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Anna Karenina Angelica B.

MGS-001 B

Final Exam:
What is your point of view about DO 21 2023 re “Baklas”.

DO no. 21 2023 states, “ that schools shall ensure that school grounds,
classrooms and all its walls, and other school facilities are clean and free from
unnecessary artwork, decorations, tarpaulin, and posters at all times. Classrooms shall
remain bare and devoid of posters, decorations or other posted materials.” As a
teacher, I totally agree about this for it would be of big help that the students will only
focus on the teacher and all the activities assigned to them. Unnecessary decors inside
the classroom will only catch students’ attention that they tend to unfocus on what
teacher is trying to impart to them. I also believe that having a simple and undecorated
classroom would look and feel much cozier for everyone who goes in and out. Also
avoiding stocking needless things by putting them away to make the classroom more
spacious. It would also be of big help for teachers financially for they do not need to
fish money out of their pockets just to buy materials for room decorations. I’ve known
some teachers who spend a lot of money every year when it comes to classroom
structuring just to ensure that their classroom would look appealing to the students. In
the long run, VP Sara’s order would liberate teachers from extra expenses. I believe
that not all of us were blessed enough to be “artsy” that’s why some turns out to be
unattractive at all. If teachers tend to overcrowd their walls with materials, this makes
the rooms untidy, especially if teachers aren’t creative enough in choosing the right
color schemes and if they have limited display ideas. Public school classrooms are not
spacious, so if more stuff and decor were added, this would only generate a
claustrophobic feel. The practice of putting up classroom displays has been done for a
very long time, yet there are no studies that would prove that classroom displays have
significantly contributed to any educational crisis or problem. Maybe the best way to
deal with the commotion is to remove the describing word “bare” and outline those
materials that are “unnecessary” on the walls. At the end of the day, our only aim is to
help students with all our might that they may become better persons throughout their

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