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Pakistan International School (English Section)


Chapter 14 ACID & ALKALIS

Name Section

Multiple Choice Question

1-Most insect bites cause a sting sensation because of the injection of weak acid
into the surface of the skin. Which substance could be used to neutralize the acid
from an insect bite?.

a) Hydrochloric acid
b) Sulfuric acid
c) Bicarbonate of soda
d) Lime juice

2- A _____________ taste is characteristic property of all acids

a) Sweet
b) Bitter
c) Sour
d) Salty

3-All metal oxides are basic in nature .The soluble ones are known as

a) base
b) acid
c) amphoteric
d) alkalis

4-Which acid reacts with ammonia to produce salt ammonium chloride NH 4Cl

a) Hydrochloric acid
b) Nitric acid
c) Sulfuric acid
d) Carbonic acid

5-The colour of hydrated copper( || ) sulfate is

a) Blue
b) White
c) Pink
d) Yellow

Qs 2 Carbonate reacting with acid to produce salt

Carbonate + acid salt + water + carbon dioxide

a) How is this different from the reaction of an acid reacting with a base?


b) How could you test for the gas given off?


Qs 3 Solubility is the measure of how much salt dissolves at different temperature

a) What is meant by term solubility?


b)Does temperature affects the solubility of different salt?how you describe solubility


Qs 4 Complete the following below equations:

1- Acid + alkali + water

2- Acid + salt + water + carbon dioxide

3- + metal oxide salt + water

4- Acid + metal salt +

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