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Classroom Management Plan

Organization is the first key component to a well- structured classroom. It is important to not

only have organization, but behavior fluidity to enable the children to have a positive learning


Philosophical Statement:

To have a great classroom, it begins with a positive attitude from students. Although it is

difficult to have a positive attitude all the time, we will make it our top priority to fill the

classroom with light and smiles. We all have bad days or even weeks, but if I can take a student

aside and talk to them about their issue, we can move past it. If there are issues, I will address

them either individually or the certain group of students causing any type of disruption. I will

take that student outside or talk to them after class is over. I want to have an open- door policy

with my students. I will have a message box, where they can write any requests they have that

day, and I will check it periodically at lunch and at the end of the day to see if there are any

issues. If the students have a solid trust with me, they will be eager to learn.

Also, I will include a lot of life lessons for the students to learn and let students tell stories

about themselves.I believe students can learn highly valuable things from their peers and it

will soak into their minds. If I allow the students to share details of their lives with one

another, it will create that community amongst them. This will also allow the students to learn

to respect and encourage each other, which is a positive part of school. I will not allow any

bullying or negativity in my classroom. The bullying will be addressed immediately once it

occurs in the classroom. Once we eliminate unwanted negativity, it will create a safe space for

the students.
It is important for the students to realize there is more to life than memorizing history dates,

acing a test, or getting perfect grades. These are all skills that they will need in the future, but if

I teach them valuable lessons, they will be interested in it. These tools should result in a better

learning experience.

Room Arrangement

Classrooms should be safe and a welcoming environment for students. My classroom will be

filled with bright colors to add to the positive environment. Most of us are visual learners so

any type of colorful and engaging poster will be hung on the walls. There will be positive

affirmation posters around the classroom. This will enable students to direct their attention

towards something positive, if they are in a negative headspace. The visuals on the wall will

distract their minds from their problems. There will also be student artwork displayed around

the classroom. I will also have the alphabet across the room, as well as the cursive letter

associated with that letter. I will have mathematical posters too, for helpful reminders. These

educational posters will enlighten students and drive them to success.

The students' desks will be arranged in groups. Each group will have 3 desks all facing each

other, so the students can interact with each other. Or, I will have circle tables. It is crucial they

learn to work with their classmates, as it encourages teamwork. Teamwork is important since

it allows the students to collaborate and problem solve. If I have a long lesson, I will have them

turn their desks around to face the whiteboard or projector. On the projector, I will have a

powerpoint slide of the assignment instructions. If I have the instructions on the board, the

students can refer to it if they are lost. The students will keep their belongings inside their

desks, if the desks have space. Their backpacks will be hung up at the back of the classroom, for

easy access of their belongings. They will need to ask me before getting up and grabbing a

supply from their desk.

My teacher desk will be at the back of the room, so I can observe the class. I will rarely be

sitting back there, unless I have to do teacher work. I will be walking around the classroom to

engage with the students, and be an active teacher. I will keep a chair at the front of the

classroom, only to tell stories to the students or if we are having a discussion as a class. I do not

want the students to believe I am uninterested or see me distracted on my phone. If they see I

am distracted, they will not want to learn and will start misbehaving.

As for materials, I will have the students purchase their own supplies at the beginning of the

year. I will also have extra supplies in the back of the classroom in a

bin, but they will need to ask permission to use those. I will not have a lot of money to spend on

supplies, so the parents can donate as well.I will have each family donate a couple boxes of

tissue and wipes, so we can keep our classroom clean. We will need to wipe down desks at the

end of the day, to prevent illnesses. They will have fun learning with posters and pictures,

rather than just essays and worksheets. It will stimulate the creative side of their minds. I will

try to mix up the assignments to involve artwork so they can learn better through creative


If the school has the budget, I would like the students to have Google Chrome Books. This will

need to be provided by the school, depending on the type of district I teach in. They will not be

used all the time, but it will be another great tool for learning. For vocabulary work, the

students can find out more information on the word. Also, they can play math games, or play

audio books. There are a lot of educational programs in this generation, and I would love for

them to have access to that. This will allow them to stimulate their mind, but we would not

spend more than 30 minutes each day on it. I do not want them to be glued to their laptops all
day. Their eyes can get tired and they will not be able to focus the rest of the day, if they spend

too much time in front of the screen.

I will have chapter books, dictionaries, extra textbooks by my desk, as well. Also, there will be

bins for every subject, so they can place their completed classroom or homework into.

Next to the work bin, will be the message box, as I stated above. There will be a pen and sticky

note next to it. I will remind the students each week so they do not forget this resource is

available to them.There will also be a poster wall of student pictures of activities we complete

throughout the year, to display our best memories. This will allow the students to be proud of

their work and other students can enjoy it too.

Classroom rules:

There will be easy to follow rules in my classroom. I do not want to overwhelm my students

with unnecessary rules. The first and most important rule is treat others the way you want to

be treated. This is known as the golden rule. All the students must treat each other with respect

and kindness. If I see any rude behavior, I will address the student, and we will try to resolve

the issue. There will be incidents among the students, but if I address the issue, it should get

resolved in a professional manner.

The students will have specific hand signals for each need. If they need to go to the restroom,

they will hold up 2 fingers. If they have a question, they will just raise their hand, as normal. If

they need to sharpen their pencil, then hold up one finger. If they have a comment to add, they

will make a letter “C” with their hand. If they need water, they will hold up 3 fingers. This will

be a quick way to grab my attention and I will know what they need immediately. If they have a

real emergency, they may call out my name in the middle of my lesson. Or, if they have a
restroom emergency, they can just leave. I will have a restroom sign out sheet so I know where

my students are at all times.

The students will not be allowed to eat in the classroom, unless it is a fun day. I do not want my

students to be distracted by food, as they have lunch and recess to eatn. I will have snacks in

the back of my classroom for emergencies. If a student does not have a snack or lunch, they are

able to go to the cupboard and choose a snack. I will not allow this to get abused, it is for only

those purposes.

Classroom procedures:

Classroom procedures should be used everyday, as routine is influential to the students'

learning enviroment. The students will line up at the door in the morning with their backpacks

and lunches. They will need to be in a single file line and quiet entering the classroom. They

will need to put their homework in their desks and anything they do not need, back in their

backpacks. The boys will put away their backpacks first, and then the girls. This will minimize

any overcrowding in the back of the classroom. After they are settled and organized, then I will

welcome them for the day and we will go over the daily schedule. I will have a “welcome” slide

with our daily schedule and expectations for the day. We will have mini goals to achieve and if

we do not, we will try again the next day. If we achieve our goals and expectations for the day,

the students will earn an extra recess or free time at the end of the day. Then, the students will

have “bell work” which will include some math review to wake their brains up.

Then, we will have the rest of the subjects for the day. Each subject will have the same

structure. First, I will present the lesson for 20 minutes depending on the difficulty of the

lesson. Then at the end, we will complete a little “ check your understanding” and then we will

review it, the last 5 minutes of the lesson. If I see the students are still struggling, we will pick
up where we left off yesterday. Fridays will be a catch up review day, where I will go around to

each table to see how everyone is understanding the lessons. This will allow students to make

up any work they have not completed throughout the week. Each subject will have a unit test at

the end of the week or two weeks.

I do not want to assign a lot of homework at the end of the school day. I will expect them to

read for 10-20 minutes each night and log their time. This will depend on the age group I am

teaching that year. They are in the classroom for 7 hours a day, and as teachers we do not want

them to be burnt out coming to school the next day. If the school has other expectations. I will

work around those plans to mold to my teaching style.

There are always going to be students that have some learning difficulties. If there's an

individual who is struggling, I will contact their parents directly and we will come up with a

plan of action. This may require some work at home, for the student to catch up. I want to be in

contact with the parents so we can work together in order to help the student suceeed.

My grading will be fairly simple. I will grade classwork and homework. I will sit down with the

students at the end of each quarter to go over things they are struggling with in that time

period. Or, just talk to them about their success and keeping those goals.

Encouraging all students:

I believe that encouraging students in a positive way will have the best outcome. There

is no need for negative talk in the classroom. I do not want to be yelling at the students since it

can cause a bigger scene. When I want to grab my students' attention in a loud classroom, I will

set up a doorbell and ring it to get their attention. This will draw their attention towards me

rather than yelling over loud voices.

If the students are having a bad day as a whole, we will take a moment to relax and reflect. I

will never push my students to do work, if they are feeling tired and need a mental break. We

will take mental breaks by taking a walk outside, or reading a book. Or, just simply playing a

fun educational game. Something to boost their energy and mood so they can re-focus on their


I will call parents or send out emails to praise their children for anything positive they do in the

classroom. If anything sticks out to me during that week, I will want their parents to hear

about their work and effort in the classroom. This will create a positive relationship between

the parents and I

Positive Reinforcement:

I believe students should have a reward system besides grades to keep them motivated and

excited to learn. I will have a positive reward system to acknowledge the behavior of my

students. We will have classroom money. Each student will have a bank and I will add a dollar

to it. I will keep the bank in the back of the classroom and use tick marks as “money” so the
students do not lose the money. I will let them shop at the classroom store at the end of the

month with their money. The classroom store will have toys, supplies, candy, snacks. I hope

the school will give me some money for this reward system, but if not, it comes out of my own

pocket. If they are not on their best behavior, they will get a dollar taken away


In conclusion, it is important to keep a positive learning environment for the students to learn

and grow. All the different ways I displayed of running a successful classroom will come with

trials and errors. If some of these tactics and tools do not work, I will adapt and overcome

those obstacles. This will allow me to learn and grow, just as I encourage my students to do, as

well. No classroom is perfect, but we can get up each day as teachers and strive to make it a

great learning environment for our students.

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