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The following table gives us information on how the U.S.

government pays for space energy health

and other research over the period of 28 years.

It is clear that the amount of money U.S. spends on research increases during the given period.
The amount of money spent on health was the highest over the period, in contrast to the amount
spent on energy.

in 1980 the amount of money spent on health and energy were 8 billion of dollars and 2.5 billion
of dollars respectively. The amount of money spent on health decreased slightly to 6 billion in 1984
then increased sharply to 21 billion in 2004 and finally decreased to 19 billion in the last four
years.Was evident in energy, the one with the lowest amount of money used. The amount of money
used for energy remained stable until 1992 then increased to 5 billion in 1996.4 next year it
remained constant before increasing to 6 billion in 2008.

in 1980 the ammount of money spent on space were 6.5 billion of dollars.It decreased slightly to 5
billion in 1984 before remained stable to 1988. After that,it fluctuated for the next 20 years and
reached 9.5 billion in 2008.The ammount of money spent on other is the same as the amount spent
on space in 1980. It oscillates and returns to its original ammount in 2008.

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