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What’s up bro. I’m glad you want to take a step in the right direction towards creating a

better life for yourself. In this document I’m not going to bore you with facts about dopamine

and why you should detox etc. If you’re reading this I’m going to assume you already know.

This isn’t going to be a flashy document or anything crazy. The sole purpose is to give you

structure to understand how to implement a dopamine detox. Thank you for being here and

without further ado, here is a guide on dopamine detoxing. This is the guide that helped me

drastically improve my work ethic and motivation over a 30 day period.

Step 1

The first step is to identify your biggest addictions. What do you spend the most time

doing? What are your biggest distractions? Maybe you have things you do that you feel regret

after. What are those things? Write down a list of everything you are addicted to. Don’t do

this on your notes app in your phone. That’s being lazy. Go get a pen and paper, or if you

want to print this document I’ll leave a blank page for you to write down everything. Some

examples of these activities are things like drugs, alcohol, vaping, video games, sugary

foods/sweets, fast food, social media, internet usage for pleasure (YouTube, Twitch, etc),

watching porn/masturbating, and music. I’ll leave the next page blank if you need it.
Step 2

Now that you have a list of your addictions, we need a list of things you SHOULD BE

DOING. This will be your self-improvement list. This list should be filled with activities you

procrastinate on or don’t do enough. Some examples could be studying, cleaning your room,

exercising, journaling, meditating, reading, etc. Anything that comes to your mind that you’ve

been meaning to do/avoid doing, write it on the rest of this page.

Step 3

The next step is to make it harder to do your addiction activities. There are many

ways you can do this. You can use a work-reward method where you only allow yourself to

engage in those activities AFTER you have done mostly self-improvement activities. For

example, you allow yourself to play a few hours of video games only after you’ve studied for

several hours and completed all your work. You can do this, OR you can do what I did and

remove everything completely. This is extremely difficult.

The key to removing the addiction behaviors is to keep yourself busy and to start your

day off correctly. The morning is very important. If you grab your phone first thing in the

morning and start using it, stop doing that. You need to start your day off correctly and without

stimulation. Instead of grabbing your phone when you wake up, start with things like

meditating, stretching, writing down the goals/work you need to do for the day, etc.

The point of doing a dopamine detox is not to never engage in the pleasurable

addiction behaviors again. It’s to significantly reduce the amount of dopamine you get every

day by taking everything out for a short period of time (1 day, 1 week, 1 month) so that in the

future you can add back in a reasonable amount of dopamine-inducing activities and not be

addicted. If you do this challenge correctly, you will find that music sounds better, video

games are more fun, food tastes better, and overall life feels more enjoyable.

It’s not going to be easy and it’s not supposed to. It will also not be fun. You are

rewiring your brain for success. Doing this takes sacrifice. You’ve been engaging in

pleasurable activities for a long time. It’s time for a break my friend.
Step 4

Create a daily routine that you will follow every day. Planning is very important and

crucial for your success on this journey. Start with your mornings. Be very specific. Use the

rest of this page and write down from the morning to night a list of everything you need to do

and what time you will do those things. I’ll add a column for you. On the left, write down the

time of day. On the right, write down what you need to get done at that time. Once you have a

physical routine it will be much more easy to follow.

Step 5

The 5th and final step is to avoid relapse. It is most likely going to happen but you need

to avoid it as much as possible. The key is to identify triggers. If you are more likely to use

your phone when it is next to you, put it in another room while you do your self-improvement

activities. If you are more likely to watch porn in the bathroom, don’t take your phone in there.

If you are more likely to eat sugary foods/unhealthy foods when they are next to you, then

make sure they are out of sight. The point is to make it easier on yourself by removing

triggers. This will help you go as long as possible on the dopamine detox.

Closing Thoughts

I’m glad you’re taking on this mission and doing a dopamine detox. It’s not going to be

easy. You’re going to hate it in the beginning. However, I encourage you to look at it with a

more positive mindset. It is 100% worth it. My life feels a million times better now. I don’t even

want to go back to the behaviors I had before. I really enjoy every moment of my life now. It

feels like I was in prison and I finally got released. I hope that you will be able to experience

what I’m talking about. Don’t sell yourself short. Stop letting the constant stimulation in your

life hijack your brain and ruin your work ethic. Keep creating the best version of yourself so

you can give it to the world. Peace.

P.S. Feel free to send me a DM on Instagram after you’ve completed a dopamine detox and

let me know how it went/how you feel.

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