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CLI Submission Exercise.

In your VirtualBox windows 10 installation, create the directory structure below using your CLI.
(The root can be C: or D: etc…)

Commands used:

From the root of the C: drive

 mkdir DirB
 mkdir DirA\DirC

1. Make File 1 and File 2 .jpeg files and Files 3, 4 and 5 .txt files. (Do this in Windows).

Created in Windows GUI

2. Using a Windows CLI command move File 1 to DirC

Command Used:

move C:\DirA\File1.jpg C:\DirA\DirC

3. Make the files in DirB read only

Command Used:

attrib +R C:\DirB\*.*

4. Rename file 3.txt to File6.txt

Command Used:

ren C:\DirB\File3.txt File6.txt

5. Use the wildcard symbol to delete all files in each directory by filetype

Commands Used:

Go into the directory DirB using cd DirB and run - del *.jpg and del *.txt
As above but this time in DirC using cd DirA\DirC and run del*.jpg and *.txt

6. Remove each directory using an appropriate command.

Command Used:

cd\ cd DirA then rd DirC

Cd\ then rd DirA

Finally rd DirB

7. Check your system disk for errors

Command Used:


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