisfied C. pleased D. disappointed
Question 44. These machines are older models and have to be operated by hand.
A. manually B. spiritually C. automatically D. mechanically
Question 45. He is an honest man. You can rely on him to do a good job.
A. put up with B. base on C. count on D. take in
Question 46. Whenever problems come up, we discuss them frankly and find solutions quickly.
A. arrive B. clean C. encounter D. happen
Question 47. The news should be put in the most noticeable place so that all the students can
be well-informed.
A. suspicious B. popular C. easily seen D. beautiful
Question 48. He was one of the most outstanding performers at the live show last night.
A. impressive B. familiar C. easy-looking D. important
Question 49. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
was established in 1946.
A. set up B. found out C. run through D. put away
Question 50. I hope to have the privilege of working with them again.
A. honor B. advantage C. favor D. right

Mark the letter A, B, CorD on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of !he following questions.
Question 1. I can't stand people who treat animals cruelly.
A. gently B. cleverly C. loudly D. brutally
Question 2. Workers need a secure environment so that they can work more effectively.
A. unsafe B. riskless C. protected D. cared
Question 3. We'd better speed up if we want to get there in time.
A. slow down B. put down C. turn down D. lie down

Trang 207
Question 4. In England, schooling is mandatory for all children from age 5 to 6.
A. obligatory B. voluntary C. compulsory D. advisory
Question 5. There has been no huge improvement in the noise levels since lorries were banned.
A. clear B. obvious C. insignificant D. thin
Question 6. A lot of people think that Angelina is really hot.
A. beautiful B. cool C. unattractive D. kind
Question 7. Jenny was.afraid because the dog sounded fierce.
A. cruel B. gentle C. untamed D. lovely
Question 8. There have been significant changes in women's lives since the women's liberation
A. unimportant B. controlled C. political D. disagreeable
Question 9. In 1989, a ban was given on all international trade in ivory.
A. a destruction B. an allowance C. an exploitation D. a prohibition
Question 10. Lunar years were inconvenient for agricultural purposes.
A. useful B. ideal C. proper D. practical
Question 11. Certain courses are compulsory; others are optional.
A. voluntary R free C. pressure D. mandatory
Question 12. After five days on trial, the court found him innocent of the crime and he was
A. benevolent B. innovative C. guilty D. naive
vwes''"" 13. She is a generous old woman. She has given most of her wealth to a charity
A. amicable B. hospitable C. kind D. mean
Question 14. I'm sorry I can't go out this weekend - I'm up to my ears in work.
A. very busy B. very bored C. very scared D. very idle
Question 15. He admitted breaking his mother's vase.
A. agreed B. regretted C. denied D. confessed
Question 16. If you are at a loose end this weekend, I'll show you round the city.
A. reluctant B. free C. confident D. busy
17. My uncle, who is an accomplished guitarist, taught me how to play.
A, unqualified B. ill-educated C. unskilled D. unimpaired
Question 18. A surprising percentage of the population in remote areas is illiterate.
A. able to speak fluently B. unable to speak fluently
C. unable to read and write D. able to read and write
~.;wes<mn 19. In the first two decades of its existence, the cinema developed rapidly.
A. weakly B. slowly C. leisurely D. shortly
Question 20, To be honest, I go to the museums once in a blue moon.
A. frorn time to tirne B. once in a while
C. very often D. seldom

Trang 208
Question 21. I must have a watch since ounctuality is imperative in my new job.
A. being courteous B. being cheerful C. being late D. being efficient
Question 22. The Red Cross is an international humanitarian agency dedicated to reducing the
sufferings of wounded soldiers, civilians, and prisoners of war.
A. loss B. happiness C. worry and sadness D. pain and sorrow
Question 23. The new laws to conserve wildlife in the area will come into force next month.
A. eliminate B. protect C. pollute D. destroy
Question 24. You will be surrounded by green sceneries in rural areas, as opposed to big offices
in the cities.
A. nearby B. distant C. public D. urban
Question 25. Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island. The islanders even
exported the surplus.
A. excess B. large quantity C. small quantity D. sufficiency
Question 26. We offered a speedy service of transferring money in less than 24 hours.
A. slow B. open C. unsure D. uninterested
Question 27. She had a cozy little apartment in Boston.
A. uncomfortable B. warm C. lazy D. dirty
Question 28. "Don't be such a pessimist, I'm sure you'll soon get over it. Cheer up!"
A. activist B. feminist C. optimist D. hobbyist
Question 29. Polluted water and increased water temperature have driven many species to the
verge of extinction.
A. enriched B. contaminated C. purified D. strengthened
Question 30. He was arrested for his illicit drug trade in the police raid yesterday.
A. legal B. irregular C. elicited D. secret
Question 31. Unless the two signatures are identical. the bank won't allow you to withdraw your
A. genuine B. different C. fake D. similar
Question 32. The waiter who served us was very polite and helpful.
A. generous B. rule C. rude D. friendly
Question 33. Their classmates are writing letters of acceptance.
A. confirmation B. agree C. refusal D. admission
Question 34. One of the good things about Anna is that you can always rely on her unfailing
A. remove B. control C. suspect D. believe
Question 35. People often pay no attention to pain until it becomes unbearable.
A. unsatisfactory B. impossible C. sensitive D. tolerable
Question 36. He was not a good father. He neglected his children.
A. punished B. blamed C. took care of D. disregarded
Question 37. We didn't plan to meet each other. We just met accidentally.
A. intentionally B. simultaneously C. hurriedly D. coincidently

Trang 209
Question 38. Their house is so beautiful. They also have a very spacious kitchen.
A. large B. beautiful C. open D. cramped
Question 39. All students are obliged to pass the entrance examination in order to attend the
A. forced B. impelled C. required D. optional
Question 40. He decided not to buy the fake watch and wait until he had more money.
A. authentic B. forger C. faulty D. original
Question 41. Today students are under a lot of pressure due to the high expectations from their
parents and teachers.
A. nervousness B. emotion Cc stress D. relaxation
Question 42. The government is encouraging everyone to save water when washing their cars.
A. conserve B. waste C. avoid D. collect
Question 43. I could only propose a partial solution to the crisis in the company.
A. half B. halfway C. effective D. complete
Question 44. The investigation revealed some rather unexpected results.
A. predictable B. positive C. surprising D. impressive
Question 45. This boy is poorly-educated and doesn't know how to behave properly.
A. ignorant B. uneducated C. knowledgeable D. rude
Ou•eslion 46. While waiting at a gas station, Simon and Mack strike up a friendship.
A. cover up B. give up C. make up D. turn up
Ou•estion 47. Gerry Thomas, the inventor of the TV dinner, has passed away at the age of 83.
A. lived B. begun C. improved D. given birth
Question 48. In many cultures, people signify their agreement by nodding their head.
A. turning B. shaking C. pointing D. waving
Question 49. They will talk to us about the new project in detail.
A. briefly B. soon C. slowly D. rapidly
Question 50. There weren't many tough questions in the exam, so I could answer most of them.
A. interesting B. difficult C. simple D. important

Trang 210
D;mg bili nay kiem tra kien thlfc ve cac thi cua di}ng tir trong tiling Ani! (hi?n li!i, qua kh(r,
tu<Yng lai), cac thi cho biift thiri gian himh di}ng xay ra. De film tot lo?i bai tiip nay, ciin phai:
v' Xac djnh r6 chu ngcr cua ciiu
v' Xem xet cac dau hi~u trong ciiu neu c6
v' Neu trong ciiu kh6ng c6 dau hii[!u, dlfa vi10 ngCf canh vii doan nghia cua ciiu de chia
di)ng tir cho phu hqp
v' Xem xet cau true cilu (vi d~ ciiu bi di)ng, ciiu dieu ki~n, cau gian tiep, ... ) vii cac di)ng
tir c6 di)ng tir khac theo sau 6 dang to V, V-ing ho~c V_in f.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 1. I wish I _ _ more time with my grandmother.
A. spend B. spends C. spent D. spending
Question 2. _ _ she have a good time with her cousins last summer?
A. Was B. Did C. Does D. Will
Question 3. She often _ _ swimming with her friends in summer.
A. go B. goes C. went D. gone
Question 4. What was your brother doing when Jim _ _ at 5 p.m yesterday?
A. come B. had come C. came D. would come
Question 5. If I _ _ soon, I wouldn't have missed the train.
A. arrived B. had arrived C. arrive D. was arriving
Question 6. Gold _ _ in California in the nineteenth century.
A. is discovered B. discovering C. was discovered D. will be discovered
Question 7. I _ _ him since he moved to Da Nang.
A. didn't see B. hasn't seen C. haven't seen D. won't see
Question 8. Today is the worst day that I _ _ through.
A. have been B. has been C. went D. go
Question 9. Tom advised me _ _ more time with my little sister.
A. spending B. to spend C. to spending D. spend
Question 10. The house needs _ _ before Tet holiday.
A. to decorate B. decorate C. decorating D. be decorated
Question 11. The teacher asked us _ _ the textbook on page 123.
A. to open B. open C. opening D. not opening
Question 12. She _ _ TV with her family when the thief broke into her house.
A. is watching B. has watched C. watches D. was watching
Question 13. He regrets _ _ Mai the truth, he shouldn't have believed in her.
A. to tell B. told C. telling D. has tell
Question 14. Where did you get these old shirts? - I _ _ them in the wardrobe.
A. were found B. finding C. found D. have been found
Question 15. She used to _ _ full time, but now she is a part-time worker.
A. works B. worked C. work D. working
Question 16. It took me 20 minutes _ _ from my house to my office.
A. to drive B. driving C. to driving D. drove
Question 17. If l _ _ you, I would give him a chance.
A. are B. am c. been D. were

Trang 211
Question 18. That small old chair is not worth _ _ .
A. to keep B. keeping C. keep D. kept
Question 19. He wants to know whether she _ _ tomorrow.
A. will come B. would come C. come !l. came
Question 20. He told me that he _ _ come back home the following day.
A. has to B. had to C. would have to D. will have to
Question 21. Would you mind _ _ me _ _ the street?
A. to helping/ to cross B. help/ to cross
C. help/ crossing D. helping/ cross
Question 22. Stella, I need your help. I'm having trouble _ _ my homework.
A. to do B. doing C. do D. done
Question 23. I congratulated my sister _ _.
A. to pass the exam B. on passing the exam
C. passing the exam D. pass the exam
Question 24. There won't be a meeting tomorrow, _ _ ?
A. will there B. will it C. will they D. won't they
Qwestion 25. Instead of _ _ about the good news, she seemed to be indifferent.
A. exciting B. excited C. being excited D. to be excited
Question 26. The boss doesn't allow us _ _ personal phone calls at the office.
A. making B. to make C. to making D. make
Question 27. His mother was hopeful that he _ _ back home before midnight.
A. will come B. would come C. come D. had come
Qwestion 28. My mother often _ _ cookies in her free time.
A. bakes B. is baking C. bake D. is baked
Qwest!ion 29. He hasn't had his house _ _ for decades. It now looks terrible!
A. repaint B. repainting C. repainted D. to repaint
Qwest!ion 30. You should give up _ _ or you will die of cancer.
A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. smoked
Question 31. If Jenny worked more carefully, she _ _ so many mistakes.
A. won't make B. doesn't make C. wouldn't make D. wouldn't have made
Question 32. You had better _ _ out. It's raining cats and dogs outside.
A. go B. not go C. going D. not going
Qweslion 33. If there is a mechanical problem, we suggest _ _ the manufacturer
A. contact B. contacting C. to contact D. be contacted
Question 34. The man _ _ wine over there is my brother.
A. is drinking B. drinks C. drinking D. drank
Qwes!,ion 35. I remember _ _ you before but I forget your name.
A. meeting B. to meet C. met D. meet
Qwestion 36. Let's wait here until the rain _ _ .
A. stop B. stops C. has stopped D. will stop
Qwestion 37. I missed the bus. If only I _ _ able to catch it.
A. would be B. were C. had been D. am
Qwesl!ion 38. New vacation policies which are under discussion _ _ expected to be
introduced early next month.
A. are B. is C. will D. have

Trang 212

Question 39. By the time I came, the party _ _.

A. had started B. will start C. has started D. was starting
Question 40. It is high time every student _ _ harder for the next exam.
A. works B. should work C. work D. worked
Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Question 41. According to this newspaper, John is said _ _ a new record for the long jump.
Question 42. She said that she _ _ there the year before. (go)
Question 43. We were having such a good time that we decided _ _ our stay by another
week. (prolong)
Question 44. Using public transportation means not having to _ _ for a parking lot when you
go downtown. (hunt)
Question 45. I _ _ in this bank for ten years now. (work)
Question 46. After the operation, she _ _ far more quickly than we _ _ her to. (recover/
Question 47. He admitted _ _ the valuable painting. (steal)
Question 48. The flight _ _ due to the heavy storm. (delay)
Question 49. Last month, the reward _ _ from $20 000 to $40 000. (increase)
Question 50. Most customers now _ _ their holidays online. (book)

Trang 213
Exercise 1. Read the fol1!owingpassage and mark !he ''"'·e' ,q_ B, C, or D to indicate the correct

The main transportation in Vietnam's countryside is individual transports such as motorbike,

bicycle, or electric bike. The transportation system in (1) _ _ countryside could not be as
advanced as urban's. Inner roads in villages are commonly made of concrete which meets basic
transfer in daily life. In Mekong Delta, waterways are their base of lives, hence they (2) _ _
boats as their main means of transports every day.

One more typical means of transport in Vietnam's countryside is cart (3) _ _ by cows, horses,
or buffalo, etc. Rural kids also take (4) _ _ of domesticated animals when they go to the
fields to help their parents. It may become a kind of unique picture of Vietnam's countryside
with childlike smiles from the kids riding their big buffalo. They could not have a well-equipped
life as the kids in the cities, however, they always find happiness in (5) _ _ daily life from the
simplest things.
1. A. the B. a C. an D. X
2. A. uses B. use C. move D. moves
Question 3. A. pull B. pulls C. pulled D. pulling

Question 4. A. advice B. decision C. forward D. advantage

Question 5. A. his B. her C. your D. their

Exercise 2. Read the passage and mark !he letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
word or that best fits each of the numbered hlanks.

There are many ways to cut the (1) _ _ of your power bill in your home. Take a look at the
way we choose computers (a laptop or a desktop computer). A laptop is a computer that is
small enough (2) _ _ carried around easily and is flat when closed. While a desktop computer
is the one that fits on a desk but that is not easily moved from place to place.

Regardless of their convenience difference, choosing a laptop or a desktop computer may

result in a significant difference in energy (3) _ _ . I'm writing this by using a laptop with
power (4) _ _ features switched on - using around 50 watts maximum. Back some years
ago, I would work with a desktop computer with a 17" CRT screen -around 300 watts all told.
The following are some rough (5) _ _ based on coal fired power generation for just the
computer aspect:

·Laptop ~ SOw x 10 hours a day x 365 days ~ 182.5 kilowatt hours

·Desktop ~ 300w x 10 hours a day x 365 ~ 1095 kilowatt hours

In the case of coal fired electricity, each kilowatt you save not only puts cash back into your
pockets, but also avoids up to 1.5 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions being generated.
Question 1. A. energy B. costs C. households D. power

Question 2. A. having B. being C. to be D. to have

Trang 214

Question 3. A. efficiency B. affection C. production D. effect

Question 4. A. consuming B. lighting C. saving D. sleeping

Question 5. A. innovations B. productions C. settings D. calculations

Exercise 3. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

It is estimated that about three billion people use the Internet computer network around the
world. Most people use the Internet to (1) _ _ information or for entertainment A new study,
however, shows us that almost 10% of Internet users are using it so often that it is seriously
harming their lives. The study (2) _ _ that these people may find it difficult to stop using the
Internet because they have become addicted. Someone who is addicted finds it extremely
difficult to stop (3) _ _ activity. According to a psychologist in the field, 30% of Internet users
claim that they use the Internet to escape from (4) _ _ or emotions. The study also shows
that having a chat or discussion with strangers on the Internet is one of the most (5) _ _

Question 1, A. take B. get C. make D. catch

Question 2. A. says B. speaks C. converses D. tells

Question 3. A. the B. a C. an D. X
Question 4. A. trouble B. nuisance C. dangers D. problems
Question 5. A. liking B. desired C. addictive D. hunted

Exercise 4. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

People living in rural areas of Britain are more (1) _ _ about the future and happier about
their quality of life than people in cities and towns, a new survey has found.

The Countryside Living Index (2) _ _ out to record how people feel about their lives, found
that the satisfaction ratings of people living in the countryside leapt by 10.7 per cent (3) _ _
the first and second quarters of 2013, with their views about the cost of living, education and
crime all improving. People in both rural and urban areas said that they felt more optimistic
about health, education, and the environment, but the positive change was much more
pronounced among country-dwellers than city (4) _ _.People from urban areas also said that
they were increasingly more worried about crime than those in the countryside and overall, the
rise in perceived quality of life was three times higher in the countryside than in the cities.

However, for young people the lack of rural jobs paying a living (5) _ _ and housing costs
continue to make it hard for them to live in the countryside.

Question 1, A. pessimistic B. truthful C. optimistic D. satisfactory

Question 2. A. worked B. carried C. found D. researched

Question 3. A. from B. during C. until D. between

Question 4. A inhabitants B. emigrants C. persons D. citizens

Question 5. A. wage B. salary C. fee D. income

Trang 215
Exercise 5. Read the foll'owingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Many people in the United States celebrate Christmas Day (1) _ _ December 25. The day
celebrates Jesus Christ's birth. People celebrate Christmas Day in many ways. In the days or
even weeks before Christmas Day, many people (2) _ _ their homes and gardens with lights,
Christmas trees and much more. It is common to organize a special meal, often consisting of
turkey and a lot of other festive foods, for family or friends and (3) _ _ gifts with them.
Children, in particular, often receive a lot of gifts (4) _ _ their parents and other relatives and
the mythical figure Santa Claus. This has led to Christmas Day becoming an increasingly
commercialized holiday, with a lot of families (5) _ _ a large part of their income on gifts and

Question 1. A. in B. at C. on D. during
Question 2. A. decorate B. clean C. rebuild D. paint
Question 3. A. exchange B. change c. give D. bring
Question 4. A. to B. from c. for D. by
Question 5. A. taking B. giving C. paying D. spending
Exercise 6. Read the fol1low•inq passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct

The Ubang people of Southern Nigeria seem like they are from different planets. They say men
are from Mars and wornen are from Venus. In a fascinating tradition, the Ubang people use
different words (1) _ _ on their gender. Children in the community pick up the "female"
language first because they are predominantly (2) _ _ by women throughout childhood.
However, by the age of 10, boys are expected to adopt the "male" tongue, which locals believe
to be a sign of maturity. "There are a lot of words that men and women share in common, then
there are others which are totally different depending on your gender. They don't sound alike,
they don't have the same letters, they are (3) _ _ different words", said anthropologist Chi Chi
Undie, who has studied the community. The term 'kitchi' is the male word for tree, but females
describe it as an 'okweng'. And water is 'bamuie' for males and 'amu' for females. If a male or
female child uses the language assigned to the opposite (4) _ _ beyond a certain age, they
are perceived to be "abnormal", according to the BBC. The languages have been (5) _ _
through generations, but as they haven't been written down, there are concerns they might be
lost in the future.

Question 1 A. depending B. depend C. depended D. depends

Question 2. A. raised B. grown C. bred D. developed
Question 3. A. nearly B. relatively C. completely D. hardly
Question 4. A. member B. generation c. sibling D. gender
Question 5. A. gone down B. turned down C. let down D. passed down

Trang 216
Exercise 7. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
word or phrase !hat best fits each of !he numbered blanks.

Air pollution is cause of ill-health in human beings. In a lot of countries, there are laws limiting
the amount of smoke which factories can produce. (1) _ _ there isn't enough information on
the effects of smoke in the atmosphere, doctors have proved that air pollution (2) _ _ lung

The gases from the exhausts of car have also increased air pollution in most cities. The lead in
petrol produces a (3) _ _ gas which often collects in busy streets surrounded by high
buildings. Children (4) _ _ live in areas where there is a lot of lead in the atmosphere cannot
think as quickly as other children and are clumsy when they use their hands. There are other
long-term effects of pollution. If the gases in the atmosphere continue to increase, the earth's
climate may become warmer. A lot of ice near the poles may melt and may cause serious (5)

Question 1. A. However B. Although C. Therefore D. Because

Question 2. A. gets B. does C. makes D. causes
Question 3. A. dead B. powerful C. poisonous D. harmless

Question 4. A. when B. which C. where !l. who

Question 5. A. flood B. storm C. earthquake D. volcano

Exercise 8. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.


In ancient times, housework was hard because homes didn't have water or electricity. One of
the most difficult household chores was (1) _ _ clothes. People took their dirty clothes to the
river once or twice a week and used rocks, sand, and water to clean them. For many years,
people tried (2) _ _ easier ways to wash their clothes. Sailors, for example, put their clothes
in bags and threw them into the sea. This (3) _ _ worked quite well because the moving
water helped.

In 1864, the first washing machine was invented, but it was difficult to use. The water was cold,
so people warmed it (4) _ _ a fire. Then they pulled the clean, wet clothes through a special
machine to take out the water.

The first electric washing machine was (5) _ _ in 1908. It was more useful because it could
warm the water, but the clothes were still very wet. The contemporary washing machine wasn't
invented until the 1930s. This indispensable item has changed our lives.

Question 1. A. wash B. washing C. washed D. to washing

Question 2. A. to find B. find C. finding D. found

Question 3. A. opportunity B. chance C. phenomenon D. method

Question 4. A. in B. on C. from D. under

Question 5. A. broken B. done C. designed D. worked

Trang 217
Exercise 9. Read the fol:!ow·ino passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
word or phras:e thai best fits each of the numbered blanks.


The Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders of the world. It was created by the Colorado
River, which carved its way through the {1) _ _ colored layers of rock making a gap over 1.5
kilometres deep. Its sides are steep cliffs and some of the peaks look like towers, castles and

A fantastic adventure for anyone with (2) _ _ time in which to experience the Grand Canyon
would be to take a sightseeing flight over the area. The small twin-engine planes have huge
panoramic windows perfect for {3) _ _ photographs. It is possible to book an overnight tour
if you want to stay longer at the Canyon but do not want to drive. This way you can ( 4) _ _
the spectacular sunset and sunrise and fit in a whole day exploring the Canyon trails on foot

You can also witness the dazzling lights of nearby Las Vegas by night with a breathtaking
helicopter flight The tour {5) _ _ approximately an hour and includes transport from your
hotel to the airport and 20 minutes in the air.

Question 1. A. differently B. difference C. different D. indifferent

Question 2. A. restricted B. limited C. reduced D. small

3. A. making B. taking C. putting D. doing

4. A. notice B. look C. watch D. glance

5. A. lasted B. has lasted C. is lasting D. lasts

Exercise 10. Read the passage and mark the leiter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
word or that best fits each of the numbered blanks.


Some volcanoes are always (1) _ _ . They are called active volcanoes. Mount Etna in Italy is
an active (2) _ _ . Some volcanoes have not erupted since prehistoric times. These are {3)
_ _ extinct volcanoes. Most of the Hawaiian Islands are extinct volcanoes. These volcanoes
no longer have a hot spot under them. They can not erupt anymore. Some volcanoes have not
erupted for a long time, but they could erupt again. These are called dormant volcanoes.
{dormant: temporarily inactive)

Scientists try to figure out when volcanoes will erupt Studying volcanoes is hard and dangerous
work. Scientists drill into volcanoes. They make maps of the inside of the volcanoes. They use
satellites to study volcanoes (4) _ _ space. Scientists have been able to predict a few
eruptions. But it is not {5) _ _ to tell when a volcano might erupt

Question 1. A. erupting B. running c. going D. firing

Question 2. A. mountain B. volcano c. river D. hill

Question 3. A. named B. thought c. called D. said

Question 4. A. in B. from c. into D. out of

Question 5. A. easy !l. difficult c. able D. good

Trang 218
....... "'~ "' ...... .....~ :II ....


, ~

Exercise 1. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.

Born on April15, 1452, Leonardo da Vinci managed to be so many things in one lifetime -
painter, engineer, architect and scientist. His painting, Mona Lisa, is one of the world's most
famous artworks. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. Da Vinci left behind thousands of pages
of writings. Leonardo biographer Martin Kemp estimates that there are roughly 6,000 pages
known to be Vinci's works, and these may only be a fraction of what he produced in his lifetime.
He wrote in mirror script, which means he started on the right side of the page and moved to the
left. It's not known for certain why he did this, but some theories include he was trying to
prevent others from discovering and possibly taking his ideas or that it was easier for him to
write this way because he was left-handed. In any case, depth and breadth of his work is
Question 1. What is NOT true about Leonardo da Vinci?
A. He used to be a scientist. B. Mona Lisa is his only artwork.
C. He supposed to be left-handed. D. His artwork is outstanding.
Question 2. What does the idiom "the tip of the iceberg" mean?
A. something is wonderful B. something is huge
C. a small part of a much larger thing D. the greatest thing
Question 3. What job didn't Leonardo da Vinci do in his lifetime?
A. Engineer B. Scientist C. Painter D. Composer
Question 4. How many pages of writings are there in Vinci's works?
A. Nearly 6,000 pages B. About 6,000 pages
C. More than 6,000 pages D. Less than 6,000 pages
Question 5. What is the synonym of the word "outstanding"?
A. boring B. enormous C. breathtaking D. impressive

Exercise 2. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.


Learning a new language takes time and dedication. Once you do, being fluent in a second
language offers numerous benefits and opportunities. Learning a second language is exciting
and beneficial at all ages. It offers practical, intellectual and many other benefits.

As we go about our everyday lives, we rarely give a second thought to our own grammatical
structure and vocabulary. However, when learning a new language, many people find they have
a greater understanding of their first language. Learning a second language focuses your
attention on the grammatical rules constructions of that language. This experience gives
people a new insight into their own language and ultimately leads to them improving their
mother tongue, which will improve their everyday lives.

Trang 219
Learning a new language gives you a greater global understanding of the world we live in. Even
by learning a few phrases, never mind a whole language, you will access many fascinating
cultures around the world and understand the differences between the two countries.

Learning a new language is an achievement anyone can be proud of and is extremely satisfying.
Once the hard work and effort has paid off, you will experience many benefits associated with
learning a new language and you will have a newfound confidence.
Question 1. What is the benefit of learning a second language NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. Achievement B. Improve first language
C. Improve understanding of the world D. Better job prospect
Question 2. What does the word "dedication" mean?
A. The hard work and effort B. Costing a lot of money
C. Taking a long time D. Challenge
Question 3. What opinion will the author NOT agree with?
A. Learning a new language helps people improve their mother tongue.
B. Learning a new language is exciting.
C. Only children should learn a new language.
D. Achievement of learning a new language can be your pride.
Question 4. What does "This experience" imply in the passage?
A. Greater understanding of their first language
B. Grammatical structure and vocabulary of that language
C. Grammatical rules constructions of that language
D. Learning a second language
Question 5. What does the word "paid off' mean?
A. bring good results B. paying attention C. put an end D. finish

Exercise 3. Read the foll'owino B, C, or D to indicate the correct

answer to each of the fol.lov.•ing aw?stion•s.


It is quite common to hear references to people who discovered various planets in the solar
system, but it is rare to hear any reference to who discovered the moon. This is because the
moon was never actually discovered.

The analysis of moon rocks brought back by various manned missions to the moon has
established beyond doubt that the moon is almost as old as the earth itself. The generally held
belief in the scientific community is that the moon formed because of a massive collision
between the earth and a huge meteor. This resulted in a massive explosion of material into
space. That material congealed together to form the moon, and gravity held the moon in orbit
around the earth. These events took place long before the first life forms developed on earth.
Therefore, the moon has been a visible feature in the sky to every creature with eyes that has
ever lived.
Question 1 What can be inferred from the passage?
A. Name of someone who discovered the moon

Trang 220
B. The moon is older than the earth
C. The moon is formed by human being
D. Noone actually discovered the moon.
Question 2. What is NOT true according to the passage?
A. The moon is almost as old as the earth.
B. A massive collision between the earth and a huge meteo formed the moon.
C. The moon's orbit is around the sun.
D. The moon has gravity.
Question 3. What does the word "congealed" mean?
A. to become solid B. to reunite C. to collect D. to create
Question 4. What held the moon in orbit around the earth?
A. The collision between the earth and a huge meteor
B. The gravity
C. Various planets in the solar system
D. The first life forms
Question 5. When did the first life forms develop on earth?
A. After the moon formed B. Before the moon formed
C. While the moon was forming D. None of the above

Exercise 4. Read the following passage and mark the le!!er A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of !he following questions.

Dolphins are regarded as the friendliest creatures in the sea and stories of them helping
drowning sailors have been common since Roman times. The more we learn about dolphins,
the more we realize that their society is more complex than people previously imagined. They
look after other dolphins when they are ill, care for pregnant mothers and protect the weakest in
the community, as we do.

Some scientists have suggested that dolphins have a language, but it is much more probable
that they communicate with each other without needing words. Could any of these mammals be
more intelligent than man? Certainly, the most common argument in favor of man's superiority
over them that we can kill them more easily than they can kill us is the least satisfactory. On the
contrary, the more we discover about these remarkable creatures, the less we appear superior
when we destroy them.
Question 1. What does the word "them" in bold refer to?
A. sailors B. dolphins C. creatures D. stories
Question 2. Dolphins' society is more _ _ than we expected.
A. surprising B. extraordinary C. harmonious D. complicated
Question 3. Like humans, dolphins _ _ other ones when they have health problems.
A. watch over B. get away C. look up D. cut down
Question 4. Humans may feel less superior because _ _.
A. dolphin is an incredible creature B. humans can kill dolphins easily
C. dolphins are less intelligent than man D. dolphins can talk in human language

Trang 221
Question 5. What is NOT true about dolphins?
A. They help drowning sailors.
B. They communicate with each other without needing words.
C. They abandon the weakest in the community.
D. They look after other dolphins.

Exercise 5. Read the following passage and mark the B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the fol.lo»•ina qw~stion•s.

Research shows that using puppets in education has many benefits especially with language
skills. Children can practice their oral speaking skills by telling a story to a puppet or explaining
words or expressions. If the puppet is "confused" and doesn't understand something, the child
can illustrate and show the puppet what he has learned.

A 2015 study investigated the learning impact of puppets in a kindergarten classroom. Their
findings showed a tremendous impact of puppet use on a child's education. The puppet helped
to motivate students and involve them in the learning process, it created an emotional
relationship with students, and added a playful mood to the learning environment. Additionally,
the puppet enabled teachers to elaborate more on the topic they were covering because
puppets are a good visual representation to use when singing, dancing, or storytelling.
Therefore, teachers have more direct conversation with students, and maintain positive
behavior in the classroom.
Question 1. Children can practice their oral speaking skills by _ _ .
A. telling a story B. inventing new words
C. repeating expressions D. play the game
""'""'""' 2. What is NOT TRUE about the benefits of using puppets in education, according to
the passage?
A. Teachers have more direct conversation with students.
B. It helps students maintain positive behavior in the classroom.
C. It motivates and attracts students in the learning process.
D. It boosts can-do attitudes among the students.
Question 3. The word "elaborate" in paragraph 2 can be best replaced by _ _ .
A. explain B. predict C. transfer D. advise
t~u•es'""' 4. What does the word "them" in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. puppets B. students C. puppets D. teachers
Question 5. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Relationship among students are developed thanks to puppets.
B. Classroom should be equipped with more devices.
C. Singing motivates kids to improve their communication.
D. The positive sides of using puppets in education.

Trang 222
Exercise 6. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.

Ecotourism is a form of tourism where tourists visit fragile, pristine, and relatively undisturbed
natural areas. Its purpose may be to educate the travellers, to provide funds for ecological
conservation, to directly benefit the economic development and political empowerment of local
communities, or to foster respect for different cultures and for human rights.

However, ecotourism operations occasionally fail to live up to conservation ideals. Even a

modest increase in population puts extra pressure on the local environment and necessitates
the development of additional infrastructure. The construction of water treatment plants,
sanitation facilities, and lodges come with the exploitation of non-renewable energy sources
and the utilization of already limited local resources. The environment may suffer because local
communities are unable to meet these infrastructure demands.
Question 1. What is ecotourism?
A. It is a form of tourism visiting exotic landscapes.
!!. They are package tours to relatively undisturbed natural areas.
C. Regularly-organised tours to unexploited areas.
D. It is a form of tourism where tourists visit out-of-human disturbed natural areas.
Question 2. One aim of ecotourism is to _ _.
A. allow people to visit areas that were previously restricted
!!. educate local communities in fragile areas
C. raise money for environmental projects in natural areas
D. ignore cultural values and human rights
Question 3. However, ecotourism can cause problems when _ _ .
A. the local population does not welcome visitors
B. extra facilities and amenities are required to cope with a population increase
C. communities do not have the funds to improve local facilities
D. natural resources are used up
Question 4. The word "Its" in line two refers to _ _ .
A. Ecotourism's B. Tourism's C. Nature's D. Tourists'
Question 5. The phrase "are unable to meet" is closest in meaning to _ _.
A. succeed in meeting B. achieve to meet
C. fail to meet D. are likely to meet

Exercise 7. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.
Cars have become a popular means of transport for people, especially those who live in big
cities. However, those densely populated cities have to face with pollution and traffic jams
because of the rapid increase in the number of private cars. Nowadays, some city centers
around the world don't allow cars to enter. These no-car zones are areas for people, bicycles
and public transport only.

Trang 223
london: Eight million people live in the center of London and another two million people go to
work there every day. The city center has a lot of beautiful parks with free music concerts. At
lunchtime and after work, many people go there for a break.

Tokyo: Parts of Tokyo are always crowded with hundreds of people, but there are no cars.
These modern no-car zones are very popular and people like shopping there.

Bogota: In the past, Bogota was polluted because there were lots of cars and traffic. Now the
city center is a no-car zone and the air is clean! Many people don't have a car and half a million
people go to work by bus every morning.

Melbourne: In many cities, people don't like shopping in the center. But in Melbourne, Bourke
Street is popular because there are lots of great shops and no cars. This area attracts people
not only to the shops but also to the cozy small cafe with great food during lunchtime.
n.,.,d·inn 1. What is NOT a problem in many cities?

A. Traffic congestion B. Pollution C. No-car zones D. High population

Question 2. How many residents are there in the center of London?
A. 8 million B. 2 million C. 1 0 million D. 5 million
Quesl.ion 3. Which word does NOT correctly describe the no-car zones in Tokyo?
A. popular B. crowded C. modern D. beautiful
Question 4. How is the center of Bogota now?
A. Crowded B. Polluted C. Clean D. Quiet
Quesl.ion 5. Which places in Bourke Street do people often visit at midday?
A. Shopping centers B. Small shops C. Parking areas D. Cafe
Exercise 8. Read the foli!ow•ino passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate !he correct
answer to each of !he fo/l'owing cwest·iorls.

Dubai is the second largest of the emirates which make up the United Arab Emirates. In the
1950s, it was a tiny coastal village. Now it is a huge modern city with a population of over
700,000. It offers an excellent modern lifestyle and is known around the world as a top tourist

Dubai has something for everyone. Holidaymakers can enjoy a relaxing break, and people
looking for adventure can find something new and exciting. The excellent hotels and facilities
make it a popular place for business conferences and exhibitions.
Dubai offers rnany unusual holiday experiences. Visitors can go on a desert safari or drive in the
sand dunes in a four-wheel drive, watch camel racing or learn how to hunt with falcons. They
can also try sand skiing. More relaxing is a cruise in a wooden dhow in the Gulf or a visit to the
old city markets.

There are many opportunities to take photographs. The traditional architecture is amazing, and
there are many magnificent palaces and mosques. Visitors can visit a Bedouin village and see
camels and herds of goats. There are beautiful desert oases and the best sunsets in the world.

It is said that Dubai is the shopper's paradise. Many people come to Dubai for the shopping.
Visitors enjoy everything from modern malls to traditional markets. Low customs duties mean
that many products are less expensive than products bought in other countries. While Dubai's

Trang 224
official language is Arabic, many shopkeepers speak English. Bur Juman Centre and AI Ghurair
Centre are places that every shopper should try.
Question 1. The word "offers" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _ _.
A. exchanges B. receives C. attends D. provides
Question 2. According to paragraph 2, why is Dubai a popular place for business conferences
and exhibitions?
A. Because it provides new business opportunities.
B. Because it offers new and exciting holidays.
C. Because it has excellent hotels and facilities.
D. Because it has world-famous artists.
Question 3. The word "They" in paragraph 3 refers to _ _.
A. Sand Dunes B. Falcons C. Visitors D. Holiday Experiences
Question 4. According to paragraph 5, which is NOT TRUE about shopping in Dubai?
A. Many products are cheaper than in other countries.
B. Bur Juman and AI Ghurair are popular shopping centers.
C. Most shopkeepers can't speak English.
D. Visitors can shop in both modern malls and traditional markets.
Question 5. Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. Dubai: Things to do for everyone
B. Dubai: Things to avoid
C. Dubai: Present and Future
D. Dubai: An ancient city in the desert

Exercise 9. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.


Many early ideas about the causes and cures of illness seem ridiculous to us today. Yet in some
respects, the medicine man of uncivilized tribes used the method for curing sick persons which
are known to have had real value.

In early times when people became ill, they turned for help to the medicine man of the tribe. It
was generally believed that sickness was caused by evil spirits, and it was the medicine man's
task to drive these bad spirits out of the sick man. To do this, he would try to frighten them
away by making loud noises and wearing frightening masks. Usually he would chant magic
words, sing special songs, and perform special dances. Nearly always he used a particular kind
of plant which was supposed to be a remedy for a particular sickness.

Some of these cures used by the medicine men did help. The plants which these early doctors
used were frequently drugs now understood to be medicinal or pain-relieving. The respect and
confidence which the people had in their medicine man gave sick persons hope and helped
them feel better.

Trang 225
Question 1. It can be inferred from the article that _ _ .
A. witch doctors have always failed
B. witch doctors have never failed
C. witch doctors might have cured some people
D. witch doctors were really ridiculous people
Question 2. The word "them" in the second paragraph refers to _ _ .
A. evil spirits B. sick people C. magic words D. other medicine men
Question 3. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?
A. Medicine men always worked in silence.
B. Medicine men sang to invite back the Spirit of Health.
C. Medicine men wore masks to frighten the sick person.
D. The life of tribal people in early times was very hard.
Question 4. Which of the following sentences is IIIOT TRUE?
A. Savage tribes believe that illness was caused by evil spirits.
B. Medicine men often used special plants in making their cures.
C. Everything that medicine men did is now known to be dangerous.
D. Medicine men sometimes performed dances.
Question 5. The article is mainly about _ _ .
A. medicinal plants B. uncivilized doctoring C. magic chants D. sick tribespeople
Exercise 10. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.

The La Tomatina is a festival held on a Wednesday towards the end of August in the town of
Bunol in the Valencia region in Spain. The week-long festival includes music, parades, dancing,
and fireworks.

About 30,000 people come to the tomato fight, while Bunol's population is only 9,000. There are
not many accommodations for people who come to La Tomatina, so many participants stay in
Valencia and travel by bus or train to Bunol, about 38 km outside the city.

Many trucks transport tomatoes into the center of town, Plaza del Pueblo. The tomatoes come
from Extremadura, where thev are less expensive. The signal for the beginning of the fight is
firing of the cannon, and the chaos begins. Once it begins, the battle is generally every man for
himself. People who partake in this event are strongly encouraged to wear protective safety
goggles and gloves. In addition, they must squash the tomatoes before throwing for safety
precautions. Another rule is that no one is allowed to bring into this fight anything that may lead
to a more serious fight, such as a glass bottle. People must also stay away from trucks and
must not tear someone else's clothing. Somewhere between an hour and two hours, the fighting
ends and the cannon is fired once more to signal the end. At this point no more tomatoes can
be thrown. The cleaning process involves the use of fire trucks to spray down the streets, with
water provided from a Roman waterway. People find water to wash themselves, most likely at
the Sunol River.

Trang 226
Question 1. According to paragraph 1, when is La Tomatine held?
A. The last Wednesday of August B. The last Wednesday of the year
C. Every Wednesday D. Everyday except Wednesday
Question 2. According to paragraph 2, why do people stay in Valencia?
A. Because they can take a bus or train to Spain.
B. Because there are not enough hotels in Bufiol.
C. Because there is a week-long festival in Spain.
D. Because they want to live 38 km from Bufiol.
Question 3. What does the word "transport" in the third paragraph mean?
A. save B. grow C. consume D. carry
Question 4. What does the word "they" in the third paragraph refer to?
A. trucks B. tomatoes C. chaos D. people
Question 5. What happens right after the firing of the second cannon?
A. People begin squashing tomatoes.
B. People start fighting against each other.
C. People stop throwing tomatoes.
D. People finish cleaning the streets.

Trang 227
V6i d?ng nay, kien th&c tong h<Jp c!fc ky da d?ng, nlnmg thuimg se rai viJO cac cfiu true:
miJnh de quan hil, ciiu dieu ki(!n, ciiu gian tii!ip, cac ca·u true tuang ducmg khilc, ...
Cac b?n cannam vilng cac c<fu true, philn tich thimh phan trong cau de c6 thif doan dung
du(Yc nghla ella ciiu, tir d6 ch<;Jn ra dap an dung co nghla tuang duang.

Question 1. This is the first time we have been to the circus.

A. We had been to the circus once before.

B. We have been to the circus some times before.

C. We have never been to the circus before.

!l. We has been to the circus before.

Question 2. There were so many people on the train that Mary couldn't get a seat.

A. The train was too crowded for Mary to get a seat.

B. The train was so crowded that there were nowhere for Mary to sit.

C. So crowded the train that Mary couldn't get a seat.

D. The crowded train did not prevent Mary from getting a seat.

Question 3. The weather was so terrible that we spent the whole day indoors.

A. It was such terrible weather that we spent the whole day indoors.

B. The weather wasn't terrible enough for us to spend the whole day indoors.

C. The weather was too terrible for us to spend the whole day indoors.

D. The weather was too terrible that we spent the whole day indoors.

Question 4. Although she was disabled, she was quite confident the first time she practiced this

A. Despite being disabled, she was quite confident the first time she practiced this sport.

B. Though she was unable to walk, but the first time she practiced this sport, she was quite

C. In spite of being quite confident the first time she practiced this sport, she was disabled.

D. She was quite confident when practicing this sport for the first time because she was a
disabled girl.

Question 5. Da Lat, which is best known for foreign travellers, has pleasant weather.

A. Da Lat, is best known for foreign travellers, has pleasant weather.

B. Da Lat, best known for foreign travellers, having pleasant weather.

C. Da Lat, which is best known for foreign travellers, having pleasant weather.

D. Da Lat, best known for foreign travellers, has pleasant weather.

Trang 228

Question 6. It is a pity that I can't speak English like a native speaker.

A. I wish I could speak English like a native speaker.

B. I wish I couldn't speak English like a native speaker.

c. I wish I can speak English like a native speaker.

D. I wish I have spoken English like a native speaker.

Question 7. "I claim that you took my money," she said to the housekeeper.

A. She insisted on the housekeeper taking her money.

B. She admitted the housekeeper having taken her money.

C. She warned the housekeeper against taking her money.

!l. She accused the housekeeper of having taken her money.

Question 8. Ann always keeps up with the latest fashions. She works for a famous fashion

A. Ann always keeps up with the latest fashions so as not to work for a famous fashion house.

13. Ann works for a famous fashion house, so she always keeps up with the latest fashion.

c. Not working for a famous fashion house, Ann always keeps up with the latest fashions.
D. Despite working for a famous fashion house, Ann hardly keeps up with the latest fashions.

Question 9. We started to write to each other three years ago.

A. We used to write to each other for three years.

B. We have written to each other for three years.

C. We have written to each other since three years.

D. We used to write to each other in three years.

Question 10. The agreement ended six-month negotiation. It was signed yesterday.

A. The agreement ended six-month agreement was signed yesterday.

B. The agreement signed yesterday lasted six months.

C. The negotiation which lasted six months was signed yesterday.

D. The agreement which was signed yesterday ended six-month negotiation.

Question 11. He didn't take his father's advice. That's why he is out of work.

A. If he had taken his father's advice, he would not have been out of work.

B. If he took his father's advice, he would not be out of work.

C. If he had taken his father's advice, he would not be out of work.

D. If he takes his father's advice, he will not be out of work.

Question 12. I did not read his book. I did not understand what the lecturer was saying.

A. What the lecturer wrote and said was too difficult for me to understand.

Trang 229
B. I found it very difficult to understand what the lecturer said in his book.

C. I would have understood what the lecturer was saying if I had read his book.

D. The lecturer's book which I had not read was difficult to understand.

Question 13. Alvin said to Dan, "I didn't use your cassette player! Someone else did, not me."

A. Alvin told Dan that he hadn't used his cassette player, saying that someone else had.

B. Alvin denied having used Dan's cassette player, saying that someone else had.

C. Alvin refused to use Dan's cassette player, saying that someone else had.

D. Alvin said to Dan that he hadn't used his cassette player, saying that someone else had.

Question 14. "You should drink enough water daily to stay healthy," the doctor said to me.

A. The doctor suggested drinking enough water daily to stay healthy.

B. The doctor admitted drinking enough water daily to stay healthy.

C. The doctor minded drinking enough water daily to stay healthy.

D. The doctor tried drinking enough water daily to stay healthy.

Question 15. The dictionary was so expensive that I didn't buy it.

A. The dictionary was enough expensive for me to buy.

B. The dictionary was too expensive for me to buy it.
C. It was an expensive dictionary so that meant I didn't buy.

D. It was such an expensive dictionary that I didn't buy it.

Question 16. I will get home at about seven and I'll give you a ring then.

A. I will give you a ring when I get home at about seven.

B. I will give you a ring unless I get home at about seven.
C. I will give you a ring then I get home at about seven.

D. I will give you a ring when I will get home at about seven.
Question 17. He found it extremely difficult to learn this subject.

A. The subject was so easy that he could learn it well.

B. It was extremely difficult for him to learn this subject.
C. He had difficulty finding the subject.

D. He did not find it difficult to learn this subject.

Question 1 B. Keep silent or you'll wake the baby up.

A. If you don't keep silent, you will wake the baby up.

B. If you mustn't keep silent, you will wake the baby up.

C. If you keep silent, you will wake the baby up.

D. If you don't keep silent, you would wake the baby up.

Trang 230
Question 19. I didn't have an umbrella with me, so I got wet.

A. If I hadn't had an umbrella with me, I would have got wet.

B. If I didn't have an umbrella with me, I would get wet.

c. If I had an umbrella with me, I wouldn't get wet.
D. If I had had an umbrella with me, I would not have got wet.

Question 20. In the middle of our lunch, there was a knock at the door.

A. When we were having lunch, there was a knock at the door.

B. Our lunch were in the middle there was a knock at the door.

C. When we had just finished lunch, there was a knock at the door.

D. When they knock the door, we were having lunch.

Question 21. I haven't been to the cinema for several months.

A. The last time I went to the cinema several months ago.

B. It's been several months since I last went to the cinema.

C. It has been several months after I last went to the cinema.

D. I didn't go to the cinema until several months ago.

Question 22. He used to write home once a week.

A. He was forced to write home once a week.

B. He enjoys writing home once a week.
C. He no longer writes home once a week.

D. He never fails to write home once a week.

Question 23. They had decorated the tree with colored balls.

A. Colored balls had been decorated under the tree.

B. The tree had been decorated with colored balls.

C. They had decorated colored balls and the tree.

D. With colored balls the tree had looked beautiful.

Question 24. "Why didn't I invest in solar energy before?" thought the manager.

A. The manager warned that he hadn't invested in solar energy before.

B. The manager wondered why hadn't he invested in solar energy before.
C. The manager advised himself not to invest in solar energy before.

D. The manager wondered why he hadn't invested in solar energy before.

Question 25. Many companies launched organic food stores in Dalat.

A. Organic food stores was launched in Dalal by many companies.

B. Organic food stores has been launched in Dalal by many companies.

Trang 231
C. Organic food stores are launched in Dalal by many companies.

D. Organic food stores were launched in Dalat by many companies.

Question 26. This is the cheapest book I've ever bought.

A. Every book I've ever bought is cheaper than this one.

B. This book isn't cheaper than any books I've bought.

C. I've never bought such a cheap book before.

D. This book is not as cheap as every book I've bought.

Question 27. "If I were you, I wouldn't swim in that river," I said to Sara.

A. I suggested Sara swimming in that river.

B. I advised Sara to swim in that river.

C. I warned Sara not to swim in that river.

D. I told Sara to swim in that river.

Question 28. It started to rain at 2 o'clock and it is still raining.

A. It has been raining at 2 o'clock.

B. It has been raining since 2 o'clock.

C. It has been raining for 2 o'clock.

D. It has been raining in 2 o'clock.

Question 29. This material is suitable for students of eighteen years and up.

A. Students of eighteen years and over can use this material.

B. The material is suitable for students who are over eighteen.

C. The material may be suitable for students of over eighteen years of age.

D. Only 18-year-old students will find this material suitable.

Question 30. We were going to take a holiday in Haiti and had already booked our flight.

A. Our flight to Haiti was cancelled, so the holiday we had booked went to waste.

B. We had planned a vacation in Haiti and had even made our flight arrangements.
C. We couldn't go to Haiti in the end because we forgot to make arrangement for the flight in

D. We decided against a holiday in Haiti in spit of having paid for our plane tickets.
Question 31. We narrowly avoided an accident with a coach by managing to stop quickly.

A. If the coach hadn't stopped so suddenly, we wouldn't have had the accident.

B. The gap we had left between us and the coach was too narrow to avoid an accident.
C. It was such a narrow road that we nearly had an accident with a coach.

D. We would have had a collision with a coach if we hadn't come to stop so swiftly.

Trang 232
Question 32. It's no use trying to persuade Tom to change his mind.

A. It's a waste of time trying to persuade Tom to change his mind.

B. There's no point to try to persuade Tom to change his mind.

C. It's worth trying to persuade Tom to change his mind.

D. It's useful trying to persuade Tom change his mind.

Question 33. "''m sorry I gave you the wrong number;' said Paul to Sam.

A. Paul denied giving Sam the wrong number.

B. Paul apologized to Sam for giving the wrong number.

C. Paul thanked Sam for giving the wrong number.

D. Paul accused Sam of giving him the wrong number.

Question 34. People believe that Chinese people invented paper.

A. Paper is believed to have been invente d by Chinese people.

B. Paper is believed to be invented by Chinese people.

C. It was believed that Chinese people invent paper.

D. Chinese people are believed to invent paper.

Question 35. It is reported that the prisoners escaped by means of a helicopter.

A. The prisoners is reported to have escaped by means of a helicopter.

B. The prisoners are reported to have escaped by means of a helicopter.

C. The prisoners are reported to escape by means of a helicopter.

D. The prisoners are reported to have been escaped by means of a helicopter.

Question 36. The roads were slippery because it snowed heavily.

A. The heavy snow made the roads slippery.

B. It snowed too heavily to make the roads slippery.

C. The heavy snow prevented the roads from being slippery.

D. Thanks to the slip of the roads, it snowed heavily.

Question 37. We cut down many forests. The Earth becomes hot.

A. The more forests we cut down, the hotter the Earth becomes.
B. The more we cut down forests, the hotter the Earth becomes.

C. The more forests we cut down, the Earth becomes hotter.

D. The more we cut down forests, the Earth becomes hotter.

Question 38. She was so busy that she couldn't answer the phone.

A. She was very busy that she couldn't answer the phone.
B. She was too busy to answer the phone.

Trang 233
C. She was too busy not to answer the phone.

D. She was very busy so that she couldn't answer the phone.

Question 39. Smoking is not permitted in this office.

A. You couldn't smoke in this office.

B. You mustn't smoke in this office.

C. You needn't smoke in this office.

D. You mightn't smoke in this office.

Question 40. The film last night was thrilling. It was about a bank robbery.

A. The film last night, which was about a bank robbery, was thrilling.

B. It which was about a bank robbery was thrilling last night.

C. The bank robbery which was last night was thrilling.

D. The film last night was thrilling which was about a bank robbery.

Question 41. My kids are familiar with watching advertisements every evening.

A. My kids used to watch advertisements every evening.

B. My kids are used to watching advertisements every evening.

C. My kids used to watching advertisements every evening.

D. My kids get used to watch advertisements every evening.

Question 42. Most women prefer working outside to staying at home.

A. Most women would rather work outside than stay at home.

B. Most women work outside rather than staying at home.

C. Most women would rather to work outside than to stay at home.

D. Most women had better work outside than stay at home.

Question 43. The living room isn't as big as the kitchen.

A. The living room is bigger than the kitchen.

B. The kitchen is bigger than the living room.
C. The kitchen is smaller than the living room.

D. The kitchen isn't as big as the living room.

Question 44. A speaker will come to talk about William Shakespeare. I can't remember his

A. I can't remember the name of the speaker who will come to talk with William Shakespeare.
B. A speaker who will come to talk about William Shakespeare, I can't remember his name.
C. The speaker whose name I can't remember will come to talk about William Shakespeare.

D. The speaker will come to talk about William Shakespeare whose name I can't remember.

Trang 234
Question 45. "Do you know Long's address?" he asked me.

A. He asked me for Long's address.

B. He asked me if someone knew Long's address.

C. He asked me if I know Long's address.

D. He asked me if I knew Long's address.

Question 46. They have built a new school near the park.

A. A new school has been built near the park.

B. A new school has been built near the park by them.

C. A new park has been built near a new school.

D. A new school have been built near the park by they.

Question 47. Each person in the office should be given a personal parking space.

A. All staff members have their personal guaranteed parking spaces at the office.

B. It is advisable that all office staff have their own parking space.

C. The office suggests building a large parking area to provide all staff a space.

D. Having a parking space for all staff should be merely a personal issue.

Question 48. She has always had a good relationship with the children.

A. She has always got a lot of friends with the children.

B. She has always been in a relationship with the children.

C. She has always got away well with the children.

D. She has always got on well with the children.

Question 49. It was not until midnight that I finished the homework.

A. I couldn't be finish the homework before midnight.

B. I couldn't finish the homework before midnight.

C. I couldn't finish the homework after midnight.

D. I couldn't be finished the homework after midnight.

Question 50. After fighting for 12 hours, the firemen succeeded in putting it out.

A. The firemen managed putting out the fire after fighting for 12 hours.

B. The firemen managed to put out the fire before fighting for 12 hours.

C. The firemen managed put out the fire after fighting for 12 hours.

D. The firemen managed to put the fire out after fighting it for 12 hours.

Trang 235
Exercise 1. Wri1tino an email to information about places of interest in an area and to
do there.
• M6bai:
Dear ... ,
Hoi tham sCrc kh6e, cam on email tnr6'c d6 (neu c6), viet ly do viet email nay.
• Than bai: Viet cac y trien khai:
Ten cua dia danh? Ilia danh d6 nam 6 dau?
a d6 c6 gi d~c bi~t?
co the lam 9; 6 d6?

• Ket bai: Bay t6 mong cha thu hoi dap, chao t 0m bi~t va ky ten.

Dear Mira,
It's great to know that you're coming to Viet Nam.
There are so many interesting places in my city, but I think within one day you should be able to
visit three places. The first place I suggest is the Vietnam National Museum of History. You like
history, so it's a must-see place. There's an extensive collection of artefacts tracing VietNam's
history. They're arranged chronologically from primitive life to modern times. The second place
is Hoan Kiem Lake . It's one of the symbols of HaNoi. You can enjoy beautiful scenery and visit
Ngoc Son Temple. You can also have a look at the Old Quarter. You should wander around the
old streets and some ancient houses to explore Vietnamese culture. Conveniently, these places
are close to each other, so you can walk around easily.
Tell me when you're coming, so I can show you around these places.
Look forward to seeing you soon!
Best wishes,
Thuc Anh
Tam djch:
Mira than men,
Th~t tuyet vai khi biet rang b 0n sap den Vi~t Nam.
C6 rat nhieu noi thu vi trong thanh pho, nhung minh nghT trong m9t ngay b;;~n se c6 the den tham
ba dia ciii!m. Noi dau tien minh gQ'i y Ia Baa timg Lich sl! Quae gia Vi~t Nam. B0 n thfch ljch sU',
do d6 no Ia rn9t noi b;;m nen den tham quan. C6 m9t b9 suu tap day du nhfrng do co ghi 10i ljch
sU' cua Viet Nam. Chung duqc sap xep thea thCr 11! thai gian tir thai tien sU' den hi~n d 0 i. Ilia
diem thlr hai Ia ho Hoim Kiem. llo Ia m¢t trong nhO'ng bieu tuqng cua Ha NQi. do b 0n c6 the
ngam canh dep va ngiim !len Ngoc son. B0n cOng co the den khu pho co. B 0 n nen di quanh pho
co va m9t vai ng6i nha nha co de kham pha van hoa Vi~t Nam. Rat thuan ti~n Ia nhil'ng noi nay
gan nhau nen b;;m c6 the di b9 m9t each de dang.
Hay n6i cho minh biet thai gian bon se den, de minh co the dan b0 n di aen nhil'ng noi nay.
Mong duqc g~p b0n s6'm!
Than gU'i,
Thvc Anh

Trang 236
Exercise 2. Writing a paragraph about disadvantages/advantages of city life.
• Do~n van viet ve thu~n lqi: Viet ci\u chu de sau d6 trien khai cac y bo trq ve nhO"ng thu~n
lqi cua cui)c song 6 thilnh pho.
• Do~n van viet ve h~n che: Viet cau chu de sau d6 trien khai cac y bo trq ve nhO"ng h~n che
cua cui)c song 6 thimh pho.

There are a number of drawbacks of living in the city. Firstly, there is the probl-em of traffic jams
and traffic accidents. The increase in population and the increasing number of vehicles have
caused many accidents to happen every day. Secondly, air pollution negatively affects people's
health, and it also has a bad influence on the environment. More and more city dwellers suffer
from coughing and breathing problems. Thirdly, the city is noisy, even at night. Noise pollution
comes from the traffic and from construction sites. Buildings are always being knocked down
and rebuilt. These factors contribute to making city life more difficult for its residents.

T9m dich:
Song 6 thimh pho c6 mi)t so dieu bat lqi. flau lien, d6 Ia van de tac dtJong va tai n9n giao thong.
St,r gia tang ve dan so va ltJqng xe ci) Ia tac nhan khien nhieu vu tai n~n xay ra moi ngay. Thlr hai,
o nhiem khong khf cOng anh h116ng tieu ct,rc t6i sLrc kh6e con ngtJoi, va n6 cOng c6 tac di)ng xau
den moi trtJong. Ngay cang nhieu ngtJoi dan thanh pho mac phai van de ve hO hap va ho. Thlr
ba, thanh phoon ao, th~m chfvao buoi dem. 6 nhiem tieng on xuat phat tlr giao thong va tlr cac
cong tmang xay dt,rng. Ciic tba nha lilc nao cOng bi pha do va xay l~i. cac yeu to nay g6p phan
khien cho cui)c song thanh thi tr6 nen kh6 khan hon voi ngtJoi dan.

Exercise 3. Writing a short note to ask for advice or to give advice.

• M6 bai:
Dear ... ,
Hoi tham sLrc kh6e, viet ly do viet thtJ nay.
• Than bai: Mieu ta van de dang g~p phai, xin loi khuyen de giai quyet van de.
• Ket bili: Bay t6 mong cha thtJ hoi dap, chao t~m bi$t va ky ten.

Dear Miss Sweetie,
I am in grade 9 at a school in the city. I love my school, my teachers, and my parents. But this
year, I have to learn too much. My parents want me to become an engineer so I must try my
best to enter the best university. Besides that, I have to travel far to learn English. My weekend
is also fully booked with music class, swimming class and more. I do not have time for myself. I
do not know how to tell my parents about this problem. Could you please give me some advice
about this?
I look forward to hearing from you.

T"m djch:
Kinh gui co Sweetie,
Chau dang h9c lop 9 t~i mi)ttmong trong thanh pho. Chau yeu trtJong, cac thay co giao va bo
m~. NhtJng nam nay, chau phai h9c rat nhieu. Bo m~ muon chau tr6thanh ky stJ, vi the chau

Trang 237
phai c6 gang het sue de viw dU'Q'c trU'ang d<;~i hQc tot nhat. Ben c<;~nh d6, chau con phai di mot
quiing dU'ilng xa de hQc tieng An h. Ngay cu6i tuan cua eMu kin l!ch v6'i lop hQc nh<;~c, hQc bai va
han the nfra. Chau khong c6 thai gian cho ban than. Chau khong biet lam sao de n6i v6'i b6 m~
minh ve van de nay. Co c6 the cho chau viii loi khuyen khong <;~?
Mong s6'm nh$n dU'Q'C thU' ctla co.
Than gui,

Exercise 4. Choose one facility which was not available twenty years ago and write a short
description of how students in the past studied without that facility.
• Neu ra ten cua do dung ti$n ich d6.
• Mieu ta ve each hQC sinh hoc t$p trong qua khtl' mil khong c6 Slf trQ' gitlp cua do dung d6.

It is most likely that students twenty years ago were not able to enjoy the Internet in their
studies. This is the reason why it took them a lot of time, energy, and even money, to do a
project that we can now easily complete in one or two days.
For example, when being asked to write an assignment about past habits, the students had to
go to the library, look for books on the topic, read the books, and hand-write any information
that they thought was useful for their assignment. They would also have to meet with some old
people and talk to them about the past. At home, they had to hand-write their assignment,
possibly with a lot of erasing and rewriting of the first draft. After finishing the draft, they had to
write a clean copy on another piece of paper for submission.

T<;~m dich:
Hau het hoc sinh han 20 nam tm6'c khong the su d~ng Internet trong vi$c hoc cua h 0 . D6 Ia ly
do t<;~i sao ho phai mat rat nhieu thai gian, nang IU'Q'ng, va th~m chi ca tien b<;~c, de lam m(>t dlf
an ma hi$n tai chung ta c6 the de dang hoan thilnh trong m(>t ho~c hai ngay.
Vi d~, khi dU'Q'C yeu cau Viet m(>t bai t$p ve nhfrng th6i quen trong qua khLr, hoc sinh phai VilO thU'
vi$n, tim kiem sach ve chtl de d6, doc va viet l<;~i bat ky thong tin nao mil hQ cho Ia hfru ich cho
bai t$p cua h0 , ho cOng se phai g~p m(>t s6 ngU'cri Ion tuoi de trao doi v6'i hQ ve qua khtl'. 6 nha,
ho phai viet tay, tay xoa nhieu lan va viet lai ban nhap dau tien. Sau khi hoan thanh ban nhap, ho
phai viet l<;~i m(>t ban hoan chinh tren m(>t to giay khac de n(>p.

Exercise 5. Write a short article describing a wonder of Vietnam.

• Ten cua ki quan d6 Ia gi? N6 niim 6 dau?
• C6 dieu gi khien n6 d~c bi$t?

The ancient town of Hoi An is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and every corner, down to the
tiniest alleyway, has something interesting to show everyone. The old town centers on an
impressive Vietnamese Chinese style citadel with an adjacent 16th-century arched bridge
across the river. It is nestled in the fertile rice paddies of Quang Nam province -well known for
its friendly people and fresh seafood.
Hoi An's old quarter was painstakingly restored in 2000 by UNESCO as part of a world heritage
fund project; today it has been transformed into a bustling market town with over one million
tourist dollars flowing through it each year.

Trang 238
T~m dich:
Pho co H<)i An da di.J'qc UNESCO cong nh(ln Ia Di san The gi6i va mQi ng6c ngach, tCr con hem
nh6 nhat, deu c6 ciieu gi d6 thu vi de mqi ngi.J'oi chiem ngi.J'ong. Khu pho co hi.J'6ng ve m<)t toa
thanh thea phong each Vi~t- Hoa an ti.J'qng v6i cay cau c6 mai vom tCr the ky 16 bac qua song.
Noi day nam an minh trong nhO'ng canh dong lila phi nhieu cua tinh Quang Nam- noi noi tieng
v6i con ngi.J'oi th!ln thi\\n va hai san ti.J'oi ngon.
Khu pho co H<)i An da di.J'qc UNESCO trung tu m<)t each can th(ln vao nilm 2000 nhi.J' m<)t phan
cua quy dt,r an di san the gi6i; ngay nay n6 da chuyen minh thanh m<)t thi tran nh<)n nhip v6i hon
m<)t tri\\u do Ia tien du ljch moi nilm.

Exercise 6. Write about the three most important qualities you think a person needs to be able to
get along with other members in an extended family.
• Viet cau chu de neu ra ba to chat quan trqng de song hoa hqp v6i mqi ngi.J'oi trong m<)t
gia dinh c6 nhieu the h~.
• Ly do t(li sao can cac to chat d6, di.J'a ra vf d~.
I believe that to get along with other members of an extended family, we need to be willing to
share, caring, and tolerant. Firstly, the willingness to share is the most important quality to have.
For example, sharing household chores with other members can ease family stress and result in
fewer arguments at home. Secondly, we also should be caring. We should communicate and
laugh together daily. Family meals and car travels, for example, can be great times to catch up
on what happened to each family member during the week. As a result, caring helps us
strengthen our bonds and develop meaningful emotional connections with others. Finally, being
tolerant is another necessary quality. When parents know more about different thinking and
ideas from their children, it will help them to understand their kids better. If children experience
love and tolerance, they will grow up and lead happy and peaceful lives. In short, people who
want to live happily in an extended family should share, care for, and tolerate one another.

T~m djch:
Toi tin rang de hoa dong v6i cac thanh vien khac trong d(li gia dinh, chung ta can san sang chia
se, quan tam va c6 long baa dung. St,r san long chia se Ia ph am chat quan trong nhat can c6. Vf
d~. chia se cong vi~c gia dinh v6i cac thanh vien khac c6 the giam b6t cilng thang trong gia dinh
va dan den it tranh cai hon khi a nha. Thlr hai, chung ta cOng nen quan tam nhau hon. Chung ta
nen n6i chuy~n va woi cung nhau hang ngay. Vf d~. bO'a an gia dinh va chuyen du ljch bang o to
c6the Ia nhO'ng khoang thai gian tuy~t voi de chi a se nhO'ng dieu da xay ra v6i cac thanh vien
khac trong tuan qua. Ket qua Ia, quan tam ian nhau giup chung ta cung co cac moi quan h~ cua
minh va ph at trien cac ket noi tinh cam c6 y nghia v6i nhO'ng ngi.J'oi khac. Cuoi cung, khoan dung
Ia m<)t ph am chat can thiet khac. Khi cha m~ biet nhieu hon ve nhO'ng suy nghi va y kien khac
bi~t cua con cai thi dieu d6 se giup ho hieu con minh hon. Neu nhO'ng dtl'a tre cii.J'qc trai nghi~m
tinh yeu thi.J'ong va long baa dung, chung se c6 the 16n len va c6 cu<)c song h(lnh phuc va binh
yen. T6m l(li, nhO'ng ngi.J'oi muon chung song vui ve trong m<)t d(li gia dinh thi nen chia se, quan
tiim vii baa dung Ian nhau.

Exercise 7. Write about your partner's eating habits. Include information about his/her meals,
your opinion about his/her eating habits and possible changes.
• Gi6i thi~u ngan gqn ve ngi.J'oi b(ln cua minh va th6i quen an u6ng cua ngi.J'oi d6.

Trang 239
• Neu ra quan diem cua ban than ve th6i quen an uong 66, va de xuat nhiJng thay doi (neu
Nam, my friend, has a lot of bad habits when it comes to food. If he needs to go to school, he
normally eats nothing in the morning. On his days off, he eats unhealthy foods such as
hamburgers and instant noodles. He eats fast food and Coca-Cola for lunch during the school
day. He stated that he enjoys fast food and canned goods and that he purchases them from the
supermarket on a regular basis.
He has promised to try a new, healthier diet after I have offered him some suggestions. I
recommend that he replace Coca-Cola with water and consume more fish and veggies. Beans
and peas are low in fat and high in nutrients, he also should try them. Besides, he has to cut
down on his fast food consumption. If he wants to lose weight and stay fit and healthy, he will
need to do certain workouts.

Tam djch:
Nam, b;;m cua t6i, c6 rat nhieu th6i quen an uong kh6ng tot cho sU"c khoe. Cau ay thuong nhjn an
sang neu phai di hoc. fl6i khi trong ngay nghi, c§u ay an do an kh6ng tot cho sU"c kh6e nhu banh
hamburger vii mi an lien. 6 truong, c(lu ay thuong an thllc an nhanh va coca cola cho bil'a trua.
qu ay n6i C$U ay thich do an nhanh va thl!C ph am d6ng hQp va thuong xuyen mua chung trong
sieu thj.
Cau ay da hU"a se thU" m9t che d9 an uong m6i lanh manh han sau khi t6i cho c§u ay m9t so gQ"i
y. T6i de ngh! c§u ay thay cocacola bang nu6c, an nhieu cava rau. fl$u va dau Ha Lan it beo va
rat bo duong nen c(lu ay cung nen thll an chUng. Ben canh d6, c(lu ay phai dLJ"ng vi$c an qua
nhieu thU"c an nhanh. C$u ay se din tap the due neu c§u ay muon giam din va giG" co the khoe
Exercise 8. Write about the negative effects of tourism on a region or country.
o Neu ra nhfrng anh huang lieu ClfC CUa du ljch Va h$ qua CUa n6 den khu VlJC ho~c dat
• Dua ra nhil'ng dan chU"ng, hoac vi dude chU"ng minh.

So many places in the world rely heavily on tourism as a key source of income and employment
nowadays; however, tourism can also be a source of problems too. One of the drawbacks of
tourism is the pressure on the population. For example, the number of arrivals raises the
population in an area, which causes traffic jams and social vices. Many cities and towns
become overcrowded with tourists, their vehicles increase traffic jams as well as air and noise
pollution. Besides, tourists consume a lot of local resources such as water, food, energy, etc.,
which results in many other depressions. Secondly, things like ancient buildings, monuments,
and temples often struggle to cope with the vast amounts of tourist traffic and they suffer wear
and tear or damage. Some areas can be inundated with visitors during busy times, and then
virtually deserted for many months. In conclusion, the development of tourism has both
benefits and disadvantages, we need to have the right control over it and prevent the damage
caused by tourism.

Hi$n nay rat nhieu noi tren the gi6i coi du ljch Ia nguon thu nh$p chinh va vi$c lam kiem com; tuy
nhien, du ljch cung c6 the gay ra nhieu van de. M9t trong nhil'ng han che cua du ljch Ia sU"c ep ve

Trang 240
dan so. c~ the, so IU'<;mg nguoi den lam tang so nguoi trong khu vvc, gay un tac giao thong va
gay ra cac t$ n;;m xa h(ii. Nhieu thilnh ph6 va thj tran tra nem qua tai v6'i khach du ljch, xe c(i gia
tang un tac giao thong cOng nhllo nhiem khong khi va tieng on. Ben C\}nh do, khach du ljch tieu
th~ nhi"eu nguon tai nguyen dja phuong nhll nll6'c, thl,lc pham, nang lllqng, vv ... dan den nhieu
sv khtlng hoang khac. Th(r hai, cac toa nha co, tllqng dai, va den tho thuong phai v~t I(in de d6i
pho v6'i m(it luqng ian lllu luqng du ljch va do do chung bi hao man, xu6ng cap dan. M(it s6 khu
v1,1c co the bi qua tai du khach trong thai gian cao diem, va sau do hau nhll b6 hoang trong
nhieu thang. Tom l9i, phat trien du ljch coca lqi ich va bat lqi. Chung ta can co quyen kiem soat
nova ngan ngCra nhfrng thi$1 h9i do du ljch gay ra.

Exercise 9. Write a paragraph about the advantages of studying English.

• Neu nhfrng lqi ich cua vi$c hoc tieng An h.
• Dlla ra dan ch(rng, ly do, ho~c vi d~ de chung minh.

English is known as one of the most spoken languages in the world, so learning English as a
second language has some big advantages. First, learning English well boosts your employment
potential. Between the two candidates that have the same qualifications, the one who is better
at English can be paid more and have a higher chance of promotion. Second, English is
becoming an international language, so being proficient in English helps you go abroad easily,
especially when you want to get a scholarship. Europe and America universities, which are
considered to be the best educational environments, always accept those who have a
reasonable English proficiency. Last but not least, you can make friends all over the world. You
can learn about their cultures, customs and lifestyles, exchange languages and information. In
conclusion, globalization makes English one of the most common languages on earth, you
should practice it regularly to keep up with the changing world.

T;~m djch:
Tieng Anh duqc biet den Ia m(it trong nhfrng ngon ngfr dllqc slr d~ng nhieu nhat tren the gi6'i, v1
v~y vi$c hoc tieng Anh nhll ngon ngfr th(r hai co m(it so lqi the ian. Dau tiiin, hoc tieng Anh tot se
thuc day tiem nang vi$c lam cua b9n. Gifra hai Ll"ng vi en co tr1nh d(i tuong dllong nhau, nglloi
gi6i tieng Anh hon co the duqc tra lllong cao hon va co co h(ii thang lien cao hon. Th(r hai, tieng
Anh dang tra thilnh ngon ngfr quae te nen vi$c thanh th9o tieng Anh se giup b9n de dang ra
nllac ngoai, d~c bi$1 Ia khi b9n muon kiem hoc bong. Cac trllong d9i hoc Au My von duqc coi Ia
moi tmong giao d~c tot nhat luon nh~n nhfrng sinh vien co tr1nh d(i tieng Anh tieu chuan. Cu6i
cung nhung khong kem ph an quan tr0 ng, b9n co the ket b9n tren khap the giai. B9n co the t1m
hieu ve van hoa, phong t~c va 16i song cua ho, trao doi ngon ngfr va thong tin. Tom l9i, loan cau
hoa lam cho tieng Anh tra thilnh m(it trong nhfrng ngon ngfr pho bien nhat tren Trai Dat, b9n nen
luy$n t~p thuong xuyen de bat kip v6'i the gi6'i khong ngCrng thay doi.

Exercise 10. Write a paragraph about !he benefits of space exploration.

• Neu ra nhfrng lqi ich cua vi$c kham pha vO tw
• Dlla ra nhfrng dan chung, ly do ho~c vi d~ de chung minh.

Mankind has always been fascinated with exploring the unknown. Although there are many
problems here on planet Earth that need addressing, the benefits of space exploration far

Trang 241
outweigh the disadvantages. First of all, it gives us more information about our solar system,
galaxy, and the universe. When we take on the effort to start exploring space, we can discover
new truths about our planet and culture simultaneously. Secondly, space exploration allows us
to prepare for potential hazards. The universe is a vast place where hidden dangers could be
lurking almost anywhere. Exploring space gives us an opportunity to locate these hazards in
advance to prepare an encounter that could help preserve our race. Last but not least, space
exploration brings us more advanced technology, advances in the medical field, and a boost to
the economy and these facts cannot be disputed. In short, human beings can benefit a lot from
space exploration.

Tam dich:
Nhiin loai lu6n say me kham ph a nhO'ng di'eu chua biet. M~c du van con rat nhieu van de 6 tren
Trai Dat din duqc giai quyet, nhung nhO'ng lqi fch cua vi$c kham pha vO tn,1 con 16n han ca
nhfrng han che d6. Tru6c het, n6 cung cap cho chung ta nhieu thong tin han ve h$ m~t troi, thien
ha va vO tru cua chung ta. Khi chung ta no life kham ph a vO tru, thi chung ta c6 the dong thoi
kham ph a ra nhfrng Slf th~t m6i ve himh tinh vil nen van h6a cua chung ta. Thtl' hai, kham ph avO
tru giup chung ta chuan bi cho nhO'ng m6i nguy hiem tiem tang. VO tru Ia m()t nai r()ng 16n, c6
nhfrng nguy hiem tiem an c6 the rinh r~p 6 bat ctl' diiu. Kham pha vO tru cho chung ta ca h()i xac
d!nh tru6c nhfrng m6i nguy hiem nay de chuan bi cho m(>t cu(>c cham trim c6 the giup bao v$
noi gi6ng cua chung ta. Cu6i cung nhung kh6ng kem phan quan trQng, tham hiem kh6ng gian dii
mang lai cho chung ta c6ng ngh$ tien tien han, nhfrng tien b() trong linh vifc y te, thuc day nen
kinh te va nhO'ng thlfc te nay khong the bi bac b6. N6i t6m lai, con nguoi c6 the duqc huang lqi
rat nhieu tlr vi$c kham pha kh6ng gian.

Trang 242



1. 8 2.C 3. c 4.A 5.8 6.8 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.0

11. c 12.C 13.C 14.0 15.C 16. A 17.8 18.8 19. A 20.8
21. A 22.C 23.8 24.0 25.8 26.C 27.A 28.8 29.C 30.C
31. A 32.A 33.0 34.0 35. c 36.C 37.A 38.0 39.A 40.A
41.8 42.C 43.A 44.0 45.C 46.8 47.8 48.8 49.C 50.0
Question 1. Ph fa tnroc otrong Ia danh ttr chi v~t "the photos", nem c"iln dfen d<!i ttr quan h$ thay
the cho v?t.
T9m djch: NhO"ng bli"c anh dU'qc ch~p hom ti$c Giang Sinh dau rei?
Question 2. Day Ia cau giao tiep.
T9m djch: "B9n da lien l9c dm;tc voi Peter chU'a?"- "Van chU'a, dU'ong day dang b?n."
Question 3. Cau hoi !lr vvng.
additional: them vao, bo sung
optional: W chon
compulsory: bat bu9c
religious: thu9c ve ton giao
T9m djch: Toan va VanIa hai man hoc bat bu9c 6tnrong trung h 0 c.
Question 4. Cau hoi ttr vvng.
population: dan so -7 Cau true: have a population of+ [number]
pollution: Sl/ 6 nhi~m
application: Ling d~ng
territory: lanh tho
T9m djch: Hoa Ky co dan so khoimg 250 tri~u ngU'oi.
Question 5. Cau hoi ve thanh ngO".
piece of cake: de c;rt, de nhU' an banh
T9m d!ch: Hoc tieng Anh Ia qua de voi m(lt nglfoi thong minh nhU' c~u be do.
Question 6. Cau true: on occasion
T9m djch: M~ t6i chi m~c Ao dai vao nhO"ng djp d~c bi~t.
Question 7. Cau bi d9ng 6thi qua khli" don: S +was+ v,2.
T9m djch: Nha ctla t6i dU'Q"c xay dvng vao nam 1986.
Question 8. Ph fa tnroc 6 trong Ia danh tlr chi ngU'oi "the doctor" dong vai tro chtl ngO", nen can
dien d9i tCr quan h~ thay the cho ngU'oi.
T9m d!ch: 6ng bac sT nglfoi da bao t6i kh6ng nen thli"c qua khuya Ia bo ctla b9n t6i.
Question 9. Danh ILr ghep co g9ch noi dong vai tro lam tfnh ILr, danh tLr lu6n 6 d9ng so ft.
T9m djch: can nha ctla anh ay th?t r<;>ng rai va sang sua. No Ia can nha co 7 phong.
Question 10. Cau dieu ki~n lo9i 1: If+ S + V(s/es), S +will/won't+ V.
T9m djch: Neu b9n d?y sam, thi b9n se kh6ng bi mu9n.
Question11. Cau U'oc 6 hi~n t9i: S + wish(es) + S + V(past). D9ng tCr tobe lu6n Ia were.
T9m d!ch: Hom nay troi nang qua. IJoc gi bay giot6i dang 6tren biii bien.
Question 12. Cau nai ve thoi quen trong qua khli".
T9m djch: Hoi con song 6 thanh pho, anh ay da tCrng di den nha hat hai 18n m9t tuan.

Trang 243
Question 13. Cau gian tiep: asked sb (not) to v
Tam dich: B6 tbi baa chung tbi khbng cflxqc danh qua nhieu thai gian vilo vi~c choi di$n til'.
Question 14. Cau hoi dubi, chu ngfr Iii nobody, dai tO' ve dubi Iii they.
Tam djch: Khbng c6 ai di aen bO'a ti$c, phai khbng?
Question 15. TLr n6i.
while: trong khi
during: trong su6t
since: ke tLr khi
when: khi
Tam djch: £Hi gan 3 thang ke tLr lan cu6i anh ay ve tham b6 m~.
Question 16. Phia tnr6c b tr6ng Ia ten nglfoi "Maryam" vii c6 dau phay, nen can m(>t d9i tLr quan
h$ thay cho nglfoi.
Tam dich: Ngay mai chung toi se aen san bay N(>i Bai de d6n Maryam, Ia ho hang cua chung tbi
tLr Malaysia.
Question 17. Cfiu true: admit+ (not) V-ing
T9m djch: Anh 2iy thLra nhan minh da kh6ng doi xli tot voi dong nghi$p.
Question Hl. C~m d(>ng tlr.
bring out: de cap aen
take over: tiep quan
pass down: truyen lai
turn down: v~n nh6 tieng, tlr choi
Tem djch: Ben c6 biet ai Ia nglJoi se tiep quan xli6ng g6m kh6ng?
Question 19. Tnrac cac bfra sang, tnra, toi, ta kh6ng dung mao tLr.
Tam dich: Bu6i tnra ban thlfong an gl?
Question 20. Cau true: remember+ V-ing: nh6 rang da lam gl.
Tam djch: T6i n6i rang t6i nh61a da lam viec cung anh ay 61ilng nghe thu c6ng, nhlfng anh ay
n6i t6i nham.
Question 21. Cau true hai hilnh d(>ng xay ra song song.
Tam djch: Trong khi t6i dang n6i chuy$n v6i c6 giao, thl ban tbi dqi 6 ben ngoili.
Question 22. Cau true so sanh, nhlfng kh6ng phai so sanh nhat. Dt!a vilo ngO' canh, ta chon
Ti;lm djch: 6ng t6i Ia nghe nhan 16n tu6i thlr hai trong lang, 6ng cua Nancy Iii nglfoi 16n tu6i nhat.
Question 23. Cau hoi tLr wng.
painting: bil'c tranh
sculpture: tlft;rng dieu khac
rnedal: huy chlfong
picture: btic tranh, blic anh
Tam dich: Tli<;rng dieu khac Ia m(>t v~t the cil'ng, dlJqc t9o ra bang each chi;lm khac ho~c tao
hinh tlr go, da, dat set, vv ...
Question 24. Cau hoi tlr vl,l'ng.
element: yeu to, nguyen t6
material: chat lieu
recipe: c6ng thil'c
ingredient: nguyen lieu, thanh phan

Trang 244

Tllm djch: Tat ca cac Ioili th1,1c pham nen c6 ten cac nguyen li~u tren baa bl.
Question 25. M~nh de nh11qng bi).
Tllm djch: M~c du con tre, nh11ng co ay Ia ngh~ nhan noi tie'ng nhat trong lang.
Question 26. Cau hoi tti Vl,lng.
field: canh dong, linh v1,1c
direction: chi dan
route: tuyen d11ong
itinerary: hanh trinh
Tllm djch: Ng11b'i di dl1b'ng diJ'C)'c khuyen cao nen di mi)t tuyen d11b'ng khac khi dolln d11ong nay
dang trong giai dolln stia chfra.
Question 27. Cau hoi tti v1,1ng.
book: d~t cho
keep: giG'
put: d~t. de
buy: mua
Tllm djch: Dam bao rang blln d~t phong khach slln tr116c khi den dao, nhat Ia vao mua he.
Question 28. Cau hoi tti Ioili. 6 tr6ng can mi)t danh tlr.
Tllm djch: May vi tfnh c6 di) linh hollt cao hon nhieu trong each to chd'c cong vi~c.
Question 29. Cau true: Would you mind + V-ing
Tllm djch: Phien blln mo ctia ra giup toi.
Question 30. Cau true: give up + V-ing
T"m djch: Blln nen bo thuoc di neu khong se chet vi ung thl1 d6.
Question 31. Cau giao tiep.
Tllm djch: "Thjt bo n116ng nay ngon tuy~t vb'i."- "MCrng Ia blln thfch n6."
Question 32. Cau hoi tti Ioili. 6 tr6ng can mi)t tfnh tCr.
Tllm d!ch: Ng11oi U'ng tuyen hft m<?t hoi th(it sau tmac khi b116c vao phong phong van.
Question 33. Cau true so sanh nhilt.
Tllm d!ch: Laura Ia co gai thong minh nhat ma toi biet.
Question 34. Cau true thi qua khil' tiep diem, hanh di)ng chen ngang.
Tllm djch: BQn tre dang choi tha dieu ngoai canh dong thi troi bat dau m11a.
Question 35. Cau true: concentrate on sth
T\lm djch: Ben ngoai qua lin den noi co ay khong the t~p trung vao cong vi~c.
Question 36. cau giao tiep.
Tllm d!ch: "De toi giup b\ln xach 1Ui d11qc khiing?"- "Vang, lam on."
Question 37. Trang cau c6 "last week" Ia dau hi~u ctla thi qua khd' don.
T"m djch: Tuan tr116c toi dave tham tr11b'ng cO.
Question 38. Cau hoi t(r lOili. 6 tr6ng can mi)t tfnh tCr.
T\lm djch: Di den nhfrng dat mr6c khac tren the gi6i cho phep toi hQc hoi d11qc nhieu dieu thu vj.
Question 39. Cau hoi t(r lOili. 6 tr6ng can mi)t tfnh !Cr.
T\lm djch: Anh ay d11qc nh~n vao lam nho man the hi~n an t11qng trong buoi phong van.
Question 40. M~nh de trllng ngfr chi thai gian a hi~n t"i.
Tllm djch: HQ se choi b6ng bim khi b6 trove nhi1.
Question 41. Trang cau c6 "yesterday" Ia dau hi~u ctla thi qua khd'.
T"m djch: Anh ay khong cho phep chung toi ra ngoai vi gi6 dang thai rat m\lnh.

Trang 245
Question 42. each stl' d~ng thi qua khll' hoim thimh, hilnh d(>ng xay ra tnr6"c m(>t hanh d(>ng
khac trong qua khll'.
Tam djch: Toi khong the cat co vi cai may cat coda bj hong may ngay tnr6"c.
Question 43. Cau true: so that+ clause, d8 chi m~c dich.
Tam d!ch: Toa nha c6 thiet bi bao chay de c6 the xac djnh c6 hoa hoan ngay 1$p terc.
Question 44. C~m d(>ng tt:r: come up with: nay ray wang
Tam djch: Helen da nay ra m(>t sang kien cho vi$c giam can.
Question 45. Mao Hr: the+ adj, de chi m(>t nh6m nguiri c6 chung d~c diem.
Tam djch: Trong tr$n 10, tn!c thang cua quan d(>i da den va co gang sa tan nhO'ng nguoi bj
Question 46. Cau hoi tCr vifng.
produce: san xuat
recycle: tai che
waste: b6 phi
preserve: bao quan
Tam djch: Giay l(>n c6 the duqc stl' d~ng lai sau khi da duqc tai che.
Question 47. Ciiu hoi du6i cua Let's, chon shall we.
Tam djch: Tuan nay minh di ra bai bien nhe?
Question 48. Cau true thi qua khll' tiep dien, hanh d(>ng chen ngang.
Tam djch: Hom qua dang di den truirng thi t6i g~p anh ay.
Question 49. "times" 6 day Ia danh t.:r d8m duqc c6 nghla Ia so ian.
Tam djch: T6i da den thanh ph6 Ho Chi Minh nhieu ian roi.
Question 50. Cau true so sanh kep.
Tam djch: Chung ta cang tiet ki$m nhieu tien, thi chung ta se mua duqc nha cang sam.

Trang 246


1. 8 2.C 3.8 4.A 5. A 6.8 7.8 8. 0 9.0 10.8
11. 8 12.8 13.0 14.A 15.C 16.8 17.A 18.C 19.0 20.8
21. A 22.A 23.8 24.C 25.C 26.0 27.C 28.C 29.8 30.8
31.8 32.8 33.0 34.A 35.A 36.A 37.8 38.C 39.A 40.8
41. A 42.8 43.A 44.8 45.8 46.0 47.C 48.8 49.A 50.0

Question 1. were -7 was

Cau true: each of the Ns + V(so it)
T~m dich: Moi thimh vien trong nh6m duqc yeu diu viet bao cao hang tuan.
Question 2. to get -7 getting
Cau true: avoid + V-ing
T~m dich: Neu b~n suy nghi can th~n tru6c khi quyet djnh, thi b~n se tranh duqc nk rei sau nay.
Question 3. what happening -7 what happened
Cau gian tiep, chuyen d~ng cau hoi ve d~ng cau tran thu~t khong c6 trq d(ing Hr.
T~m djch: He hoi tiii chuyen gi dii xay ra dem hiim tnr6c, nhung toi kh6ng the n6i cho he.
Question 4. look into -7 look up
C~m d(ing tCr: look up: tra c(ru
T;;~m djch: T6i thuong tra tCr m6i trong tCr dien moi khi t6i khiing biet nghTa cua chung.
Question 5. taking -7 to take
Cau true: refuse + to V
T ~m dich: Caroline tCr choi cong viec ma co ay duqc nh~n vi muc Iuong khiing cao.
Question 6. bo but
Menh de nhuqng b(i: Although + s + V, s + v.
djch: M~c du nha ngheo, nhung c~u ay hoc rat gioi.
Question 7. holiday -7 holidays
Cau true: one of the + Ns
T;;~m djch: MC)t trong nhfrng ngay le noi tieng nhat 6 My Ia LeT;;~ on, duqc to chuc trong thang
11 .
Question 8. to do -7 doing
Cau true: spend [time/money] + V-ing
T;;~m djch: M" tiii van danh 7 tieng moi ngay de lam viec nhil.
Question 9. be inform -7 be informed
Cau true cau bi dC)ng: must be+ v,z
T;;~m djch: Ket qua cua bai kiem tra phai duqc thong bao truac thang 8.
Question 10. to go -7 going
Cau true: feel like+ V-ing
T<;~m djch: Sang nay tiii khiing muon di lam chut nao vi troi mua to qua.
Question 11. about -7 on
Cau true: congratulate sb on sth/V-ing
T;;~m djch: Sao anh kh6ng chuc mCrng con trai vi dii vuqt qua bai kiem tra cuoi cung?
Question 12. careful -7 care
Cau true: take care of: cham s6c
T;;~m djch: BC) m" thuong cham s6c tiii khi tiii om.

Trang 247
Question 13. writing -7 written
Rut g 0 n mi)nh de quan hi) d<eng bi d<)ng, dung Vp2-
T<em djch: B<en da tl!ng doc cuon tieu thuyet niw viet b6i Jack London chua?
Question 14. starts usually -7 usually starts
Tr<eng tl! chi tan suat dl.fng phia truoc d<)ng tu.
T<em dich: Nam hac thuang bat dau viw cuoi thang 8 6 nhieu noi tren ca nu6c.
Question 15. quick -7 quickly
Tr9ng tLr b6 nghia cho d<)ng tlr "read"
T<em dich: Vl bay gia da c6 tuoi, nen toi kh6ng the doc nhanh nhu· truoc nfra.
Question 16. wasn't -7 hadn't been
Cau true cau uoc trai voi qua khl.f: s + wish(es) + s + QKHT.
T<em dich: Peter uoc gl mlnh khong bi ph<et vl cii hQc mu<)n ngay hom qua.
Question 17. was -7 were
Dei tu so nhieu a·, voi tobe Ia were.
T<em djch: HQ ciuqc khuyen Ia hay len ke ho<ech moi thl.f th$1 can than truoc chuyen cii.
Question 18. that -7 which
ME)nh de c6 which dat sau dilu phay de thay the cho ca m~nh de truoc n6.
T9m dich: Han 1 o hac sinh thi truqt, ciieu nay lam co giao rat bat nga.
Question 19. to repair -7 repairing/ to be repaired
Cau true cau bi d<)ng: need+ V-ing/to be Vp2
T<em djch: Vl h$ thong cao toe cia ciuqc xay dlfng tu 40 nam truoc, nen bay gio nhieu con ciuang
can ciuqc sua chfra.
Question 20. to drink -7 drinking
Cau true tuong auong.
T9m djch: Ngu, nghi ngoi va uong nuoc trai cay Ia nhfrng each tot nhat de chfra b$nh cam lanh.
Question 21. had -7 had had
Cau true cau cneu kiE)n lo<ei 3.
Tam dich: Neu tuan truoc chung ta c6 nhieu thai gian han, thl chung ta chac chan cia hoan
thanh di! an dung h<en.
Question 22. get -7 gets
Chu ngfr so it, cau chi a 6 thl hiE)n tai cion.
Tam djch: Me toi luon d$y sam ae chuan bi bfra sang cho ca nha.
Question 23. am working -7 have been working
Ngfr canh cua cau cho thay cau chi a 6 thl hiijn t<;~i hoan thanh tiep dien.
T9m dich: Toi cia tot nghi$p ci 0i hac vao nam ngoai, toi da lam vi~c t<;~i day han tam thang roi.
Question 24. more worse -7 worse
Cau so sanh han, tfnh tu ngan khong c6 more
T<em djch: Buoi hoa nh9c nay t$ han toi tu6ng.
Question 25. short -7 shorter
Cau true so sanh kep.
T<em d!ch: Cang gan aen 21/12, ngay ciau ti€m ella mua dong, ngay cang ngan.
Question 26. was cooking -7 cooked
M$nh de tr<mg ngfr chi thai gian trong qua khl.f dung after.
T<em djch: Sau khi di lam ve, co Vuong nau bfra toi.

Trang 248

Question 27. on -7 in
T;;~m djch: Con gai khong duqc di h0 c 6 m(lt vai quoc gia vi phan bi$t gi6i tfnh.
Question 28. speaking -7 (which are) spoken
Rut g0 n m$nh de quan h$ d;;~ng bi d9ng, dung P2.
T;;~m dich: C6 khoang 3000 ng6n ngfr duqc n6i tren the gioi.
Question 29. surrounded -7 surrounding
Rut g0 n m$nh de quan h$, dung V-ing.
T;;~m dich: Cai hang rao go bao quanh nha mat bat dau hong dan vi mua.
Question 30. above -7 on
Sai gi6i tlr chi vj trf.
T;;~m djch: Moi dem, sandy ngoi tren ghe banh va xem TV.
Question 31. will quit -7 would quit
cau true cau dieu ki$n lo;;~i 11.
T;;~m djch: Neu t6i Ia c6 ay, t6i se b6 ngay c6ng vi$c d6 va di tim vi$c khac.
Question 32. striking -7 struck
M$nh de quan h$ d;;~ng bj d(>ng, rut gon dung P2.
T;;~m djch: Hai trong so ba ngtroi bj set danh van con song.
Question 33. were preparing -7 are preparing
Ngfr canh cua cau cho thay cau chia 6 thi hi$n t;;~i.
T;;~m dich: Hoc sinh cam thay lo lang khi chuan bi cho nam hoc moi Ia dieu binh thuong.
Question 34. angrily -7 angry
"feel" Ia d\>ng tlJ' noi, dtrqc bo nghla b6i tfnh tlr chlr kh6ng phai tr;;~ng tlJ'.
T;;~m djch: C6 giao tlic gi?n khi thay nhfrng gi dang dien ra trong phong hoc.
Question 35. who -7 which
Jupiter Ia danh 1lr chi v?t, nen can d;;~i t.:r chi v?t thay the.
T;;~m djch: Sao M\>c, hanh tinh 16n nhat trong h$ mat troi, c6 lt!C hut m;;~nh han Trai flat.
Question 36. Although -7 Despite/ In spite of
M$nh de nhuqng b9: Despite/ In spite of+ NP/ V-ing, S + V
T;;~m djch: Mac du luang thap, nhung anh ta van dong y nh~n c6ng vi$c d6.
Question 37. leaving -7 to leave
Rut g0 n m$nh de quan h$ c6 so thu tl,r, last, only, ... dung to V.
T;;~m dich: Nguoi cuoi cling ra kh6i phong phai tat den.
Question 38. have -7 had
Cau gian tiep, thi hi$n t;;~i lui ve qua khu.
T;;~m djch: Giam doc muon biet b;;~n da hoc tieng Anh duqc bao lau roi.
Question 39. The more near -7 The nearer
Tfnh tlJ' ngan kh6ng c6 more.
T;;~m dich: Tet den cang gan, bon tre cang hao hung.
Question 40. amusing -7 amused
Tfnh tlJ' du6i -ed dung cho nguoi.
T;;~m djch: Bon tre xem ho;;~t hinh vui aen noi chung kh6ng the nglJ'ng woi.
Question 41. is -7 were
Cau dieu ki$n lo;;~i 11.
T;;~m djch: Neu kh6ng c6 ntroc, se kh6ng c6 Slf song tren Trai flat.

Trang 249
Question 42. spend ~ spending
Cau true: look forward to+ V-ing
T9m djch: T6i rat mong cho dtrqc di nghi he & ntr&c ngoai.
Question 43. so much ~ so many
Do "chickens" Ia danh tLr aem dtrqc so nhieu.
T9m djch: C6 nhieu ga trong won den noi t6i kh6ng the dil'm het dtrqc.
Oueslion 44. is grown ~ grown
Rut g 0 n m$nh de quan h$ d9ng bi d(>ng, dung P2.
T0 m djch: Vi$t Nam xuat khau ltrqng 16n g9o dtrqc trong & mien nam.
Question 45. number ~ amount
"oxygen" Ia danh tu kh6ng dem dtrqc
T9m djch: Trai Dat Ia himh tinh duy nhat c6 ltrqng 16n 6-xi trong khi quyen.
Question 46. cruel ~ cruelty
Cau true ttrong dtrong.
T9m dieh: Loai str tt1 tu·lau da Ia bieu ttrqng ella su-e m;mh, quyen life va slf tan b(!o.
Question 47. are~ is
Chu ngO'Ia so it
T?m djeh: Giao str Jones n6i rang each tot nhat de cai thi$n ng6n ngiJ cua b(!n Ia luy$n t~p
thtrong xuyen.
Question 48. have ~ has
The number of+ Ns + V(so it)
T9m djch: So ngtroi nhiem COVID-19 da tang trong tuan qua.
Question 49. climbed ~ climbing
Rut g 0 n m$nh de quan h$, dung V-ing.
T?m djeh: qu be treo cay de lay trU'ng chim bj nga rat dau.
Question 50. to give ~ giving
Cau true ttrong dtrong.
T?m djch: TCr dien tieng Anh Oxford noi tieng vi chU'a nhieu nghia kh<ic nhau ella tu va dtra ra
cac vf du thlfe te.

Trang 250
1. A 2.0 3.C 4.0 5.0 6.A 7.A 8.8 9.C 10.C
11. A 12.,A 13.C 14. A 15.0 16. A 17.0 18.8 19. A 20.C
21. c 22.A 23.0 24.0 25.8 26.0 27.A 28.0 29.8 30.8
31. c 32.A 33.0 34.A 35. c . 36.A 37.C 38.8 39.A 40.0
41. c 42.0 43.0 44.A 45.C 46.0 47.C 48.A 49.A SO. A
Question 1. difficult = hard
T~m djch: Mtra to khien cho vi~c lai xe tren atrimg g?p kh6 khiin.
Question 2. admitted = confessed
T~m djch: Ten tr('>m ngay l~p tU'c nh~n t('>i v6'i nhan vien baa v~.
Question 3. compulsory = required
T~m d!ch: Dong ph~c Ia bat bu('>c t~i nhieu trtrang hoc 6'Vi~t Nam.
Question 4. give me a hand = help
T~m djch: Bill, aen giup t6i nau an v6'i.
Question 5. threats = risks
T~m djch: Nhieu nha khoa hoc dong y rang Sl/ n6ng len toan diu de doa aen tat ca cac sinh v~t
tren Trai Dat.
Question 6. concentrate on = pay attention to
T~m djch: Khi dtrQ'c ph6ng van, b~n nen t~p trung vao nhiing gi nha tuyen d~ng dang n6i ho?c
dang hoi b~n.
Question 7. man-made= artificial
T~m djch: Kim W thap Giza Ia m('>t trong nhiing ky quan nhan t~o noi tieng the gi6'i.
Question 8. gain = obtain
T~m djch: Lam tinh nguy~n cho b~n co h('>i de lay kinh nghi~m ve linh VIJC mil b~n quan tam.
Question 9. account for = explain
T~m djch: Anh ta atrgc yeu diu giai thfch ve slf c6 m?t ctla minh 6' hi~n trtrang v~ an.
Question 10. review= opinion
T~m d!ch: rae ph am m6'i ctla ong ay eta nh~n atrQ'c nhieu y kien tfch c1Jc tll' cac nha phil binh va
a('>c gia.
Question 11. predict = foretell
T~m dich: B~n khong the dlf baa thai tiet m('>t each chfnh xac tuy~t a6i.
Question 12. cut down on = reduce
T~m djch: Anh ay n6i b6 anh ay Cia giam cat giam s6 baa giay va t~p chi.
Question 13. put off = postpone
T~m djch: Neu bon tre bi 6m, chung ta se hoan chuyen ai aen Philp vao mua dong nay.
Question 14. accurately = correctly
T~m dich: Neu nhan vien dlf baa thai tiet chfnh xac, thi ngay mai se Ia ngay hoan hao ae eli
Question 15. paid through her nose = paid much more than usual
T~m djch: VQ' t6i thfch bU'c tranh a6 aen noi c6 ay tra nhieu tien de mua n6.
Question 16. assist = help
T~m djch: Trung tam djch v~ sinh vien se co gang het sue de ho trg sinh vien tim atrqc m('>t
c6ng vi~c lam them phu hgp.

Trang 251
Question 17. look on the bright side= be optimistic
Tem djch: Em ho t6i lu6n l9c quan trong m0 i tmong hqp.
Qwestion 1 B. tremendous = huge
T 0m dich: Khi tien thue nha ctla ho tang tlJ' 200 d6 Ia len 400 d6 Ia m\>t thang, ho da phan doi
mlJ'c tang qua cao d6.
Question 19. principal = most important
T9m djch: Dau Ia m(>t trong nhli'ng nguon nang ILrqng quan tr0 ng nhat
Question 20. over and over= repeatedly
T 0m djch: Anh ta c6 ve Clr mac phai cung m\>1 sai ram het ian nay den ian khac.
Qu•estion 21. fantastic= wonderful
Tem djch: T6i se nh$n c6ng vi$c m6'i mil c6 mlJ'c ILrong cao.
Question 22. tie the knot = get married
T9m djch: Mary dang len ke hoach dam ctr6'i v6'i b9n trai ngLroi DLJ'c viw thang 6 t6'L
Question 23. popped the question = asked her to marry him
Tam djch: C6 fJ"y da rat henh phuc khi anh ay quy xuong cau h6n.
Question 24. raise = bring up
T<;~m djch: Du nha ngheo, nhLrng chung t6i van nu6i 16'n cac con dang hoimg.
Question 25. verbal = speech
Tem dich: Chung ta c6the st! d~ng cac hinh thlJ'c giao tiep bang loi n6i hoi;\c kh6ng loL
Question 26. rush =went quickly
T 0m djch: C6 ay d~y mu(>n va phai ch(ly den tr 0m xe buyt.
Ou1estion 27. hit the roof= become angry
Tam djch: 86 m~ t6i se rat tlJ'c gi~n neu ho biet chung ta Cia m6 ti$c 6 day.
Question 28. anxious =worried
T9m djch: Chung toi rat lo lang ve ket qua cua bai kiem tra.
Question 29. indicates = shows
T9m djch: Bien chi dan cho biet hLr6'ng di dung de en ct!a hang.
Owe~tkm 30. occasionally= once in a while

T;;tm djch: Toi tlJ'ng thinh thoang g~p anh ay 6 d9i 19 s6 5.

Question 31. starving= hungry
T 0m djch: Nhieu v$t nu6i trong nha bi b6 d6i va kh6ng dLrQ'c quan tiim b6i vi chu nha di vang.
Question 32. run across = met by chance
T(lm djch: Chung t6i g~p phai m\>1 van de nh6 v6i hLr6ng dan Slr d~ng.
Oweslion 33. extinguish = put out
T;;tm dich: Khi ngQn Ilia mat kiem soat, nhfrng ngLroi linh clJ'u hoa c6 het slJ'c de d$p n6.
Question 34. comparatively = relatively
T;;tm djch: Sl! khac nhau gili'a tieng Anh-Anh vii Anh-My Ia kha nh6.
Question 35. resembles =takes after
T 0m djch: Anh ay gi6ng b6 y due.
Question 36. extinct = die out
T;;tm djch: Voi se tuy$t chung neu con ngLrO'i tiep t~c giet h(li chung.
Owastion 37. stayed alive= survive
Tem djch: NgLroi leo nui mat tich song sot nhO an dau rlJ'ng va u6ng nLr6'c su6i.
Question 38. tighten our belt = save money

Trang 252
T~m dich: Bo cia mat vi$c, nen gio chung ta se phai that llfng bui)c b~ng cie tnlnh nq nan.
Question 39. well-off= wealthy
T~m dich: Co ay 16n len trong gia ciinh giau c6. Co ay khong the hieu van cie chung ta ciang g~p
Question 40. poisonous = deadly
T~m dich: Ran ba bl!6c, mi)t lo~i ran ho mang, Ia mi)t trong nhO"ng loai ran cqc cii)c.
Question 41. a blunder= a mistake
T~m dich: Khi mi)t ngl!oi chl!a quen v6i mi)t phong t~c t~p quan, ngl!oi ci6 se rat dil mac loi.
Question 42. shelved = delayed
T~m dich: Do cat giam chi tieu trong hi)i ciong, cac ke ho~ch cho ho boi m6i cia phai gac l~i.
Question 43. depressed = disappointed
T~m dich: Chi cua toi thi trl!qt, ciieu nay lam bo me toi rat that vc;>ng.
Question 44. by hand = manually
T~m dich: NhO"ng may nay Ia nhO"ng kieu may cO va phai v~n hanh bang tay.
Question 45. rely on = count on
T~m dich: Anh ay Ia mi)t ngl!oi thanh th~t. B~n c6 the tin M\"ng anh ay se lam tot cong vi$c.
Question 46. come up = happen
T~m dich: Batell khi nao xay ra van cie, chung toi thao lu~n chan thimh v6i nhau va tim ra giai
phap nhanh chong.
Question 47. noticeable = easily seen
T~m dich: Tin tile nen cil!qc d~t
6 noi dil thay nhat cie tat ca cac h9c sinh c6 the dl!Q'c thong bao
day ciu.
Question 48. outstanding = impressive
T~m dich: Anh Ia mi)t trong nhO"ng ngh$ sT bieu diiln xuat sac nhat t~i liveshow toi qua.
Question 49. established = set up
T~m dich: To chile Giao d~c, Khoa h9c va Van h6a cua Lien hqp quae (UNESCO) dl!qc thanh l~p
niim 1946.
Question 50. privilege= honor
T~m dich: Toi hi vQng c6 cil!Q'c vinh dq lam vi$c v6i h9 lan nO"a.


1. A 2.A 3.A 4.8 5.C 6. c 7.8 B. A 9.8 10. A
11.0 12. c 13.0 14.0 15. c 16.0 17.C 18.0 19.8 20.C
21. c 22.8 23.0 24.0 25.C 26.A 27.A 28.C 29.C 30.A
31.8 32.C 33.C 34.C 35.0 36.C 37.A 38.0 39.0 40.A
41.0 42.8 43.0 44.A 45.C 46.8 47.0 48.8 49.A 50.C
Question 1. cruelly >< gently
T~m dich: Toi kh6ng the chiu cil!qc nhO"ng ngl!oi cioi xu cii)c ac v6i di)ng v~t.
Question 2. secure>< unsafe
T~m dich: Ngl!oi cii lam muon c6 mi)t moi tmong an toim cie h9 c6 the lam vi$c hi$u qua.
Question 3. speed up >< slow down
T~m dich: Chung ta nen tang toe neu muon den ci6 kip gio.
Question 4. mandatory>< voluntary
T~m dich: 6 Anh, di) tuoi cii h9c bat bui)c v6i tre em Ia tCr 5 aen 6 tuoi.

Trang 253
Question 5. huge >< insignificant
T~m djch: Van chua c6 bat kythay doi ion nao ve mt:rc 6 nhiem tieng on ke tii khi xe tai bj dim.
Question 6. hot >< unattractive
Tom djch: Nhieu nguoi nghi rang Angelina rat hap dan.
Question 7. fierce >< gentle
Tam djch: Jenny sq hili vi con ch6 c6 ve hung dO".
Question 8. significant >< unimportant
Tam djch: fla c6 nh[fng thay doi dang ke trong CUQC song cua ph~ nO" ke tlr phong trao giai
ph6ng ph~ nO".
Question 9. a ban >< an allowance
Tam djch: Nam 1989, m(it lu~t cam cia duqc ban himh voi tat ca cac loai hinh bu6n ban nga voi.
Question 10. inconvenient >< useful
Tam djch: Nhil"ng nam am ljch kh6ng thu~n ti~n cho m~c dfch nang nghi~p.
Question 11. optional >< mandatory
Tam dich: Mi?t vai khoa h9c Ia bat bu(ic; con lai Ia 11! ch9n.
Question 12. innocent >< guilty
Tam d!ch: Sau nam ngily xet xti, tba tuyen bo anh ta v6 t(ii vii anh ta duqc tra tu do.
Question 13. generous >< mean
Tam djch: Ba ay Ia mf?t nguoi hila ph6ng. Bil cia trao phan 16"n tili san cua minh cho m(it to cht:rc
tCr thi~n.
Question 14. up to my ears ><very idle
Tam djch: T6i xin loi cuoi tuan nay t6i kh6ng cii choi ciuqc, t6i dang ng~p ciau trong c6ng vi~c.
15. admitted >< denied
T~m djch: C~u be thCra nh~n cia lam vi'J binh hoa cua m<;!.
Question 16. at a loose end >< busy
Tam djch: Neu cu6i tuan ban ranh, t6i se dua ban cii tham quan thanh ph6.
liU<es<oon 17. accomplished>< unskilled
Tam djch: Chtl t6i, m(it ngh~ si ghi-ta tili ba, cia day t6i each choi ghi-ta.
uu••srmn 18. illiterate >< able to read and write
Tam d!ch: M(it ty I~ dang ngac nhien Ia dan so 6 vung sau vung xa mu chO".
Question 19. rapidly>< slowly
Tam d!ch: Trang hai th~p ky ciau ton tai. rap chieu phim cia phat trien nhanh chong.
Question 20. once in a blue moon >< very often
Tam djch: N6i th~t thi, hiem lam t6i moi cii aen baa timg.
Question 21. punctuality>< being late
T 0 m djch: T6i phai c6 dong ho cieo tay vi c6ng vi$c m6"i ella t6i yeu cau phai dung gio.
Question 22. sufferings >< happiness
T~m djch: Hi?i Chcr th~p cia Ia mf?t co quan nhan ciao quae te nham giam bdt nhil"ng ciau kh6 ella
thuong binh, thuong dan va tu nhan chien tranh.
""'""'10n 23. conserve >< destroy
Tom djch: flao lu~t moi ve baa ton df?ng V~t hoang da trong khu VIJC se CO hi"'U IIJC VilO thang
Question 24. rural >< urban

Trang 254
T;;~m djch: B;;~n se dl!qc baa quanh b6i khung canh xanh tLIOi 6 cac vung nang than, trai ngLIQ'c
v6'i cac van phong Ion 6 thanh pho.
Question 25. abundance>< small quantity
T;;~m djch: Trai cay va rau qua dLIQ'c trong rat nhieu tren dao. Nglli:li dan trem dao th~m chi con
ban ra ben ngoai.
Question 26. speedy >< slow
T;;~m djch: Chung t6i cung cap djch v~ chuyen tien nhanh chong trong vong chlla day 24 gii:l.
Question 27. cozy>< uncomfortable
T;;~m djch: Co ay c6 m¢t ciin h¢ nh6 am cung 6 Boston.
Question 28. pessimist>< optimist
T;;~m djch: Dung bi quan the, t6i chac chan b;;~n se sam vLIQ'l qua n6. Vui len!
Question 29. polluted ><purified
T;;~m djch: Nguon nll6'c 6 nhiem va nhi~t d¢ nll6'c tang da day nhieu loai den bi:l wc tuy~t chung.
Question 30. illicit >< legal
T?m djch: Anh ta bi bat vl bu6n ban trai phep chat ma tuy trong cu¢c truy quet cua canh sat
ngay hom qua.
Question 31. identical >< different
T;;~m djch: Trl!' khi hai chfr ky giong h~t nhau, neu kh6ng thl ngan hang se kh6ng cho phep b;;~n
rut tien.
Question 32. polite >< rude
T;;~m djch: Nglli:li ph~c v~ chung t6i rat ljch S\1' va dLIQ'C vi~c.
Question 33. acceptance >< refusal
T?m d!ch: B?n cling lop cua h9 dang viet thll chap nh~n.
Question 34. rely on >< suspect
T;;~m dich: M9t trong nhfrng dieu tot d<;!p ve Anna Ia b?n lu6n c6 the tin tll6ng vao S\1' nhi~t tlnh
kh6ng ngU'ng nghi cua co ay.
Question 35. unbearable>< tolerable
T;;~m djch: Nglli:li ta thlli:lng kh6ng chu y aen con dau cho aen khi dau den mU'c kh6ng chju noi.
Question 36. neglected ><took care of
T;;~m d!ch: 6ng ta kh6ng phai m¢t nglli:li bo tot. 6ng ta lu6n ng6 lo con mlnh.
Question 37. accidentally>< intentionally
T;;~m djch: Chung t6i kh6ng h<;!n g(lp nhau. Chung ta chi v6 tlnh g(lp.
Question 38. spacious >< cramped
T;;~m d!ch: Nha cua h9 th~t d<;!p. H9 con c6 ca m¢t ciin bep r¢ng.
Question 39. obliged >< optional
T;;~m djch: Tat ca hqc sinh bat bu¢c phai thi do ky thi dau vao de c6 the hqc d;;~i hqc.
Question 40. fake>< authentic
T;;~m djch: Anh ay quyet djnh kh6ng mua dong ho gia va dQ'i cho aen khi tiel ki~m dLIQ'C nhieu
tien hon.
Question 41. pressure >< relaxation
T?m d!ch: Ngay nay hqc sinh phai chju rat nhieu ap ll!'c do cham<? va thay co d\lt nhieu ky vqng.
Question 42. save >< waste
T<;Jm djch: Chinh phu khuyen khich mqi nglli:li tiiit ki~m nll6'c khi rtia xe.
Question 43. partial >< complete

Trang 255
T<;~m d[ch: T6i chi c6 the de xuat giai phap mi)t ph an cho cui)c khung hmlng trong c6ng ty.
Question 44. unexpected >< predictable
T<;~m d[ch: Cui)c ciieu tra cho thiiy mi)t s6 ket qua kha bat ngo.
Question 45. poorly-educated >< knowledgeable
T:;~m d[ch: c~u be nay kh6ng duqc d<;~y do dang hoang va kh6ng biet each cu xu dung mlfc.
Question 46. strike up >< give up
T<;~m d[ch: Trang khi cho ciqi 6 mi)t tr<;~m xang, Simon va Mack lam quen voi nhau.
Question 47. passed away>< given birth
T<;~m d[ch: Gerry Thomas, nguoi phat minh ra bt:ra t6i dong l<;~nh (TV Dinner), cia qua doi 6 tuoi
Question 4!!. nodding >< shaking
T9m d[ch: 6 nhieu nen van hoa, nguoi ta the hi$n slf ciling tinh bang each gift dau.
Question 49. in detail >< briefly
Tam d[ch: H0 se n6i chuy$n v6i chung toi ve dlf an m6i m(>t each chi tiet.
Question 50. tough >< simple
T:;~m d[ch: Trang bai thi kh6ng c6 nhieu cau hoc bua, nen t6i c6 the tra loi au·qc gan het.

Trang 256

1. c 2.8 3.8 4.C 5.8 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.8 10. c

11. A 12.0 13. c 14.C 15. c 16. A 17.0 18. 8 19. A 20.C
21.0 22.8 23.8 24.A 25.C 26.8 27.8 28.A 29.C 30.C
31.C 32.8 33.8 34.C 35.A 36.8 37.C 38. A 39.A 40.0
41. to have 42. had gone 43. to prolong 44. hunt 45. have been
established working
46. recovered/ 47. stealing 48. was delayed 49. was SO. book
expected increased

Question 1. Cau true cilu u6c tnii v6i hi~n t;;~i. D(lng tll lui ve qua khlf don.
T;;~m djch: Toi u6c rang mlnh danh nhieu thai gian v6i ba hon.
Question 2. Trang cilu c6 dau hi$u ella thi qua khlf don "last summer".
T;;~m djch: Nghi he nam ngoai co ay va cac anh chi em choi c6 vui khong?
Question 3. Trang ciiu c6 tr;;~ng tCr chi tan suat "often" va ngfr canh cho thay day Ia th6i quen 6
hi$n t;;~i.
T;;~m djch: Co ay thuang di boi v6i b;;~n be vao mua he.
Question 4. Cau true thi qua khlf tiep dien, hanh d(\ng chen ngang.
T;;~m dich: Anh b;;~n dang lam gi khi Jim den vao luc 5 gia chieu qua?
Question 5. Cau true cilu dieu ki$n lo;;~i Ill.
T;;~m djch: Neu toi den sam, thi toi da khong nh5'tau.
Question 6. Trang ciiu c6 thai gian trong qua khlf "nineteenth century".
T;;~m djch: Vang duqc phat hi$n 6 California vao the ki 19.
Question 7. Thi hi$n t;;~i hoan than h.
T;;~m djch: Toi da khong g~p anh ta ke ter khi anh ta chuyen vao Da Nang.
Question 8. Thi hi~n t;;~i hoan than h.
T;;~m dich: Hom nay Ia ngay toi t$ nhat ma toi tCrng trai qua.
Question 9. Cau true: advise sb to V
T;;~m djch: Tom khuyen toi nen danh nhieu thai gian hon v6i em gai.
Question 10. Cau true bj d(lng: need+ V-ing
T;;~m djch: Can nha din duqc trang trf tru6c Tet.
Question 11. Cau true cau gian tiep: asked sb to V
T;;~m djch: Co giao baa chung tbi m6 sach trang 123.
Question 12. Cau true thi qua khlf tiep dien, hanh d(\ng chen ngang.
T;;~m dich: Khi ten tr(lm d(lt nh~p vao nha, co ay dang xem TV cung gia dinh.
Question 13. Cau true: regret+ V-ing
T;;~m djch: Anh ay hoi h$n vida ke cho Mai Slf th$t, dangle anh ay kh6ng nen tin co ta.
Question 14. Ngfr canh ella cau nam 6 thi qua khlf don.
T;;~m djch: B;;~n lay nhfrng cai ao cO nay 6 dau v$y?- T6i tim thay chUng trong til qulin ao.
Question 15. Cau true: used to V
T;;~m djch: Co ay tCrng lam vi$c to an thai gian, gia thi chi lam ban thai gian.
Question 16. Ca'u true: It takes+ sb +[time]+ to V
T;;~m djch: Toi mat 20 phut de lai xe tCr nha den van phong.
Question 17. Cau true cau dieu ki$n lo;;~i II.

Trang 257
T;;lm djch: Neu t6i Ia b;;ln, toi se cho anh ay m(it co h(ii.
Question 18. Cau true: worth + V-ing.
Tam dich: Cai ghe nh6 da co d6 kh6ng dang gifr lai.
Question 19. £l9ng tCr dan "wants to know" 6 hi~n tai nen d9ng tCr khong lui thi.
Tam djch: Anh ay muon biet li$u ngay mai c6 ay c6 aen kh6ng.
Question 20. Cau true cau gian tiep, c6 "the following day" Ia dau hi$u cua thi ttrong lai.
Tam djch: Anh ay baa t6i rang anh ay se phai ve nha vao ngay mai.
Question 21. Cau true: Would you mind + V-ing va help sb + V
Tam dich: Phien ban giup t6i sang dtrong dtrqc khong?
Question 22. Cau ·true: have trouble+ V-ing
Tam dich: Stell, toi din ban giup. T6i kh6ng lam dtrqc bai ti\p.
Question 23. Cau true: congratulate sb on V-ing
Tam dich: Toi chuc mCrng em gai da thi do.
'<U'e>l!IUII 24. Ciiu h6i du6i voi There.

Tam djch: Ngay mai kh6ng phai h0 p dung kh6ng?

Question 25. fli sau gioi tCr Ia V-ing.
Tam djch: Thay vi hao hung khi nghe tin, thi c6 ay c6 ve kh6ng quan tam gi lam.
Qwestiion 26. Cau true: allow sb to V
Tam djch: Sep kh6ng cho phep chUng t6i g 0 i di$n thoai voi m~c dfch ca nhiin 6 van phcmg.
Question 27. Ciiu chia 6thi qua khll don.
Tam djch: M~ anh ay da rat hi vQng rang anh ay seve aen nha trtr6c nlia dem.
Question 28. Dau hi$u "in her free time" dien ta th6i quen 6 thi hi$n t9i don.
T;;lm djch: M~ t6i thtrong lam banh quy Ide ranh roi.
Question 29. Cau true: have sth P2
T9m djch: Liiu lam roi anh ay chua son lai nha. Tr6ng n6 t$ qua!
Question 30. Cau true: give up+ V-ing
T0m djch: Ban nen b6 thuoc di neu kh6ng se chet vi ung thu dfiy.
Question 31. Cau dieu kien lo 0 i II.
Tam djch: Neu Jenny lam vi$c can than hon, thi c6 ay se kh6ng mac phai nhieu loi.
Question 32. Cau true: had better+ (not) V
T9m djch: Ban kh6ng nen ra ngoai. Troi dang mua rat to.
Question 33. Cau true: suggest+ V-ing
Tam djch: Neu c6 van de ve may m6c, chung t6i de nghj lien h$ voi nha san xu at ngay li\p td'c.
Question 34. Rut g0 n m$nh de quan he chtl d9ng.
T9m djch: Ngtroi dan ong dang uong rtrqu i:J kia Ia anh toi.
Question 35. Cau true: remember+ V-ing (nhO rang da lam gi)
Tam djch: T6i nho Ia dii tlrng g~p ban nhung lai quem mat ten cua b;;m.
Question 36. M$nh de trang ngfr chi thai gian i:J hi$n tai.
Tam dich: Hay dqi 6 day den khi tanh mua.
Question 37. Cau true ciiu trac If only tnii voi qua khu.
Tam djch: T6i bi 15 xe buYt. lfoc gi t6i kh6ng bi 15.
Question 38. Cau true bi d(ing, chu ngfr so nhieu.
T~m djch: Cac chfnh sach ky nghi m6'i dang duqc thao lui\n dlf kien se duqc dua ra vao dau
thang toi.

Trang 258

Question 39. Thl qua khll' hoim thanh.

T<;~m djch: Luc toi den thl bO'a ti$c da bat dau roi.
Question 40. Cau true: It's (high) time/ about time+ (that) + S + V(past)
T<;~m dich: Da den luc tat ca h9c sinh h9c hanh cham chi cho bai kiem tra tiep thee.
Question 41. Cau bi di)ng phll'c, hai ve khong cung thi.
Cau true: S2 + is/am/are+ V1-P2 +to have+ V2-P2 + ...
T<;~m dich: Bai bao nay n6i, John da t<;~o ky l~c m6'i ve nhay xa.
Question 42. Cau true cau gian tiep, "the night before" Ia dilu hi$u cua thl qua khll' don.
T<;~m djch: Co ay n6i rang co ay da den day nam ngoai.
Question 43. Cau true: decide to V
T<;~m djch: Chung toi choi vui den noi quyet djnh rang se tiep We 6 day.
Question 44. Cau true: have to V
T<;~m djeh: Stl' d~ng phuong ti$n giao thong cong c<)ng dong nghTa b<;~n khong phai tlm kiem mi)t
bai d~u xe khi b<;~n di vao trung tam thanh pho.
Question 45. Cau e6 dau hi$u cua thl hi$n t<;~i hoan thanh tiep dien.
T<;~m dich: Toi lam vi$c 6 ngan hang nay den nay da 10 nam.
Question 46. Dt!a vao ngO' eanh cua cau e6 the ehia 6 thl qua khll' don.
T<;~m djch: Sau cui)c ph au thu~t, co ay blnh ph~c nhanh hon ehung toi tu6ng.
Question 47. Cau true: admit+ V-ing
T<;~m djeh: Anh ta thCra nh~n da an tri)m bll'e tranh c6 gia trj.
Question 48. Dt!a vao ngO' canh cua cau c6 the chi a 6 thl qua khll' don, the bi di)ng.
T<;~m djch: Chuyen bay bi hoan vl baa to.
Question 49. Trang ciiu c6 dau hi$u thl qua khll', va cau chi a 6 the bi d<)ng.
T<;~m dich: Thang tru6'c, giai thu6ng duqc tang tCr 20 nghln do len 40 nghln do.
Question 50. NghTa cua cau dien ta xu hu6'ng, S\1' th~t hi en nhien.
T<;~m dich: Hi$n nay da so khach hang dat eho kl nghi cua h9 tren m<;~ng.

Trang 259
B, C, or D to indicate the correct

Question1. in the countryside: 6' vung nong thon

Question 2. Chu ngfr "they" so nhfeu, d9ng tCr khong chia.
Question 3. Rut gQn m~nh de quan h~ d;;mg bi d9ng, dung P2.
Question 4. Take advantage of: t~n d~ng

Questions. Chu ngfr Ia "they", nen tfnh tCr so hfru Ia "their".

Exercise 2. Read !he passage and marl< the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
word or that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Question 1. cut the cost of sth: cat giam chi phi cua cai gl
Question 2. adj + enough +to V, ci\u 6' d~ng bi d9ng nen dung to be.
Question 3. energy efficiency: tiet ki~m nang luqng
Question 4. power saving: tiet ki~m di~n
Question 5. "The following" Ia ph fa ben dlfoi, ta c6 the thay ben duoi Ia cac phep tfnh, v~y chQn
Exercise 3. Read the foli!ow·ing passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
word or that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
5. c

Question :z. Ph fa sau Ia m~nh de that, dung says.

Question 3. activity chlfa duqc nhac den trong ngfr canh, chQn an.
Question 4. problems: van de
Question 5. addictive: gay nghi~n. Ca bai dang n6i ve vi~c nghi~n sli d~ng m~ng Internet.
Exercise 4. Read the passage and mark the B, C, or D to indicate !he correct
word or
1. C 2. C = __
that best fils each of !he numbered blanks.
____ j _ _
Question 1. Dt,ra vao ve sau c6 "happier", ta doan duqc dap an Ia optimistic (l~c quan).
Question 2. carry out: tien hanh
Question 3. between ... and ... : gifra ... va
Question 4. city inhabitants= citizens: Clf dan thilnh ph6
Question 5. living wage: Iuong sinh ho~t t6i thieu
Exercise 5. Read the foli!ow'ing passage and mark the B, C, or D to indicate the correct
word or ol!rase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Trang 260
1. c 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.0
Question 1. on+ ngay thang

Question 2. decorate: trang tri

Question 3. exchange sth with sb: trao dol

Question 4. receive sth from sb: nh~n gi tCr ai

Question 5. spend [time/money] on sth: tieu, dung

Exercise 6. Read the following passage and mark !he letter A, B, C, or D to indicate !he correct
word or phrase that best fits each of tile numbered blanks.
I 1. A I 2. A I 3. c I 4. D 5. D

Question 1. Rut gQn m~nh de quan h~.

Question 2. raised: nuoi duong

Question 3. Dl,fa vao nghTa cua ca cau, ch<;>n duqc completely: hoan toan

Question 4. Bai dang n6i ve sl,f khac bi~t ngon ngfr dl,fa vao gioi tfnh.

Question 5. passed down: truyen l<~i

Exercise 7. Read !he following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
I 1. B I 2. D I 3. c I 4. D 5. A

Question 1. Hai ve c6 quan h~ tuong phan.

Question 2. cause: gay ra

Question 3. poisonous: d9c

Question 4. Chu ngfr Ia danh tCr chi ngub'i, can m9t d9i tCr quan h~ chi ngub'i de thay the.

Question 5. Bang tan se lam tang ml,fc nuoc bien, tCr d 6 gay ng~p 1~1.

Exercise 8. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
word or phrase !hat best fits each of !he numbered blanks.
I 1. B I 2. A I 3. D I 4. B 5. c
Question 1. V-ing dong vai tro lam vi ngfr.

Question 2. try to V: co gang lam gi

Question 3. "This" 6 day am chi each nhfrng ngub'i thuy thu gi~t quan ao cua hQ, ch9n method.

Question 4 .... on a fire: ho qulin ao tren lt!a

Question 5. designed: thiet ke

Exercise 9. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fils each of the numbered blanks.
I 1. c I 2. B I 3. B I 4. c 5. D
Questlon1. 6tr6ng can m9t tinh tCr.

Question 2 .... with limited time: thb'i gian h9n che

Trang 261
Question 3. take photographs: ch~p anh

Question 4. watch the sunset and sunrise: ngam canh m~t troi m 0 c l~n.

Question 5. TCr noi "and" noi 2 ve cua cau, Ia thay ve sau chi a 6 th1 hi('!n t<ei don, nen dap an chan
Exercise 10. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
I 1.A I 2.8 I 3.C I ~B 5.A
Question 1. erupting: phun trao

Question 2. Ngfr canh dang n6i ve nui lila: volcano

Question 3. be called: dlfqc g 0 i Ia

Question 4. from space: tlr ben ngoai vO tr~

Question 5. it is not easy: kh6ng de dang (Djch cau: Kh6ng de dimg de biet nui lila se phun triJO
khi nao).

Trang 262

Exercise 1. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, 8, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.
I 1. B I 2. c I 3. D I 4. B 5. D
Question 1. Khang cijnh nao sau ciay Ia KH6NG ciung ve Leonardo da Vinci?
~ Mona Lisa Ia tac pham duy nhat cua ong ay.
Thong tin trong bai: ... there are roughly 6,000 pages known to be Vinci's work, and these may
only be a fraction of what he produced in his lifetime.
Question 2. Thanh ngO" "the tip of the iceberg" c6 nghia Ia gl?
~ Mi)t phan nh6 cua m(>t thu to Ion.
Question 3. Khi con song Leonardo da Vinci khong lam nghe nao?
~ Composer: ngU'oi sang tac
Thong tin trong bai: Leonardo da Vinci managed to be so many things in one lifetime - painter,
engineer, architect and scientist.
Question 4. Tac pham cua Vinci c6 bao nhieu trang?
~ Khoang 6000 trang.
Thong tin trong bai: Da Vinci left behind thousands of pages of writings. Leonardo biographer
Martin Kemp estimates that there are roughly 6,000 pages known to be Vinci's work ...
Question 5. TCr nao ciong nghia voi "outstanding"?
~ Impressive: an tU'Q"ng

Dich bili:
Sinh ngay 1St hang 4 nam 1452, Leonardo da Vinci cia lam rat nhieu nghe khi con song- h9a si,
ky s11, kien true SU' va nha khoa hQc. Buc tranh cua ong ay, Mona Lisa, Ia m(>t trong nhO"ng tac
pham ngh~ thuat noi tieng nhat the gioi. Va ci6 chi Ia phan noi cua tang bang chim. Da Vinci cia
cie h;li hang nghln trang tac pham. Ng11oi viet tieu sll ve Leonardo, Martin Kemp 116"c tinh rang c6
khoang 6.000 trang ci11qc biet cien Ia tac pham cua Vinci va nhfrng trang nay c6 the chi Ia m<?t
phan nh6 so voi nhfrng gl ong cia t~o ra trong suot cu<?c cioi mlnh. 6ng ay viet bang kjch ban
phan chieu, c6 nghTa Ia ong ay bat dau 6 phfa ben phai cua trang va chuyen sang ben trai. Khong
ai biet chile chan ly do t~i sao 6ng ay lam ciieu nay, nh11ng mi)t so gia thuyet cho rang 6ng a·y
ciang co gang ngan ng11oi khac phat hi~n va an cap y t116ng ella mlnh hoac do viet theo each
nay de dang hon vl ong ay thu~n tay trai. Du the ni10 thl chieu sau va chieu ri)ng cua nhfrng tac
pham cua ong van rat an IU'qng.

Exercise 2. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.
I 1. D I 2. A I 3. c 4. D 5. A
Question 1. Lqi fch nao cua vi~c h 0 c ngo9i ngfr KH6NG ci11Q"c cie c§p cien trong bill?
~ Trien v9ng cong vi~c.
Thong tin trong bai:
Do~n 2: This experience gives people a new insight into their own language and ultimately leads
to them improving their mother tongue, which will improve their everyday lives
Do~n 3: Learning a new language gives you a greater global understanding of the world we live
Do~n 4: Learning a new language is an achievement anyone can be proud of and is extremely

Trang 263
Question 2. Tu "dedication" nghia Ia gl?
~ The hard work and effort: Slf chiim chi va no llfc
Question 3. Ykien niw tac gia KHONG dong y?
~ Chi tre em m6i nen hqc ngo<;~i ngfr.
Thong tin trong bai: Learning a second language is exciting and beneficial at all ages.
Question 4. C~m tu "this experience" am chi clieu gi trong bai?
~ Vi$c hQc ngo<;~i ngfr.
Ph fa tnr6c dang nhac d€n vi$c hQc ngo<;~i ngfr, va c~m tu "this experience" de am chi lqi fch cua
n6 khi mqi nguoi hQc.
Question 5. C~m tu "paid off" nghia Ia gi?
~ mang l<;~i ket qua tot

Djch bili:


Hqc m(lt ngon ngfr m6i can c6 thai gian va sl! no llfc. M(lt khi b<;~n lam cluqc thi viec thong th<;~o
ngon ngfr thLr hai mang l<;~i nhieu lqi fch va co h(li. HQc ngo<;~i ngfr thu vj vii c6 lqi cho mQi ILra
tulli. N6 mang l<;~i nhil'ng lqi fch thiet thlfc, tang trf tue va nhieu lqi fch khac.

Khi chung ta song tung ngay, chung ta hi em khi nghi den diu true ngCr phap va tir wng cua
trong tieng me de. Tuy nhiem, khi hqc m(lt ngon ngfr m6i, nhieu nguoi thay rang hQ hieu ro hon
ve tieng me de cua hQ. HQC ngon ngfr thlr hai t~p trung Slf chu y cua b<;~n VilO cac cau true quy
tac ngfr phap cua ngon ngfr cl6. Trai nghiem nay mang l<;~i cho mqi nguoi m¢t cai nhin m6i ve
ngon ngil' CUa hQ va CUoi cung giup hQ cai thien tieng me de, va cai thien CUQC song hang ngay
cua hQ.

Hqc m(lt ngon ngfr m6i mang l<;~i cho b<;~n Slf hieu biet bao quat ve the gi6i chung ta clang song.
Ngay ca khi chi hQC m(lt vai c~m tu, clung b~n tam den ca m(lt ngon ngfr, b;;m se tiep can duqc
nhieu nen van h6a hap dan tren the gi6i va hieu cluqc slf khac bi$t gifra hai quae gia.

Hqc m(lt ngon ngfr m6i Ia m(lt thanh !lfu mil bat cLr ai cOng c6 thew hao va vo cung hili long.
M(lt khi S\f cham chi va no IIJC da duqc den dap, b<;~n se nh$n duqc nhieu lqi fch lien quan clen
viec hQc m(it ngon ngfr m6i va b<;~n se tim thay duqc Slf !lf tin m6i.

Exercise 3. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.
I 1. D I 2. c I 3. A 4. B 5. A
Question 1. flieu gi c6 the suy ra tu trong baf?
~ Khong c6 ai thlfc Slf kham pM ra m~t trang.
Thong tin trong bai: This is because the moon was never actually discovered.
Question 2. Khang cljnh nao sau day Ia KHONG dung v6i clo<;~n van?
~ Quy d<;~o cua m~t trang Ia quay xung quanh m~t troi.
Thong tin trong bai: ... gravity held the moon in orbit around the earth.
Question 3. Tir "congealed" nghia Ia gi?
~ cLrng l<;~i
Question 4. Cai gi gifr cho m~t trang quay xung quanh Trai flat?
~ LlfC hut
Thong tin trong bai: ... gravity held the moon in orbit around the earth.

Trang 264
Question 5. D;;tng song dau tien c6 m~t tren Trai mit khi nao?
7 Sau khi m~t trang hlnh thanh.
Thong tin trong bai: These events took place long before the first life forms developed on earth.

Djch bili:


Chung ta da nghe nhieu aen nhCrng ngtroi da kham pha ra cac hanh tinh khac nhau trong h~ mat
troi, nhtrng hiem khi thay bat ky de c~p nao ve ngtroi da phat hien ra mat trang. £lieu nay Ia do
m~t trang chtra bao gio th1,1c s1,1 dtrqc ph at hi~n.

Vi$c phan tfch da mat trang dtrqc mang ve tll' cac con tau c6 ngtroi lai dtra len mat trang da lam
day len nghi ngo rang mat trang cung tuoi voi Trai flat. C6ng dong khoa h9c tin rang Ia m~t
trang hlnh thanh do m6t vu va ch<;~m Ion gifra Trai flat va m6t thien th<;~ch khong lo. £lieu nay dan
den m6t Vu no 16n giai ph6ng Vat chi(t vao khong gian. V~t chat d6 dong tu l<;~i voi nhau de \<;10
thanh m~t trang, va l1,1c hap dan da giCr mi;it trang quay quanh quy d<;~o Trai flat. NhCrng s1,1 ki$n
nay dien ra rat lau trtroc khi cac d<;~ng song dau lien phat trien tren Trai flat. V1 v$y, m~t trang da
Ia m6t dac diem c6 the nhln thay tren bau troi d6i voi m9i sinh vat song.

Exercise 4. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.
I 1. B I 2. D I 3. A 4. A 5. c
Question 1. TLr "them" trong bai am chi cai g1?
7 Ca heo
Trtrac d6 dang gioi thi$u ve ca heo va nhCrng cau chuy$n ve chung.
Question 2. C6ng dong loai ca heo _ _ hem chung ta nghl.
7 complicated: pht.i'c t<;~p
Thong tin trong bai: The more we learn about dolphins, the more we realize that their society is
more complex than people previously imagined.
Question 3. Giang nhtr con ngtroi, ca heo _ _ nhCrng con ca heo khac khi chung bi b$nh.
7 watch over: cham s6c
Thong tin trong bai: They look after other dolphins when they are ill...
Question 4. Con ngtroi c6 the cam thay kem tru vi~t han boi v1 _ _.
7 Ca heo Ia loai v~t thong minh.
Thong tin trong bai: On the contrary, the more we discover about these remarkable creatures,
the less we appear superior when we destroy them.
Question 5. Kh1mg djnh nao sau day KHONG dung ve ca heo?
7 Chung bo roi con yeu nhat trong dan.
Thong tin trong bai: They look after other dolphins when they are ill, care for pregnant mothers
and protect the weakest in the community ...

Dich bai:

Ca heo dtrqc coi Ia sinh v~t than thi$n nhat dtroi bien va nhCrng cilu chuy$n ve chung giup cac
thuy thu chet du6i da ph6 bien tll' thai La Ma. Gang tlm hieu ve loai ca heo, chung ta cang nh~n
ra rang xa h9i cua chung pht.i'c t<;~p han m9i ngtroi tlfong ttrqng trtroc day. Chung cham s6c
nhiing con ca heo khac khi chung bj b~nh, cham s6c nhiing con ca dang mang thai va bao ve
nhiing con yeu nhat trong c6ng dong, gi6ng nhlf con ngtroi.

Trang 265
Mi)t s6 nha khoa hoc cho rang ca heo c6 ngon ngfr, nhLrng c6 kha nang cao hon Ia chllng giao
tiep v6i nhau ma khong c'iin loi n6i. C6 khi nao trong s6 nhfrng loai ai)ng v(lt c6 vu nay thong
minh hon con ngLroi? Chile chan, 1$p lu~n ph6 bien nhat tlng hi) Slf wqt tri)i ctla con ngLroi so
v6i di)ng v~t rang chung ta c6 the giet chung de dang hon Ia chllng c6 the giet chung ta Ia it
th6a dang nhat. NgLrqc l?i, cang kham pha nhieu ve nhfrng sinh v$t tuy~t vai nay, chllng ta cang
c6 ve kem coi hon khi tieu di~t chung.
Exercise 5. Read the toll'ow·ing passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the fo/,folll•ina
L__~1~.Ac~--~~~2~.B~-~~~-3_.~A~--~---4_.__B____l ____s_._D__~
Question 1. Hoc sinh c6 the luy~n t~p ky nang n6i bang each _ _ .
-7 ke chuy$n
Thong tin trong bai: Children can practice their oral speaking skills by telling a story to a puppet
or explaining words or expressions.
Question 2. LQ'i fch niw khi sti d~ng con r6i trong d?Y hoc Ia KHONG flUNG theo nhlf trong bai?
-7 N6 giup hoc sinh duy tri nhfrng himh di)ng tfch cl,lc trong 16p.
Thong tin trong bai: Therefore, teachers have more direct conversation with students, and
maintain positive behavior in the classroom.
(Lqi fch nay Ia cho giao vien chti kh6ng phai hoc sinh)
Question 3. T(r "elaborate" trong do?n 2 c6 the dLrQ'C thay the bang ___ .
-7 explain: giai thfch, giang giai
Question 4. TLr "them" trong do?n 2 am chi cai gi?
7 hoc sinh
Ph fa tmoc dang n6i aen vii)c nhfrng con roi giup hoc sinh c6 di)ng ll,IC h<;>c va tham gia ho(!t
di)ng trong qua trinh h0 c.
Question 5. Bai nay n6i ve cai gl?
-7 M~t tich cvc cua vi$c s& d~ng con r6i khi day h0 c.
Nghien cLru cho thay vi~c sti d~ng con r6i trong day hoc c6 nhieu lqi fch, dijc bi~t Ia voi cac ky
nang ngon ngfr. Tre em c6 the luy~n ky nang n6i bang each ke mi)t cau chuy~n cho con r6i ho~c
giai thfch cac t(r ho~c each dien dat. Neu con roi "boi r6i" va khong hieu dieu gi a6, tre c6 the
minh h0 a va cho con r6i xem nhfrng gi minh da h<;>c atrgc.

Mi)t nghien ctiu nam 2015 da dieu tra tac d~ng hoc tap ctla nhfrng con roi trong 16'p hoc mau
giao. Phat hien cua h9 cho thay IQ'i fch to 16n cua vi~c st.f d~ng con roi a6i v6i vi~c giao d~c tre
nh6. Con roi a a giup t(IO ai)ng ll,IC cho hoc sinh va loi cuon cac em vao qua trinh hoc t~p. n6 1(10
ra mi)t m6i quan h~ tinh cam v6i hoc sinh, va t?o them tam tr(lng vui tlfoi cho moi tmong hoc
t~p. Ngoai ra, roi con cho phep giao vien trinh bay chi tit9t hon ve chtl de ma ho dang de c$p b6'i
vi con r6i Ia mi)t hinh anh bieu dien totae sti d~ng khi hat, nhay hoijc ke chuy~n. Do d6, giao
vien c6 the trao doi lrlfc tiep hon v6'i h<;>c sinh, vii duy tri hilnh vi tfch Clfc trong lop h0 c.
Exercise 6. Read the lo/i!ow'ing passage and mark tile letter A. 8, C, or D to indicate tile correct
answer to each of the
3.8 4.A s.c
Question 1. Du ljch sinh thai Ia gi?
7 La mi)t kieu du ljch mil du khach den nhfrng noi chLra bi con ngLroi khai pha.

Trang 2.66
Thong tin trong bai: Ecotourism is a form of tourism where tourists visit fragile, pristine, and
relatively undisturbed natural areas.
Question 2. M(lt muc dich cua du l!ch sinh thai Ia _ _ .
~ de gay quy cho cac dt,r an moi tnrong o khu vvc \l,r nhien.
Thong tin trong bai: Its purpose may be to educate the travellers, to provide funds for ecological
conservation, to directly benefit the economic development and political empowerment of local
communities, or to foster respect for different cultures and for human rights.
Question 3. Tuy nhien, du l!ch sinh thai c6 the gay ra cac van de khi _ _.
~ phai xay them CO SO Vat chat va lien nghi bo sung de doi ph6 v6i Sl,f gia tang dan SO.
Question 4. TLr "Its" o dong 1 am chi di!n _ _ .
~ Du l!ch sinh thai
Phia tnr6c gi6i thieu ve du l!ch sinh thai va cau sau n6i ve muc dich cua n6.
Question 5. Cum tLr "are unable to meet" gan nghTa nhat voi _ _ .
~ khong dap ung duqc
Dich bili:

Du l!ch sinh thai Ia m(lt hlnh thuc du l!ch ma du khach den tham cac khu vvc thien nhien deb!
ton h\li, nguyen so va con t11ong doi nguyen v~n. Muc dfch cua n6 c6 the Ia de giao due, gay quy
bao ton sinh thai, tn.rc tiep mang l9i lqi fch cho sv phattrien kinh te va chinh trj cua c(lng dong
d!a ph11ong, ho~c thuc day sv ton trqng doi voi cac nen van h6a khac nhau va quyen con ng11oi.

Tuy nhien, cac ho9t d(lng du l!ch sinh thai doi khi khong dap ung d11qc cac ly t11ong bao ton.
Ngay ca m(lt Sl,f gia tang dan so nh6 cGng gay ap ll,fc len moi tnrong dja ph110ng va doi hoi Sl,f
phat trien cua co so h11 tang bo sung. Viec xay dl,fng cac nha may xti ly n116'c, cac cong trlnh ve
sinh va nha nghi di kem v6i vi$c khai thac cac nguon tai nguyen khong the tai t11o va sti dung
cac nguon tai nguyen von da h9n che cua dja ph11ong. Moi tnrong c6 the bi anh h11ong boi vi cac
c(lng dong dja ph110ng khong the dap ung nhfrng nhu cau ve co so h\l tang nay.

Exercise 7. Read !he following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.
I 1. c I 2. A I 3. D 4. c 5. D
Question 1. Elau KHONG phai Ia van de o cac thanh pho?
~ Khu Vl,fC dim 0 to
Thong tin trong bill: However, those densely populated cities have to face with pollution and
traffic jams because of the rapid increase in the number of private cars.
Question 2. So dan o trung tam thanh pho Luan £Jon Ia bao nhieu?
~ 8 trieu
Thong tin trong bai: Eight million people live in the center of London and another two million
people go to work there every day.
(C6 8 trieu c11 dan song o d6 va 2 trieu chi Ia so ngtroi den Luan £Jon de lam vi$c moi ngay.)
Question 3. Tlr nao KHONG mieu ta dung ve khu VI!C cam oto o Tokyo?
~ beautiful: d~p
Thong tin trong bai: Parts of Tokyo are always crowded with hundreds of people, but there are
no cars. These modern no-car zones are very popular and people like shopping there.
Question 4. Trung tam thanh pho Bogota bay gio the nao?
~ clean: S\lCh se
Thong tin trong bai: Now the city center is a no-car zone and the air is clean.
Question 5. Mqi ng11oi th11ong lui toi dja diem ni10 o pho Bourke vao gifra ngay?

Trang 267
~ Quan cafe
Thong tin trong bai: This area attracts people not only to the shops but also to the cozy small
cafe with great food during lunchtime.

0 to cia tr6 thimh phuong ti$n di l<;~i pho bien cua ngubi dan, d~c bi$t Ia nhCrng ngubi dim song
tei cac thimh pho ion. Tuy nhien, nhQ-ng thanh pho dong dan cu l<;~i phai doi m~t voi tinh tr<;~ng o
nhiem va tac dubng do so lu·qng o to rieng tang nhanh. Ngay nay, m6t s6 trung tam thimh ph6
tren the gioi khong cho phep 0 to di vao. NhQ-ng khu VlfC cam 0 to nay Ia khu VlfC chf danh cho
nguoi di b6, xe d<;~p va phuong ti(!n giao thong cong c0ng.
London: Tam triiju ngubi song 6 trung tam London va hai tri$u ngubi khac den d6 lam vi(!c moi
ngay. Trung tam thanh ph6 c6 rat nhieu cong vien d<ep voi cac bu6i ca nhec mien phi. Vao gio iin
trua va sau gio lam vi$c, nhieu nguoi den d6 de nghi ngoi.

Tokyo: Cac khu vlfc cua Tokyo luon dong due den hang tram nguoi, nhung khong c6 xe hoi.
NhQ-ng khu VlfC cam 0 to hi(!n d<;~i nay rat pho bien va moi ngubi thlch mua sam 6 d6.

Bogota: Truoc day, Bogota bi 6 nhiem vi c6 nhieu o to va xe c6 qua l9i. Bay gio trung tam thimh
ph61a m 0t khu wc cam 6 to va kh6ng khltrong lanh! Nhieu nguoi khong c6 b to va nLJ'a tri(!u
nguoi di lam bang xe bu)lt moi sang.

Melbourne: 0 nhieu noi, moi ngubi khong thlch mua sam 6 trung tam thanh ph6. Nhung 6
Melbourne, ph6 Bourke n6i tieng vi c6 rat nhieu cLJ'a hang ion va khong c6 xe hoi. Khu vlfc nay
thu hut moi ngubi kh6ng chi aen cac clra hang ma con aen quan ca phe nh6 am cung voi nhQ-ng
m6n an tuy$t voi trong gio iin trua.
Exercise 8. Read the foll'owino B, C, or D to indicate the correct

Qu:estion 1. TLJ' "offers" trong do an 1 dong nghla voi _ _ .

~ provides: cung cap
Qu:estion 2. Thea thong tin trong doan 2, lei sao Dubai Ia nOi noi tieng voi cac CUQC hoi nghj ve
kinh doanh va trien lam?
~ B6i vi n6 c6 nhieu khach sen sang tr0 ng va co s6 v$t chat tot.
Thong tin trong bai: The excellent hotels and facilities make it a popular place for business
conferences and exhibitions.
Question3. Tlr "They" 6 doan 3 am chi aen _ _ .
~ visitors: du kh<kh
Phia truoc dang n6i ve cac hoat d6ng ma du khach c6 the lam khi den Dubai.
Qu:estion 4. Theo thong tin trong doan 5, khang djnh nao sau day KHONG dung ve vi~c mua
sam 6 Dubai?
~ fla so chu cLJ'a hang khong n6i Mng Anh,
Thong tin trong bai: While Dubai's official language is Arabic, many shopkeepers speak English.
Qu:estion s. flau Ia tieu de phu hqp nhat v6'i bai?
~ Dubai: nho-ng vi(!c m 0 i nguoi c6 the lam

Dubai Ia tieu vuong qu6c lon thu hai trong so cac tieu vuong quae thu 0c Cac Tieu vuong quoc A
R~p Thong nhat. Vao nhil'ng nam 1950, nola m6t ngoi lang nh6 ven bien. Bay gio n6 Ia m 0t

Trang 268

thimh pho hi~n d~i khong 1'6 v6i dan so hon 700.000 ngU'oi. N6 cung cap m(lt phong each song
hi$n d~i tuy$t voi va noi tieng toan the gi6i Ia m(lt diem den du ljch hang dau.

Dubai c6 m(lt cai g1 66 khac bi$t cho tat ca

m 0 i ngll'oi. Nhfrng ngll'oi thfch du ljch c6 the t~n
hU'ong ky nghi thll' gian va nhfrng ngU'oi muon phieu IU'u c6 the tlm thay aieu g1 66 m6i me va thtl
vi. Cac khach s~n vii co s6 v~t chat tuy$t voi lam cho n6 tr6 thanh m(lt dia diem noi tieng cho
cac h(li nghj vii trien lam kinh doanh.

Dubai cung cap nhieu trai nghi$m ky nghi khac 1~. Du khach c6 the di tham hiem sa m~c ho~c
lai xe leo ntli tren con cat, xem dua l9c da ho~c hoc each san moi v6i chim ll'ng. Ho cGng c6 the
thlJ' choi tmot cat. Thlf gian hon nfra Ia m(lt chuyen du ngo~n tren m(lt chiec leu go 6 Vjnh ho~c
thiim cac khu chq co cua thanh pho.

C6 rat nhieu co h(li de ch~p anh. Kien true truyen thong tuy$t d~p, va c6 rat nhieu cung di$n va
nha tho Hoi giao trang 1$. Du khach c6 the den tham m(lt ng6i lang Bedouin va ngam nhln nhfrng
con l~c ail va dan de. C6 nhfrng oc ciao sa m~c tuy$t a~p va canh hoang han tuy$t voi nhat tren
the gioL

NgU'oi ta n6i rang Dubai Ia thien dU'ong cua nhfrng ngll'oi thfch mua sam. Nhieu ngll'oi den Dubai
de mua sam. Du khach c6 the t~n hll'ong m 0 i thll, tLJ' cac trung tam mua sam hi$n d9i den cac
khu chQ' truyen thong. Thue hai quan thap khien nhieu san pham re hon so v6i cac san pham
mua 6 cac nU'6c khac. M~c du ng6n ngfr chfnh cua Dubai Ia tieng A R~p, nhll'ng nhieu chu c(ra
himg van c6 the n6i tieng Anh. Trung tam Bur Juman vii Trung tam AI Ghurair Ia nhfrng noi mil
m 0 i tin do mua sam nen thli.

Exercise 9. Read the following passage and marl< the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of !he following questions.
I 1. c I 2. A I 3. B 4. c 5. B
Question 1. C6 the suy ra tLJ' bai van rang _ _.
7 nhfrng thay phu thuy c6 le aa cllu aU'Q'c m(lt vai ngll'oi
Question 2. TLr "them" 6 do~n 2 am chi den _ _ .
7 evil spirits: nhfrng linh han xau
Ph fa trU'6c dang n6i den nguyen nhan ngll'oi trong b(l t(lc bj b$nh, va do~n. nay n6i thay phu thuy
tlm each tieu di$t chtlng.
Question 3. Khang ajnh nao dU'6i day Ia flUNG?
7 Thay phu thuy hat de moi than Sllc khoe quay ve.
Thong tin trong do~n 2.
Question 4. Khang djnh nao sau day Ia KHONG flUNG?
7 Tift ca nhfrng vi$c thay phu thuy lam bi cho Ia nguy hiem hi$n nay.
Thong tin trong bai: Some of these cures used by the medicine men did help.
Question 5. Bai nay n6i ve _ _ .
7 uncivilized doctoring: each chfra b$nh tien slJ'
Djch bili:
Nhieu sang kien tm6c day ve nguyen nhan va each chfra b$nh dll'i:mg nhll' vii ly doi v6i chtlng ta
ngay nay. Tuy nhien, 6 m(lt khfa c9nh nao 66, thay thuoc cua cac b(ll~c nguyen thuy da stl d~ng
phU'ong phap chO'a b$nh cho nhfrng ngll'oi b$nh dll'Q'c cho Ia c6 gia tri thlfc Slf.

Trang 269
Trang thai gian dau khi mQi nguai b[ bi)nh, hQ tim den slf giup d6 cua thay lang trong bi) t(>c.
Nguai ta thuang tin rang b$nh t~t Ia do linh han ma quy gay ra, va nhi$m vu cua thay lang Ia xu a
duoi nhung linh han xau nay ra kh6i nguai b~nh. De lam duqc di'eu nay, ong ta se co gang xua
duoi chung bang each gay ra tieng d(>ng 16n va deo nhung chiec m~t n(l dang sq. Thong thuang
ong ay se ni~m chu, hat nhung bai hat d~c bi~t va bieu dien nhung di(\u nhay d~c bi(\t. Gan nhu
luc nao ong ta cOng sU' d~ng cung m9t lo9i cay duqc cho Ia phuong thuoc chO'a m(>t can b(\nh
nhat d[nh.

M(>t so phuong phap chua tr[ duqc sU' d~ng b6i cac thay lang cia giup fch. Cac lo(li cay mil cac
bac sT co d<;~i nay thtrang Ia thuoc, gia day duQ'c biet Ia thuoc chua b~nh ho(ic giam au. Slf ton
tr 0ng va tin tu6ng ma nguai dan dimh cho thay lang cua hQ cia mang l9i cho nguai b~nh hy vQng
va giup hQ cam thay de ch[u hon.

Exercise 10. Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.
I 1.A I ~B I 3.0 4B 5.C
Question 1. Thea thong tin trong do(ln 1, le h9i La Tomatina dtrQ'c to chuc khi nao?
-7 ngay th(r 4 cuoi cung cua thang 8
Thong tin trong bai: The La Tomatina is a festival held on a Wednesday towards the end of
Question 2. Thea do;;m 2, t<;~i sao nguO'i ta l(li 6 Valencia?
-7 Vi khong c6 au khach s9n 6 Sunol.
Thong tin trong bai: There are not many accommodations for people who come to La Tomatina,
so many participants stay in Valencia ...
Question 3. TLJ' "transport" trong do(ln 3 nghia Ia gi?
-7 carry: ch6, v~n chuyen
Question 4. TLJ' "they" trong do(ln 3 am chi cai gi?
-7 tomatoes: ca chua
Phi a tru6c dang n6i den vi~c xe tai v~n chuyen ca chua den th[ tran. Ca chua duqc lay tl.r
Extremadura, noi gia thanh cua chung re hon.
Question 5. Dieu gi xay ra ngay sau khi ban ph<it d(li bac thLr hai?
-7 MQi ngtrO'i ngLJ'ng nem ca chua.
Thong tin trong bai: Somewhere between an hour and two hours, the fighting ends and the
cannon is fired once more to signal the end. At this point no more tomatoes can be thrown.

La Tomatina Ia m(>t le h9i duqc to chuc vi10 thutu cuoi cung cua th<ing 8 t9i th[ Iran Bufiol
thui)c vung Valencia 6 Tily Ban Nha. Le h(>i keo dai mi)t tuan baa gam am nh(lc, dieu hanh, khieu
vu va ban phao hoa.

Khoang 30.000 nguoi den v6i cui)c chien ca chua, trong khi dan so Sunol chi c6 9.000 ngtrO'i.
Kh6ng c6 nhieu cho 6 cho nhO'ng nguoi aen La Tomatina, vi v~y nhieu ngtrO'i tham gia 6l9i
Valencia va di chuyen bang xe bu'ft ho~c xe IU'a aen Sunol, khoang 38 km ben ngoai thanh pho.

Nhieu xe tai v~n chuyen ca chua vao trung tam th[ tran, Plaza del Pueblo. Ca chua den tl.r
Extremadura, noi gia thanh cua chung re hon. Tin hi~u bat dau cu(>c chien Ia tieng d9i b<ic, va Slf
hon lo;;m bat dau. M9t khi n6 bat dau, cui)c chien n6i chung Ia moi nguoi phai w llfc canh sinh.
NhO'ng ngu·oi tham gia Slf ki$n nay dtrQ'C khuyen khich deo kinh baa hQ va gang tay baa h(>.
Ngoai ra, h<;> phai ep ca chua tru6c khi nem vi m~c dich an toan. M(>t quy tile khac Ia khong ai

Trang 270
dw;rc phep mang vao cu(lc chien bat cLJ' thlJ' gi c6 the dan den m(lt cu(lc au da nghiem tr9ng,
chang h;;m nh11 chai thuy tin h. M9i ng11oi cGng phai tranh xa xe tai va khong d11qc xe quan ao
cua ng11oi khac. Khoang tlJ' m(lt den hai gio, cu(lc chien ket thtlc va d~i bac d11qc ban them m(lt
lan nG'a debao hi$u. T~i thai diem nay khong the nem ca chua nG'a. Qua trinh lam s~ch bao gem
vi$c sLJ' dvng xe cLJ'u hoa de phun xu6ng cac d11ong pho, v6'i nguon n116'c d11c;rc cung cap tlJ' m(lt
tuyen d11ong thuy cua ng!Joi La Mii. M9i ng11oi tim n116'c de t::\m rLJ'a, chu yeu Ia 6 song Bufiol.

Trang 271
CHUYEN 7. 50 DJ!.NG VIET ll;\1 CAU

1. c 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.0 6.A 7.0 8.8 9.8 10.0

11. c 12.C 13.8 14.A 15.8 16. A 17.8 18. A 19.0 20.A
21.8 22.C 23.8 24.0 25.0 26.C 27.C 28.8 29.A 30.8
31.0 32.A 33.8 34.A 35.8 36.A 37.A 38.8 39.8 40.A
~-8 42.A 43.8 44.C 45.0 46.A 47.8 48.0 49.8 50.0
Question 1. Day Ia ian dau tien chung toi den r9p xiec.
~ Chung toi chua bao gia den r<:~p xiec truoc kia.
Question 2. C6 nhfeu ngtrai tren tau den noi Mary khong the tim duqc cho ngoi.
~ Khoang tau qua dong nguai de Mary tim duqc cho ngoi.
Queslion 3. Thai tiet xau den noi chung toi danh ca ngay 6 trong nhil.
~ Thai tie\ xau aen noi chung toi danh ca ngay 6 trong nha.
Question 4. M~c du co ay khuyet tat. co ay kha 11! tin khi luy$n tap mon the thao nay 18n dau.
~ Du bi khuyet tat, co ay van kha tt,r tin khi luy$n tap mon the thao nay lan dau lien.
Question 5. Da L<;~t, nai rat noi tieng voi du khach nuac ngoai, c6 thai tiet de chiu.
~ oa L<;~t, noi tieng voi du khach nuoc ngoai, c6 thai tiet de chju.
Question 6. That tiec Ia toi khong the n6i tieng Anh nhu ngLiai ban xLJ".
~ Toi LI6"c rang mlnh c6 the n6i tieng Anh nhLI ngLiai ban xLJ".
Question 7. "Toi khang djnh Ia co lay tr(im tien cua toi", co ay n6i v6"i ngLiai giiip vi$c.
~ Co ay bu(ic t(ii ngLiai giiip vi$c an tr(im tien cua co ay.
Question B. Ann luon bat kip voi xu hLI6"ng thai trang moi nhat. Co ay lam cho m9t cong ty thai
trang noi tieng.
~ Ann lam cho m(it cong ty thai \rang noi tieng nen c6 ay lu6n bat kjp voi xu hLI6"ng thai !rang
m6"i nhat
~ues•1on 9. Chung toi bat dau viet thLI cho nhau 3 nam tnroc.
~ Chung toi da viet thlf cho nhau ciLiqc 3 nam roi.
Question 1 o. Ban tho a thuan ket thiic 6 thang dam phan. N6 cia ciLiqc ky vao hom qua.
~ Ban th6a thuan dLiqc ky vao hom qua da ketthuc 6 thang dam ph an.
Question 11. Anh ay khong nghe lai bo. 86 Ia ly do anh ay that nghi$p.
~ Neu anh ay nghe lai bo, thl anh ay da khong bi that nghi$p.
Question 12. Toi khong dQc sach cua ong ay. Toi khong hieu giang vien dang n6i gL
~ T6i se hieu giang vien dang n6i gl neu t6i da dQc sach cua 6ng ay.
Question 13. Alvin n6i v6'i Dan: "Toi khong dung may cai-xet cua ban! La nglfai khac dung,
kh6ng phai t6i."
~ Alvin phu nhan rang cia dung cat-xet cua Dan, n6i rang Ia nglfl1i khac da dung.
Question 14. "Ban nen uong nLI6"c hang ngay ae co the khoe m(lnh", bac sT n6i v6"i toi.
~ Bac sT gqi yuong nLioc moi ngay de cathe kh6e man h.
4"'"~11011 15. Quyen tCr ciien dat aen noi toi khong the mua n6.
~ Quyen tCr dien qua dat voi tai de c6 the mua n6.
Question 16. Toi seve nha khoang luc 7 gia va luc d6 se gQi cho b9n.
~ T6i se gQi cho ban khi ve nha khoang luc 7 gia.
~l.leSliOil17. Anh ay thay mon nay CIJC kl kh6 hQC.
~ Anh ay hQC m6n nay CI/C kl kh6 khan.

Trang 272
Question 18. Tr$t tt,r neu khong b<;~n se danh thLrc em be.
7 Neu b<;~n khong tr$t tt,r, b<;~n se danh th(rc em be.
Question 19. Toi khong mango thea ben nglioi, nen toi bi Lfat.
7 Neu toi mang o ben nglfoi, toi aa khong bi Lfat.
Question 20. Gifra bfra tma co tieng g5 c(ra.
7 Khi chung toi dang an tma thl co tieng g5 clra.
Question 21. Toi khong aen r<;~p chieu phim da nhi'eu thang rlli.
7 Da nhieu thang rlli ke tlr ian cuoi toi aen r<;~p chieu phim.
Question 22. Anh ay tllng viet thlf ve nha m(>t tuan m(>t ian.
7 Bay gio anh ay khong con viet thli ve nha nfra.
Question 23. Ho trang tri cai cay bang nhfrng qua bong mau sac.
7 Cai cay dLtqc trang tri bang nhfrng qua bong mau sac.
Question 24. "Sao trlfoc kia mlnh khong dau tlf vao nang iliQ'ng m~t troi nhi?", quan ly nghT.
7 Quan ly tt,r hoi t<;~i sao tmoc kia ong ay khong dau tli vao nang lliqng m~t troi.
Question 25. Nhieu cong ty bat dau m6 nhfrng ella hang ban tht,rc pham chLrc nang 6 Da L<;~t.
7 Nhieu ella hang ban tht,rc pham chLrc nang bat dau dLtqc m6 ban 6 Da L<;~t b6i nhieu cong ty.
Question 26. Day Ia quyen sach re nhat ma toi tt:rng mua.
7 Toi chlfa tt:rng mua quyen sach nao re nhlf quyen nay.
Question 27. "Neu toi Ia b<;~n, toi se khong boi 6 con song do", toi noi voi Sara.
7 Toi canh baa Sara dllng boi 6 con song do.
Question 28. Troi bat dau mlfa tllluc 2 gio va bay gio van dang mlia.
7 Troi da mlfa suot tllluc 2 gio.
Question 29. Tili li$u nay phu hqp cho hoc sinh tll18 tuoi tr61en.
7 Hoc sinh tll18 tuoi tr61en co the sll d~ng tai li!!u nay.
Question 30. Chung toi da dt,r djnh se di nghi 6 Haiti va da d~t ve may bay rlli.
7 Chung toi len ke ho<;~ch di nghi 6 Haiti va th$m chi da sap xep ve may bay.
Question 31. ChUng toi tranh dtiqc v~ tai n<;~n voi xe khach trong gang tac vi dllng xe kip thai.
7 Chung toi cole da va ch<;~m v<'ii xe khach neu khong thang gap.
Question 32. Co thuyet ph~c Tom doi y cung chang ich gl.
7 Vi$c thuyet ph~c Tom doi y Ia khong dang.
Question 33. "Xin loi toi da aLta b<;~n nham so," Paul noi voi Sam.
7 Paul xin loi Sam vi da alia nham so.
Question 34. Nglfoi ta tin rang nglfoi Trung Quoc pMt minh ra giay.
7 Giay dtiqc tin rang da dLtqc phat minh ra b<'ii nglfoi Trung Quoc.
Question 35. Co baa cao rang nhfrng tu nhan da wqt ng~c bang trt,rc thang.
7 Cac tu nhan dLtqc baa cao da wqt ng~c bang trt,rc thang.
Question 36. Nhfrng con dlfong tron trlfqt b6i vi tuyet roi day.
7 Tr$n tuyet ion lam nhfrng con dLtong tron tmqt.
Question 37. Chung ta ch~t pha nhieu rllng. Trai Dat tr6 nen nong.
7 Chung ta cang ch~t pM nhieu rllng, Trai flat cang nong hon.
Question 38. Co ay b$n den noi khong the tra loi di$n tho<;~i.
7 Co ay qua b$n de tnlloi di$n tho<;~i.
Question 39. Hut thuoc khong dtiQ'c cho phep 6 van phong nay.
7 B<;~n khong dLtqc hut thuoc trong van phong nay.

Trang 273
Question 40. 8(> phim t6i qua th~t hoi h¢p. N6 n6i ve m9t v~ wop ngan hang.
~ 8¢ phim t6i qua n6i ve Vu Clf6'p ngan hang th~t Ia hoi h¢p.
Question 41. Nhfrng dlfa con ctla t6i quen v6'i vi(!c xem quang cao moi t6L
familiar with sth = used to do sth: quen v6'i
Question 42. Nhieu phu nfr thich ra ngoai lam vi(!c han 6 nha.
~ Nhieu phu nfr tha ra ngoai lam vi$c con han 6 nha.
Question 43. Phong khach kh6ng to bang phong bep.
~ Phong bep 16'n han phong khach.
Question 44. M(>t dien gia se den n6i ve William Shakespeare. T6i kh6ng the nh6' ten 6ng ay.
~ M¢t dien gia t6i kh6ng nh6' tense den n6i ve William Shakespeare.
Question 45. "8?n c6 biet dja chi ctla Long kh6ng?", anh ay hoi t6L
~ Anh ay hoi t6i c6 biet dja chi ctla Long kh6ng.
Question 46. H9 m6'i xay m¢t tnrong h9c m6'i gan c6ng vien.
~ M9t tnrong h9c m6'i da dtrqc xay 6 gan c6ng vien.
Question 47. Moi ngtroi trong van phong nen dtrqc cap m(>t cho de xe rieng.
~ Tfit ca nhan vien van phong nen c6 cho de xe riemg.
Question 48. Co ay lu6n c6 m6i quan h$ tot v6'i b9n tre.
~ C6 ay lu6n hoa thu~n v6'i b9n tre.
Question 49. Mai aen nLra dem t6i m6'i lam xong bai t~p.
~ T6i da kh6ng the lam xong bai t~p tnr6'c nLra dem.
Question 50. Sau 12 tieng no luc, nhfrng ngtroi linh c(ru hoa da d~p ILra thilnh c6ng.
~ Nhfrng ngLroi linh clfu h6a da d~p ILra thanh c6ng sau 12 tiifng no luc.

Trang 274

Trang 275




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ht1Q!l:1LoD1~.Y"t1.illlii.JilltJ.Deso 2
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3. De so 3

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4. De so 4

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Trang 276
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1. TP Ho Chi Minh

TP Ho Chi Minh

2. Ngh~An

https:/ /

3. Can Tho

Can Tho
https:l/ on Iuyen. a pp.l in kl Can Tho

4. Bac Giang

!lac Giang
https:// on Iuyen. app .I in kl BacG iang

s. Hal Phong

https://onluyen. ar;

Trang 277
CAP roc 189+ THI v AO UJP 10
6. Phil ThQ

,.......................................................................................................... .
Phii Thq
b_t!ill.:il2olVY.~.lLo_~LPh uI!N

7. Thiii Blnh

······ I!J.:r
1!1 f
Thiii Blnh
bJ1J;>3J.L on Iuygo~ilJlQli.!lisf.Ib_illl3 in h
.. rt1
1!1~ ..

8. li10 Cai

lilO Cai

9. An Giang

An Giang

1o. Thai Nguyen

Thai Nguyen
b1\Q.§.:li on luye!L@Q .I in kLIJ:EliNq uyen_

Trang 278
11. Vlnh Pluic

Vlnh Phtlc
https:/1 on Iuyen. app .I ink/Vi nhPh uc

12. Bile Nlnh

Bile Ninh
https:// on luyen. app .I in k/B ac Nin h

13. Bile K~n

Bac K~n
https:// on luyen. app .I in k/BacKan

14. Dak Lak

oak Lak
/lt!ps:/1 on Iuyen. app .I in kiD a kla k
• ..

15. Dong TMp

flong TMp
https: II on Iuyen. apo .I ink/Dong Tha p

Trang 279

'e •

Trang 280
Cac blln IU'u y, m(!o lam bai thi se khong chfnh xac 100%. Vi$c sll" d~ng m(!o chi giup cac em tang
toe thai gian lam bai, chac chan ve phU'ang an ctla minh hon va tang them co h(li khi "bf" trong
phong thi.
1. Ngfi"am
V6i phan ngii am dU'c;tc chia thanh 2 phan, phat am va trQng am. V6i phan phat am c6 the Ia cac
dllng bai hoi ve each phat am nguyen am, ph~ am trong tu ho~c each phat am "s" va "ed".
M~o nh6 each phlit am "s"
• Neu tu ket thuc bang-s, -ss,- ch,- sh,- x,- z (-ze),- o,- ge,- ce thi ta phat am Ia /iz/
M(!o: "San-sang-chung-shllc-xin-z-o-g6p-com"
VD: changes/ iz/; practices/ iz/
• Neu tu
ket thuc bang :-/N, -p, -k,- f,- t thi phat am Ia /s/
Mf!o: 'Thai phong kien phU'ang Tiiy"
VD: cooks /s/; stops: /s/
• NhO'ng tu
con llli phat am Ia /z/
VD: plays /z/, stands /z/ ...
M<;!o nh6 each phlit am "ed"
• Phat am ed Ia hd! khi tu t~n cung bang cac ph~ am !dl, It!
M(!o: "T6 di day": khi nao c6 It! va /d/ thi dQc thimh "di" tllc /id/
• Phat am ed Ia /t/ khi tut ~n cung bang cac ph~ am /p/, /k/, /f/, Is/, If/, /If/, thlfang c6
ket thuc cuoi Ia ch, sh, k, p, f, s
M(!o: "Chu Sha khong phai fan Sam Sam"
• Ph at iim ed Ia /d/ khi tu t~n cung bang cac ph~ am /b/, /g/, /vi, /z/, /3/, /d3/, /11/, /m/, /n/,
1~1. /1/, /r/ va cac nguyen am
M(!O: Lolli trlr nhe!
Kinh nghi~m chgn trgng am
V6i phan trQng am, cac em on t~p llli kien thllc co ban phan trQng am. Thong thlfang de thi se
baa gem 2 cau, 1 cau dllng 2 am tiet va 1 cau dllng 3- 4 am tiet.
V6i dllng 2 am tiet, cac em IU'u y kien thtl'c d(lng tu c6 2 am tiet, trQng am roi vao am tiet thtl' hai;
danh tLr va tfnh tu c6 2 iim tiet c6 trQng iim roi vao am tiet thtl' nhift, ph an nay ct,rc ky hO'u fch. Cac
em cOng nen IU'u y mi)t so d~c biet 6 ph an nay nO'a nhe, vi de thi c6 the ra vao tu d~c biet, vf d~
"happen" (Ia di)ng tu
nhlfng trQng am roi vao am dau tien).

2. Tim loi sai

De thi v6i 3 cau tim loi sai, thong thlfimg de thi se kiem tra 3 don vi kien thllc khac nhau. NhO'ng
dllng kien thllc thlfang dU'qc kiem tra nhat 6 phan tim loi sai Ia: st,r hoa hc;tp chu vi, cau true song
song, tu Ioili, thi ctla di)ng tu, m$nh de quan he.
V?y khi g?p bai tim /Oi sai thi cac em lam gi?
• Nhin vao phan gllch chan Ia di)ng tu, xem c6 chi a sai thi khong? C6 hoa hc;tp chu vi khong?
• Nhin viw ciiu xem c6 cac lien tuthu(lc c~m FAN BOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) khong?
Neu co thi xem cac phan gllch chan, cac phan noi b6i cac tu FANBOYS da thong nhat
hinh thllc chlfa? (VD cung them duoi -ing, ho~c cung thi, ho~c cung Ia danh tu ... )
M(>t IU'u y nO'a Ia, neu ben chac chan cau tim loi sai thll nhat nam 6 kien thtl'c A (vf d~: m$nh de
quan he), thi hai cau tim loi sai con llli gan nhlf se khong roi vao phan kien thlrc A nO'a (trong vf
d~ nay Ia m$nh de quan he). Ly do Ia ma tr~n de thi thU'ong se khong dlfa 2 cau cung m(>t n(>i
dung vao m9t dllng bai.

Trang 281
3. Hoim thimh ciiu
D(mg hoim thanh cau thuong duqc chia thanh 2 phan: kiem tra kien thuc ngil' phap va kien thd"c
t(r wng. GOng nhu luu y aphan tren, mi\i cau thuong chi kiem tra m9t chu diem kien thuc. Thong
thtrb'ng cac chu diem ngil' phap va d~ng bai xuat hii)n nhtr sau:
• Kien thuc thi
• Menh de quan he/ lien tlr/ 111 lo~i/ danh d<)ng tCr va d¢ng t(r nguyen thii/ m?o tCr...
• Phrasal verb
• Collocations/ idioms
Cau kh6 thtrong roi vao phan tCr Vlfng: Phrasal verb, Collocations/ idioms nen b(m niw xac d!nh
dtroi 8 diem thi c6the lam nhanh ciiu nay de danh thai gian cho cau khac, bai kien thuc phan nay
r6ng va bao Ia nhtr bien ca.

4. Ch&c
V6i d(lng nay thi cac em chi can doc th$t ky kien thuc Ia duqc, bai tat ca nhil'ng tinh huang giao
tiep cia c6 san trong sach. Khi lam bai d~ng nay, cac em ltru y:
• Chon cau tra lb'i trong tinh huang dap tra ljch slf nhat: c6 the m9t so phuong an khac cac
em phan van, nhung nen nh6, chung ta phai ch 0 n dap an dung nhat nen cau nao the hi$n
sl! ljch st,r (tat nhien van dung ngil' canh) thub'ng se Ia dap an dung.
• V6i nhil'ng ciiu c6 da·u cham than thu·ong Ia nhil'ng cau cam than, c6 the Ia idioms ho~c
cac cau true thtrong dung cua ngtroi ban xu, va nghTa cua cau d6 nhieu luc kh6ng the djch
word-by-word dtrqc. Vi du: Beats me! mang nghTa "T6i chju/ T6i kh6ng biet dau!" chu
khong phai Ia "Danh t6i" dau nhe. The nen cac em phai d~c bi$t luu y khi dich nhe. NhOng
cau nhu· v§y trong phan ly thuyet de c$p kha nhieu, cac em chi can d 0 c ky Ia se lam tot

s. - trai
M9t quy luat bat thimh van khi bien so;;m cau hoi d~ng nay Ia, 111 duqc hoi a cau goc thtrong se
kh6 hon cac tlr 4 phuong an va ngil' canh cua ciiu van se giup cac em doan duqc so bQ nghTa
cua t(r goc. Do d6 neu cac em kh6ng biet nghia cua t(r gach chan, hay doc th$t ky ngil' canh va
doan nghTa, sau d6 thay llrng tCr phuong an llln ltrqt vao tCr gach chan, doc len xem cau c6 muqt
ve nghTa khong nhe.
M<)t ltru y CI,I'C ky quan trong trimh diem oan Ia khi lam bili, hay nh6 minh dii lam bai tU" dong
nghTa roi thi phai c6 d~ng 111 trai nghTa, neu kh6ng theo qwin tfnh l~i tlm tlr dong nghTa day! Hay
nhin th$t ky chil' CLOSEST va OPPOSITE! Bai nay ma mat diem nhtr v$y thi rat dang tree.
Ngtroi ra de cling da tfnh toi trtrb'ng hqp nay roi, nen trong bai thtrong se c6 2 c~p tCr: 1 tCr dong
nghia voi 111 g<;~ch chan, 1 tCr trai nghTa v6i 111 gach chan va 2 t(r gay nhieu theo hai xu huang: tfch
ct,rc va tieu clfc. ME;>o nay clfc ky hil'u fch nhe, nam bat duqc mE;>o thi c6 the lo~i trCr dap an de lam
xem vi !rich tir de thi vao 10 cria Hil Ni;li niim 2021.
Mark the letter B, CorD on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in me,an.lng to
the underlined wo,rd(l>) in each of the fo/i!ow'illg au<!sti<>ns.
I am very much interesting in learning more about ecotourism and its benefits.
A. advantages B. problems C. disavantages D. dangers

Trang 282
Cach 1: Tim c~p tLr tnli nghia nhau trong 4 phuong an: d6 Ia dap an Ava C llin lu(J't Ia advantages
va disadvantages. Kha nang dap an se roi vao 2 phuong an nay. V~y Ia chung ta da lo~i trlr duqc
50-50 roi d6, ph an con l~i cac em phai w phiin tfch d\l'a vao cau va kien thll'c cua minh nhe.
Cach 2: Khang djnh l~i 2 c~p XU huang tfch C\I'C/tieu C\J'C (m~c cffch ere nam OU9'C each ra de, XU
huang cua cau van).
• Tfch C\)'C: phuong an A
• Tieu c\)'c: phuong an B, C va D
Xem cau van Ia mang nghia lieu C\J'C hay tfch C\)'C: cau van n6i ve "hll'ng thu tim hieu them ve du
ljch sinh thai" Ia m(>t d~ng tfch c\)'c, bai nay d~ng CLOSEST nen cac phuong an thuong se thea
mau sac tfch c\)'c nhu cau van => Dap an dung c6 kha nang roi vao A

6. Tim ciiu dong nghia, niJ'i cau

Vai d~ng nay, kien thll'c tong hqp C\J'C ky da d~ng, nhung thuong se roi vao cac cifu true: dao ngO',
m~nh de quan hi), cau dieu kii)n, cau tuong thu~t. Cac em on th~t ky phan nay nhe!

7. Hoiln thimh do~n van

Bai hoan thanh do~n van se gam 5 cho trong, kiem tra kien thll'c tlJ' wng, ngO' phap (thuong Ia thi,
mi)nh de quan hi), lien tlJ', tLr loai), giai tlJ' (thuong Ia cau kh6). Ph an nay khong c6 m~o c~ the, cac
em hily doc lu6t bai ere nam duqc y chfnh cua bai truc'1c, sau d6 bat tay vao tung cau.

8. EJ<;>c hieu
Dang doc hieu thea de thi nam 2019 chi a thimh 2 loai: doc hieu 5 cau va d 0 c hieu 8 cilu (nhieu
cau kh6 hon).
Cac cau hoi doc hieu thuong co cac dang sau:
- Cilu hoi y chinh! tieu cfe cua cfoan van: cau nay cac em nen lam sau cung, vi khi d6 cac em era
nam duqc sob(> n(>i dung bai khi lam cac cau khac, tLr d6 dua ra ket lu~n chuan hon.
- Cau hOi tir vvng: cac em su d~ng m~o tuong w m~o 6 phan "TLJ' dong nghTa- tlJ' trai nghTa" nhe.
- Cau h6i dai tir: de biet tLr "it", "they" thay the cho tLr nao, cac em hay doc lai cau chll'a tlJ' do va
cau truac cau aay! Thuong dai tlr d6 se Ia danh tlr nam trong 2 cau tren.
- Cau h6i TRUE/ NOT TRUE: thong tin chac chan 6 trong bai, c6 san, thuong chi thay doi each viet,
dien dat khac. VD: dap an n6i ve vii)c dan so se gia h6a trong tuong lai, va thong tin trong doan
van Ia tuoi tho tang cao do nguoi dan an nhieu rau cu qua (tr\l'c tiep).
- Cau hoi ng1,1 y (inferred! suggesting): cac phuong an phai suy lu~n tlJ' thong tin trong bai, chll'
kh6ng c6 san nhu 6 dang cau hoi TRUE/ NOT TRUE, thuong c6 cac tlr "may", "might". T6m lai,
phai Ia y suy lu~n ra, chll' kh6ng c6 san trong bai (phai lay thOng tin trong bai, suy lu\in thea logic
thong thuong). VD: dap an n6i ve vii)c dan so se gia h6a trong tuong lai, va thong tin trong doan
van Ia an nhieu rau cu qua se giup song khoe va it benh W hon (suy lu~n).
M(>t luu y C\J'C ky quan trong Ia cac cau hoi thuong se di thea th(r 1\1' xu at hii)n trong do an van nen
cac em ell' khoanh vung ere lam nhe! Ky nang skimming va scanning cac em ap dvng thuan th~c
bang each luyi)n nhieu de va rut ra kinh nghii)m cho chinh ban than minh.

Trang 283
1. Skinnmi1'g
La OQC llf61 qua tat ca cac y chfnh cua bili dQC chlr kh6ng di sau VilD n9i dung cua bat ky doan
niw. Ta thl!c hi$n phan d<;>c nay nhanh chong bang each d<;>c qua tieu de de thay n9i dung bai viet,
d<;>c cac cilu chu de (topic sentences) va cilu ket lu(ln (concluding sentences) vl cac doan trong
tieng Anh chu yeu dLrqc viet theo hai each Ia diE!n djch vii quy n~p. chtl y hon vao cac danh tll'
quan tr<;mg ae qua d6 nam dlf<;JC n9i dung chfnh.
V6i Skimming (DQC lmrt), ta kh6ng d'ln OQC toan b9 bai ma van nam dlf<;JC y chfnh, nha 66 tang
toe d9 OQC va tiel ki$m dlft;>'C thai gian.

2. Khi m'10 nim

Khi doan van qua dai va thai gian c6 h;:m, Skimming (D<;>c lmn) gitlp ta dQc dlfqc n9i dung chfnh
cGng nhlf quan diem mil tac gia muon neu len trong terng doan, xem tac gia dang phan doi, dong
tlnh hay trung 1$p. Tll' d6 nam bat dlfqc nhfrng thong tin quan trQng va quyet dinh c6 nen di sau
vao dQc doan d6 hay kh6ng.

3. cac buac de
Ill: DQC ph an tieu de (title) cua bai viet. sau d6 dQC do.,n mo dau de xac dinh dlf<;JC n9i dung
chfnh trong bai viet.
ll2: 0Qc cac cilu eM de (topic sentences) cua tCrng do<;~n, cac cau chu de nay thlfang Ia cau dau
lien cua bai <iQc. Nhlfng d6i khi do<;m van l<;~i dLrqc m6 dau bang cau hoi hay cau dan dat, thl khi
d6 diu eM dlll<;~i thlfang nam cuoi dm;m.
B3: 0Qc "'"' do;m van, chu y tr<l loi cac cau hoi who, what, which, where, when, why. Nhfrng tCr
quan trQng trong do;:m viin cac b<;~n nen nam bat thlfang dlfqc an nap dlf6'i d;,mg danh tlr, so tlr,
cac t(r dLrqc in d~m hay viet hoa.
* llfU y:
• Ngllai dQc can nam dli<;Jc logic trlnh bay cua bai bang each dl,l'a viw cac marking words
(tll' dau hi$u) nhlf: because, firstly (dau tien), secondly (thu hai), finally (cuoi cung), but
(nhlfng), then (sau d6), includes (bao gom) va nhfrng tCr chi thai gian khac, v.v. Nhfrng tCr
nay se gitlp cho ngu·ai dQc nhanh chong nh$n ra do<;~n van dli<;Jc trlnh bay theo each nao:
listing (li$t ke), comparison-contrast (so sanh-d6i lap), time-order (thea thu W thai gian),
va cause-effect (nguyen nhan-ket qua).
• 0Qc Hr tren xuong du6i vii t<r trai qua phai v6i m9t toe 1'19 nhanh. £Jay Ia dQc lay y, do d6
kh6ng nen bo qua bat eli doan nao cua bai de "lu61" cho nhanh vl nhlf v$y se rat de bi

(1) DQC lmrt ciic do~n van voi dQ dili khoang 50·80 tlr moi do;m.
- sll' d1,mg dong hli dem gio v<'i'i thai gian tll' 30-40s cho mili do;'!n, dQc 1Lr61 phan n{ii dung de tim
y chinh;
- ChU y ciiu chi! de vii ciic danh tu quan ln;mg trong cac do;~n viln;
- Chu y den cac hlnh thUc so sanh, li~t ldi, lien tlr;
- Chii y den cac Ill' what, when, wiJere, why, ...

Trang 284
A. Imagine you're in a deep sleep. You're dreaming-or having a nightmare-when you
suddenly startle awake. Or, at least, you THINK you're awake. Your eyes are open, and
you're aware of your surroundings, but no matter how hard you try ... you can't move a
B. Ooes that sound like a scary experience? It can be! What we've just described is called
sleep paralysis. It affects around eight percent of the population. The condition causes
the loss of muscle control while falling asleep or waking up. This loss of muscle control
is also called atonia. It's actually a normal part of the sleep cycle during REM sleep. It
stops your muscles from responding to dreams and keeps you safe in bed until you
C. A person with sleep paralysis experiences atonia outside of the REM cycle. Most
people with the condition also have hallucinations. This can include out-of-body
experiences, like the feeling of flying. People may also feel pressure in their chest.
Perhaps the scariest form of these hallucinations involves the perception of a
dangerous person or presence.
D. How is sleep paralysis treated? The first step is to talk with an expert. Doctors often
start by asking patients about their sleep habits. They may even ask them to keep a
sleep journal to learn more about their routine. Many patients also take part in a sleep
study. That way, an expert can observe them while they sleep.

(2a) Sau khi dQc lttat (skim), nhin vao ciiu 1 • 3, co gang nhO xem nhfulg thong tin sau nam a
phan nao trong bili dQc.
1. Ways to deal with sleep paralysis
2. What's happening to the body during sleep paralysis?
3. Symptoms of sleep paralysis
A. Near the beginning
B. In the middle
C. At the end
(2b) DQC l<1i thong tin ciiu 1 • 3 ben tren, noi thong tin voi cac do~n (A· D) trong bili dQC.
2. - -
3. - -
(2a) 1 C; 2B; 3A (2b) 1D; 2C; 3A


1. Scanning gi?
La dc;>c nhanh bai viet th~t nhanh v6i m~c dfch tim kiem dG' li$u, thong tin c~ the clin thiet cho vi$c
tra loi cau hoi.
Scanning (DQC quo!t) ClfC ki quan trc;>ng trong bai thi dQC vi doi khi qua phan Skimming ta da nam
bat duqc nhG'ng y chfnh, nhung ae tnlloi duqc ciiu hoi phan reading ta can chu y vao each slJ'
d~ng tlJ' ngG' ella tac gia neu khong se rat de bi danh ILJ'a.

2. Khi niw ap d1,mg?

Scanning (DQC quet) dl!Q'C ap d~ng khi can tim kiem cac dG' li$u trong bai viet nhu ten rieng, so
li$u, ngay thang, ho$c cac c~m tlJ' ma kh6ng can hieu r6 ni)i dung ella bai dc;>c.

Trang 285
Scanning (f>Qc quo!t) duqc ap dvng cho cac d(lng bili nhu ciiu hoi tCr vt,rng, cilu hoi thong tin chi
tiet, ciiu hoi d 0i tCr trong bai dc;>c.

3. Cac buti'c din co khi Sc1mning

111: Philn tfch each to chllc bai khoa tmac khi bat dau Scanning.
82: Luon luon djnh huang va ghi nha trong dau rang ta dang tim kiem thong tin gi. Djnh huang
do Ia lo?i thong tin gi, danh tCr rieng hay so tCr, ngay thang, ... doi vai cau hoi chi tiEit. D6i vai cac
diu hoi ve d(li t(r hay t(r Vifng, din nhanh chong XSC djnh dUQ'C Vj trf cua t(r trong bai, nam 0 do on
nilo, lien quan den nhil'ng thong tin niw va nhanh chong g(lch chan. Cimg djnh hinh duqc dO' lieu
C\1 the, ta cang do mat thai gian.
B3: Can xac djnh xem thong tin do co trong do?n niw cua bai viet thea trf nh6 co duqc sau phan
skimming va "quet" m(lt luqt de djnh vj chfnh xac vj trf cua thong tin can tim. Thong tin co the
dUQ'C sap xep thea van hay thea thlr !If thai gian Vi v§y taCO the ciin Clr vao dieu nay de xac djnh
de dang han.
B4: DCrng l9i tmac thong tin din tim va doc nhil'ng cilu co lien quan den thong tin do de bat g~p
dU'Q'C dieu rna tac gia dang muon hoi nguai dQC va tra lai cilu hoi. Can thi/C Slf chu y vao cac cau
true cilu ph(rc dtrQ'C dung trong bai viet vi no rat de khien ta boi roi va nham ian. Khong the bo qua
cac d?i tLr va tCr wng mai trong bai dc;>c boi rat co the Ia thOng tin ta can de tnllai cilu hoi.
* ltru y: Nen nhu the nao?
• Dua mat that nhanh nhin vao nhieu dong cung m(lt luc.
• Khi tim thay thOng tin hay dCrng lei va dc;>c toan b(l ciiu hay do?n chua thong tin.
• Co the dc;>c thea duang ziczac tu· du6i len tren va tlr phai qua tnli de chac chan rang khong
bj chu y vao n(li dung cua bai dc;>c.

The earliest wigs date back thousands of years. Some experts say evidence may suggest the
earliest wigs were made up to 100,000 years ago. It's certain, though, that they were worn by the
ancient Egyptians. Many wigs today look just like natural hair. You may have seen wigs in a
Halloween or costume shop before. Most of these were made by machines. They're one-size-
fits-all and made from synthetic hair. These wigs work well for costumes and other basic
needs. However, people who wear wigs regularly will likely tell you that custom-made
headpieces made from human hair are better in quality.
Custom-made wigs are made by hand. Wig makers use real human hair that's donated or sold
to them. Their first step is to make a bust of the head of the person the wig is for. This helps
them make sure the wig will fit well and match the person's natural hairline. Once the bust has
been made, the wig maker can make a foundation for the wig. Then, they choose the hair that
will be used. Before making the wig, they have to sort the hairs to make sure they are all facing
the same direction. Then, wig makers bind the hairs together and use a hackle to remove very
short hairs. Once the hair has been hackled, it's cut, washed, and disinfected. It may also be
permanently curled or waved. Finally, it can be attached to the foundation. This is done through
a process called knotting. A wig maker uses a needle to attach the hair to the foundation. In
total, they'll make about 30,000-40,000 knots for one full wig.
The entire process of making a wig can take a long time. Some wigs may be made in as little
as one or two months. Others may take up to six months. However, many would argue that
custom-made wigs are worth the wait! A well-cared for wig can last several years.

Trang 286
1. flQc quet (Scanning) va xac d!nh cac thong tin sau trong bai dQc:
A. 1 00,000 years
B. ancient Egyptians
C. synthetic hair
D. bust
E. hackle
F. curled or waved
G. knotting
H. 30,000-40,000
I. six months

2. Sau khi hoim thimh m~c 1, tn\ lai cac cau hoi sau:
Ciiu 1: Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the first paragraph?
A. Wigs have existed since ancient times.
B. Only Egyptians used wigs.
C. Ancient Egyptians hated wigs.
D. Wigs represented a person's social status.
Cau 2: It is implied in the first paragraph that _ _ .
A. Machine-made wigs are more expensive.
B. People uses wigs just because they are bald.
C. Custom wigs are higher in quality.
D. Wigs are hardly seen in Halloween.
Cau 3: The phrase "one-size-fit-all" is closest in meaning with _ _ .
A. for certain people
B. suitable for everyone
C. custom-made
D. small and uncomfortable
Cau 4: According to the passage, wigs maker have to ensure the hairs are all facing the same
direction _ _
A. while making bust.
B. before making wigs.
C. during making foundation.
D. after the hair being hackled.
Cau 5. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Wigs in the Workplace: Wearing a Wig at Any Job
B. An Ancient Egyptian Wig: a Status Symbol
C. Why Egyptians Wear Wigs?
D. How Wigs are Made?
flap an
cau 1: A
Thong tin: The earliest wigs date back thousands of years. Some experts say evidence may
suggest the earliest wigs were made up to 100,000 years ago. It's certain, though, that they
were worn by the ancient Egyptians.
Cau 2: c
Thong tin: However, people who wear wigs regularly will likely tell you that custom-made
headpieces made from human hair are better in quality.

Trang 287
C§u 3: B
ThOng tin: You may have seen wigs in a Halloween or costume shop before. Most of these were
made by machines. They're one-size-fits-all and made from synthetic hair. These wigs work well
for costumes and other basic needs.
one-size-fits-all = suitable for everyone: (kfch co) phu hqp cho tat ca
m 0 i nguoi
cau 4: B
Thong tin: Once the bust has been made, the wig maker can make a foundation for the wig.
Then, they choose the hair that will be used. Before making the wig, they have to sort the hairs
to make sure they are all facing the same direction. Then, wig makers bind the hairs together
and use a hackle to remove very short hairs. Once the hair has been hackled, it's cut, washed,
and disinfected.
cau 5: o
Thong lin: Many wigs today look just like natural hair. You may have seen wigs in a Halloween
or costume shop before. Most of these were made by machines.
Custom-made wigs are made by hand. Wig makers use real human hair that's donated or sold
to them. ( ... )


Btr6c 1. J<ac dinh lo;;~i cau hoi
Ta din tim hieu lo;;.i cilu hoi mil de bai dtra ra, trtroc khi bat dau lam bai. Boi cilu hoi Ia co so de
tim kiem dap an.
Hay d 0 c ciiu hoi tru6c, sau d6 g9ch chan nhiing tu kh6a quan tr 0 ng xuat hii)n trong ciiu hoi.
Btr6c 2: Skim - d<;>c lt.r&t nhanh
Sau khi xac djnh duqc tu kh6a thi hay tim n6 trong bai d 0 c.
Luc nay, ap dung ky nang Skim - doc lu6t nhanh van ban. Skimming duqc ap dung de tim n(li
dung chfnh cua bai va khoanh vung ciiu tra loi.
Khi doc, t$p trung cilu chu de dau tien con cac ph an con l~i d 0 c lu&t. Nhu the, ta se xac dinh duqc
dap an theo tung cau hoi c6 6 doen van ni10.
Cau tra loi deng Multiple Choice theo thCr II! nen biet duqc doen van c6 ciiu tra loi thCr nhat thi
ci\u, do~n chua cau tra loi thCr 2 se kh6ng xa.
Bu-&c 3: Scan quet tim ti:r khiia, cau tra loi
Chtl ynhO'ng tlr kh6a da QilCh chan 6 ciiu hoi va cac phuong an duqc cho san. Can ket hqp Qi?Ch
chan cac tlr kh6a quan trQng mil ben thay 0 bai doc alan doc Skim dau tiE!n.
Thay tu kh6a 6 dau thi thlfc hi~n gach chan l9i de xac dfnh khoanh vung cau hoi.
Neu thay c6 nhiing llr kh6a, tu chu chot can chtl y thi g9ch chan luon. Ngoai t€m thi con c6 ngay
thang, so, ti:r kh6a d~c bi~t... c6 tam quan tr 0 ng v6i toim van ban.
C6 the ket hqp ca hai ky nang Skim va Scan khi d 0 c bai.
Bulic 4: flqc chi tiet
Bu6c thCr 2, 3 ap dung ky thu$t Skim, Scan tu kh6a, ta tim duqc do9n van chCra ciiu hoi, tu kh6a
va den 70% cau tra loi 6 gan !lr kh6a nay. Bu6c 4 can d 0 c chi tiet han.
Dlfa theo llr kh6a va doan van da tim duoc, ta m6 r(lng va d 0 c chi tiet de biet duqc y va ciiu tra
lili dung.

Trang 288
cAP Toe 789+ THI v Ao LOP 10 MON ANH

S6 9- Ng6 26- Ph6 Hoang C&u- Q.D6ng Da- TP.Ha N(li

VPGD: S6 347 D(li Ctln- Qu~n Ba Dinh- TP Ha N(li

DT: (024). 66860751 - (024). 66860752



Chju tnich nhi~m xuiit ban


Chju tnich nhi~m ni}i dung


Bien t~p: Vil Thi Thu Ngan

Sua ban in: E>i;lng Nguy~t Ha

Thi6t k6 bia: Phi:!m Hoang Nh?t Linh

Trinh bay s:ich: Hoang Thi Quyen

In 5000 cu6n, kh6 19x27cm t':li Cong ty TNHH In Thanh Binh.

E>ia chi: S6 432- E>uemg K2 - P. du Di~n- Q. Nam Tu Liem- TP. Ha N(li.

S6 xac nh~ dang ky xutlt ban s6: 4005-2021/CXBIPH-QLXB/30-115/DT.

Quy6t dinh xutlt ban s6: 1903/QDXB/NXBDT do Nhit xutlt ban Dan tri ctlp ngay 12/11/2021.

Ma ISBN: 978-604-344-414-8. In xong, n(lp lun chitlu niim 2021.

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