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1. Dental caries : Dental caries is a common chronic infectious resulting from tooth-
adherent cariogenic bacteria, primarily Streptococcus Mutans, which metabolize
sugars to produce acid, demineralizing the tooth structure over time
2. Odynophagia : Odynophagia is pain when swallowing. The pain may be felt in the
mouth or throat and can occur with or without difficulty swallowing
3. Tonsillar detritus is tonsillar discharge in the form of whitish-gray curd-like lumps
4. Erythematous is exhibiting abnormal redness of the skin or mucous membranes due to
the accumulation of blood in dilated capillaries
1. How does the patient have a grievance with the patients' toothache ?
Poor oral and dental hygiene can increase oral diseases such as tonsillitis due to the
formation of plaque and dental caries causing the spread of bacteria in the oral cavity.
2. Why do patients' complaints odynophagia ?
because the presence of trigger factors causes inflammation. Then the release of
inflammatory mediators occurs which causes pain
3. why do patients have trouble breathing when sleeping ?
When an infection occurs, it will ultimately cause inflammation which then causes
edema and a buildup of inflammatory cells which results in tonsil hypertrophy. Tonsil
hypertrophy causes obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
4. What is the relationship between smoking and dental caries?
The nicotine and tar content in cigarettes can cause damage to the layers of tooth
tissue. This content can reduce saliva production, so the mouth feels dry and bacteria
breed more easily.
5. What is the interpretation of detritus+/+ ?
This detritus is caused by inflammation which causes a collection of leukocytes
accompanied by dead bacteria, causing detritus

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