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IELTS Speaking: words toPronoun

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IELTS Speaking Part 1

Word Meaning Example

Plethora a large or excessive amount of Plethora of hobbies

something; অেনক Plethora of food items
Plethora of places to visit

Mesmerize capturing one's complete The painting was so

attention as if by magic; beautiful that I was
েমািহত করা mesmerized by it.

However Used between two contradict- I used to love watching

ing sentences; িক� movies;
however, I like reading
books more now.

Breathtaking astonishing or awe-inspiring I went to Saint Martin for

in quality, so as to take one's vacation. The beach was
breath away; িব�য়কর breathtakingly

Moreover Furthermore, in addition to; Texting while driving is

আেরা dangerous; moreover, it’s
illegal in some countries.

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