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Text-to-Speech (TTS) System

Text-to-speech (TTS) is a type of assistive technology that reads digital text aloud. It’s
sometimes called “read aloud” technology.
With a click of a button or the touch of a finger, TTS can take words on a computer or other
digital device and convert them into audio.

The goal of TTS is the automatic conversion of written text into corresponding speech. The
speech synthesis field has witnessed much advancement in the past few decades.

Text-to-Speech Applications: Benefits and Uses

TTS allows users to see text and hear it read aloud simultaneously. There are many apps
available, but typically as text appears on the screen, it’s spoken. Some software uses a
computer-generated voice and others use a recorded human voice. Very often the user has a
choice of gender and accent as well.

Tablets and smartphones usually have built-in text-to-speech features. The software reads text
files, and the names of programs or folders when pointed at on the screen and can read certain
web pages aloud.

People with learning disabilities who have difficulty reading large amounts of text due to
dyslexia or other problems really benefit from TTS, offering them an easier option for
experiencing website content.

People who have literacy issues and those trying to learn another language often get frustrated
trying to browse the internet because so much text is confusing. Many people have difficulty
reading fluently in a second language even though they may be able to read content with a
basic understanding. TTS technology allows them to understand information in a way that
makes content easier to retain.
TTS synthesizer
A general TTS synthesizer comprises a text analysis module and digital signal processing (DSP)

The text analysis module produces a phonetic transcription of the text read, together with the

desired intonation and rhythm (i.e., prosody). The DSP module produces synthetic speech

corresponding to the transcription produced by the text analysis module.

Text Analysis Module

The text analysis stage is extremely difficult, as this stage needs to produce all the information

required by the DSP module (for producing speech) from mere text only. However, a mere text
does not contain all of the information needed to produce speech. The first block of the text

analysis module is Text-to- Phonetics (T2P) block which converts the input text-to-phonetic

transcription, and the second block is Text-to-Prosody which produces prosodic information.
Text-to-Phonetics: - The Text-to-Phonetics block can be further broken down into text

normalization module and a word pronunciation module. Following is the brief description of

these two modules

Text Normalization: A text normalization module organizes the input text into manageable lists

of words. It identifies numbers, abbreviations, acronyms and idiomatic and expands them into

full text. This is commonly done by using regular grammar.

Word Pronunciation: Once the sequence of words has been generated using the text

normalization module, their pronunciation can be determined. A simple Letter-to-Sound (LTS)

rule may be applied where words are pronounced as they are written. Where this is not the

case, a morphosyntactic analyzer may be used. A morpho-syntactic analyzer tags the speech

with various identities, such as prefixes, roots and suffixes, and organizes the sentences into

syntactically related groups of words, such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives. The pronunciation

of these can then be determined using a lexicon.


The term prosody refers to certain properties of the speech signal such as audible changes in

the pitch (i.e., intonation), loudness, tempo, duration, stress and rhythm. The naturalness of
speech can be described mainly in terms of prosody. Prosodic events are also referred to as

suprasegmental phenomena as these events appear to be time-aligned with syllables or group

of syllables, rather than with segments (sounds, phonemes)

The pattern of prosody is used to communicate the meaning of sentences. The Text-to- Prosody

block produces prosody information using the text and output of the word pronunciation

module. This block can be further broken down into smaller processes that determine

accenting, phrasing, duration, and intonation for each sentence. Following is the brief
description of these four processes:
Accenting: Accent or stress assignment is based on the category of the word. For example,

content words (such as nouns, adjectives and verbs) tend to be accented and function words

(such as prepositions and auxiliary verbs) are usually not accepted. This information is used for

predicting the intonation and duration.

Phrasing: Sentences are broken down into phrasal units and phrase boundaries are assigned to

the text. These boundaries indicate pauses and the resetting of intonation contours.

Intonation: Intonation clarifies the type and meaning of the sentence (neutral, imperative or

question). In addition, intonation also conveys information about the speaker's characteristics
(such as gender and age) and emotions. The intonation module generates a pitch contour for

the sentences. For example, the sentences “Open the door” and “Open the door?” have very

different prosody. In terms of intonation contour (defined as rise and fall of the pitch

throughout the utterance), the first sentence is declarative and has a relatively flat pitch

contour, whereas the second is questioning and exhibits a rise in pitch at the end of the phrase.

Duration: Segmental duration is an essential aspect of prosody. It affects the overall rhythm of

the speech, stress and emphasis, the syntactic structure of the sentence, and the speaking rate.

There are many factors which contribute to the duration of a speech segment. Some of them

are the identity of the phone itself, the identity and characteristics of neighboring phones, the

accent status of the syllable containing the phone, its phrase position and the speaking rate and
dialect of the speaker.

Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Module

The DSP module uses the phonetic transcription and prosodic information produced by text

analysis module to produce speech. This can be done in two ways, viz.,
By using the series of rules which formally describe the influence of one phoneme on the other

(i.e., the coarticulation effect).

By storing numerous instances of each speech sound unit and using them as they are, as

ultimate acoustic units.

Based on the above two ways, two main classes of TTS systems have emerged, namely,

synthesis-by-rule and synthesis-by-concatenation. Figure 3 shows a general DSP module.

Types of Synthesis Techniques

Previously speech synthesis techniques were classified into articulatory, formant and

concatenative speech synthesis. The concatenative speech synthesis method was the most

popular method. With the advancement of statistical modelling of the speech production

mechanism, the statistical approach of using hidden Markov model (HMM) based and further

using the deep neural network (DNN) in speech synthesis. Next, we give a brief description of

the previously developed techniques.

Articulatory Synthesis

The articulatory synthesis attempts to ideally model the complete human vocal organs (i.e., the

human articulators and vocal folds) that produce speech as perfectly as possible. The

articulatory control parameters include lip aperture, lip protrusion, tongue tip position, tongue

tip height, tongue position and tongue height. It has the advantage of accurate modelling of

transients due to abrupt area changes due to continuous vocal track movement. Therefore,

ideally, it should be the most adequate method to produce high-quality synthetic speech. On

the other hand, it is also one of the most difficult methods to implement.

The first articulatory model was based on a table of vocal tract area functions from the larynx to

lips for each phonetic segment (Klatt 1987). The articulators are usually modeled with a set of

area functions between the glottis and mouth. For rule-based synthesis, the articulatory control

parameters may be for example lip aperture, lip protrusion, tongue tip height, tongue tip

position, tongue height, tongue position and velic aperture. Phonatory or excitation parameters

may be glottal aperture, vocal fold tension, and lung pressure.

During the process of speech generation, the vocal tract muscles cause the articulators to move

and hence, the shape of the vocal tract changes, which results in the production of different

sounds. During speaking, the moment of the vocal tract is obtained from the data for

articulatory model is generally derived from X-ray analysis of natural speech. However, this data
is usually only 2- D when the real vocal tract is naturally 3-D, so the rule-based articulatory

synthesis is very difficult to optimize due to the unavailability of sufficient data of the motions

of the articulators during the production of speech. In addition, another disadvantage with

articulatory synthesis is that X-ray data do not describe information about the masses or

degrees of freedom of the articulators. In addition, the movements of the tongue are so

complicated that it is almost impossible to model them precisely. Articulatory synthesis is quite

rarely used in present systems; however, since the analysis methods are developing fast and
the computational resources are increasing rapidly, it might be a potential synthesis method in

the future.

Sinewave Synthesis

Sinewave synthesis is a method for synthesizing speech by replacing the formants (the

resonances in the vocal tract model) with pure tone whistles. It is based on the assumption that

the speech signal can be represented in terms of sine waves having varying frequencies and

also varying amplitudes. Therefore, speech signals (n) can be modelled as the sum of N no. of


where Ai, ωi and φi represent the amplitude, frequency and phase of the sinusoid component.

These parameters are estimated from the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of windowed signal

frames. The peaks of the spectral magnitude are selected from each frame. The basic model is

also known as the McAulay/Quartieri sinusoidal model. The basic model has also some

modifications such as ABS/OLA (Analysis by Synthesis / Overlap Add) and Hybrid / Sinusoidal
Noise models. However, such a model works well with representing periodic signals, such as

vowels and voiced consonants only and it will not work with the representation of unvoiced


Formant Synthesis

Formant synthesis is based on the source-filter model of speech. It is based on the model that

the human vocal tract system has several resonances and these resonances in the system result

in various characteristics of speech sounds. The vocal tract can be assumed to be a cascade of
several resonators in case of speech production of various periodic sounds. However, for

nasalized sounds, the nasal cavity comes into the picture and the tract can be modelled as a

parallel resonant structure. Therefore, there are two basic structures in general, parallel and

cascade, but for better performance, some kind of combination of these is usually used.

Formant synthesis also provides an infinite number of sounds which makes it more flexible than

(for example, concatenation methods).

The lower forms are known to carry the information of the sound and the higher forms carry

speaker information. At least three forms are generally required to produce intelligible speech

and up to five forms to produce high-quality speech. Each formant is usually modelled by a 2nd

order digital band-pass resonator, where a complex conjugate pole-pair corresponds to a

formant frequency. The pole angle corresponds to the angular frequency and the distance of

the pole from the unit circle (in ᵶ plane) corresponds to the -3 dB bandwidth specified.

Concatenation Synthesis

Concatenative speech synthesis is one of the currently used systems. It is based on

concatenating pre-recorded speech to produce the desired utterances. In concatenative speech

synthesis approach, there is no need to determine speech production rules. Hence,

concatenative synthesis is simpler than rule-based synthesis. Concatenative synthesis generates

speech by connecting natural, prerecorded speech sound units. These sound units can be
words, syllables, half- syllables, phonemes, half-phone, diphones or triphones. The joining of

natural speech utterances helps to achieve very high natural-sounding speech. However, the

joints of speech sound units need to be smooth to avoid abrupt changes or glitches in the

synthetic speech signal. The main challenges in this approach are the prosodic modification to

speech units and resolving discontinuities at unit boundaries or joints. Prosodic modification

results in artefacts in the speech which in turn make the speech sound unnatural. Unit

selection-based speech synthesis technique, which is a kind of concatenative synthesis, solves

this problem by storing numerous instances of each unit with varying prosodies. The unit that
best matches the target prosody is selected and concatenated. Depending on the unit selected,

a large speech corpus is required to be labeled, which is very tedious and time-consuming.

These types of TTS systems are more natural sounding. However, the memory requirement of

such synthesis techniques is very large and hence, may find difficulty in being portable to hand-

held devices.

HMM-based Speech Synthesis System (HTS)

Instead of storing the whole speech database in this method, statistically, meaningful model

parameters are stored and used to synthesize speech waveforms. To build unit-selection

system on one speaker data requires about 8–10 hours of speech database. In addition, syllable

or phoneme coverage in the database is very uneven. Apart from it, in a concatenative

approach, the system will recreate units from what we have recorded. Furthermore, in this

approach, we are effectively memorizing the speech data whereas, in the statistical approach,

we are attempting to learn the general properties of the speech data. Hidden Markov Model

(HMM) -based speech synthesis system (HTS) comes under the category of statistical

parametric speech synthesis (SPS) methods. Basic idea is to generate an average of some

similar-sounding speech segments. Spectrum and excitation parameters are first extracted from

the speech database. Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) and their dynamic features
are generally taken as spectrum (i.e., vocal tract system) parameters and log(F0) and its

dynamic features are taken as excitation (i.e., speech source) parameters. Then, these features

are modeled by context dependent HMMs. Here, spectrum, excitation and duration are going

to be modeled in a unified framework. After the training at the time of synthesis, the first given

sentence, which has to be synthesized, its corresponding utterance is converted to context-

dependent phoneme sequence. Then, according to the phoneme sequence, utterance HMM is

constructed by concatenating context dependent HMMs. Then the state duration of HMMs is
determined. Then using speech parameter generation algorithm, spectrum and excitation
parameters are generated. Finally, using Mel log spectrum approximation (MLSA) filter speech

waveform is generated.

Text To Speech Frameworks

Next Generation End-to-End Text to Wave Model:

The recent papers in Audio TTS are heading in this direction. Utilizing a single acoustic model

that doesn’t output Mel-spectrograms that feed a neural vocoder.

For Hindi and Malayalam
A special corpus of Indian languages covering 13 major languages of India.

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