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Saint Valentine

Read the story and fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

emperor death Christian prison marrying priest secret letters

Valentine February army Rome emperor arrested martyr

Saint Valentine was a real person and h.e lived in _____ wh.en Claudius II

was th.e _____ of th.e empire. Claudius was a se�ish. ruler and was onl�

concerned with. building a strong _____ of men could figh.t in man�

wars. He believed an� men wh.o would marr� and h.ave families would not

want to join th.e arm� and figh.t for so h.e decided h.e would ban th.em

from ____ an�bod�. was a dreadful law made man� people

depressed in Rome. Valentine was a _____ and h.e was also ver� sad

because h.e married man� couples before th.e law was passed. He decided to

do about it - h.e married couples in _____! For a long time h.e

managed to keep th.e marriages a secret and th.e arm� or Claudius didn't find out

about h.e was doing. One da�, h.owever, Valentine was _____ and

taken to see th.e _____. Claudius tried to get Valentine to stop being a

priest and a _____ but Valentine said h.e loved Jesus too much. and refused

th.e order. Claudius was furious and sentenced to _____

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