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330 Opinion TRENDS in Plant Science Vol.8 No.

7 July 2003

Breeding by Design
Johan D. Peleman and Jeroen Rouppe van der Voort
Keygene N.V. Business Unit Genetics, PO Box 216, 6700 AE Wageningen, The Netherlands

Breeding by Designe is a concept that aims to control mapped markers are used to select backcross progeny with
all allelic variation for all genes of agronomic import- the highest percentages of recurrent parent genome
ance. This concept can be achieved through a combi- together with a minimum number of donor segments.
nation of precise genetic mapping, high-resolution MABC programs reduce the number of generations needed
chromosome haplotyping and extensive phenotyping. for recovery of the recurrent genome from eight to three
Thanks to marker technology, software tools and the in maize [4].
know-how available today, this goal can now be
achieved. Depending on the crop-specific generation Marker-assisted breeding
time, controlled marker-assisted selection strategies Where breeding goals cannot be achieved using traditional
could lead to the production of superior varieties within approaches, there is now considerable scope for using
five to ten years. molecular markers to develop new varieties. DNA markers
can add significantly more value than just improving
The potential value of genetic markers, linkage maps and the speed, cost or quality of existing breeding programs.
indirect selection in plant breeding has been known for Here, the limitation is not the available technology, but
more than 80 years. However, it was not until the advent of rather the challenge facing the (molecular) breeder to
DNA marker technology in the 1980s, that a large enough find creative approaches for developing new products. By
number of environmentally insensitive genetic markers understanding the genetic basis of complex traits (or
could be generated to follow the inheritance of important obstacles), it becomes possible to control them. Several
agronomic traits adequately. Since then, DNA marker examples of successful marker-assisted breeding (MAB)
technology has dramatically enhanced the efficiency of approaches are now emerging: for example, a method for
plant breeding. In the past decade, many breeding com- PYRAMIDING (see Glossary) dominant resistance genes [5]
panies and research institutes have, to varying degrees, and the breeding of an aphid (Nasonovia ribisnigri)-
started using molecular markers to increase the effective- resistant lettuce variety by introducing a recessive resist-
ness of selection in breeding and to shorten the develop- ance gene surrounded by severe LINKAGE DRAG [6].
ment time of varieties significantly [1,2]. Currently,
advances in automated technology have led to the deve- Breeding by Design
lopment of a new approach in marker-assisted breeding. The examples above show that applying markers in
The advances in applied genomics and the possibility of
breeding not only improves existing selection processes
generating large-scale marker data sets provide us with
but can aid in creating novel varieties bearing new
the tools to determine the genetic basis for all traits of
characteristics of agronomic importance. Building on
agronomic importance. In addition, methods for assessing
these capabilities, by understanding the genetic basis of
the allelic variation at these agronomically important loci
all agronomically important characters and the allelic
are now available. This combined knowledge will even-
variation at those loci, the breeder would be able to design
tually allow the breeder to combine the most favourable
superior genotypes ‘in silico’. We have called this concept
alleles at all these loci in a controlled manner, leading to
‘Breeding by Designe’. This goal can be reached by
superior varieties.
The ‘Breeding by Design’ strategy is an extension of the following a three-step approach.
different levels of marker applications that are currently
(1) Mapping loci involved in all agronomically relevant
used in breeding. These levels will be discussed briefly
before addressing the Breeding by Design concept in more traits
detail. To elucidate the genetic basis of agronomically important
traits, mapping populations are needed in which those
Marker-assisted selection
Marker-assisted selection (MAS) using DNA markers
instead of phenotypic assays reduces the cost and Glossary
increases the precision and efficiency of subsequent selec- Heterosis: Hybrid vigour.
tion steps applied in breeding [1– 3]. A successful example Linkage drag: Co-inheritance of undesirable trait(s) with a gene of interest.
Typically, this is a phenomenon that can be observed during backcross
of this strategy is marker-assisted backcrossing (MABC), breeding using an exotic donor parent.
which is applied in a large variety of crops. In MABC, Pyramiding: The accumulation of several desirable traits in the same genotype
through backcross breeding.
Corresponding author: Johan D. Peleman ( 1360-1385/03/$ - see front matter q 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S1360-1385(03)00134-1
Opinion TRENDS in Plant Science Vol.8 No.7 July 2003 331

traits are segregating. To map all traits that are relevant interest. IL libraries also provide perfect starting material
in breeding a crop, we prefer to use introgression line (IL) for this purpose: each line containing a locus of interest can
libraries (Box 1). Considerable progress has been made in be backcrossed to the recurrent parent (and, if necessary,
constructing IL libraries for several different crops over selfed) to create a large segregating population. This
the past five years [7]. IL libraries are extremely powerful population can be used to identify recombinants within the
tools in the quest to map the loci underlying all agron- introgression segment using flanking markers. Phenotyp-
omically important traits. The key advantage of IL ing these recombinants enables the locus to be mapped at
libraries is in reducing the complexity of polygenic traits high resolution.
by separating them into a set of monogenic loci (Box 1). Another powerful fine-mapping approach is provided by
To identify the allelic variation at each locus of interest the wealth of sequence information available from model
by using ‘chromosome haplotyping’ (see further), it is plant species combined with the rapidly expanding under-
essential to determine a precise position for the loci of standing of gene function. This knowledge can be linked to

Box 1: Mapping advantages of introgression line libraries

An introgression line (IL) library consists of a series of lines harbouring † A secondary bonus of using IL libraries is that often new ‘exotic’
a single homozygous donor segment introgressed into a uniform, alleles can be found that have a positive effect in the culture crop
cultivated background (Fig. I) (reviewed in [7]). The advantages of IL germplasm.
libraries compared with other mapping approaches are:
† IL libraries consist of homozygous ‘immortal’ lines and therefore can To study interaction (epistasis) between non-allelic genes,
be phenotyped repeatedly and used for the simultaneous mapping of whereby the expression of one gene interferes with the expression
many traits. of the other gene, reciprocal IL libraries can be constructed. In such a
† IL libraries contain homogenous genetic backgrounds, only differing case, IL libraries from line A into B and vice versa are constructed. By
from one another by the introgressed donor segment. Thus, epistatic doing so, phenotypes that cannot be detected because they are
effects from the donor parent are eliminated. mediated by interacting loci in the A £ B library will be measured as a
† Quantitative trait loci (QTL) are dissected into separate monogenic knocked-out phenotype in the B £ A library. Subsequently, crosses
components, which increases the reliability of measuring phenotypic between individual introgression lines each bearing one of the
traits interacting alleles can be made to investigate the extent of the
† ILs containing interesting QTL can be backcrossed to various lines to interaction [17].
investigate interactive effects. To map loci contributing to heterosis, the IL library can be crossed to a
† Although dependent on the resolution of the IL library (i.e. the tester parent. This will create an F1 IL library in which each introgression
average introgression segment size), QTLs are typically mapped into segment is present in the heterozygous state. This F1 IL library is then
smaller intervals than by classical QTL mapping. phenotyped to detect heterotic effects caused by specific introgression
† IL libraries provide optimal starting material for the fine-mapping of segments.
the mapped loci and for generating improved breeding lines.


BC1 selection

BC2 selection

BC3 selection

BC3S1 selection

TRENDS in Plant Science

Fig. I. Example of an introgression line (IL) library construction process in tomato (12 chromosomes each separated by a grey bar) using Marker-Assisted BackCrossing.
Each horizontal bar represents an individual [best visible in the BC1 (BackCross generation 1) selection]. Homozygous recurrent parent segments are shown in red.
The homozygous donor segments are indicated in blue. Green bars represent heterozygous segments. The construction and use of IL libraries is extensively reviewed
in [7].
332 Opinion TRENDS in Plant Science Vol.8 No.7 July 2003

commercial species by exploiting synteny between both

species, thereby opening the possibility for developing Box 2: Predicting trait values by use of haplotypes
candidate-gene mapping approaches and causal SNP The predictive value of a marker for a trait of interest in a broad
markers [8,9]. In our view, the candidate gene approach germplasm is determined by the mode of inheritance of the trait, the
can provide a shortcut in the fine mapping or cloning of loci recombination distance between the marker and the trait locus, and
that are roughly mapped using an IL library. the mutation rate of the marker. Instead of single-marker-based tests,
combinations of linked marker alleles at the same chromosome
Linkage Disequilibrium Mapping (LD Mapping) pro-
(haplotypes) can be used to predict phenotypic trait values in a panel
vides an alternative but more risky approach to fine-map of lines. Haplotypes of multiple markers have a higher information
loci of interest. LD mapping relies on associations between content compared with single markers. Therefore, an increased
the phenotype and neutral polymorphisms located near predictive power is achieved by using haplotypes. We have success-
the trait locus [10]. fully applied this approach in different crop species by using AFLP
markers to identify and predict different alleles of agronomically
Because of the complexity of this approach and the important loci.
associated risks, our preference is to use ‘targeted LD Figure I shows an example of three allelic variants of a hypothetical
Mapping’. Once the approximate position of a locus is gene. Three tightly linked single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)
known, LD mapping can be applied using markers (Box 2) markers were identified in a segregating population derived from
in the area of that locus, leading to the identification of parental lines G1 and G2. However, once the linked markers are used
in a germplasm panel (G1 –G6), typically the association between
markers or haplotypes that show a strong association with (most of) the markers is lost because of the independent origin of the
the phenotype under investigation, thereby fine mapping SNPs. In this example, the haplotypes composed of the three SNPs
the locus of interest [11]. are required to discriminate the three different alleles.
Haplotype-based analyses of SNPs are the focus of intensive
research because of the effectiveness of using haplotypes in
(2) Assessment of the allelic variation at those loci
(fine) mapping of complex traits and scanning for allelic variants
Although several strategies based on different population (e.g. [18,19]).
structures exist to unravel the genetic basis of complex
traits, it is still impossible to predict the phenotypes
generated by those genes in the germplasm. This is SNP1 SNP2 SNP3
because of the allelic variation that exists in the germ- G1 – + +
plasm at those loci. Typically, in a segregating population
(F2, BackCross, recombinant inbred lines, double hap-
G2 + – –
loids, IL library) only two alleles are segregating per locus.
Mapping the genes involved in a desired phenotype only
enables the prediction of the phenotype within the same
population or within populations in which the same alleles G3 + – –
are segregating at that locus. To obtain broad predictive
power, we need to be able to distinguish all alleles at the
locus of interest and to assign phenotypic values to the G4 + + –
different alleles.
As mentioned above, a potential short cut to mapping
genes and allelic variation simultaneously could be G5 + – +
achieved using association mapping with single markers
[10]. However, a better method for assessing allelic vari-
G6 + + +
ation at loci of interest is by using marker haplotypes.
Using a set of tightly linked markers at a locus, the TRENDS in Plant Science
combined scores of all markers in principle can distinguish
all the different alleles that occur at that locus in a set of Fig. I. Predictive value of haplotypes. G1 and G2 represent parents of a segre-
accessions (Box 2). For example, a high correlation was gating population, G3–G6 represent germplasm lines. Four gene alleles are
distinguished: orange, white, green and blue. For clarity, the genotypes of
found between resistance phenotypes and marker haplo- three SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) markers are indicated as ‘ þ /2‘
types derived for the largest resistance gene cluster in scores. The white allele is indicative of two different haplotypes whereas the
lettuce [12]. orange, green and blue alleles correspond to unique haplotypes. In this
example, lines G3 and G4 have different haplotypes while bearing the same
By extending this technique to the whole genome, gene allele owing to a point mutation at the SNP2 locus.
complete ‘chromosome haplotypes’ can be generated
(Fig. 1). Assuming a high level of saturation with markers,
these chromosome haplotypes enable us to determine the
allelic variation at any position in the genome. After fine thoroughly phenotyped. In the case of polygenic traits, it
mapping the genes of agronomic importance, for example, is possible to pre-select those lines that bear different
by using IL libraries combined with targeted LD mapping, combinations of alleles at the different loci for phenotyp-
these chromosome haplotypes can be used to assess the ing. Currently, we are developing algorithms that can
allelic variation at those loci. combine those data with the phenotypic data on the lines
Once the allelic variation at the loci of interest is to determine the contributing value of each allele to the
identified, it is essential to attribute phenotypic values to phenotype.
the different alleles. For this purpose, the inbred lines In our view, the combination of mapping loci using
bearing different alleles at the loci of interest need to be simple mapping populations, in combination with allele
Opinion TRENDS in Plant Science Vol.8 No.7 July 2003 333

1 2

TRENDS in Plant Science

Fig. 1. Chromosome haplotypes. Chromosome haplotypes of a set of maize lines for one chromosome. Horizontal lines represent the same chromosome for a panel of
lines. Identical stretches of marker scores (haplotypes) are indicated by the same colour. Box 1 indicates a region with depleted diversity whereas box 2 shows a highly
variable region.

assessment using chromosome haplotyping of lines, in (3) Breeding by Design

combination with phenotyping, provides the most power- Eventually, knowledge of the map positions of all loci of
ful route for optimally exploiting the germplasm of a agronomic interest, the allelic variation at those loci,
species. and their contribution to the phenotype should enable



Intermediate line I


Intermediate line II

Ideal line
R Sugars R Fruit mass I Plant Fruit color Cold tolerance Flowering Drought Fruit mass II
virus insect Fruit shape height time I resistance

TRENDS in Plant Science

Fig. 2. The principle of Breeding by Design. Subsequent selfings (F2) and BackCross (BC) selections using markers lead to the desired superior elite line genotype. Three
chromosomes, A, B and C, of five parental lines, 1 –5 are shown side by side. Specific recombination points are selected on chromosomes A and B whereas chromosome C
is selected from parental line 1. Dotted lines indicate marker positions used to select for the desired recombinants. Below the desired genome composition of the ideal line,
hypothetical resistance (R) and quality traits are mentioned.
334 Opinion TRENDS in Plant Science Vol.8 No.7 July 2003

the breeder to design superior genotypes comprising a During this process, an enormous resource of knowledge is
combination of favourable alleles at all loci. Because the generated that should enable breeders to deploy more
positions of all loci of importance are mapped precisely, rational and refined breeding strategies in the near future.
recombination events can be accurately selected using The recent developments in technology and statistical
flanking markers to collate the different favourable alleles methodology have now brought this strategy within reach.
next to each other (Fig. 2). Software tools should enable us The optimal exploitation of the naturally available genetic
to determine the optimal route for generating those mosaic resources should create unsurpassed possibilities to gene-
genotypes by crossing lines and using markers to select for rate new traits and crop performance. In our view,
the specific recombinants that will eventually combine all Breeding by Design has as much crop improvement
those alleles. Because this is a precisely defined process, potential as GMO strategies while requiring less invest-
selection by phenotyping can be omitted. Only the even- ment and without challenging public acceptance.
tually obtained superior varieties will be evaluated for
field performance. Acknowledgements
We gratefully acknowledge Maarten Koornneef (Wageningen University
and Research Center), Jonathan Crouch (ICRISAT), Tom Gerats
(University of Nijmegen) and the comments of two anonymous reviewers
The above-described approach assumes several prerequi- for their contributions and discussions during the development of this
sites that require more discussion. (1) Extremely satu- paper. The AFLPw technology is covered by patents and/or patent
rated marker maps must be available to enable the applications of Keygene N.V.; AFLPw is a registered trademark of
generation of high-resolution chromosome haplotypes. Keygene N.V.; A trademark registration for Breeding by Design has been
filed by Keygene N.V.
Preferentially, a few markers are needed per window of
LD to ensure reliable high-resolution chromosome haplo-
types. Obviously, the extent of LD is strongly dependent on
1 Ribaut, J.M. and Hoisington, D.A. (1998) Marker-assisted selection:
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plasm selection and the genome region of interest [10]. 2 Young, N.D. (1999) A cautiously optimistic vision for marker assisted
Taking the rice genome as an example: assuming that breeding. Mol. Breed. 5, 505– 510
the average size of an LD window in rice is 100 kb and the 3 Tanksley, S.D. et al. (1989) RFLP mapping in plant breeding: new tools
for an old science. Biotechnology 7, 257 – 264
rice genome comprises 450 megabases, this means that 4 Frisch, M. et al. (1999) Comparison of selection strategies for marker-
10 000– 20 000 mapped markers need to be scored on a assisted backcrossing of a gene. Crop Sci. 39, 1295– 1301
panel of inbred lines. This is feasible using the currently 5 Lambalk, J.J.M. et al. (1999) Method for obtaining a plant with a
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system such as AFLPw [13,14], generating 20– 100 under the patent cooperation treaty (PCT) No. WO 00/63432
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year with a few well-trained people and the appropriate WO 97/46080
equipment. High resolution mapping of AFLP markers can 7 Zamir, D. (2001) Improving plant breeding with exotic genetic
be performed using physical mapping strategies such as libraries. Nat. Rev. Genet. 2, 983– 989
8 Fulton, T.M. et al. (2002) Identification, analysis, and utilization of
Happy Mapping and Radiation Hybrid Mapping [15] or
conserved ortholog set markers for comparative genomics in higher
applying BAC pooling strategies [16]. plants. Plant Cell 14, 1457 – 1467
(2) The described approach requires extensive pheno- 9 Oh, K. et al. (2002) Fine mapping in tomato using microsynteny with
typing of all agronomic traits, both the mapping popu- Arabidopsis genome: the Diageotropica (Dgt) locus. Genome Biol. 3,
lations and the inbred lines that are used for chromosome 0049.I – 0049.II
10 Weir, B.S. (1996) Genetic Data Analysis II, Sinauer
haplotyping and allele assessment. Moreover, to map loci
11 Thornsberry, J.M. et al. (2001) Dwarf8 polymorphisms associate with
involved in HETEROSIS , hybrids derived from selected variation in flowering. Nat. Genet. 28, 286– 289
combinations of haplotyped lines must also be phenotyped. 12 Sicard, D. et al. (1999) Molecular diversity at the major cluster of
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precision of the phenotyping. Dissecting the phenotypes Appl. Genet. 99, 405 – 418
13 Vos, P. et al. (1995) AFLP, a new technique for DNA fingerprinting.
into components helps in objectively measuring pheno-
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types: for example, a complex trait such as taste can be 14 Zabeau, M. and Vos, P. (1993), Selective restriction fragment
dissected into sugar, acid and volatile flavour molecules, amplification: a general method for DNA fingerprinting, European
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ing this approach to all traits of agronomic importance will 16 Klein, P.E. et al. (2000) A high-throughput AFLP-based method for
require great organizational skills and will be a major constructing integrated genetic and physical maps: progress toward a
effort. In our view, the phenotyping is the most crucial and sorghum genome map. Genome Res. 10, 789 – 807
challenging factor in achieving the goals set by Breeding 17 Eshed, Y. and Zamir, D. (1996) Less than additive epistatic
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Breeding by Design involves the integrative, comp- common disease genes. Nat. Genet. 29, 233– 237
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